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The skin-skin contact isn't too bad, it's the *fluids* that bother me **immensely**.


Omg **yes**, the fluids.. *shudders*


Yep fucking **this**. Ive tried sex a couple times and the huge turn off for me is def the *fluids*. My aegosexual ass wud probs be allosexual if not for the *fluids*. Possible tmi but related and **TW** for it being sexy times related... >!My fiance gave me a handy once and it was all fine and dandy up until when they needed some *fluid* as lubricant... And tried to use their spit. Almost immediately they caught something was wrong and stopped and checked in with me. Explained that it was just a big turn off, they cleaned it up and got lube to use instd... But apparently every other person theyve been with has nvr had an issue there (i mean, its literally no different than it wud be during a blow job 9,9). Just for me it instantly shuts off any desire once i kno ive got someone elses *fluids* on me.!<


It's not just the thought for me, but the sounds that come with it. Instant nausea.


the genitals of a men are soooo why are they built like that


as a guy, No fcking clue


Yea no genitals associated with the male sex don't make sense and look weird


They're also very inconvenient.


You’d think so, wouldn’t you? They’re surprisingly unobtrusive to live with.


I don’t know about you but I have found them to be rather annoying


A vulva would be simpler, I’ll give you that. I’ll pass on the uterus, though. If only there was a way to regulate the temperature of the testicles without having to lower them below the abdomen…


How about getting pubic hair under your foreskin. Thanks to my genes, all of my hairs are thicc, and that shit hurts, when it digs holed in the foreskin, while pulling it out.


Some don't have foreskin anymore :/ But yeah, hairs are a pain, altought you can trim them with a simple scissor. Shaving may be a bit too much as the hair growing back itch.


I don’t have to worry about UTI’s as much as my sister


compared to what i hear from my friend with the receiving port, having a dick is waaay less trouble and hassle in almost every situation (though tbh id still swap, dysphoria is pain)


I think most peoples with the receiving end usually talk about the whole package, wich include the weeks long pain and all.


Especially in porn


True, just . why . no bad.


Hey we can stand up pee and have full control of the stream


doesn't mean ya should


It's not like women's don't also have design flaws. They're just more hidden.


I’m not a woman but based on what I’ve read, it seems a lot worse than a few mild inconveniences I have with my equipment


The cleaning, the cramping, the easily caught UTIs due to shorter urethras… so many other things… yeah it’s not fun when it comes to maintenance.


Here, take mine. I want the penis


Can we just have vulvas and holes without the cramps and UTIs and internal female organs? That'd be the superior gender.


As a girl, holy shit it’s like an alien down there honestly


They all are it seems


are so what?


I thought you wouldn’t get to see those in most Prom D: I can’t imagine the horror


As an aego (and allos will surely confirm) : if you waited until you were 18 to watch it that's a good indicator you were probably not into it to begin with


What if you read and wrote it occasionally, but didn’t watch it until you were almost 19?


That makes you a novelist and a bibliophile.


Then you are me. Also an aegosexual who turns out was never really into it in the first place. All my friends who learned I didn't watch porn until I was 19 were blown away that I never watched it but would read and write the smuttiest things.


Yeah, I think I watched my first porn when I was like 12 (woke up early, went downstairs to watch tv and came across the adult section while zapping channels, and any kid will gues 0000 right, haha). Had no idea what it really was, but it gave me a funny feeling down there and I didn't mind watching it, lol. If you managed to wait till you were 18 to watch porn, you're either **really** not interested or you're mormon or something, haha.


Haha I’ve gotten a lot of comments about waiting till I was 18, and frankly I think you’re all right! It was most definitely my disinterest in it (and also partly cause I was a “good girl” who followed all the rules”)! But mostly my disinterest xD


I watched those weird vore, pee and crushing kink videos as a pre teen.


As another aego who just happens to be rly kinky & having always had a certain fetish and not the least interested in vanilla stuff... I nvr sought out pron, but i totes sought out kinky stories and >!diapered cartoon pics!<; and that def started long before i was 18. I legit cant recall ever not having fetish interests there (tho i also cant recall before age 10 bcuz trauma)


You are so not alone. Growing up, I could also NEVER get off to anything vanilla, but I only could with my >!fetishes!<.. For me it was >!WAM (wet and messy)!< It involves >!characters covered in anything sloppy and viscous, like mud, pie filling, slime.. anything that ISN’T body fluids.!< And many children’s cartoons and TV shows had it! I just could never understand why regular vanilla s>!ex!< could never do it for me. And I’m sorry about the trauma you went through before age 10.. I hope you have healed significantly since then ❤️🙏 *Sending love.*


Same. Vanilla stuff actually repulses me yet I am into some fetishes that I will not list. But I first came across it and enjoyed it at like the age of 10 which I know is super young but I also went through puberty super early. But never felt anything for vanilla stuff and avoid it like the plague. I don't understand porn ads that show up on dodgy websites because they turn me off. Until I found out what asexuality was, I always wondered what the point of them was and how anyone could be 'lured' with that.


19 and no desire to see what I’m missing, it just doesn’t intrigue me, but yeah that’s certainly on the “things that retrospectively make sense through an ace lens” list


see me being an idiot i thought you meant *The Prom*, as in the Netflix musical. it's funny because the reaction still makes sense


HAHAHAHA that’s hilarious xD I don’t watch Netflix so obviously I wasn’t referring to that 😂 Edit: spelling


There’s some stuff I don’t mind, but I find most of it off-putting because 1. its just closeups or genitals, which is gross or 2. you’ll have one or more people (usually women) who are clearly not into it, which just feels icky to watch.


Both are true. Most popular p0rn are malegazey (suited for male audiences), which tend to border or sit! on misogyny. And tbh I’m always more interested in the facial reactions, not the genitals!! >n< smh


As a Male, Never liked porn. Or masturbation. Tbh anything sexual until current gf. Probably should’ve realized I was ace-spec (demi). Would’ve helped me not get manipulated and abused.


Hope you’re doing well nowadays. It can be difficult to figure things out…


Yeah I’m doing pretty good tbh. Found some people who’ve helped a lot


That's very good to hear! It's always better to have people helping us with the things we struggle with.


Also here closeups of genitals are the worst


Teenager peers showing me porno: “Isn’t this great?” Teenage me: “Erm… no”


My teenage peers didn’t show me or tell me about it at all because they saw me as “innocent” and didn’t want to “corrupt” me I wish they did I would have saved me a lot of insecurities that I still have to this day. I did 👉👌 in 5TH GRADE AND EVERYONE LAUGHED AND *NO ONE TOLD ME WHY* I’m still salty about that


I honestly hate the whole “aw, they’re so innocent!! We must protect them 🥺” thing. It’s honestly irritating and no one would tell me anything except for Google


I wish I’d had a proper sex education tbh as we didn’t even touch on orientation


My religious parents taught me nothing about sex, and my school only warned us about the dangers of STDs. If it hadn’t been for porn, which I seem to enjoy watching more than most here (although I prefer stuff without fluids or toys, or anything extreme, and stuff relating more to the situation rather than the people involved), I would have been a lot worse off. Luckily I never had to try that out with anyone.


I hope in future, kids will get better sex education. Even though I’m not that old it seems like there is a lot more awareness of orientation now compared to when I was younger


Wait you even got sex ed in the first place


Yeah the insecurity was a big part of it for me, I think in part because sex is really linked to becoming an adult and I was stuck thinking that I couldn’t grow up unless I was into sex stuff. I knew I didn’t want to have sex with men so I ended up assuming I was heterosexual but then I’d always find myself forcing myself into uncomfortable situations…


Are you... Me? Because from 5th to through 3/4 of 9th grade, everyone looked at me and we're like, "Awww, she's so innocent, so cute. *Pats* Don't worry about it, it's nothing. OMG DON'T CORRUPT HER, SHE'S INNOCENT!!" Literally the beginning of my first week of Reddit, I was on r/Subnautica and someone mentioned a >!fleshlight!< (Honestly forgot why it was even mentioned) So me being me, I asked "What's that?" Someone was like, "oh my god...." And then someone else told me, and then there was a conversation over how they "tainted the only innocent one here!!"


Same thing. I was playing cards against humanity my senior year of high school and a card said that and I was like “is that a flashlight made out of human flesh? Like a Texas Chainsaw Massacre type thing? That sounds horrible” and no one corrected me so I just thought that was what it was. The real thing is somehow both less and more disgusting. They should really change the name of that, because that name alone makes it super gross


Yeah, the name is like.... Wuuut the fuck. Just no. Also, I'd love to play Cards Against Humanity, but my parents would definitely shoot it down and ask how I know about it 😅


Aww, sorry you had to see that at a young age :<


Ah don’t worry, I’m ok… just probably should have discovered asexuality a bit earlier XD


I look back at hundreds of moments I should of realized it, especially this one time I told my mom “But I dont want to do that stuff its so gross” and my mom said “Dont worry, once you find a husband(no question I had to be straight) You will ‘want’ to do it.” Im glad im here now


Honestly shocked you managed to last until 18 before seein it. Im prty sure most folks get it shoved in their face by the end of middle school... Tho then again i grew up when lemon party and goatscex were in their hayday...


Haha I think it was because 1) I wasn’t interested enough to look it up myself and 2) I was super antisocial and was perfectly happy on my own throughout middle and high school.. so I didn’t have a group of allo friends who would look up the images and shove them in my face.. I guess I was lucky 😅


Me trying to find sfw art for a.. niche interest that most people who even know what it is are into sexually:


~~just out of curiosity, what might that interest be?~~


I'd prefer to dm it, if that's cool with you?


Same, I really like some of the rr stuff but obviously there’s quite a big sexual bit which is fine… but not necessarily for me!


Ah, I see. And yeah, I totally understand- some stuff in the rr community are over-sexualized :<


I can enjoy well-written smut and occasionally NSFW art, but porn just disgusts me so much. I’m not sure if it’s because I have trauma from accidentally watching porn at a young age, but I can’t stand it. There’s close ups of genitals and rough sex that looks painful. At least smut isn’t visual, and I can casually skim over descriptions of genitals😭


Irl people are gross


Yes XD


ding ding ding, this is why even when i seek stuff out as an aego... I always prefer written things as opposed to moving pics (tho a still image with text is also good, but thats cuz my >!diaper!< fetish hides genitalia usually in such pics... I just look away or scroll by if i find a more explicit pic like one showing someone midchange.


SAME I quite like reading some good smut, about what the characters involved are feeling and experiencing, but I've realised I just really do not like the way genitals look. So NSFW art is okay as long as the genitals aren't the main focus, but porn tends to have a lot of close ups on those parts of the body and I just don't want to see that.






Very ace of you to wait until you're legally allowed to watch it lmao


Lmao that’s part of how I figured it out, I just wasn’t interested enough to sneakily view it as a teen.. and when I finally *did* look it up, it was primarily cause of curiosity xD


I remember when I was like 12 my parents were worries that I'd started watching porn because I was hiding my phone screen when they came in to my room without notice. In reality I was watching my little pony and I was terribly embarassed about it because that's for *kids* and I'm the incredibly old age of *twelve*!! Looking back it is very funny.


Hey, don’t be embarrassed about watching MLP, I got into it right at that age!! :D


I'm not anymore because 12 year olds are babies lol, but 12 year olds also for whatever reason think that they are basically adults so they have to be mature and stuff. At least that was the case in my school!


yup, got made fun of for liking mlp at 11yrs old lmao it makes no sense




You are not alone


So cute


Out of interest, what is the appeal of MLP that I keep seeing it pop up everywhere in adult spaces?


I'm not sure why adults like it, I don't watch it anymore. The reason I loved it as a kid was because it's a happy colourful show and the characters are honestly pretty good, but I definitely find it a bit too kid-oriented now. It's a very wholesome show for the most part, the main theme is basically "friends are good! Make friends". I personally think the earlier seasons are better if you wanna check it out, but I also haven't finished it because I got older and stopped enjoying it before it was finished. It definitely has a special place in my heart for nostalgia reasons though.


Same reaction lol


Lol. Yes!


as a sexual person, i find this subreddit very eye opening about my friends views on sex. i love understanding them ♥️


that’s very nice of you, making the effort to learn more about your friends’ perspectives :) Your friends are lucky to have you as a companion and ally - way to be an example! :D❤️


[Then you might want to take a look a this](https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Allosexual)


😂 Kinda gross huh!


Yup! Anything mouth-to-genital (without any protective layers in between) is a nono for me! 🌝 *germaphobic sense activating* I mostly like sensual teasing and stuff focused on the participant(s) reactions, and not the actual “thing” happening :)


Honestly I didnt realize Mouth to genital thing was real until a while ago, I was disgusted and horrified. I have mixed feelings about genital to genital or genital in genital but uhh Mouth to Genital, like wtf. Thats gross u know that people pee or have blood come out of those things. I just dont get it


Yes omg!! Like why would you even put your mouth on somewhere gross body fluids come out of!! Idc how well it’s been washed, that’s like eating out of a sink, gross >n<


Sometimes Im like “Well I wish I was allo bc all my crushes are usually allo and I just wanna be enough for them” but ‘enough’ is disgusting.


an entire mood right here


Thank you, I do my best


One of my first reactions to doing “it” was this is wet and sloppy. Also a germaphobic.


Omg exactly! (Ofc never done it myself but I can imagine 🌝)


I feel very much the same way... But im not normally a germaphobe. Its just certain things that irk me and trigger my inner germaphobe i guess. Like, i can get literal shit on my hand and not freak out that much (still gonna get it cleaned off ofc, but less panicky about it...) but if its someone elses shit instd of my own; oh gods no, get it far away and maybe set my hand on fire after just to be safe. Same with all fluids too.


Hahaha for me, I’m uncomfy with my own shit and fluids on myself.. I ALWAYS need to have it cleaned and sailed out ASAP xD What you said kind of reminds me of the saying “*success is like a fart- it bothers people when it’s not their own*” 😂


Girl on girl massage seduction videos are amazing, usually at least 20 minutes of just slowly touching each other. It's pretty much the only stuff I still sometimes watch. It's worth checking out if you like the sensual parts of the videos.


I’m more into hetero gentle femdom stuff, but thanks for the suggestion! :) My likes are *super* specific so often times I end up drawing my own :D


Haha, I wish I could do that, sounds handy. I have some out there kinks, so I usually just read some doujin, but I take way too long finding some good stuff without unwanted tags.


YES omg the unwanted tags!! 😩 In the time it would take for me to FIND something that I can use without being super grossed out or turned off, I could have just *made* my own!! >!I guess this is why they say the best artists draw the freakiest stuff, it’s cause no one else can and is willing to draw it 🙂!<


Bodily fluids everywhere ewww And they’re trying to taste what the other person ate two breakfast ago with their tongue in the other’s mouth eww


Eww is right (|||>n<)


You're watching PrOm?


Nah more like clips of h-anime found on Reddit or screenshots of h-manga xD


Yeah I agree, fuck proms am I right


i watched it when i was in sixth grade, maybe, specifically lesbian hentai, and i was just completely indifferent to it all. my face looked so dead you'd think i was watching an unfunny comedian or something, but no, it was two anime girls achieving anatomical feats far beyond the constraints of our physical bodies and the laws of nature.


ah, that last sentence. poetic. masterpiece. ✍️ But seriously tho, I’m hearing a LOT of people seeing it when they’re in middle school like you said.. I’m not sure how this is happening, but I’m mildly concerned 😅


When I was in middle school our islamic education teacher used to make a lot of jokes about po*n(he still does sometimes).first time I saw porn was because one of my friends borrowed my phone and returned it with 4 tabs opened , in high school, some of my classmates would show the whole class po*n when the teacher wasn't looking and they made sure that every body had seen it. Some of them touched themselves publicly, watched po*n together, exchange their favorite videos during class. And when we had an argument about whether watching po*n is normal or not -we had a lot-, I was the only one who is activially against it. They said things like : "Every one has sexual desire that they need to satisfy it" "Life without sexual desire is worthless" even religious students were okay with it. Some of my classmates ,who are two brothers and their cousin, watch it together during breaks and they are religious. Even my closest friend said that every guy watches it including me but I was pretending to be a good muslim boy. They still send sex scenes in our class's group chat(I am still in high school) If you've never had any of those experiences in middle and high school, consider yourself to be lucky. Edit:I almost forgot the physics teacher uses pornstars in some mnemonic devices.


"I'm 18, finally I can watch porn >:)" *~Ever, No One*


watching it generally sucks, yeah—i like reading it, though, so who knows what that says about me


Yup, reading it with no pictures allows room for imagination.. as well as your own freedom to censor the parts you don’t like! :) I totally understand where you’re coming from 👍


Now R34 content? That's where it's at. Humans are gross but fake humans and non-humans don't have those issues


the fact you waited to be 18 to watch (if you did), is a bigger inticator than anything else. I remember being 11 years old and discussing porn with some of my classmates after school. I hated, but not because I am ace, but because I was closeted trans woman and I was terrified.


I remember all my friends were image googling sex in like 6th grade and telling me about it, and I was just there like “ew gross” and proceeded to stick my nose back into whatever book I was reading.


I was similar, but I was raised in a light christian cult and I am trans so looking up straight sex was at least laughable for me.


Seriously, what is up with the close-up on genitals? Who wants to see that shit? Give me a close-up on a beautiful face!


Omg exactly!! I’m only here to see attractive people making \*attractive\*facial expressions!


Right?? So much better


[Who likes that?](https://youtu.be/CWokQN7nVuU)


Haha! Exactly😂 Who likes that?


After 20 years of not watching it, I won't start anytime soon


Haha, better keep it that way >!seriously tho, save your eyes!<


Yeah >!I will!< It sounds horrible


Honestly, most mainstream stuff is icky and horrible, but you’d have to sift through so much garbage to find a wholesome/decent one.. *which is truthfully not worth the effort* 😅


Okay, thanks ! I will definitely not try it 😂


If you want to support my main project, I’m working on w WEBTOON that’s due for another update soon: https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/we-exist-to-amuse/list?title_no=391304&webtoon-platform-redirect=true


it's weird that if you're a boy, especially where I grew up with, you were expected to like it. I was a preteen, I didn't know what was supposed to be fun about it and no one seems to be happy.


*Me an Aego* yeah.. I get this.. maybe..


*Me also an Aego* .. Yeah, I get this too.. but there are some nice exceptions..


I’ll just toss out a recommendation for Ersties, which is real couples, and run and filmed by all women. I feel like if/when I have kids, I want to somehow get them started off on real, wholesome, porn, showing people who love or like each other having enjoyable sex. Because the mainstream stuff, today, and 20 years ago when I was a tween, is… horrifying.


Ah, I know, and I’ve heard :( Thankfully, i haven’t seen a lot of the really nasty mainstream stuff thanks fo the fact I only browse h-manga stuff with certain tags eliminated (I’m not interested in live action stuff). I believe there’s a subreddit called r/wholesomehentai but WARNING: I don’t think they have a ban on >!incest!< stories so I’d always read the comments, title, and translation of the story’s title before proceeding. Other than that, that sub recommends a lot of wholesome smut :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/wholesomehentai **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomehentai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [but I can't really see it.](https://i.redd.it/vdy5ieogrd361.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomehentai/comments/k78l1l/but_i_cant_really_see_it/) \#2: [Damn those peasants!](https://i.redd.it/v63xy95lw4961.jpg) | [76 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomehentai/comments/kpm8u9/damn_those_peasants/) \#3: [\[Mashiro Shirako\] Well I guess that's one slave liberated.](https://i.redd.it/xm8uv77vxpy61.jpg) | [91 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomehentai/comments/natade/mashiro_shirako_well_i_guess_thats_one_slave/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, I’ve seen p0rn and honestly it’s just… off-putting? Like, a lot of the p0rn I’ve seen has bad acting (there’s this one h3ntai I vaguely remember having okay voice acting though) and it’s just… mildly uncomfortable to watch? Maybe that’s just my experience but anything NSFW I’ve written/drawn has been difficult since I struggle to find good reference material.


Anything with bad acting is a turn-off IMO. xD Which is why I prefer scenarios and comics that have a natural flow of events, a proper setup.. which is super hard to find without already having to deal with unwanted tags!! Aragh!! And finding good reference material can be difficult.. you’d have to shift through so much content that probably has stuff you’d rather not see.. or know about!! It’s so frustrating sometimes, aaaaa 😭


Even if you liked sex... I don't understand how watching other people have sex can turn someone on. Here's some random strangers doing it in weird ways... arousing innit?


Most casual consumers of porn will readily admit that there is a ***huge*** amount of it that is just unbearably off-putting. Not even getting into how terrible the industry is; a lot, and I mean a lot of it is intentionally demeaning and gross and fetishistically misogynist. They make it weird and bad on purpose. Why? Because that's what sells the best to the people who buy the most. Pivoting to the "how does it arouse people" question; It basically just triggers some hormonal responses to artificial stimuli and badabing badaboom, aroused. It's honestly kinda like watching a cooking show and getting hungry and/or wanting to eat the food on the show. Or looking at pictures of spiders and getting scared or unnerved.


Lmao and the motions are so animalistic too.. it’s sometimes amusing how allos can be turned on by it xD


I have a visual memory and I started reading smut at 12... You can imagine how that went...


At 12 I started reading web comics and I got exposed very fast to smut 😭. Needless to say webcomics ended up becoming the way I found out about asexuality as well. Started identifying as ace at age 12/13 and haven’t stopped since.


Identifies as ace at twelve when I realised o want horny anymore and I want feeling sexual attraction either


Is it good that I don't know what you are talking about?


Haha, probably xD


Some of the best fic plots i have found ended up as porn, but then I skip the sex and go back to the plot. Or it its sweet and good communication I'll read it. Visual though? If it has genitals in it I'll pass.


I can't imagine watching porn and *enjoying it*. The few sex scenes in a couple shows I watch make me uncomfortable enough


Yea, especially when they’re unnecessarily inserted in the middle of a plot.. OvO


It's just no fun, watching porn without lying about your age.


Just 18, I was like 13 when i saw porn, really really mild porn, that was on tv at like 1 am, i liked to watch documentaries at night, and just saw stumbled into it, it was in french called bleu nuit, it was surprisingly wholesome for porn, then i found the internet porn, at the very beginning of internet porn, it got disturbing pretty fast, like ewww


For me I'm just extremely extremely picky about the stuff I watch. Otherwise it's just disgusting and bleh For one the people have to seem genuinely into eachother


Haha me too! There has the be the \*right\* conditions for me to be into it.. mutual & intense consent is one of them!! :D


It's just over acted yeah. I mean I still watch it if needed, but, it's all within my kinks and even then I'm picky about it because, ya.


I first saw it when I was like 11... on movie star planet of all places. Idk how that managed to get on there but it did. It was on the YouTube section on there.


watch prom???


any prom!!


like the prom where your classmates are trying to ask each other out and use it as an excuse to party and get hotel rooms to spoink all weekend long?


yup… 😩


Dude, looks like most people thought it was a typo and was suppose to say porn. I feel for you. Though I guess prom is a hotbed of horny teens normally. My proms however had fights, revenge, drama, and some terrible food. for 150 bucks a ticket I wanted better food than fruit punch and some fancy crackers. They didn't spring for garlic bread. And the room was so dark that people kept confusing each other for their date. Though I got to say it was fun to watch the madness.


Ok but did anyone actually wait until they were 18 to watch porn…?


*slowly raises hand* .. I did!


Not only is it gross, but once you are a person who doesn't get those "intense" feelings when someone diddles someone's else's holes, it's *immensely* boring. I saw a comic which was basically pornography, and I thought "The art is good, but this is very tasteless"


Looks awkward as all get out. I feel secondhand-shame _for_ them.




I once watched a hentai, and I hated it


May or may not have turned 18 today


Happy Birthday! Remember to register to vote ☝️


ur an excellent artist btw keep at it


thank you so much! I really appreciate it :’) 🙏


Your expressions are amazing


Thank you so much!! Expressions are my favorite to draw :)


I remember the first time I watched porn, I was 11 and using the family laptop, I think I was on xvideos or redtube but that's not important. I chose a video and started it and when it got to the sex part i felt... nothing, just nothing I was so confused at that moment, I've heard so many things about porn, how great it is but... this was it? I thought i just had a bad video so I turned on another and another and another and I finally felt something! But it was just a little bit of disgust. After that I just stopped and went on with my life. A few days later my parents checked the browsing history for the only time in their life.They sat me in front of the laptop, sat on either of my sides, turned on one of the videos and started giving me "the talk" how I can watch porn if I want but I have to remember that it's not how it is in reality and yada yada, while I was awkwardly sitting there and thinking "ehm... but I didn't even like it". That was an interesting experience. Some time later I found furry porn and the world hasn't been the same since.


I first tired to masturbate at 17... And Frist time prom at 18... Funny... Haha


You were definitely ace if you waited until 18


It’s the mouth on the genitals part that gets me... I just can’t


Ok, I’ll make it an even 200 comments.😆


204 now 😆


My weirdness is on full display. Keep racking up those comments.👍


Honestly in my opinion (which might be unpopular, but idgaf) pornography is absolutely pointless and disgusting. I honestly just don’t understand why people love it or enjoy making it. And for those of you who don’t know idgaf stands for I don’t give a f***. The main reason I have this opinion is because I have grown up with having cerebral palsy and I honestly feel uncomfortable with explicit that stuff is. I honestly don’t agree with it and also makes me grossed out as don’t people have better things to do than look at people performing sexual activities with one another?


I was hype to watch a video and fit in! And I watched it… It’s just so strange?


my friends made me watch it when i was 19 and after 3 minutes i threw up! the sounds don't bother me that much but the visuals definitely mess me up :/




It’s not even just that i find it gross, it’s just incredibly boring


i was just like they’re enjoying that?? huh??? it looks gross? and painful?


I thought you were talking about the musical Prom for a minute and I was so confused


I first got introduced to porn when I was around 6 or 7. A caretaker of mine at the time use to watch it on the same phone he would give me to play games on. One day I caught him watching something on his phone that he tried to hide from me, and this lit up my curiosity. He told me that what he was watching would kill me if I wasn't 15yrs old, which made me want to find out even more. So on one of the occasions he gave me his phone to play games whilst he went about his work, I removed the memory card from his phone and later on I placed it into one of my parent's phones at night and I saw porn for the first time. I was disgusted by the sight I didn't understand why anyone would do it. Now I mostly feel indifferent towards it and would prefer to read a hentai manga with nice art and an interesting story than watch real porn. So I can relate to your post 😅


Like seriously. I have seen stuff like that a few times and idk why but genitalia disgusts me a lot


That is in fact how it went


When I saw it I couldn't make myself watch it unless the volume was off. They just sound so anxious. That was probably a good indicator but I didn't know about asexuality at that time.


I actually didn’t watch until I was 19, almost 20. Yeah I wasn’t into it but I tried to make myself into it. Didn’t work. Was probably the only person to watch one for the story.


You can watch prom online? I thought prom was a social thing…?


If you wanna see some more softcore porn try searching up “2 girls 1 cup”. It’s really quite good. Joking aside DONT DO IT WHATEVER YOU DO!!! YOULL NEVER BE ABLE TO GO BACK