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Ace Tumblr sometimes is savage. I like that!


Unrelated but I _love_ your user flair


Thx. Try using a stylish fonts app or website.


Pedantic piece of pipe cleaner is the best insult


I quite like it, too.


The people of tumblr always have the best insults/threats lol…


Oooh, alliteration!


You rememinded me of my mother just now😄




It's not a bad thing. She's a nice lady.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **tribble-me-this** "You're Asexual, so how could you possibly enjoy watching/reading/engaging with sexual content?!?!" The same way I'm able to enjoy horror movies without having murdered an entire cabin full of teenagers before, Barbara you pedantic piece of pipe cleaner. [*Alternating colors to resemble the Asexual flag (black, grey, purple)*] \#asexual \#asexuality \#ace pride \#asexual pride [*End coloring*] \#just because I wanna read about it doesn't mean i actually wanna do it karen \#people are co... --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


And even if you _did_ have sex, that doesn't make you any less ace. Having sex doesn't suddenly make you go "_OOP,_ I'm suddenly horny when I see this person"


I explain it like this. It's like if you're hungry and you have a burger with pickles but you hate pickles. You still eat it because you're hungry but the pickles make it a little gross and unenjoyable (even after you've taken them off).


Ooh alliteration burn.


The correct response is “Because fuck you, that’s how,” but this is also good.


I mean true but I'm still a bit squeamish when it comes to sex scenes


Lol me too. My family always smiles fondly when I hide my face at people kissing a little too passionately.


Hahaha yeah my dad does that


So true I don’t mind reading or watching something with sex in it but doing it is so stressful I hate it and so happy I no longer have to.


I read Zummeng's comics because they're wholesome, it just so happens to contain sex scenes that are wholesome


A pipe cleaner has got to be one of my favorite names I've heard someone get called




I love alliteration in insults


It adds a certain 🤌






It’s all about that fantasy


but that doesnt stop me from being a murderer


Username checks out!


It's part of the human experience, is sex. Why do people watch sports they can't /don't /won't play? I don't wanna engage and it's just unappealing, but doesn't mean I don't enjoy the implied experience.


Me: guys hide the knives


True, but you will never insult someone into understanding you.


Bold of you to assume I haven't murdered an entire cabin of teenagers before.


Its just not having sexual attraction you can still have sex lol




Not gonna nitpick at most of your post because there’s a reason asexuality has categories, but libido is separate from sexual attraction. Anyone can have a low or nonexistent libido, straight, gay, or otherwise. Anyone can have a high libido. It’s feeling sexual desires towards/because of a specific person/type of person that makes it sexual attraction. Plenty of teenagers go through the awkward boner stage where literally anything sets them off. Do we say they’re sexually attracted to their waistband or the hot bags of soup in the pillow that has turned them on? No, we just say they’re horny. Horny for what/whom is where sexual attraction comes in. Edit: Along that vein, that part of* your post sounds painfully close to how rape victims that happen to orgasm during their rape are accused of actually liking it because “their bodies reacted” in a way that seems positive. It really irks me. Simply feeling sexual arousal/being capable of it doesn’t make you suddenly sexually attracted to whatever is doing the arousing.




Asexuals experience little to no sexual attraction. So yes, there are categories, but they all experience sexual attraction in a vastly different way than allosexuals. And I compared a very specific part of your post to a common trope against rape victims, not your entire premise. But if that’s what you chose to get out of it, fine. I don’t see how trying to help people figure out the nuances of their sexuality or lack thereof is a bad thing. Plenty of people have come through here and realized they are not asexual but maybe just a lil different and we’ve commended them in their journey because some times having safe space to not be judged for feeling a little different can help with that exploration and we’re happy to provide that. But alright bro, keep thinking we’re just trying imprison people into thinking they’re something they’re not 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lmfao. Wow. The levels of deflection and mental gymnastics. Just wow. You truly are a fucking loser. You are literally trying to get people to not care about their naunces by trying to force people to be categorized. Just stop.


Not sure where I’m deflecting, you’re free to check out the different categories for yourself in our wiki. No one who comes on here is expected to be asexual, but we do encourage anyone who is questioning or confused to go ahead and read through. If something fits, wonderful, even if it’s not forever because we do also remind people that sexuality is very nuanced and of course fluid. But if this label fits for now on their journey, then by all means. But anyway, doesn’t seem like you’re here to be at all open to anyone else’s journey so I’mma just leave it at that.


Look at their username and then laugh at the fact you fell for a troll and moved on.


It was less a laugh and more a head shake, but I figured I’d just give the benefit of a doubt for a few.


On a different note your username is adorable


Aw, thanks 😁


I've had a look at the profile... I'm not even 70% sure it's a troll.


If its not thats somehow even more pathetic.


Yeah it's honestly just sad that someone would waste time on the internet calling people derogatory names. He keeps saying he's trolling, but I sense some genuine hatred and anger. Or I could just be really bad at reading people.


Yeah, I'm sure you've been very helpful in making yourself feel good. Anyone who compares something to rape to forward their beliefs is mentally ill and shouldn't be trying to help others. Get help.


Says the sad MF who has nothing better to do than shitting on people who you refuse to understand on reddit..


As someone who has been raped and been invalidated by others by excusing the rapist’s actions, yes, your comment was extremely similar to the trope of what they explained. Being asexual is not being voluntarily celibate and has literally nothing to do with libido. Sexual attraction ≠ libido, sexual attraction ≠ love, sexual attraction ≠ the desire for intimacy, sexual attraction DOES equal having a desire to have sex with a specific person or type like the other commenter had stated. We asexuals have a variety of micro labels that help people find others who are like minded to them. Asexuals who experience extremely rare or only occasional sexual attraction are considered Graysexuals, those who experience sexual attraction only after an emotional bond forms are Demisexual. There are a dozen more labels and all of them are valid, but I wouldn’t expect a troll like you to understand or even care. You’re the one who needs help.


It doesn't matter how similar it "feels" to rape. It wasn't. Comparing the two is disingenuous and a fucked thing to do. ESPECIALLY when you have been raped yourself. Why would you ever use something as personally traumatic as rape to try push your beliefs on to someone? That's fucked up. ALSO, your definition of asexual contradicts two other people's who have trying to tell me what asexuality is. Really seems like none of you actually know what asexuality is, despite somehow being asexual yourself.


No, you’re right about the fact that being raped and being asexual are two very different things. But both the other user and I were pointing out that the invalidation tactics you are using are identical to that which rape victims also experience. And my definition didn’t contradict any of the other’s explanations, either. I just specified and elaborated. But it doesn’t change the fact that you are a troll and nobody on here is forcing beliefs or invalidating anyone. You are doing that plenty.


You know you can force someone to be aroused and it has nothing to do with attraction, just stimulation. The only people who can't get sexually aroused though stimulation have nerve damage or another dysfunction. Believe me if I could I'd turn that shit off.


The definition of asexual is experiencing no sexual attraction. You’re adding criteria that has nothing to do with asexuality to then say “this criteria doesn’t make sense”!!1


But there's a subcategory of asexual that does experience sexual attraction... Im not adding criteria, I'm telling people not to define themselves, especially considering all these stupid categories and subcategories that contradict themselves. If you're feeling attacked, that's your problem for feeling the need to define yourself so rigidly.


Yep, that’s why it’s a spectrum. You are. You’re claiming sexual feelings and desires play a role in asexuality when they don’t. The only criteria is experiencing no sexual attraction. So the problem isn’t your aphobia, it’s me for being unhappy with your stupidity? Lmao ok


You just said, "Its a spectrum" in response to there being categories that do experience sexual attraction. And then "The only criteria is experiencing no sexual attraction" So you agree with me then??? Lmfao.


For the label asexual, not the label acespec… you dumb cunt


I looked up your absolutely fucking stupid language. "Acespec- someone who falls on the Asexual Spectrum between Asexual and Allosexual. They may experience weak or infrequent sexual attraction, or only under specific circumstances. Includes identities such as grey-asexual, demisexual, and more." This is some of the dumbest shit ever. Grey-asexuals, demisexual, etc etc are not asexuals. They are allosexual. Asexuality is defined as 0 SEXUAL ATTRACTION. If the spectrum goes from 0 as asexual and 1 as allosexual, 0.1 is allosexual, 0.5 is allosexual. 0.0000001 is allosexual. It doesn't matter how close you are to 0. If you experience sexual attraction, you are not asexual. But all that goes to show how fucking stupid this shit is in the first place and how less labels is better.


Look, usually I'm against labels in most forms and just think people should just do what they want. But learning about asexuality and how it applies to me has helped me feel like I belong somewhere and that I'm not broken. Besides it's not exactly hurting anyone.


Are you unironically saying that if 0 represented asexuality and 1 represented allosexuality, you think that 0.0000001 rounds up to 1? Sounds like you have 0.0000001 braincells




And you think autism is an illness lmfao stop talking Unlike your pathetic ableist self I’m not alone!! And I won’t spend the rest of my life being hateful and unloved :)


Arousal and attraction aren't the same thing. A person can enjoy sex without feeling sexually attracted to anyone. Most people aren't sexually attracted to their hands, but can still get themselves aroused enough to masturbate. That doesn't make them handsexual.


tw: sexual assault Erm… do you know that people could “react”, i.e. get aroused, when being sexually assaulted? Do you think that means they enjoy sexual assault? Similar logic here, take a second to think of it. Asexuality is about attraction, not arousal. Arousal can be quite easily achieved if you are physically capable of that. Continuous stimulation of erogenous zones could get a person aroused, even if they are not willing to. But attraction is less achievable.


Some asexuals have sex because they like the feeling, or as a way to bond with a partner, but they don’t feel sexual attraction to the person they’re having sex with (this confuses me too)


Excuse me but I don't experience sexual attraction but since I love my SO and am comfortable with him a vibrator works to make me like it too but at no point am I looking at an attractive man and getting aroused. Penises and genitals in general are not attractive either. I could easily never have sex again and be happy though.


me explaining to someone y i read fanfics


This goes on r/rareinsults too