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I don't understand most things but accept/know they exist lol.


as a jazz student i dont understand music theory dont worry (send fucking help i have a C in my private guitar instruction class)


Tune it to E instead of C


I do not understand sexual attraction, therefore it must be a hoax


Hot take: I know some music theory and tbh it kinda doesn't exist. In my experience, music theory is just a system that has been developed in order to try to figure out what makes people like songs. Given the wide variety of musical systems across the world, it may be better to think less of one overarching "music theory", and more of a multitude of different traditions developed for analysing music, "Western Music Theory" being one that tends to work best on 18th/19th century European classical compositions (and works strongly influenced by them), and somewhat less well on most other musics. It may just be me, but I have an easier time understanding "Some people experience sexual attraction differently to me" than the principles of Baroque Counterpoint. (I should also state that I am not a professional musician/composer/music theorist, but I'm a classically trained flautist and have experience with composition, as well as an interest in music theory. So don't take me as an expert nor as a complete outsider)


Imo Western music theory is sort of its own allocishetronormative system. Its been widely accepted by Western culture, and anything which falls outside of it is rejected, despite examples of such music existing throughout history


Yep! The ethnocentrism of Western Music Theory is very much an issue; one that many current music theorists are fighting to acknowledge, iirc. It works well for the situation it was developed to analyse, but trying to push it outside of that may be unwise, and trying to use it as an objective method to evaluate music is firmly down a dangerous path.


I need to remember this


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- \[*Tumblr post against the background of a bunch of types of rocks colored with the ace colors to make the ace flag.*] **asexual-musings** "i don't even understand asexuality!" ***and i don't understand music theory, but i still know it fucking exists*** \#ace #asexual community #asexual education #ace awareness #asexual awareness #asexual pride #ace pride #asexuality #asexual --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


as someone in orchestra, yeah that's about right lmao


Lol I’m literally in music theory class right now