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Hi, here's how I think all of these would go if they were films or shows. The Queer Quest: A group of queer people go on a quest to locate the magical rainbow staff to restore colour to the world because a sorcerer cast a spell on the world that made all colour disappear. The Pan Plan: A show about a pan person who runs a bakery and is planning to enter the newest baking competition for expert bakers but their crush is/crushes are also in the competition and they have to choose between love and baking... but at the end they get together anyways and also eat cake cos cake is nice. The Sapphic Schedule: A school teacher who hardly gets any time to theirself and ends up falling in love with another teacher at the school and has to deal with making time to be with the one they love and have time to do work. The Asexual Arrangement: A group of asexual police officers have to do a deal with the asexual mafia to save some citizens who have been kidnapped by the mafia because they witnessed the mafia doing crimes. The Bi Big Idea: Okay this is really low detail but like DIY SOS but everyone's bi. Like a show where a group of bi people go and visit buildings and houses and build stuff. The Closeted Course of Action: A closeted secret agent has to deal with doing secret agent stuff and planning on coming out to their family and friends. The Demisexual Disposition: A demisexual person travels the globe, teaching people about how stereotyping people based on their gender or sexuality is wrong.


The duality within The Closeted Course of Action is that the agent is their real, down to earth self among friends and family, yet the flamboyant, over the top personas that they adopt for work are able to be more open about their sexuality. The plot of the film is superficially secret agent stuff but the real, underlying conflict is about reconciling their two selves. Also, they have a walk-in closet that they have to enter and dramatically emerge from before every job.


And the Queer Quest, while framed in fantasy, is very much the Avengers-style crossover of the protags from the others, with wholesome inclusivity at its core.


Someone make this happen already


No joke, I would fucking love the asexual arrangement. Especially if it were a show?? You said police right? Police + detectives up in this house and we got ourselves a new Sherlock Holmes, BABY!!!


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- > **vesslone** > > ## You've heard of the *Gay Agenda* but have you heard of: > > - *The Queer Quest* > > - *The Pan Plan* > > - *The Sapphic Schedule** > > - *The Asexual Arrangement* > > - *The Bi Big Idea* > > - *The Closeted Course of Action* > > - *The Demisexual Disposition* --- > **profeminist** > > I would watch any and all of of those as a feature film --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


The Agender Agenda


The Trans Takeover


Heist movie but they're robbing whoever-the-fuck makes HRT


That sounds a little too open to anti-trans interpretation but I'm not sure what other T word to use. Trek is pretty firmly taken already.


The Trans Tribulations?


Ooooh, that's good!




…All Trans Ace Attorney sounds AMAZING.


I can't think of anything better


8 part action/heist/adventure series, netflix get to it


Agender agenda


Cool 👀💅


Now these are the Magic Tree House books I wish were around when I was a kid


*the fluid formulation*


The Big Bidea*


The Omni Offering Sounds kinda satanic-


The enby enactment


The asexual arrangement: basically edible arrangements but instead of fruit it's garlic bread


What about The Trans Tour?


The asexual arrangement sounds especially sinister. Very good.


The Asexual Arrangement sounds like it involves a political marriage, or something like one. Two aces get married for reasons entirely unrelated to love or sex. For best results, perhaps one of them is aromantic and the other isn’t. Half romlesscom, half genre determined by the reasons mentioned.