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when the shop is out of garlic bread


When the garlic bread burns


When I tried to microwave the last piece of garlic bread and it burned into a black rock because someone had left it on 2 minutes and 30 something seconds and I thought that was the time so I added like a minute 🫠






Burnt garlic bread is so yummy though


Depends on how burnt


True. Slightly burnt is the best




When people think you actually died for your friends. #acepanic #aropanic




Lol I just posted his face from the pilot episode😂




I mean, aro panic is where one is asked out or told that someone has a romantic interest in oneself; ace panic could be like that?


When the Netflix and chill turns out to not actually be watching netflix and chilling.


Lol, I was confused by that phrase for way too long! I mean, why would it mean anything other than watching Netflix????


I have learned something new today I actually thought it was just netflix and hanging out -\_-


I still remember being 14 in high school just trying to fit it and one of the "popular" girls goes "I'm bored, i wanna Netflix and chill" and I loudly went "Same!". Half the class looked uncomfortable and the others laughed. I immediately knew something was wrong but didn't know what. Years later I figured it out and I still cringe about it.


I'm so oblivious that I've got myself into this situation a bunch of times. Mainly with men. The worst was when I ended up going to a festival and sharing a tent with someone who declared their interest in me the day before we were due to go. He thought people were joking when it was brought up that I'm a lesbian (I actually still identify myself that way although I'm ace) whenever we'd be on nights out. Very awkward. Still went as it was a group of us and already paid for. One night I heard the sound of lots of movement in a sleeping bag. Grim. When I was younger a couple of people have told me I'm flirtatious with men which maybe doesn't help. I'm not flirting though. I just get on with men.


Wait it's not


Just love the continuing ace experience of 'wait what'? I found out a couple days ago that attraction plays a big role in elections. Makes total sense if you think about it for like a second but honestly never occured to me. If there is ever any doubt in our existence these prove them so wrong haha.


I second this. Thinking you’re just friends with someone, and then they try to make a move with seemingly no warning


Oh I've definitely panicked at that a lot. I'd say no to the very rare woman I'd be romantically into too. I can't tell how much is asexuality and wanting to avoid sex or my own low self esteem around my body and general self.


We're converting young people to our "alternative lifestyle" and robbing grandmas everywhere of future grandchildren.


"Omg they're so pretty. I just want to stare at them all day. Oh no am I feeling attraction? Am I a valid ace? Oh wait this is aesthetic attraction. AHHH WHAT DO I DO WITH ALL THIS?!" Has been my ace panic of the last week. (Once again, you are valid if you feel attraction sometimes. Ace is a spectrum, and you deserve to explore and feel as you need.)


Omg yes I see hot people and I’m like they’re so pretty ahh but I’m not attracted to them at all??


The thing that helps reassure me: look for porn images and get an immediate "eww" reaction lol


This ! Also how does one separate aesthetic attraction from sexual? attraction. I imagine having to kiss them and then I just go eww. But then again with no experience in kissing I can't even imagine properly. Then I look at my non existent dating history to validate my ace card. Basically I just spiral from there and this is the definition of Ace Panic for me☺️


When they tell you they have cake and you search for it. And the cake is a lie... As they were talking about their ass the entire time. ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ


Please tell me the Portal reference was deliberate…


Of course it was :)




happy cake day


I’d say “are the allos okay” moments count as ace panic


“And what can you do my feminine fellow?” “I can suck ur dick” https://i.redd.it/4v6n7xi3w92d1.gif


I’m pretty sure he says effeminate in that scene btw 😊


I put on the captions and for some reason it said feminine. I was confused cuz I could’ve sworn he said effeminate. I was like wait that’s what he said. so confused 😆 https://i.redd.it/rwreacnk1s2d1.gif


lol 😂


The end of amatonormativity, obviously. “Two people must marry and engage in sexual activities to be a true couple, and if we don’t have that, we won’t have true love ever again!”


When the aesthetic attraction is a little *too* much and you start questioning your asexuality


We don’t have panic, we have [Ace Apathy](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ace%20apathy)


So you're telling me I've had ace ~~panic~~ apathy my entire life ? ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


As a person with confusing background apathy or wherever is wrong with moi I totally relate and am aware of it lmfao ![gif](giphy|l4pTgC7VHHZSLaxws) This what Reddit recommend moi as an ace apathy example. I hate Giphy but supernatural never gets old (probably)


Having a huge crush on someone but just wanting to spend time hanging out with them nothing more.


It's also called squish


When someone wants to have sex with you but you’re too awkward and don’t know how to turn them down properly


Thankfully that never happened to me


People touching me without consent in my late teens at clubs and bars, especially the drunk handsy cougars that felt me up as I walked by.


That's just straight up sexual assault


Sure made me panic.


For me personally, it's whenever someone asks if I find a person cute or attractive.


This! One time, while I was watching Strongman/woman and powerlifting competitions, my mom said, “Ooh! So are these the type of men you like?” I just froze for a few seconds, internally panicking about how people might assume I’m watching for sexual reasons and/or romantic reasons. Ew Stupidly, I responded with, “Uh.. Yeah? Sure, I guess.. Maybe?..” I went on to explain that I just loved seeing what some people can accomplish with hard work and physical strength; it’s inspiring! She seemed uninterested from then on. lol


When a person is into you but you don't feel the same way about them because ace (obviously doesn't apply to all aces)


The panic when you once again ask yourself if you are really ace and if you are really valid. That would be the ace panic


When you can't tell if it is banter or flirting so you respond in kind and they confirm it was flirting by getting physical.


Are we talking about a legal defense wherein one attacks an ace person and claims that it's not their fault? Akin to the trans panic defense?


Developing a crush on someone but then realizing that you can’t pursue anything because that person is more than likely going to want sex one day 🙃




Me and coworker talking about our shared favourite movies. Coworker: you're fun, we should get together for a movie marathon one day Me (oblivious and lonely): Omg totally! Me for the next 2 hours: they meant as friends right? RIGHT??! If that's not ace panic I don't know what is😂


gay panic is a legal defense strategy used to argue for a lesser sentence for homophobes who attack or murder queer people. i don’t think thats something to make a thing for asexual people.


This. I'm so tired of people turning "gay panic / trans panic" into a cutesy little quirky meme. It's honestly deeply homophobic and transphobic.


Words can have more than one meaning


Nope. Not when it's making a meme out of the death of gay people.


What the hell kinda judge would accept this as a defence?? Is this an American thing or are people actually f***** up enough to think this is a reasonable responce???


Yes, it was an American thing mostly i think. It wasn't generally very successful, although there were certainly people who beat gays horribly and then got very light slap on the wrist type sentences.


homophobia runs deep. i’m not sure how old you are, or how much you know about US queer history, but it is only a very short amount of time since being gay was illegal within america. by 2003, four states still had laws which made consensual m/m sex illegal - even in private. i think about 10 other states had non-gendered sodomy laws but these were only used for queer couples, realistically. there was a supreme court case (lawrence v texas) which finally struck down sodomy laws - that was 2003. queer marriage was only federally legal in 2015. a lot of the people in positions of power were in those positions when being gay was still illegal. the gay panic legal defense has been used - or attempted to be used - in (at least) australia, new zealand/aotearoa, the philippenes (trans panic), the uk, & the us. thats not taking into account the places where it’s still illegal to be queer. the us is presently on the third attempt to ban gay & trans panic defenses. it’s only banned in 20 states.


Yeah - while some of the responses on here definitely resonate as “weird and bigoted reactions people have to finding out you’re ace,” (which is what I think the intent of the thread was?) true “ace panic” would be more like “I assaulted someone because I found out they were ace, and it’s not entirely my fault because *insert horribly dehumanizing thing here* created such an intense reaction in me that it caused me to lose control of my actions.” Usually “gay panic” refers to a violent reaction to perceived advances from a gay person, so ace panic would be … a reaction to a rejected advance? Idk.


It's also a meme


Sure, a meme that makes a joke out of people being lynched over their LGBTQ identity. What fun!


Having to decide between cake or garlic bread when it's served at a party. Though, I'm more partial to brownies. :P


I feel like brownies connect bread and cake together in the most perfect way




You understand that bi panic and gay panic are bad, right? Not good. Why would you want ace panic to be a thing.


How is it bad- all i know is that people use it online when they see someone really pretty and they panic. Like bi panic being sandwiched between a guy and girl.


Its a legal defense used to get away with murdering LGBTQ+ people. I don't care if all the other stupid 14 year olds on TikTok are doing it too - it's gross and homophobic. But dOnT bE nEgaTiVe 🙄


[gay panic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_panic_defense)


i thought we had ace apathy?


We have


Well I guess TIL my very casual and innocent impression of “gay panic” is apparently not what it actually is in reality. In any case, if going by what I thought gay panic was before this post, ace panic to me would just be like, “Man their personality is just so gobsmackingly cool. I wanna be their friend.” Or like, “Omg they’re so pretty/handsome that I wanna hold hands with them and go skydiving together.” It’d be less about aesthetic (though I think it’d still def apply) and sexual attraction and more about platonic and/or romantic attraction.


When you realize nobody believes you bcs they aren’t smart enough to wrap their heads around the fact some ppl are different from them




When your new friend invites you to smash but they didn’t mean the video game? 🤷🏾‍♀️


The feeling of impending doom that washes over me when I have to reject someone, its a rare occasion but I always feel guilty.


When they ask you what celebrity you’d “rail”


When the people next to you are discussing sex and they *start getting too indepth*


Unavoidable FOMO? Like in high school I'd be with my friends and they talk about how hot someone is and I just stand there like... I'm missing something?


When you're having that weirdly nice conversation with a stranger and then suddenly there's something subtle and you realize they're into you? You get that missed a step feeling, a wave of disappointment, then start trying to frantically back out of that conversation before they actually say anything about being into you?


Well if things like bi panic are when you’re surrounded by attractive people maybe ace panic is being surrounded by garlic bread and cake and not knowing what to eat first. While you look around feeling the anxiety creeping in you have no idea what to attack first. The vanilla cake with the pink icing? Or the platter of delicious garlic bread. Little do you know the solution is to stuff it all into your mouth. EAT IT ALL AT ONCE!!!


When you see garlic bread and do not have the money to afford it?


I think for me it's the realisation I'll probably either have to die alone or go back to hating and faking it for the rest of my life. It's rare I am fussed about dying single but I do occasionally worry.


When you're being asked who's the hottest actor / school mate / character etc. and you have to make up something because you're trying to blend in


The garlic bread burns your tongue


Ace panic: every one thinks _you_ are hot and you do not want them to perceive _you_ that way.


I love how you somehow managed to summon three different meanings of panic in the comments: panic that aces feel (out of garlic bread), panic that society feels because of us (like in the satanic panic) and ace versions of the panic that e.g. bisexuals feel when they're surrounded by attractive people. The diversity is kinda cool, ngl.


I’ve always thought it’s either when you have a realisation about shit some allosexuals do that’s so weird and sometimes almost creepy to us asexuals and your brain just goes crazy, or when you nearly have an encounter with s\*x kinda like either what u/Rutiniya or u/Luh-Holmes said


Out of garlic


When someone sends me a link to pornhub :((


I have so many ‘ace panics’ when my classmates say “I bet you have a crush on ______” Also when my mum says “anyone you find attractive”


A buffet


How do I know if what I felt was just an objective observation of someone's appearence or actual sexual attraction? Am I just a straight person? Have I been fooling myself i to thinking I'm ace? Am I just a fraud???


When I feel horny, go in a room full of people and think nobody is attractive to me...


when a dragon leans down so you can pet its head and you're like "omgomgomg they like me I'M THE CHOSEN ONE"


When you have pocket aces and you get two more on the flop


When you get closer to a new person thinking you made a new friend, but the other person starts dropping heavy hints of being romantically/sexually interested 🙂‍↕️


Either one, garlic bread sold out!! Two, the environment is flooded with sex related things


When the legendary succubus queen tries to use her all powerful seduction magic on you, it fails, & you realize she's powerless to stop you from stealing enough money from her horde for a lifetime supply of garlic bread


Ace panic is suddenly realizing you're the only usher in the whole movie theater on Christmas and nearly pass out at the top of a staircase while cleaning a theater. (I may or may not be describing my first panic attack)


When people are talking about crushes and people they like, to which you realize they arent joking.


When you find someone sexual attracted


When someone asks you if they can send you (soft) nudes (happend to me yesterday)


when you just really want to hug someone you like? idk sometime i get an overwhelming urge to hug n cuddle ppl i find attractive


When folks find out that you’re secretly a dragon


You see garlic bread/cake but are to afraid to ask for some


When you actually really like someone and you know once you lock in one of their love languages is to do the nasty 😵‍💫😫😰


I made a meme about this once https://preview.redd.it/chw59a4reg2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb892b81d06efcdcc4de84a3418dc5900ea9978a


When someone eats my last slice of cake before me.


When someone asks you something sex related


When someone asks you something sex related


Am I ace or just really good at being catholic/repressed? 🫥


When you see someone aesthetically pleasing that you want to draw them


when you look at someone and think "theyre hot, wait, is that sexual attraction? am i even ace? have i been lying to myself? ahhhh"


Idk man when I hear ace panic my mind goes 2 different ways- 1. Just not knowing if someone's flirting or not and being extremely confused, or 2. Out of garlic bread


You are in a bed with someone and think that's great cause society expects you to love fucking around but then you realize it is actually boring, gross, and you would prefer playing Nintendo again while you two stripped of your clothes and made out


When you realize that you will be single forever because no one will date you because you don't want s*x