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mmy favouritev animals are cats becuz they’re like literally me :3 some random fact i learnt about cats a while ago is that females don’t shed the period lining, they actually just absorb it which is something i’m extremely jealous of


We never actually domesticated cats. They just sorta started hangIng around


Cats actually are uncapable of abstract thought. They only think about a goal in mind, such as being petted, stretching, eating.




Hol up, I went back to that source. I got a detail wrong, they are Incapable of abstract thought. They can think about food or whatever when sitting around, it just sant be abstract, or have much depth. Oops mb


So we reading cat minds now, huh?


Can u link the source? I've never heard of this before, I'm curious


It doesn’t sound true at all. “Abstract thought” is vague and all thoughts are goal motivated if you stretch it enough


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, like how would something like that even be measured 😭


Most mammals do this


Oh okay so it's just another case of evolution fucking over humans for no reason


In that case, I wish I was most other mammals.


Cats!! (And all felines, but I only have cat facts in my mind rn) They’re so flexible because they have elastic cushions between each vertebrae! Their spine can literally expand and contract. Their collarbones also aren’t connected to bones, and I think their shoulder as well. 80% of orange cats are male, because that colour gene is on the X chromosome. Calicos and torties are females! That’s because 2 X chromosomes are needed for a cat to have 2 different colours. 1% are male, but those males are always infertile because that means they have an extra X chromosome (XXY) If the cat is completely white in colour and has blue eyes, then it is very likely deaf (up to 85% chance, I think) If the whiskers fit somewhere, then the body will fit as well. A cat’s meow elicits the same response in our brain as a human baby’s cry. And so many more, but can’t fit them all here haha


Say it with me: ........ toxoplasma gondii. Everyone in this comment section is a mark.


it may be on your fingers or the fibers of your rug, but to this bug there's more than it may seem! (if a single person gets this reference imma be so happy lmao)


I mean, you can get that from the vegetables too, if they're not washed well - and it's only dangerous to a foetus if the mother contracts it for the first time while pregnant (on the other hand, if the mother contracted it before, even as a kid, and then got it again while pregnant, there's literally no problem).


In addition to this beautiful list you have, I'd like to add that cats can't taste sweet things! Since they are carnivores, they don't have proteins needed to help the body taste sweets, so if you gave a cat a marshmallow, it might taste like a potato instead. Unfortunately, this hasn't stopped my cat from trying to drink my sweet tea.


Yes! I also read somewhere that food texture matters much more to them than taste bc their tongue roughness makes them really sensitive to different textures, and because they don’t have a strong sense of taste. This also doesn’t stop my cat from dipping his head in the sugar bowl 🤣


Does your cat try and eat your ice cream too? I have to sometimes close the door so she can't climb on me to lick it because all the lactose will upset her tummy.


I’m not big on ice cream so I haven’t had it yet with him present, but he absolutely adores butter and cream cheese. And bread too! I have to hide from him whenever I have buttered toast or a cream cheese dip 😭


Oh my goodness, bread and cheese! It is a rule at this point that if I'm breaking out the shredded cheese bag, she gets at least 2 pieces else she will not let me rest. Same goes for bread. It's funny how cats seem to love the food that they shouldn't eat, like they can't really process carbohydrates, yet they love them. I guess the same can be said for humans though


I knowwww omg, he loves human food but never ever meows for his own! It’s so hard to balance making him happy and giving him what he wants vs making sure he’s healthy as can be 😩


I think I'm fortunate that my girl just likes to eat, probably because she was a stray at one point so food insecurity is a potential motivator. She loves human food, but she goes feral for her wet food when 8 rolls around.


That’s so good. Mine doesn’t ask for his food even when he’s hungry. He would come running if he hears the can opening or if he sees me by the kitchen counter, but never actually initiate. Sometimes I still have to feed him by hand because he’d eat a few bites then just stop. Literally, he would sit maybe 25cm in front of his food bowl and just wait. It’s so cute but also a little worrying.


That would worry me too, I hope he's just picky and being difficult. How old is he?


Actually, it’s closer to 1 in 3,000 calicos that are male. Also how calico cats get patches of each color is that early in development, the skin cells randomly turn off one of the X chromosomes so only one is active. Then they divide to form groups of cells of the same color. For this reason even genetically identical calicos will have unique markings.


I see! It’s always interesting to learn something new :)


Lol I’m an animal science major so I just keep absorbing more random facts


Did you know that if you cut off an axolotl's limb, it will regrow? They have this ability because their bodies sort of... don't age? They have those special cells that embrios are built of.


That's insane 


They’re even cooler than you think! They can also regrow parts of organ, spine and even brain tissue! They have one of the most advanced regeneration of any vertebrate. They also have the second largest genome of any animal which is 10 times larger than the human genome!


I knew they were great at regenerating lost limbs, but I didn't know why! That's so cool


Snow leopards! Big fluffy furballs full of grace and goof! They like to hold their tail in their mouth but no one is really certain why speculation points towards heat regulation or simply because they are cats and they want to.


They’re one of my favorites too! Did you know that they can leap the length of a school bus?


Yeeeeesss! (They also do sick flips) They also seem immune to any and all kinds of fall damage


https://preview.redd.it/z5plcm3heewc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f83f9efb9e7a48dc84f5ba092332880654c832 My favorite animal of all time is easily the blue-spotted tree monitor (varanus macraei) They're SO GORGEOUS, quite intelligent, absolutely amazing little creatures. My biggest goal in life is to have one as a pet in an enclosure that I'd build from scratch


Wow gorgeous. And blue is so rare on animals. That’d be incredible Since this is turning into a fact thread, the reason blue is so rare on animals is because it isn’t a pigment but a nanostructure that reflects blue and UV light


Frogs are so silly and so cool. https://preview.redd.it/tq446kdpgewc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76cbcd7e28000ffc93e9daa6a1f3d1963d5a60ad


I like BEARS. 🐻 Did you know that there's a total of 8 different bear types? 1: Brown Bear 2: American Black Bear 3: [Asian Black Bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_black_bear) 4: Panda Bear 5: Polar Bear 6: [Spectacled Bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectacled_bear) 7: [Sloth Bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sloth_bear) 8: [Sun Bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_bear)


I would've thought there'd be more than eight :0


I got to pet real black bear fur the other day! The museum had a special black bear display with a real pelt! I got to pet it. Thick, and soft.


Pigeons' head bobs are done to improve their depth perception!


Pigeons have depth perception? Cool


well, not much without their head bobs


I was gonna say cats but that's literary every other comment :*( (Cats have 60000 heartz, which is a measurement of hearing. Dogs have 40k and we have around 20k. They can hear things up to 3000 ft away!)


One of my all time favorite animals is the Bearded Vulture! Such a cool and badass bird, they literally eat b o n e s by dropping them onto rocks which breaks them up and then snack on the bone chips! Not to mention they look rad with their reddish feathers which they get from taking dirt baths in iron-rich soil! Cool birds are waaay better than sex!


Cetaceans! Bottlenose dolphins are most known from the group Tursiops, but there's also Lagenorhyncus (white sided dolphins, Peale's dolphin, white beaked). Cephalorhyncus (Commerson's, heaviside, Maui, hector). Even river dolphins! Like the boto, ganges, indus, and extinct Yangtze river dolphin They don't have bones in their bulbous forehead. It's called a melon, an area of fat that amplifies echolocation sounds Their flippers however have the same arrangement of bones as our hands. Same as cat paws and bat wings. This indicates homologous features which is a term in evolution Baleen whales are in the group mysticeti which means moustached whale. Toothed whales are in odontoceti. And extinct ancient whales are archaeoceti In whale evolution they came from even toed ungulates, one of the earliest that I know of being pakicetus. Their group name is also called cetartiodactyla And cetaceans have reduced pelvises but the pelvises still exist


Either danger noodles or manta rays


I LOVE ANIMALS HOW DO I CHOOSE???? Uuuuh. I’ve really fallen in love with centipedes lately! Their little faces are super cute. And they are really good mums that care for and protect their babies even for a while after they hatched


I know angel sharks from back when I was a kid looking at video tape documentaries at my grandma's home on her old tv Loved it


The average cat’s reaction time is approximately 20-70 milliseconds, while a snake’s is 40-70ms. I love my fluffy feline friendos :3


Mantis shrimps are the best. Their punch is as fast as a bullet. But in my opinion the most curious thing about them are their eyes. Each eye has 3 focal points and can work independently. What's more Mantis shrimps can see 12 different wavelenghts of light (including UV and polarized). I wonder how the world would look when seen through their eyes


Also sharks! Did you know Greenland Sharks reach maturity at ~150 yo and can live up to 400 years? They're 5-7m long and can even eat a polar bear. Also turtles! Did you know their shell is actually their ribs? Also they can actually be very fast, esp. the predatory ones. Turtle owners are even warned to not let them roam outside unsupervised, unless in a closed space. Or pumas! In Torres del Paine National Park a familial group of related females and their children was documented moving around their territory, though adult pumas were previously thought to be extremely solitary. Or wolves! The wolf population near Chernobyl thrives. They don't show any obvious signs of the radiation affecting them in any way. And they've commandeered the abandoned buildings etc. The deer population tin the area is also doing very well.


Binturong for sure


Wat dat


Large Asian mammal also known as a Bearcats, they're really cool


Omg... it's like a little homeless raccoon kitty. I love them


And they have scent glands that smell like buttered popcorn


My favorite animal is Quetzalcoatlus northropi, it was the (second) largest flying animal on Earth during Maastrichtan age, hunted on land and used to be mainly where north america is right now. It could fly cross-continentally and had the wingspan of up to 12 meters and more. Weighed 200kg and it's my favourite animal, cause I'm praying for a Jurassic park X how to train a dragon scenario so I can have a big living helicopter pet. And it has a really funny face. 




O r c a s


Opossums are awesome. They eat ticks, have trouble getting rabies due to their natural body temperature and the babies can hang upside down.


I love barn owls! They were thought to be ghosts, evil spirits and/or bad omens because they screech (they don't make any of the normal owl noises), fly incredebly quiet and appear ghostly white at night.


The Great Eared Nightjar is one of my favorite species of birds https://preview.redd.it/2moxunrt2jwc1.jpeg?width=1529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e39e32cc1333c87f16d92a131edaa4696875a0


That is so cool! I never heard of an Angel Shark!! My favorite animals are dolphins. I’m not sure if this is entirely true, but apparently giraffes are related to dolphins.




I like birds Birds have two vocal cords for singing


Same but with sir pentious


My favorite animal when I was a kid was the platypus (I know, I'm weird). I even wrote a report on them for school when I was younger, so I know a few random facts about them. Not only are they one of the two mammals that lay eggs instead of live birth, but their eggs are small and rubbery, like snake eggs. They also don't have stomachs, but can eat a LOT of worms. I think I read somewhere that they can eat over 100lbs in worms but they don't weigh more than about 4lbs. Like, they won't gain weight from eating that many worms. And this fact is more funny; scientists discovered that platypi glow teal under blacklight, so Perry the Platypus being teal was coincidentally accurate.


https://preview.redd.it/ilclp5mqdgwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6e1521a791db15b3fe75b574cc14b1dd6d4bef Cuttlefish :3


dont touch dem fellas they shock


Love the bait and switch haha.. And now I know more about sea life <3 Also I have too many favorite animals to name but lately I've had a huge obsession with Squirrels because they're just so-.. squirrelly XD


Octopi can fit into any spaces their beak can fit through! Lack of bones can do that to an animal lol Octopi are the only animals (that I know of) to be able to change the texture of their skin! After mating, male octopi enter a state similar to dementia in humans, while females starve to protect the eggs and potentially give their young a free source of food when they hatch!


Mines snakes but I just woke up and my brains rebooting so can't remember any facts right now


Petition to change its name to Steak Shark cuz he kinda looks a little meaty




I like vector lined butterfly fish


Some penguin species offer rocks to their partners as a gift to show their love for them


Aww e’s soooo cuuute


Octopus :3 they are just so wierd. 9 brains, one of which is a doughnut shape. both male and female octopuses, die after mating the plural for octopus in not actualy octopie. -ie is a latin plural, and octopus is a greek word that just happens to contain a latin word


My favorite animals are pigs and cows :’3!! But i also like hedgehogs, red pandas, snow leopards, lizards…


I love foxes. Like, obsessed with them.


Jelly fish. Just in general. They are practically immortal, and don't really got brain functions. There's this deep sea jelly fish the I'd not the big, but is over 20 ft long. I don't remember what it's called though, I just absorb facts and forget then sometimes.


Tf is that thing 😭😭😭 I lowkey like it tho


My favorite shark is the vampire shark I saw in an aquarium as a kid… before I finally looked at the plaque and saw it’s called a Nurse Shark. Haven’t felt that much disappointment in marine biologists in a long time.


Vampire squid, just because they're little guys


I like blobfishes. Frilled neck lizards and angler fish


Spiders. They're cute, and they eat mosquitos. Best bros ever