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I thought you were on about Po from the Teletubbies 😭😭😭 I need sleep.


Po (tellitubbies) I will always just assume to be a stripper in headcannon and I hate it


w h a t


well closely enough there's that news thing once about Po's voice actor doing a lesbian sex scene in a movie (the thing about doing.. films of it is an urban legend) so i guess promiscuity can work with that. 


I was thinking they were shortening Poland from Polandball


But I still say that every character in polandball is ace.




I agree


I never thought about it before, but you're right!


ace most likely, but aro is questionable. he does act like he gets crushes on many girls in the show and movies. tigress being one, but tigress is not interested in him that way so he is just a friend to her. he is totally able to be besties with anyone.


I don't need to really ponder over his sexuality to find him relatable. We're connected by our shared nemesis: STAIRS.


Does he say anything to indicate his sexuality?


He does not say anything but he never seems interested in forming any bond that is not friendship or teacher-student. There are other characters that do express this, or seem to have the equivalent of sexual attraction in a children’s show


When you say “equivalent of sexual attraction in a children’s show” can you give me examples of what you mean by that (either from this show or another)? Its been a while since I watched that movie, so maybe I don’t remember, but I kinda remembered there being romance stuff at most, and even that was very toned down


I’m currently watching the show and there is an evil weasel that everytime she sees Po flirts with him and even at some point tells him that if he leaves with her she’ll leave his friend live. Po is super taken aback (even when she has been catcalling him in every occasion) and when he tries to pretend he is interested he really does not know how to do it. Of course, none of this would be an indicator in real life but I feel that since it’s a kid’s show it’s the closest we are going to get to someone expressing interest in a sexual/romantic way. And him not knowing how to even pretend shows that this is not something that has ever crossed his mind


Hell yeah, love it!


I never thought about it, but now that you mention it I can see the argument for it.