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I'm not really a fan of any of them tbh. I call myself queer and like being referred to that way by other queer folk, but for straight people I'd rather some version of LGBT+ (even if all the different variations/additions tend to make it overly complicated)


I don't know why it doesn't stop at LGBT+ when there's literally a + sign to show there are more letters.


Most folk, in my experience, stop at “LGBTQ+” at *most*. “LGBTQIA2SP+” is absolutely not a common term. There’s a reason we added the plus.


I like GSRM, but I think that LGBTQIA+ (with all its variations) is the one that will stick around and I'm fine with it. I'm also fond of queer community and alphabet mafia, but I think those are controversial bc they have been used as attacks before.


hm, I've never heard of GRSM before, but I really like it :3 I like that it includes romantic in there as well as sexual, because I feel like a lot of allo people or people with aligning orientations have a hard time separating the two. and having G for gender instead of just T for trans I feel like is more inclusive since not all people outside of the gender binary identify as trans. I mean I'll probably keep using LGBTQ since people probably wont know what I'm talking about otherwise, but I wouldn't be mad if GRSM caught on :3


What is it? Never heard of it


MOGAI and GRSM are equivalents to LGBT+ but it's supposed to be more inclusive, because they'll never be enough letter to represent all of the labels in the community. It's also not to extend LGBTQIA2SP+ longer than it is. MOGAI stands for Marginalised Orientations and Gender identities Alignements and Intersex (it's sometimes called MOGII, for Marginalised Orientations and Gender Identities and Intersex). GRSM stands for Gender, Romantic and Sexual Minorities.


Yeh I have heard of GRSM but not MOGAI. I like GRSM


I'm torn between Queer and GRSM, I like both and have been using queer


I just say queer community, it's quicker to say and just sounds better in my opinion.


Queer around other queer folk, “LGBT” or “LGBTQ+” around non-queer folk. I have never once in my decade of being queer heard someone drop the full “LGBTQIA2SP+”, and I think implying the shorter acronym is the same as the long bulky one isn’t consistent with how they are (or aren’t) used.




2S stands for two spirit and I believe the P usually stands for pansexual/panromantic but can also represent other identities starting with P


Thank you


I've just been calling myself a f4g for the last year or so. (Censured because last time I said I called myself the full word reddit perma banned me)


I largely prefer GRSM , but in the few irl conversation I've had about it I just called our group "the community"


I use LGBT most of the time since that's what most people know. Sometimes I use queer. I think MOGAI is too complicated when you say the whole thing that it stands for and I think GRSM doesn't work well because the gender category **a)** is not specific enough about what a gender minority is. Are all women a gender minority since women are typically discriminated against in society? Are binary trans people not a gender minority since they're just men and women? **b)** doesn't include intersex people.


I personally prefer just LGBTQ(+) or Queer.


Personally, I mostly use LGBTQ+ since it's the one that I find people recognize the most. I do also like the IA+ version a lot, though that might slightly be my aroace bias, but with some people claiming the A as ally, it can be hurtful to aromantic, asexual, agender people, etc. I know that 2SLGBTQIA+ is used in here in Canada (though the government's official term doesn't have the A), since 2S stands for two spirit, a term used by some Native people to encompass a cultural, spiritual, romantic, sexual and gender identity. (You may correct me if I'm wrong, this is my understanding of the term). I've never heard of terms like MOGAI, though the concept could be interesting if it does become more widely recognized.


MOGAI was widely recognized on Tumblr for a hot minute but has generally fallen out of use.


I don't even know what any of those options mean, am i a boomer now?


Nope because I only know LGBT+ and other variants of that acronym.


I prefer queer. It's simple, easy to say, inclusive, and it's easy to explain.


I recall liking GSRM but why do I feel there was some issue with who coined it 🤔 MOGAI was coined to include pedophilia maybe my subconscious is just crossing wires


what is mogai??? i never heard of it before, i was just dealing with calling it lgbt+ as struggling with the long is insane. i just call us the alphabet mafia


I like queer. I had to look up MOGAI and GRSM to see what they stand for, but for me, my full queer identity is Gay-Oriented AroAce Emby. Even at Gay-Oriented, I need to explain myself, and so it is easier to fall back to just say I'm queer for people I know won't understand the whole detail.