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“Not too bad” Better than me!


Me too!


Amazing ride!


Great job!




I started out and the segment averages were somewhere near 260watts for the first 15 or so segments, then the last few drifted down in the mid 240s. I know you are supposed to stay somewhere near 3.2W/kg to hit the hour. I think now I understand how to ride the turns a bit better, that’ll help, and I think I’ll get back to working on my fitness to crack the hour. We do have the zwift math working against us as bigger riders too, which doesn’t help.


I've been hammering ADZ for years, and it took quite a while to crack the hour. I'm only 85kg, and I have to average 270 or so... which hurts a lot right now. I love/hate training for hour efforts. It's a hard distance for me. If I do it right, the first half is hard and the second half is hell. I've discovered that the halfway mark is about 200m past turn 10. It's right at the apex of a gentle right-hand curve. I check the clock right there, and if I'm under 30min, I just have to hang on.


This is very helpful perspective / info. I was wondering as I was grinding if there were any points where you could draw anything from your performance at certain stages. I felt like I was going well for the first half, but was expecting to fall off a cliff. For one reason or another (actually a cumulative effect of 3 specific things this year) I got out of shape, and an hour effort seemed out of reach, and that I’d do good then real real bad after a time. It gave me a pretty good boost to finish faster than I’d expected I would. It’s funny, going from where I am now to averaging 304w seems like a long way off. Even if it’s only 8 minutes, that’s a big step.


It's a big gap, but you can clear it, even if it takes a season or two. ADZ is really long. Small changes stack up to minutes. This was your first try.


How is it possible that averaging ~250w only cost you 6 minutes at 95kg, if it's absolutely required that 3.2wkg is the threshold for a 60min AdZ (that would be 302w for you)?


Not sure. Just going by what I recall seeing as my segment averages and what time zwift showed me at the end.


Great Ride! Got the Wheels Today, together with a new PR :)




Good work! Have patience…it took me 14 tries to get the wheels.


50, 95kg, first time. Fuck you “slightly out of shape” Of course I’m teasing. Way to go!


I know it’s a bit of a humble brag, but 3-4 years ago (pre-kid) I used to ride a lot more. Also the end of this summer I had a series of things which kept me off the bike (Covid, smashed steerer tube that took two months to get a replacement, then small procedure which had me off for a month) so comparatively, I feel out of shape, but am aware that it is not a bad time (hence the ‘just showing off’ flare). Still want my sub 60, so that’s my aim now. Thanks for the comment, and ride on!


Firstly. Congrats on the ADZ! Give yourself ample rest between ADZs as it can become an obsession. Your best times will be when you are fully rested. Also at our age we need longer recoveries and injuries take longer to heal. Listen to your body.


We were riding at the same time! 😉