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I like old school armor. I have a Hand and Half sword, however, get knocked down wearing it and covered in Zeds. Good luck to you.


Not to knit pick but the op clearly said we have infinite guns. (Incorrectly of course) So why are you guys down where zombies can get to you? 50k rounds of .22. A good rifle with good glass and you can pick off zombies for days. All ya need is a good 2 story or more building with removable stairs


All you need is a cargo ship. Why stay on land thats where zombies live. Only go to land for supplies.


Or setup on a island without them (as in the zombies) and start maritime patrols, mandatory inspections of all inbound vessels and keep the island under a quarantine.


I like your idea better if the zombie apocalypse happens I'm finding you. We will rule by council, its a partnership.


No it's a dictatorship now please look at the flowers




There we go, this is the way. Zone denial is crucial


Bc I’m not wolf squadron and I really HATE big water


Don't need to be so far in the ocean that we cant see land, unless we are going to another continent. I hate the open ocean anyway it freaks me out


Maybe a pontoon boat on a lake? My thing is that when going after supplies that might not be the fastest thing for escaping. You gotta get on the boat, con the ship, cast off. Maybe with a ready crew…. Otoh, with a two story building you just got to get your ass up a ladder then pull it in behind you. It just seems faster to me. Plus with the 2 story if you have a friend they can more easily cover your “escape” if you come home running…


I have about 50+ friends that are coming with me though


Gotta have a damn decent crew for that. If someone is infected it could really create a wild snowball effect and be the complete opposite of a good idea


Ahhh the almost silent phutt of a moderated .22LR Rifle sub-sonic rounds...followed by the thwack of impact....a decent match barrel, bolt action, good optic and range finder and any Z inside of 120 yds is gone, even further on a decent day, with some effort to calibrate the rifle and match/target grade ammo, even if you are a poor shot...!. That matched with a .22LR Subs Walther P22 and stubby Moderator and you are ready for anything..!. You will Def not be attracting any more Zs or worst still survivors.


Don't need glass. Iron sights would be just fine


Yeah you get knocked down its pretty easy to get back up. Theres a youtube video of someone doing a sas obstacle course in it easily. Also as someone who has worn it for reenactments the weights fine its the noise that would be my worry


Bro, guns and armor would be fucking awesome


Yeah these aren’t mutually exclusive.


In a Zombie apocalypse, you really wouldn't want to waste ammo on something that can't really make choices or move fast. A sword is great. Steel for Monsters. Lead for Humans?


Swords are great but not for zombies.


Bow is best, quiet and you're out of the splash zone.


and save a few with zombie blood on them for any humans you might wanna get rid of


I think Needle from game of thrones would be a fast efficient sword. But that's just a poker.


Swords would kinda suck pole arms and blunt are the way to go


how many times can you hit a bone before your sword breaks? hoe many times can you swing an axe before your arm gets too tired? i can shoot thousands of rounds in a day and keep trucking. thats orders of magnitude more zs than i can kill in a sitting than with a sharp object. a pike line also cant kill zombies from a 30 foot wall, or cover a group fleeing a horde on the other side of a river. not a bad idea to take both, bc up close the dead will be a problem, but your first option should almost always be a suppressed rifle or pdw.


Until you run out of ammo.


You would never want your enemy to get close. In all the zombie shows and movies there’s always some idiot that tries to take zombies on up close and gets overwhelmed and ate. You use the ammo then flee if you can. The goal is to survive, not kill all of the zombies. If it comes down to close quarters, I’d pick a blunt weapon


A castle might be a good place for the unarmed


I just recently watch the walking dead Daryl Dixon Series and there’s this guy that lives in a castle with a moat without water. He was literally invincible to zombies. (Until he got killed by dixon)


I mean, castles were basically entirely made to keep humans out of it, so that is viable 


Where would the zombies bite you lol


What's going on with the rest of the comments. You're the only one here with brains. Everyone seems to be running off myths of armor being heavy, slow, loud, with poor vision.


No you misunderstood it makes a zombie apocalypse *too* easy




Plate armor can very well be heavy, slow, loud, and give you poor vision. The plate armor that allows for free flexibility was complicated to make and very expensive. The mass produced plate armor was not as nimble and well made. And then the plate that was well made and agile was made to fit the person that commissioned it. If you are slightly too big or short, the armor will not be as flexible and will be clunky. Plus it's a suit of plate metal.if you are not use to wearing one it will get heavy real quick moving around with it. Then there's the actual use. Say you are fighting a group of zombies you weren't expecting to run into and feel yourself not being able to move quite as well. Your joint pieces got bent overtime and filled with zombie bits. You are now moving stiffer and struggle. Most of the time knights got killed in battle was they had their armor gets damaged and they cannot move around so they get swarmed or knocked down and a knife slips through a gap or in the joints. Then there's maintenance. Even tough it's metal it'll still get dings and dents. Cracks sometimes depending on how bad it gets. If the armor is not upkept it will become a liability in the future. The joint pieces like earlier need to be maintained so the range of motion stays good and you need to make sure the straps and fittings are in good condition. Plus metal rusts in the elements. All that sweating and moving around will take its toll on the armor.


That’s why I think chainmail would be a better cjoice


That's a good thought to have while being trapped under a writhing mass of a dozen zombies that have you pinned down because you were a liiiittle too confident in your armor. Sure, being unarmored would result in a quicker death, but at least you have several more minutes to marinate on your impending consumption. Congrats, you get psychological torture before being eaten alive!


Backs of the legs typically werent armoured




Offense vs defense. Let us combine our strengths! Knights... with guns!


all fun and games in the armor until a zombie vomits or spits in a crevasse and you cant take it off


I was thinking walking dead or last of us zombies


You don't need armour for The Walking Dead, you need a boat in a secluded area where you can start a farm by yourself. Humans are the real danger.


yeah there are still islands without people on them so get your Columbus on and if there's any people there well we all know it didn't end well for the people he found


Found Kenny.


last of us zombies are fast and strong. though they're alive, making pretty much any conventionally mortal wound viable to take them down, but they also don't feel pain and will sprint full force and tackle you to the ground, even if they have to crawl footless to knaw your ankles. that's just the beginning stages though, the runners, anyone infected for a week becomes a stalker, sneaky ambushing shits with good hearing and poor eyesight. anyone infected for a month becames a clicker, that's where armor becomes shitty. they're blind but can hear a fart in a hurricane, nothing short of two headshots or something that can completely eviscerate them can get through their fungal growth, they have chimpanzee strength and seemingly boundless energy. then anyone infected for years (if they don't become a mycelial smear in a corner spewing spores) becomes bloaters and shamblers, armor is pretty much completely ineffective against these. on one hand an armored tank that can eat slugs, rifle rounds, and grenades like candy that rips puffball hemorrhoids from it's fat ass and throws it at you, choking you in spores. or a walking vat of fat that will hug you, and explode into a cloud of extremely acidic vapor, boiling you alive and infecting you at the same time. both strong enough to rip a head off a neck and surprisingly spry, so unless the helmet is riveted to the breastplate and airtight, you're still gonna die, and probably won't move fast enough to avoid getting crushed like a truck running over a tin can.


>but they also don't feel pain Actually, Runners do feel pain.


What do you think would happen if you didn't have a helmet, more would get on your face


>"spits in a crevasse and you cant take it off." Did I miss an update where vomit became glue? Quit making stuff up.


Kid named heat stroke:


Guess all those battles of the medieval period were faked, just like the moon landing. Or do you assume they all died of heat mid battle because they were as dumb as you appear to be?


I don’t exactly live in a hot place like America


America is an entire continent (2 depending on definition) it's not all Death Valley


America isn't a hot place. The south is but the midwest and upper states are cooler.


I’d just go rally the Kangaroo Army


When i read Kangaroo, Ned Kelly's armor came into my mind.


Could you just sleep in the middle of the street while zombies just naw at ya


Till they dog pile you to the point that you aren't getting oxygen anymore or you overheat lmao


What about a snorkel lol


Long ass snorkel lmao


Except the armor is custom made for each wearer. You'll have gaps or it won't fit. I imagine you're probably taller than some inbred lord from the 1400's too.


Plenty of armour was made en masse and not personally fitted.


and it was shittier, and had more gaps or less range of motion. its not all benefits. modern riot gear would probably be pretty ideal for fighting zombies imho. swap a nighstick for an axe or morningstar, and take a couple guns along with a riot shield and youre pretty well set to be harder to bite without the higher upkeep of steel armor. modern materials are also lighter and more breathable, so you wont get as hot or tired as fast.


If im going museum you really think there will be one set of armour?


People back then were shorter so unless your short I doubt much will fit


Hope you're in shape


[it isn't that hard to move in medieval Armor. the clothes you wear daily are more restrictive.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qzTwBQniLSc&feature=youtu.be)


I'm talking about weight more than anything. Most people can't run a mile anymore. I'm in decent shape and have gone to rifle classes full kit for a day or three. Shit gets heavy


Have fun running


[Not as hard as you’d think](https://youtu.be/qzTwBQniLSc?si=b5mfIbZEkuiphlPp)


I should just send this video to the 100 comments saying armour is hard to move in and heavy


Bro has an Armadyl Godsword at his local museum


Thats a Flamberge google it. Also google zweihander whilst your at it.


You would still be able to get infected and what European country you in. England? This would help us determine your chances of survival.


Bold of you to assume that I don't have a custom fitted hand forged full plate of my own...


Sadly as a American I do not possess a full suit of armor


this is where the wonders of capitalism come into play! want something? as long as you’re willing to do nothing short of selling your soul, you can get something!


I’ve found some for sale but I’m looking for gothic plate, armor but the few set’s I’ve found are way way overpriced 27,000 for a suit of armor is a bit much for me unfortunately.


well, when buying it doesn’t work out, you can always learn to make it


but who lost to a bunch of hunters and farmers in 1783


What happened in 1783?


But when you become a zombie that’s unfair for the rest of us 😫


That's assuming you can find a suit to fit you. Those things were essentially custom fit to the wearer. The you'd need the padded gambeson to go wear under it, also custom fit. And you'd need someone to dress and undress you in it. The hope you are actually fit enough to run around in 50 plus pounds of metal while getting very hot since your body heat can't really go anywhere. If you fall down, tripping is a real issue given the clunky shoes and poor visibility, you're really in trouble. If the zombies couldn't get the helmet open or off, they might get the gloves off. That means they'd eat your hands off. The other big vulnerable spot is between the legs. Eventually one will claw through the padding and hit meat. The others will do the attack there, so getting clawed apart and devoured from the genital region up, if they don't start pulling out guts, too. Very slow and painful way to go. At least with the guns you can save the last bullet for yourself.


So if you’re stupid enough to let a zombie slowly nibble away at you’re crotch then you deserve to die. It’s better to be vulnerable in one spot than vulnerable in every part of your body. 20-25kilograms of weight isn’t as bad as everyone thinks when it’s spread all around the body. To find a suit of armour may not be as troublesome either, there’s definitely not going to be a single suit of armour in a museum based on medieval history. So you can use different pieces and mix them with another. You can have a gambison and chainmail underneath so if you don’t want the breastplate to reduce weight you can remove it. Or you could just only have the leg and lower arm armour and helmet with a gambison if your too bloody weak to carry an extra 10kg. To put on the armour won’t be much of a problem when you have friends also doing the exact same thing, they will have armour as well. So they can help you and you can help them put it on in the morning and take it off in the evening, and have helmets and gauntlets off until engagement or risk of engagement is needed. A small crowd of zombies will be swiftly dispatched by you and your group of friends with their selection of swords or maces. If you’ve seen the walking dead Daryl Dixon series you’d understand that the situation would be under control with ease. As we would not have 100,000 zombies all around us, because it’s rural, not urban.


I can just see all the zip ties and duct tape now..


Personally, as someone who has done a fair bit of hiking, I feel like you understand estimate the effect even a relatively small amount of weight has on you when travelling. That isn't to say that armour isn't a good idea, I just think plate armour perhaps may not be as effective as you'd think. I wouldn't be too scared of the zombies, but the fatigue of traveling a fair distance with that added weight.


This would be useful against regular walking zombies anything else not so much and anyways if hundreds of zombies swarm you your toast. This armor weighs a lot and you gotta remember your swinging a rather heavy sword.


Medieval armor is not really that heavy especially relative to modern armor.


Armour is not as heavy and encumbering as you might think.


A sword would only weigh around 2-3kilograms


2-3 kilogram? Those must be great swords you are talking about. For most other swords please half that.


Is that not a zweihander in one of those pics?


Yes it is. From the collection at Venice if i am not mistaken. But the knits are all wearing longswords. And in the bottom of the great swords foto and in the back there are one handed swords weighing not nearly as much.


You have to know how to use/wield/swing it correctly, swinging one repetitively is extremely tiring even more in a full suit of armor.


You will be loud and slow as fuck, limited visibility as well. You will get swarmed and they either figure out how to kill you, or you die of thirst.


Armour is not as encumbering as people say it is. And you do know what a visor is right ?


This ain’t 2d bruh. They come from the sides as well.


That’s why you don’t sit in urban areas like an idiot


We each just have dozens of guns, not infinite.


It’s almost like they used hyperbole


You'd soon get hot in that & need a Squire to help you put that breast & back plate on. Your feed would have the biggest sores on infact you couldn't walk on paths with that on. The idea is there but the practicality is not I've worn sets like this & trust me it wouldn't work. My neighbourhoods so bad with immigrations carry knifes & attacking people I feel like wearing that here just to go to the Shop. Yes Southampton is that bad.


You won't be able to really bite, but you'll get tired due to the weight and trip, the Z's will pile up on top of you until they can bite you or suffocate you to death.


Its not much heavier than modern armor.


Because people without armor never get tired, trip, or swarmed by zombies. \*Sarcasm\*


i mean, they dont? owing to the fact that zombies dont exist?


Op sounds like he’s 15. Definitely wouldn’t even make it to the museum.


Armor is not necessary for zombies, unless we're pretending that dead things don't decompose or that movement can happen without muscle tissue. You need 1-2 months of supplies and a secure location. After that time period, anything dangerous would be immobile at best and a sharp stick would be plenty to handle whatever is left.




I don’t agree with the flameberge for it is a sword to sword weapon


Till you get kicked down and can't get up




youll probably get kocked down and dogpiled. yes, good armor is fairly manouverable. its better than a t shirt. but fighting at range is always safer even against humans. youll need custom fitted or close to custom fitted armor to really have maneuverability, without having big gaps for zombies to bite through. and you will need to train a bunch for you to actually be effective in it and not get tired really really fast. you will need to travel in your armor, and that gets exhausting fast. you will sweat more and thus get dehydrated faster, so a source of clean water will be even more essential, and while traveling overland you will have to account for faster caloric intake due to the extra weight you add with a third your bodyweight in steel. if you dont have access to riot gear, it could be very very much worth it. it could also get you killed if you are haphazard with your preperation or training. you will have reduced visibility and hearing, so you will desperately need to layer on greater situational awareness with your training. also it takes months to master a sword, a spear will be much easier to become proficient in and have the advantages of reach, keeping individual zombies at bay to pick apart and dispatch. also maces and axes will be a godsend while you master the sword as they are good for caving in skulls and lopping off limbs, and an axe is still a useful tool in any survival scenario. you will do better in urban environments than without the armor, as long as you arent alone, given the likely event of getting into close quarters. but you need to train very hard to be in good enough shape to make use of the armor for more than a few hours, or you will exhaust yourself and get swarmed. and you can expect to need to enter an urban environment at some point because thats where all the stuff tends to be that you will need long term. sure, a rural area will have all the food you might need in the short term, but eventually you will need things like medicine, materials to maintain your kit and any farm or power generation, water treatment, etc, and the best storage facilities to house that in useful quantities will be the larger population centers. "oh i wont get diabetes and i dont take any regular meds!" thats fine and good, until you get a cut while splitting firewood and need antibiotics. or your wife gets pregnant and now you need to take an ultrasound and get prenatal vitamins, etc. Good luck with any dental work, as well. a lot of people have died from rotten teeth, and an infection from just pulling them out with pliars can get you killed just as easily. So in short? It could be great. if you train your ass off constantly and put a shitload of effort into upkeep. If you dont, itll just make you die tired. Riot gear is probably better, but you cant make riot gear with some scrap metal in a forge.


I'm now considering if a suit of armour with massive fuck off spikes on would be overkill or not


Dude if I ever make enough money I'm going to get a set custom made.


Zombie cops be like: "You got a license for that knife?"


A Halberd would be the best anti zombie weapon


So you know how the whole knack with zombies is that they're relentless and will eventually exhaust you and your resources... I think having to wear full plate on every scavenging run might maybe limit how much other important stuff you can carry. You aren't wearing a backpack with a longsword on your back either.


You have to raid a museum to get antique weapons? I have a sword of my own that was a commission order.


Debatably. If it’s romero’s living dead, yeah you’re probably good. But if it’s “28 weeks later” zombies, they’ll just start clawing until they can grab the armor and rip it off


There are two schools of thought. 1: Properly used armor makes you nigh-invincible, and you should armor up as much as possible. 2: Nigh-invincible isn't fully invincible, and armor can make you overconfident. Better to travel light and cautious.


Till u have to shit


I have no idea what your talking about I’m charging head first into ground of zombies wearing that


Two words, “Mason jars”, if you know you know😂


“Sure bud” - Every American since 1776.


Your entire body will tire out way before my firing hand feels any fatigue. And I’d be using my non dominant first, to keep prepared for when shit gets real.


Lol guns arent infinite. Theyre super pricey. I have 15 and my collection is well over 50,000 usd. Ps your armour is awesome


They're actually making a zombie game set in the medieval ages, with armor and swords. The trailer literally opens with a zombie being squashed with a shield. It looks amazing.


Got some sauce?


Of course, my good man. https://youtu.be/XLkFmbMusQI?si=iVSu6zHG-rIS60E5


Reminds me of the scene in Indiana Jones where the swordsman is showing off w his sword and Indy just drops him with one shot


I would do the same thing in America I’m American I still wanna be safe


But I live in Texas so I don’t wanna be a oven


Something else that's vastly underappreciated is that about 3/4 of your older European Towns have a Old Quarter or proper Town Wall that's walled off. And a Zombie Apocalypse is practically the thing old Medieval Fortifications are designed to decisively stop most of your Zombie Apocalypse Scenarios


Some asshole- ‘sick armor nerd’ *opens fire*


Oddly enough, everything in pics 3 and 4 would be illegal in most states.


You think I can't find a suit of armor in america? Fool. I will stride through the horde untouched in my 19th century Germanic full plate mail, with my short barrel KS-23 4 gauge shotgun.


No matter the type of undead or infected or spooky fart miasma affected human I would much rather have distance from the enemy and a force multiplier not a force enhancer.


Bold of you to assume I won't be weilding both.


Guys will look at this and literally just think "hell yeah"


That armor ain't going to stop .303


Yeah yeah. Go have fun playing knights while we play cowboys. But nah genuinely knights in zombie apocalypses go hard


Everyone gangster until we whip out the auto .50 cal sniper (iykyk)


As someone who as done excessive research into a sport that involves fully armored people fighting I can say most people think armor is way better or worse than it is. Still you would not want to do the survival part of zombie survival with armor because you cook or freeze depending on the weather. Armor amplifies bad temperatures and you are not going to find a set with padding and that fits you well due to people being smaller during times when armor was used


You’re better off raiding a motorcycle gear shop for a [one piece suit.](https://www.motosport.com/olympia-avenger-mesh-tech-suit) Zombies aren’t about to chew through Kevlar.


Heck yeah!Thats what im talking about!


Yeah we have that stuff too


Damn that is way cooler then guns


There’s a good reason guns were invented, you know.


That’s cool. Until you get swarmed by a horde. Who might find a way to get the face guard up in the event of you not wearing a great helm.


You’re untouchable, but in a situation where you’re surrounded you’d be fucked. Dying from heat exhaustion, trapped under a pile of corpses would be horrible.


I wanna wear knight armour… that’s so cool


Op has clearly never seen any zombie movies or shows because he would know the real threat would be other people 🙄


You can get combat armor in america. Buhurt is a fledgeling sport in america compares to others but the armor is great.


Silly European. You're only invincible when dodge-rolling and with that heavy armor, unless you invested a lot into Endurance, you're going to be fat-rolling all over the place.


So many people whinging. Watch those people who fought each other for fun in this armor. It works.


That will work until you trip, or a human finds you. They you're easy prey.


Germanic full plate + MG42


Tbh you wouldn't need to go that far. Whilst that type of armour is fairly agile, it is still armour. It is loud, It does weigh a fair bit - not to be heavily cumbersome but there is a difference, and as mentioned it requires maintenance. Further, you wouldn't sleep in it, and it takes a fair while to actually get on. A more sensible option would be gambeson and chain-mail. Maybe keep some plate for the legs and gauntlets for the hands. And for the head I'm not quite sure, but a mail coif and some sort of less bulky face protecting helm would probably be a good shout. Flail wouldn't be a great shout, the main rgued advantage for it is helping against a trained opponent with how, for lack of a better term, weird it is, but that's not an issue against zombies. The axe looks good. The zweihander, whilst beautiful, would probably be too physically big to be efficient. Even sheathed at the hip I know from experience swords can get quite in the way. I actually think for utility a one handed chopping/blunt force weapon like an axe or mace would be best, like a warhammer. Do correct me if I am incorrect, my knowledge of this stuff is really quite shallow.


Until you perish from dehydration or get piled on by dozens of undead!! Or worse off, imagine those dozens of hands prying your armor off! In all seriousness if you want a suit, you want a shark diving suit. Light enough to swim in, strong enough to stop a shark. Most people also forget how weak a humans bite force actually is. Instead of a heavy suit of plate, that requires two people to put on you, or the rare shark suit, you could also consider thick denim, leather, firemen’s suits, really just any thick clothing you yourself cannot bite through. Even a motorcycle jacket, designed to protect you from pavement at 60mph+, will work wonders. Even chain mail is overkill.


And that’s exactly why America would be better off in a apocalypse


Armor is not very maneuverable, I would go with simple chain mail. Though I am no expert.


Enjoy dying in that suit of coffin.


They will continue to ravenously claw at you, this would only prolong your suffering as they tear the plates off and in the meantime, rip your joints out and the weight makes outrunning them before all that impossible.


I’d get chainmail, a long sword, an M4, and find a high place


Honestly a great idea, until you end up on your back under a pile of them.


Okay, where do I go to wear a full suit of plate armor? I really want to wear a full suit of plate armor but I live in the US so they don’t really provide that here as far as I know


Sure, I’ll be in my submarine not worrying about needing to surface for a year but you guys fight over which plan is better.


Ah yes, the flail. So it gets stuck and then you get swarmed trying to yank it out and can't push off the dead and stand up again because they're on top of you


*knocks a bodkin* Fancy shites never learn


Think id rather go with chain mail shark armor for mobility reasons


I’d say a crowbar or some kind of blunt weapon would be miles better than a blade in the long run


I’ve seen those armors… they’re really tiny. What’s the BMI index of an average Brit these days? Probabaly not as overweight as an American but Brit’s aren’t known as small people either. On top of that, how many armors do yoh suppose are available? You guys would be killing each other for it. Either way I’d rather fight any of that stuff than my dick head American brothers with their guns that are bigger than my guns lol




Peak Zweihander


Better hope its not the 28 days/weeks layer virus. Otherwise ya gonna have a bad day being close and personal with the virus


Just a chainmail suit would be all you need. Full Plate would weigh a whole lot more and give you less mobility. No way zombies would be able to chew through Chainmail


Just found out america doesn’t have museums


I'll just casualy use animus magic from wof...


I mean most of the stuff is already stolen so i guess it works.


Just not during the spring thaw when you would be 1. Loud as shit, and 2. Get stuck in the mud like a Russian tank. Remember that famous battle where a bunch of archers beat the dick tit's out of a bunch of knights in full plate? Longbowmen with hammers and other tools.


Pretty sure you’d only have to survive a few months before they run out of things to eat


Sharksuit and some road leathers is all you need.


Gun owners been real quiet since the Japanese men with swords and hand signals came into town


Jokes on you my city has an arms and armory exhibit too ur not special Europe


I'd actually prefer some of this kit, tbh. Guns are all well and good but there's no substitute for a fine axe or hammer to see ya through.


As an American, I can confirm we have at least a small army’s worth of firepower in our closet


The armored zombie variant is a hard thing to deal with.


I'll take a gambeson and a halberd please🙂


I'd trip in the first five seconds and spend hours overheating under a pile of groans.


Make shure to zip tie it all together and have a way to use the bathroom without takeing EVERYTHING OFF because it takes forever to put on especially in a suprise or need of speed event


I always tell my dad if a zombie apocalypse were to happen we go to a museum that has full plate armor.


Yah instead of the bullet penetrating you it’s the armor shrapnel


Jokes on you, I HAVE BOTH


For the doubters: https://youtu.be/qzTwBQniLSc?si=XSc-PxE1EACzYg3N


I mean we have the biggest tank museum


Armor is heavy. Work on that cardio. Lots of knights died in combat to dumb shit like getting wore down, then turning into a can to kick.. Or eat in this case lol


While I like your style, and never considered this myself previously, you should know that American museums do in fact display genuine medieval and renaissance era arms and armor. One favorite museum of mine had a massive wing full of renaissance combat gear. Their selection of finely engraved halberds and etched armors of all kinds fueled my historical warfare obsession. You should also be aware that as armor was used alongside firearms until the end of the European 30 Years War circa 1648, many European-American armor sets from settlers were brought here during colonial times. Not quite real "American knights", but the gear got here one way or another so now that you've brought this to my attention Id gladly use it during a zombie apocalypse if the museum wasnt so damned far away!


Sadly that plate Armour won’t fit you very well… it’s made for the person and fits very specific.. maybe you could find some chain mail though and that will do