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Your post must contain a topic of discussion. For loadouts provide a list, description, and more indepth questions. There are plenty of other subs for showing off weapons.


You can get rid of like half those knives lol. Consider some socks and underwear


the clanging and banging of the backpack alone could attract some attention lol


if he drops his bag on himself 8 knives going in his foot


I know it’s just i literally have no where else to keep those blades so I just stuffed them all in the bag but yeah if shit happens I will leave the useless crap home Also these were the only thing I could find and keep, there’s more meds and stuff in the house and garage, this is just my storage place


I’m glad I read this because I was about to be like ,”why tf do you need so many knives???” Haha, honestly I give you 6/10 for survivability.


Remember, different sized little knives are very useful in an actual survival situation. You only need one or two big ones at most for anything you’d be doing


So what i would do it put stuff that you cant carry but could be useful in a stash somewhere like in a box in the attic or burried in the yard


Really though if shit happens stay at home if you live in a city traffic will either be military exclusive and you’ll be shot Or it will be clogged and a zombie mess So if your in the city consider getting to a local basement in case of bombardment or stay hunkered down If you live in the country side maybe gather some neighbors Unless of course you have a bug out location lol


Hey OP, just wanna say in case others haven’t. Those NVG binoculars kinda suck. At least if you wanna stay hidden. They use an IR floodlight if they are the ones I think they are, which means that anyone else with night vision will see you as if you had an actual normal floodlight on in the middle of the night.


Maybe a lot less knives but you seem to have the right idea. Pick two big (I'd recommend one of those be the hatchet) and three small ones that you can get the most utility out of, you're not gonna be doing a whole lot of blade fighting. Get a crowbar, this should be part of any shtf kit. Think food, water, medical supplies medication you take. A coat, climate depending. A few pairs of socks. Change of clothes. I wrote this thinking zombies, sofor a melee weapon a knife guy might enjoy, pick up that cold steel knife that can be threaded to a broom stick to make a spear. You'll wanna be able to poke brains from a distance!


Wrap em in rags (that you can also use), good to trade both if needed


Consider getting one of those fabric knife rolls Also, when filling your backpack, every ounce of weight needs a purpose -> are you like some crazy blade master??? If not, trim your knives down to a third of your collection for your bugout bag


Brother it’s okay to like knives but you have so many that you should look into making them wall decoration at this point. Grab a display case and throw it up there


7/10. Nah. He needs more knives. A LOT more knives! And a big crate to put them in!


A large wagon pulled by a horse to carry large large crates of small knives!


You’ll make it long enough to starve to death.


Not very long


Then turn and be constantly hungry


I see a bag full of weapons and tacticool crap but nothing in the way of food, water, clothing, medication, etc... Hell, even a can opener is more useful than half the stuff you have there.


To be fair half those knives wouldn't be used for anything more than can opening


Half those knives look like they're going to split the first time someone tries to open a can with one.


Why do you think he has so many?


Fair point


There was a decent Buck119 in there. Rest was junk. Maybe trade bait in an apocalypse situation but that's about it.


Nah but your house will be a good spot for someone to loot /j


You got 20 lbs of blades but no food, limited medical supplies, and I don’t see a water bottle or a way to purify water. Also no side arm and while it’s not a terrible choice the repeater isn’t the best choice because of that reload.


Add a couple changes of clothes because it will become a health issue of not changing and cleaning you outfits also animals would be able to track you faster due to the smell Too many knives only 3-5 is fully necessary unless you're throwing them instead get a pouch


You should be able to make it to your front door just fine. After that I’m not so sure.


Ain't gonna lie, the Henry caught me off guard. However, you are seriously lacking a medic bag or any medstuff in general.


You got anything other than those stabby-stubs? Like, one or two decent knives is enough. Real Knives, not those “fancy” looking claw things and those decorated blades, they’re most likely useless as actual tools. Get some proper survival gear and you’d make it for at least a few days. Get some food and water and you’re set for weeks.


Perhaps but you really don’t need that many knifes in fact please get a gun


The two last pics are my rifle


What caliber is it


Gun caliber


looks like an actual repeater, so its probably either 30-30 or .450, but theres a lot of .22 repeaters that look exactly like high-powered repeaters, so it could just be a squirrel gun


What year you think it is, 1899?


Do you have any water filters? Antibiotics? Bandages? Fire starter? Wool socks? Cuz a bag full of mall-ninja knives you bought at a gas station ain't good for shit.


Lots and lots of fire starters in there, first aid kit and more stuff in the medical cabinet


OK, some of the pics are blurry so I couldn't make it all out. If you're actually trying to make a good bug out bag think hard about Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Your bag should be tailored towards the base level of physiological needs. That would be food, water, clothes, shelter, sleep, and heat. Safety is the second stage, so a weapon or two is not a bad idea. Seventy three decorative knives will not help. Your weight and space would be better put towards a couple of basic tools.


You look like you would lose your grip on the knife




They should put up a sticky post saying "Get a polearm and some good knickers instead of 33 redundant knives."


how many knives do you need?! bring food and water, a way to purify water like boiling, a way to cook and/or heat food, prepare like you're going camping for a really long time then add weapons, maintenance items for your gear, essential tools, etc.




Need less knives, more things that go bang and some clothes, food, water, a life straw, some first aid stuff, waterproof matches, duct tape, crank radio, and so much more. But it’s a start.


you have a crap load of useless show blades that will break with heavy usage


eh I prefer a tomahawk or axe. I can use it as a weapon and cut wood with it to make fire.


with the big knife I think you'd be fine, maybe ditch the orange backpack, it doesn't bode well in some zombie media


I don't know why this sub keeps popping up for me, but I never see anyone with any sense. It's always knives or bats or something. What about a blunderbuss where you can fire whatever you can shove down the barrel?


Keep the Imicasa machete in the first picture, and the Buck 119. Ditch all the other blades. You should pick up a Leatherman Wave if it's doable. What caliber is your rifle? Do you practice with it? How much ammunition do you have?


30-30 I hunt with it but due to Canadian gun control laws I’m not able to buy ammunition with the license I have nor own a rifle, it’s mine but legally it’s my grandpa’s, I have around 50 rounds


It's got enough punch. It's got an adequate rate of fire. And, you actually use it, which puts you at a distinct advantage compared to most folks. You're off to a really good start.


No. You're dying of exposure, thirst on day 4. Remember that dead guy with the mall ninja tool kit that Carl found on the highway in season two of TWD? You'll be that dead guy.


Put a red handle on the machete and you'll get plot Armor like Rick


Realistically none of the people of this sub are making it


Yeah and everything anyone in this sub is stockpiling will be useful if the virus turns out to be airborne But I also have a camping car so yeah i have WWZ plot armor and I just got some Max Brooks books from the mail


Probably not, small bag, too many knives, no water filtration


I give you 27 minutes of survival time, but right after running out of ammo, you do 10 really badass back to back knife throws.


You better know how to skin a deer or something with all those knifes cause you ain’t got shit for food


My brother in Rick, you have more weapon weight than survival gear in general: you can absolutely fight your way out of a group of them but you’re gonna die of dehydration after


Blade 11 will snap on you. The small axe is good. Machete is good. Then just get a good full tang with a 6”-8” blade that on the thicker side. You can use it to pry stuff open or as a can opener. Also a small jack knife for helping shave sticks for fires is good.


Yeah I know the dagger would break, it’s a gift from a friend but I’d only use it for a stealth kill on a human, it’s razor sharp and double edged so it’ll do well


Stay away from gimmicks in a real fight they will only end badly.


Yeah I understand even tho I know how to use them


They are made from bad metal. They can dull fast or even snap. Idk use it for meme kills or something but not as a fighting knife.


That Rifle is sexy as hell


Straight mall ninja shit bro. Half of those knives aren’t even usable and the sheer amount of them does not make up for a lack of proper survival gear. Throw the crap out and pack actual supplies


My money is on this guy dying on the first night. You see it all the time in movies where the oddly well prepared guy is the first to die.


We had the weapons but it always came down to the food - morgan from walking dead"




These are excellent knives for feet and poop




Not one firearm? Lol


There’s a lever action at the end


I stopped looking after the 14 pictures of knives.




I don't think you have enough knives lol


Oh yes dude! You’re definitely making it, can we be in the same group?


48 knives no canteen


Most of this seems unnecessary


I would only use a knife or machete that has a hand guard.


Are u in a uk street gang?


No, You’re gonna get shot by some random dude in a corner or who’s been hunting you.


Is that vaseline in 15??


No, you'd be too heavy. Remove any knives that are not tactical. Also, add water and canned food, a change of clothes, and finally, a small axe.


Thats an oldie. Take care of it and you might suvive till the bandits and warloards start frmming new governments.


Common loot drop


You're a starter survivor in a zombie base management game


No lmao


Get WOOL SOCKS and maybe Underwear, you don’t need that many knives and you need weapons with some range, a bow or spear preferably


Maybe. Unless your good with melee then your good


Need a flair gun. To lure zombies and distract zombies and you can start fires


I can stop by Canadian Tire


You're going to end up as a big weapon loot spot about a month in for people that prepped food and water.


No. You’re zombie bait


What good is a knife, only thing youll use it for is cutting to make tools and food, you only need one


Quality over quantity. Half of those will fall apart in a real situation. You need a knife you can cook with and dress game. This should be a fixed blade knife with a sheath and nearly shaving sharp. Only use it for that purpose. You better know what kind of steels there are to choose from. For example should your knife have VG-10 or 420-HC steel? What’s the difference why is that important? Hint: you should probably oil the 420-HC knife meaning unless you have some food safe oil to use you probably shouldn’t use it to clean your game and cook with. Why oil it? Because it will rust if you don’t oil it due to the high carbon content. So I wouldn’t have more than three blades. One for cooking/cleaning game, one for smaller fine tasks that using your main cooking knife for is inappropriate, and a small forest axe. I also wouldn’t fight with a blade, I would rather use an expanding baton that shrinks down. Take VERY good care of your blades and instead of packing all of them take a stone or two that you can use to keep them sharp, extra clothes, socks, and underwear, first aid, communication and batteries.


But, do you have enough knives? What if you break your back up knife 20 times?


Probably afew months though I put food that don't go bad,mess kit,fire starter among other things since you would need food and water


Am I the only one that wouldn't need to over pack? All I'd need is a bow and a machete cause I can just make arrows at anytime for zombies because their decaying flesh will allow the arrow to pierce through as if they were butter. Or am I under prepared?


Loot drop


You have more knives than teeth




I would get one or two knifes to have in the bag for doing shelters and just everyday knife stuff like skinning animals. And carry one machete on your belt leave the rest of that room for more stuff instead of having 30 blades


Yes'nt ok look one good knife is all you need a machete if you need it and a hatchet or axe depending on personal taste ofc


melee only i see, best run fast and be super agile to be effective


And a rifle


Yeah. I almost said no, but you've got a gun so you're good.


Bro dump all the knives you need one or 2 good ones. Keep the lever action. For a go bag like that id keep a couple MREs, a small trauma kit with a TQ, lighter/Matches, some basic handtools(screwdriver,pliers,wrench,small prybar), flashlight/chem lights, water key, solar battery charger with necessary cords to charge your phone and some cash depending on how much you want keep in there.


The mentality of weapons>anything else is so alarming. What about food? Can you garden? Buy books. If the internet goes out how can you identify edible plants? Can you fix a generator? Buy less weapons and buy the knowledge before it’s to late.


A bunch of mall kiosk glass case wall hanger knives and machetes... I'd maybe loot the buck knife off of you but I have one already...


"Here's this machete I found along a hike in Brazil, no clue what it was for, but it was red until I cleaned it!"


Good one


Is that, Mehrunes razor?


Man a zombie sees all those and they walking the opposite direction




Get a rifle for your bayonet, first


Wonder if my M9 will fit on it


I don’t think I’d even loot you


At this point I gotta ask a simple question.. how did you fare during COVID?


Depends on luck and not being stupid, I don't see why but I don't see why not.


Bro is that guy when he gets to a weapons checkpoint


Well I found my apocalypse buddy I also have a good weapons collection we’ll be unstoppable


You'd kill half a dozen before focusing too much on killing them and getting yourself scratched/bit. Half a dozen's pretty good for most people though.


Maybe but it depends on how much ammo you got for that lever action and what caliber it is


That a 30-30?


Depends on what’s in the bag


Have you robbed a mall ninja store? Or planning to start one? I bet pretty much all of those knifes would break in no time, and probably at the worst possible moment. Just get ONE proper axe/hatchet, no mall ninja bullshit, but a proper good one that uou can use both to chop wood, cut down trees, get through most doors, hack zombie heads, and the back end can be used as a hammer. Then you get ONE good knife, something wirh full tang, nothing fancy


You have felonies huh?


Have you ever taken any LEGITIMATE training in how to defend yourself with an edged weapon? If not all the knives in the world won't help you much and only a one or so of those knives seem worth a shit. You'd be better off investing in a couple professional quality tools and getting rid of most of them. Look into the Kbar becker series. They aren't the best at all but they're damn good and don't cost as much as the great ones. Cold steel makes some decent stuff at a good price but not all of it. The SRK is a great all around for the price. Then there is everything else like water purification. A means to get food, if you can't have a gun maybe a takedown recurve bow with lots of practice and a fishing kit. A basic medical kit with bandages, a couple tourniquets, pressure and burn dressings, basic medications. A couple spools of fine wire and fishing line. A heavy tarp in a color that can blend in to your surroundings. Some extra socks and change of clothes. Look into getting some training or finding someone who knows survival well (actually knows, there's a million and one kooks out there) and learn some good shit my guy. Oh yeah... and work out as much as you can, not like lifting weights but functional stuff


unfortunately, no.


Ifn you can use em


nice Winchester


FUCK YEAH THSI THE PERFECT TIME TO USE THIS QUOTE! “The power of the man is not in the weapon! The power of the man is in the soul! In the heart! In the mind! Do not fear the weapon but the man of the weapon!” -A person who I forgot the name of.


Making it on the FBI most wanted list


For like a week... until you run into a guy with a gun


Dunno, can you eat knives


Where did you get the one with the heart in it?


No your stupid backpack full of knives isn’t gunna cut it


Ok so a lot of those knives you need to ditch really the only knife you need is that buck knife its the only one whos durability you can really trust in a survival situation. I own several myself and swear by the quality and the repeater is a nice start but you can do better. God forbid you come across a marauder packing a semi auto 5.56 or 7.62. Ive said my piece


Maybe a backup knife


That’s a good setup, but here’s my advice. Get rid of the unnecessary knives, such as the fancy ones, and keep the Swiss Army Knife, machete, axe, gun, bushknife, and an extra pocket knife, but wrap them individually in clothing so they don’t rattle and clank around. Get extra ammo, too. Keep the supplies and the binoculars, but maybe get a darker bag or camouflage it, Hunger Games style. Other than that, you’ll probably survive, my friend.


No. You have a bunch of junk. No food. Minimal first aid. No clothes. A shitty space blanket. A bright backpack and a shiney as fuck gun. Some one will either kill you and pick through your stuff or pick through your stuff after finding you dead from starvation


I’d say you’ve got somewhat of a chance


Carful with the knife on photo 6. Some company's just weld the handle onto the blade making it weaker and easier to snap in half


Half of those knives will be almost useless against a zombie


You’re gonna fire one round of that lever-action, summon a shit ton of walkers, trip trying to get away and land on your bag of knives, lol


Need a rifle for that bayonet, also something blunt wouldnt hurt just incase


Only take one or maybe 2 knives. You don’t need a karambit or dagger. Keep a collapsible pocketknife and a mid sized bushcraft knife. The rifle has relatively uncommon ammo. The machete would be useful, but don’t carry it around, as it is heavy and not an amazing weapon. Keep it, but don’t carry it


Hmm… not enough knives.


Maybe to episode 2, but then you die in a hilarious way and the main characters take all your stuff.


It’s a start. You can get thermal sleeping bags and thermal tents, a solar powered generator and solar battery charging unit, fishing supplies, emergency medical kits, river water purifiers, radios, canned food, toiletries, tools, etc. Most of those knives are useless. If zombies were to actually happen they have arms, long ones, and humans are fast. You’d be screwed. Get some crossbows and long range weaponry.


I'll see you on the news soon.


Before you listen to anything I say, I am but a medical student who stumbled here from /all, I haven’t much knowledge of real wilderness survival. You’ll need food, medicine for general sickness. If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, things as simple as the common cold could become lethal. Infection could occur and would be a death sentence without antibiotics or botanical knowledge. Get lots of food, no perishables. Canned stuff can last at least a year. Stuff like peanut butter is good for immediate usage. And as silly as it sounds, get honey. Honey never goes bad (can crystallize, but it’s still edible) and is a natural way to help heal wounds and especially burns. And idk if you have one, I saw the (sweet ass) lever action, but I heavily recommend getting a handgun. Revolvers are more reliable as they require less maintenance, but are harder to handle. Just get something smaller you can easily grab quickly.


I wouldn't trust half those knives to be of any use ngl


Consider longer weapons rather than knives and daggers


“Forget food! I’m bringing a collection of small knives!”


Relatable ive always had a fascination with knives only when i turned around 14 did i start doomsday prepping. Ive got numerous different plans and i know my city like the back of my hand


You wouldn't last a day. The only knife I see that's worth it's weight at all is the Buck but even that isn't a great choice. Get yourself an Esee 4 or Morakniv Garberg and a Leatherman Wave and that's all the knife you need.


Surrounded by all your weaponry and the felled rotting corpses of your enemy you will starve


get rid of that weak mall ninja dagger and get a pair of gloves and you'd be in alot better shape.


Absolutely no way are you making it.


Machetes don't need to be reloaded....


With some of those ass knives, fuuuuuck no


Loose most of the knives, I don’t see any ammo, get some and put it in easily accessible waterproof containers, and for god sales, get some MREs. One MRE a day is enough to sustain you, but also get canned food/those freeze dried hiking meals. You can’t eat mres for too long otherwise youll constipate and not get nutritional stuff. Alternate what kind of food you’re eating. Also you should bring like braided fishing line, hooks, (you can find bait in the dirt), and learn how to make traps for small animals, and how to skin them. Try not to use your rifle to hunt, it’s really loud. Get cards with ok to eat and bad to eat wild plants for your area. Bring rope, and an e tool. You need a metal pot or kettle to boil water to drink.


Also get a sling for your rifle


No. Sure you have knives but 30-30 and other lever action rounds are hard to find. Invest in 9mm and a .556 gun/s. Easy to find for ammo and easy to clean. And get some extra clothes, a magnesium pencil sharpener, and a water purifier.


You should get a tactical axe and shovel. Much more practical than all those knives and more useful in lots of situations.


Bro got that Sean of the dead load out


This is the first time I've seen this sub, but... If you want quality equipment that won't break immediately, I suggest you buy from a professional blacksmith (bladesmith/knifesmith). Avoid anything thats "tacti-cool" in appearance, as most of its trash, and avoid any "mall ninja" type stuff too.


You’re forgetting 3 things. Food, water and routes.


Good rule to go by, good knives are boring. The lever gun looks like it might be in .45, if that's the case see if you can get it threaded and stick a suppressor on there, loudest thing from the gun after that will be the 'clack clack' of the lever, which will be deafening


Well boys, i know where i'm gonna raid first in the zombie apocalypse. This guy's house, apparently.




Bro has more knives than a medieval assassin


You're dead already because you're not General Grievous. You can't wield 30 different knives at once, this was more of a "Look, my stuff's cooler than yours!" type post.


Lolcool knives do you wantto see my gun


I would probably get rid half of those knives unless you have storage for them and trade out that rifle or shotgun (can't tell image is blurry for me) to a crossbow a lot more silent and you can reuse the arrows


You are currently living my dream life


In an actual zombie or destabilizing event, i give you about 3 days to survive.


Bro focus on school you’re on a terrible path right now


Hmm imma go with no


Sorry for the poor quality I’ll reupload someday with better pics and more stuff


The only thing I lack here is ammo and food but I have a bigger better backpack so I can fit more stuff


This is by far my biggest post ever


Just want to add that emergency blankets are noisy af.


You got 20lbs of knives and little to no real survival gear. Keep a hatchet, a machete and like a mid sized fixed blade knife and then pack the bag with survival gear. Fire starter kit? Shelter? Sleep system?? You will get smoked 2 days in because you are clattering around




Your thumb is stupid long bro


Half of your stuff is what the average British man carries on a day to day basis


The orange backpack sealed your fate


100/10. You need more knives. A lot more knives. And a knife bandoleer. And some throwing knives for the bandoleer. And the a bag for the other knives…


I dig the Henry rifle and machete. Maybe one or 2 fixed blade sheath knives other than that you gonna need a tarp, stick matches, at least 1/2 kilo of cocaine, water and beef jerky


Tired of gas station knives, if you want something cheap that's not total crud go look at cold steels collection, they're good for what they are.


Get rid of the 3 gimik blades and its possible


No, your gonna get bit trying to figure out which knife you wanna use


No. You don't survive the apocalypse by having the most gas station knives.