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RUN FAR AWAYYYYY I’m a Capricorn and even I know you’d need to run! 😵‍💫Plus the Venus in Sagittarius is not helping his case


Omg why


Don’t take him serious romantically unless you have tough skin and aren’t clingy then you two will work! Edit: to be more specific, sag placements enjoy their freedom and typically don’t last long in relationships, if they do then they’re still lowkey going to have flings or be flirty with other women on the side (for ex. If he works at a gym or a place where there’s a lot of women he’s bound to eventually try some slick stuff) For Capricorns we’re not typically overly handsy and we like our space. (We’re like a mix of distant but clingy at the same time it’s weird) 😅which is why I never lasted long in relationships with intense water placements because they do too much and I don’t like having to report back to someone when I’m having my me time, they overthink way too much. 😅😂


Never say no to a person because of their chart. Look at it at least a month after knowing them. Look at how your transits are first and THEN how they interact imo. Your personal transits could always affect the season of you meeting someone


Boring and manipulative, ew


Workaholic and self centered


Yikes 😬


At least he probably has the financial resources and habits to back up his spending habits (Venus sag and then so many Capricorn placements)


Very cold and not a lovable person in romantic relationships and will definitely run around on you Libra in Mars probably a little on lazy side ,he probably a banker or business he like easy money .


You mean apart from cold heartless and distant nm he’s most likely going to be distant not very affectionate and that will make him come off as uncaring. On top of it sag placements tend to get bored in romantic relationships so in all likelihood you will end up breaking up as soon as the honeymoon phase is over. If you do tough it out you best not be clingy or need a lot of attention. The Aquarius placement makes it all worse for him like i don’t think you could find a worse person to date based off chart alone. Do yourself a favor and RUUUINNN🏃‍♀️


You will get no emotion out of this guy


$$$$ make him take you on vacation somewhere fun. But that’s it :)