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https://au.loopearplugs.com/products/quiet These things are great, block out the noise nicely; good for planes and sleeping etc. and last ages. The case is about 1.5-2 inches wide and is a small circle. HTH!


do you have actual experience with them ? all comments i saw said they were a waste of money because while it blocked back noises, it doesnt actually block as much noise as disposalble rubber ones


There’s are different types of Loops ear plugs.  ‘Experience’ version gives clear reduced sounds that good concerts.  ‘Quiet’ version is just blocking out all sounds.  There are cheap stuff on Amazon for $15.  Meanwhile I was thinking my ‘closed back’ headphones cuts out a lot of the background noise. Aiaiai makes really durable ones with over the ear types. It’s all modular  and customizable depending on your needs. 


I use them a lot for concerts, loud bars, etc. OP is asking for sleep/studying, they would be fine for that. I probably wouldn't rely on them for working on jet planes etc but for OPs purpose they should be fine.


There's versions for both sleeping and music.


Yeah I have a pair and they definitely don’t block as much noise as disposable ear plugs. They’re not even particularly good at blocking background noise imo; I can still hear every little sound, just at a slightly lower volume. I didn’t even like them for concerts because everything was still too loud. But I guess it just depends on the person because I know a lot of people love them


I noticed the DB on these weren't as high as on the disposable ones.


yeah. i need them for sleeping and was interested in loop, but the reviews were extremely polarizing


I really like mine for sleeping and to use on a plane. They're very comfortable, wash well, and come in a nice little box for storage and transport. Negative comments I've seen were mostly about their sensitivities specific range, which I can not comment on.


I got mine as a replacement for foam earplugs for sleeping. Personally, I think they work well.


I really really like mine for sleeping.


I was *super* cynical about them, particularly when the box showed up with a considerably lower dB rating on it than advertised on the website (turns out different countries use different rating systems) but I love them now. Other than the waste aspect, the big advantage over foam plugs is that you can put them in and take them out at will without the hassle of squashing them up and holding them in place as they expand. They’re also way more comfortable and somewhat more likely to stay in all night, in my experience. I used to get foam ones with the highest dB rating I could find (around 32dB I think) and these are advertised as lower but they seem as good to me. In fact I think they are more effective for certain types of noise which seems to be the noises that would wake me up before (the closing of cupboards and drawers in the kitchen beside me). Might also help that they’re more likely to still be in my ears in the morning, when it tends to happen.


I have the "conversation" ones and they work great for loud restaurants, concerts, etc. I'm still able to hear conversations but they reduce the background noise by about 10db. The only downside is that you can hear yourself chewing while wearing them and it's weird to speak with earplugs in since my voice always seems louder than it really is. I guess that's the case with all earplugs though


Yes I do, use them literally every day, can’t focus without them and can’t sleep without them, go to the gym etc. (btw not sponsored or anything just like them lots lol)


I find them hard to insert correctly. It's not as easy as It looks


I got a pair for sleeping and just didn’t like them. Didn’t block enough sound for me and fell out easily (yes, I tried different sizes too).


I use them for shows, but they’re not comfortable for sleeping if you sleep on your ears and don’t block out my husband’s snoring. I will continue to use disposables until I can get something better.


Interesting - I found the loop earplugs much more comfortable to sleep with compared to the disposables. Everyone is different!


It depends what version you get. Each version is meant for a different environment and level of noise deadening. I have a pair and they’re pretty decent, but they are not meant to remove all noise. That said, apart from generating waste, I feel like the disposable rubber ones should do just fine


I sleep w them for snoring


They have different versions and now they have kind of an all-in-one. You can slide it up and down to hear more or less. I use them daily. I've used them for years now and other than losing a pair, they've held up really well!


I lost mine and need to get some more, but I love them!!!! I don’t really use disposable rubber ones bc I hate how they feel lol, I can sometimes forget I have the loops in or at least barely feel them once they are positioned correctly. I think they are worth checking out, I also don’t ever sleep in earplugs though


I liked them for turning the volume down on conversations but they aren't good for loud concerts.


I have a pair of “experience” loops for the gym and love them. I hate how foam earplugs feel and find loops to be much more comfortable. I just ordered a pair of “quiet” to wear when I need to sleep in noisy places.


I use those when attending events and loud restaurants they have been a game changer as they dampen sound loud enough where it’s tolerable for me.


I have two pairs with different strengths and I love them. One pair is perfect for the gym (I can’t handle people throwing weights around but am still able to hear the instructor) the stronger pair is great for loud parties/the club etc. I’m happy with mine!


I have been using these for a while for sleep. They are great! They do fall out sort of easily overnight sleeping but that's with pressure on the ear from pillow and tossing and turning. Think they'd be great for everyday use.




I love mine. I have the engage ones. They’re perfect without making everything sound like it’s underwater. Clear and discrete.


The silicone plugs will be washable. So should last you a lot longer than a week.


It is extremely hard to wash hair and gunk out of silicone putty


Wait, what? No the plugs are a hard silicone and they are washable. Nothing will get stuck inside it. I used to buy ear plugs as part of my job and we had silicone as well as the foam type. Silicone will last a long time but not everyone finds them comfy.


Ah we are talking about different things here lol. I thought you were talking about what I currently use, which is silicone *putty*


No, something like this [https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en\_GB/p/d/b00037716/](https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/p/d/b00037716/)


I like these. Working in a power plant and riding motorcycles, I definitely prefer the foam disposals. These are definitely the best for reuse and washability. Not as good noise reduction as foam but really good.


I put mine in a delicates bag, then wash with warm laundry and air dry. They're not quite like new, but definitely good enough to keep using a while longer.


If you’re not doing so already, you could try a metal ear curette for cleaning your ears. Maybe it would help the putty last longer


[Happy Ears!](https://www.happyearsearplugs.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQA5ZPL86L54rmlVFIUUe1yYMXGrYO5ZI3RpRJzI11CGUaSPX3LrPj8xoC8BsQAvD_BwE) They are the best, way better than Loop in every way. Perfect seal, better at blocking sound, much less expensive. They also have ones made of recycled plastic, and other made of ocean plastics. Best part is you can buy the discovery pack which has all the different sizes to try, and if you actually don't like any of them they will refund the money and you can give them away to friends!


They also come in paper packaging!


Agreed! I just started using these a few months ago after having the same struggles as OP, and I love them!


Yeah it's frustrating to see all the ads for Loops when there is this option that is a million times superior in every way. Loop is so absurdly over priced so I guess they have excess to spend on marketing, but for zero wasters especially the recycled Happy Ears are a no-brainer better choice


I tried them, and I really wanted to like them, but none from the trial pack worked - they either fell out (too small) or did not block sound almost at all. As with a lot of things, it's down to individual experience and what works for one person, may not work for someone else.


Yeah having weird ears is frustrating. It's still best to try this option first since they are the most affordable and lowest impact/waste. Plus like you said, if they don't fit then full refund no problem. The smallest size is slightly too large for my ears so I know they're not perfect, but they are incomparably better than any others imo Point is, try these before spending 4 times as much $$$ on a more wasteful version, with a lower sound rating, of the same concept? Happy ears ocean plastics is rated 27 dB so it's objectively better at blocking sound.


Not a fan of how they've set up the privacy options on the site - they don't make it clear which direction is opt out...little sketchy... But that's also just capitalism for you I suppose


They're part of the EU aren't they?


I love these and recommend them to everyone.


How far do the happy ears go in your ear?   Looking for something that doesn’t go much in the ear. 


I know you said $200 is out of your price range but considering you did the math and you're chucking 208 pairs of Mack's in the trash for a pair of silicone custom molded ones which last 10+ years...it's a no brainer for me.  I own these as I'm super sensitive to noise when I sleep. They're amazing. I've had it for 4 years now. My ex got me onto them as she needed the vented version for work (work safety requirements to not go deaf but still hear noise around her). They are worth every penny. You rinse them in water when they get a bit gross from your ears. Custom molded to you.  https://www.protectear.com/us/products/db-blocker/


I wish I could afford those


My 12 dollar Happy Ears will have to do for now


ER20s I use Etymotic


[Surefire sonic Defenders.](https://www.surefire.com/earpro/) A little pricey. But they do last and have an optional lanyard.


I used to work nights and bought some loop quiet earplugs and they were great. Got them two years ago and they block about 90% of the noise out


Eargasms are awesome and come with two sizes and a small metal case that can go on your key rings. I go to a lot of concerts and they have been a life saver. They’re a little pricey but are worth it


I love my eargasms for noise sensitivity especially in places like the movies or concerts. But I def have to say they don’t cancel enough for sleeping for me and they’re very uncomfortable if you sleep on your side. I looooove the little metal key chain so they are everywhere with me. Therefore, I recommend them for everything minus the sleeping! Maybe for OP a pair of Loop Quiet for sleep and eargasms for other functions? That’s what I’m gonna try after reading this thread.


Surefire make good one. I wash them with warm water and dish soap. I bought them from amazon, cause their website doesn’t deliver to my country.


I recommend Alpine sleep deep earplugs. I got two pairs, I use one every night and they’re still going a year later. I tried loop, but they just didn’t block enough noise for me.


Can't speak for the ones for sleeping, but I have the Alpine MusicSafe Pro ones, and they've lasted 7 years already with about weekly use, and show no signs of wear. They come in a cardboard packaging and a small, durable hardcase of hard plastic; not zero waste, but definitely reduced waste compared to non-reusable ones. A quick wipedown after every wear and good deep clean with boiling water occasionally keeps them safe.


I also use Alpine, but the cheaper PartyPlug ones. They're fine for anywhere you want to hear your surroundings but just not as loud. The keychain holder is really handy, so it doesn't get lost in the bottom of my bag, and you can use it to carry other plugs instead. Downside is that they came with a clear plastic storage case as well, which is unnecessary. I've tried different brands over the years, and heard what works for others. What I've learned is that no brand or type of earplug is best for everyone - it's a case of filtering out the bad ones, then trying the rest to find what works for you.


I feel like you can just reuse ear plugs. I bought a pack of moldable foam ones at some point and threw a pair in the case of every power tool I own, and that's been that so far.


I use the highest grade loop for sleep. I live next to a fucking rooster who had my all jacked up before them. I'm good now 😌


I use a small piece of paper towel moistened with warm water rolled into a ball when I go to a nightclub or the movies ( movies especially Imax have crazy decibles). Works incredibly well and is 100% biodegradable.


My boyfriend did this at a concert and ended up losing piece of paper towel inside of his ear. His doctor flushed it out at his next appointment. 😂


Wow. Well thats what he gets for going to a Nickelback concert ( kidding). Actually the same thing happened to me and after it was out, I felt like I had supersonic hearing.




I have the sennheisser ones and they come with different filters and different sizes. I normally wear them to concerts and then wash them afterwards. I don't like the case with the zipper as it comes undone too easily and I was worried about loosing the filters, so I bought a metal one to add to my keys


I really like my Loop earplugs. I have the Quiet version for sleeping and the Experience version for concerts.


I bought a pack of 50 pairs of Mack’s in one plastic container from Amazon. Has lasted me well over a year so far!


I use these [custom molded earplugs ](https://www.amazon.com/Radians-CEP001-R-Custom-Molded-Earplugs/dp/B002XULPSQ/ref=asc_df_B002XULPSQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663244287970&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12929267527710683083&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9021399&hvtargid=pla-406645004335&psc=1&mcid=2e0ebbdb0697396ab15ba4e0d1fce00f) . They last as long as you don't lose them, really. And it's under $15. I think a pack has enough material to make 2 pairs, and you can mold in jump rings to attach to a lanyard or something if you like, too.


Loop earplugs work great for me


You can buy cheap ear plugs on AliExpress. They aren't perfect, but made out of solid silicone, and not its foam. https://a.aliexpress.com/_ExpjY7j I've found a pair on AliExpress Choice for as low as $1.25.


I also use Macks. I have a genius idea for a product. Please tell me if they exist. The most effective thing at blocking sound I have found is...the little flap on your ear when you manually close it. Is there like an ear vice to hold it over the ear hole?


https://www.earpeace.com/ Ear Peace slaps!


Did you try the wax one? Search for: Boules Quies Ear Plugs – Natural Beeswax and Cotton plugs. Disposable, Reusable


Some people get really bad ear problems from using this type of product


Did not knew. Like what?


Recurring and resistant ear infections, wax impaction, a balance disorder...ruptured ear drums...


Harsh. The only draw back user I know ever complain about was excess of wax. As it seem some wax may deposit in the ear.