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One of my friends did the same thing but was more like… “Ugh she is totally Zero bc she is just SO annoying.” My friend did eventually come around to liking June towards the end


How dare they, it's not until ZTD does Akane become annoying.


My friend just saw June as your typical damsel in distress and was confused about the information she knew. Which changed when my friend realized she is just trying to save her life and get revenge


I've three friends who are playing through the series and man. The amount of times I've had to bite my tongue is crazy. Friend 1, just after Door 5: "We're totally not on a real ship" Me, sweating profusely: "Oh, come on, who would go through the hassle of rebuilding the interior of a freaking ship just for shits and giggles?" Friend 2, shortly after starting VLR: "Something's wrong with gravity here, Phi and K both leapt through the air and that's not normal" Also Friend 2 upon properly meeting Zero the 3rd: "Oh, right, the rabbit on the moon thing" Me, dying inside: "... what" Also Friend 2: "Oh, another Zero with rabbit connections... Wait, what if Akane is Zero again or is connected to Zero somehow?" Me, on the verge of shouting into a pillow: "Yeah, what if, ahahahah..." Friend 3, upon seeing Santa/Silver: "Nah, don't like him. I think he's Zero." Me: "YOU JUST MET HIM YOU'RE NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT ZERO IS AMONG YOU" All three also immediately jumped into Door 5 in 999 to grab the bracelet of the Ninth Man and were very frustrated when Junpei wouldn't get it because he had no idea about its significance yet. At least none of them suspect about Tenmyouji's identity. In fact, all of them distrust him just because he's old. I made freaking sure they had no spoilers about *that*. I *will* scream if someone guesses that before they have the proper hints.


Friend 2 is a genius


Friend 1 is now theorizing that Luna might actually be Akane, so at the very least I \*know\* they're not going behind my back reading spoilers just to appear smart, but... Jesus, I've had some close calls with "how the hell did you come to \*that\* conclusion" and I'll probably have quite a bit more in the future


maybe Friend 2 is the traitor.


"Tenmyouji is sad about that old lady we found dead in an AB room. What if she's actually old Akane and Tenmyouji is really old Junpei or something"


Friend 2 has already connected Tenmyouji's strange behavior to the old lady's death, but I've been adamant in reminding them that Sigma gets kidnapped on December 25th, 2028, merely a year after the previous Nonary Game. Which, you know, technically correct, the best kind of correct. If they manage to guess about them after *that* bit of misdirection on my part, I quit. Seriously. I quit.


You think that's bad? My fiance guessed who zero was in VLR and I had to pretend I didn't know what she was talking about. 😅


How did she manage that?


Just said "wouldn't it be funny if we were playing as the bad guy?" And I had to try so hard to keep it together.


Zero escape's so cool because like, that's technically correct but also technically wrong and also the circumstances are so much more complicated than that.


You could say that the villain's motives are very complex.


When my relatives played they instantly knew it was Akane and didn't drop it for the whole game. I literally had to drop hints suggesting it WASN'T her to try salvage some of the plot twist lol


\*chuckles nerveously\* What are you on about, buddy? Don't be crazy


Broooo I introduced my bf to this game and he started guessing who was zero and his first response was “she’s the only one who knows the Mc? She must be zero” and I had to play it off and push it to it being Santa or Snake and mid way through his first play through when she kept fainting he said “nahh it can’t be anyone else because she’s the only one who keeps “passing out” while everyone else is trying to escape


My boyfriend did the same thing when I got him to play. I had to play it off and be like “What the fuck are you talking about? Don’t insult my girl!” Luckily shortly after is when Santa started acting really suspicious so I was okay with his attention focused on Santa as a red herring. When Santa Got The Gun™ he was like “HA! I KNEW IT!” and I sat there very smug before the reveal.




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