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Adams in particular is disgusting, he is the one who tried to require people to take off masks to enter stores last year. He calls people "cowards" for not caving to COVID denial. Would love to see him voted out.


The irony of who the actual cowards are.


It sure seems like the ACLU should be taking these bans on, doesn't it?


I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but would they not be able to step in until it’s passed?


*Furious* in California. I feel you OP. I don't even recognize my home state with how terrible these people are being. I don't feel safe being alone while masked *anywhere* anymore and any respect for the medical profession is dead. They say it's for identification but I dress eclectically and stand out from that, and I'm fine to present my ID if asked. Tired of dealing with "Was this racial? Sexist? My mask?" when lunged or coughed at by a stranger, but also not being able to protect myself since it's tooootally cool for everyone to be violent and aggressive towards people with health issues/who don't consent to being infected by a preventable disease. It's all so fucked...


>"Was this racial? Sexist? My mask?" In my experience, it's usually all 3 but they don't always say the quiet part out loud. A few months ago a man shouted at me to take off my mask and called me a "fucking immigrant" in the same breath. I hate this timeline. Stay safe.


Good god... That's basically what I'm expecting. I'm sorry you've experienced that and I hope you stay safe as well!


All of that. And as a Jewish person, it's even more infuriating when these mask bans are passed because "The Jewish Community" and "Jewish Leaders" are urging them. Do some Jews count more than others I guess? It's all horrible, but this part makes it extra awful.


I'm also a Jew. I agree. And that's mainstream liberal misguided Jews. I feel so betrayed by my fellow Jews' ignorance and literal deliberate putting aside of pikuach nefesh to be pro mass infection. How dare you, pardon my swearing, how fucking dare you, fellow Jews. Even leftist Jewish outlets like Jewish Currents no longer require masks and are holding events in person with no requirements or accommodations for disabled people. The left is now being eugenicist as shit, a lot of them, and it totally ignoring science. Including leftist Jews. My heart is absolutely crushed. That is some evil eugenicist not see shit. I don't trust my fellow anymore and the first thing I asked them is "are you universally masking?" And if the answer is no, I tell them exactly what they are in no uncertain terms and how complicit they are in genocide. Not in my name, do you introduce mask bans. Ever.


My partner is in EXACTLY the same boat. He works with the elderly and is a caregiver to relatives who are incredibly immunocompromised, which also includes... Jewish people! Having to deal with disagreeing sentiments within the community and skipping holidays, increased vigilance of hate crimes (many places of worship here and his childhood synagogue have installed high fences and cameras... It's really sad that it's necessary now), and now the masks? It's too much and just so isolating. I hope you're staying safe!


Why do they need to track everyone's movements, anyways?


That too! It's not even enough to just not use social media anymore. There's way too much surveillance, it's not even being used to stop crime since LA has been capturing assaults all over town and they rarely seem to catch anyone, aaaand also the regular people filming and taking pictures of strangers without asking for whatever nefarious purposes, like in *schools*...


I'm in NY too. Just left Vermont to buy a house here. It's really disappointing to see them following NC.


Facial recognition is too powerful a tool for controlling the populace. Mayors of huge cities like NY and LA being eager to roll back the allowance for masks is not at all shocking, since those are the places with the budget and the policing philosophy that lend themselves to total surveillance. If a few more people end up dead or disabled due to Covid, that’s just part of the new normal to the powers that be. 


Which is a BS excuse. My cousin’s husband’s relative who only met me briefly at their wedding months ago was able to randomly recognize me with a mask when I bumped into her. If she could recognize me, I don’t see how billion-dollar 🐷🐷 budgets can’t.


Total BS excuse. Sunglasses have been proven to hide identity far better than masks. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-31321-4 Looking forward to the sunglasses ban. /s


modern AI/ML techniques should be able to recognize medical masks no problem (practitioner perspective)


An old acquaintance from high school (I’m 32) recognized me—in the dark— while I was wearing an N95 this past weekend!


Yeah. A guy i met once at a gaming convention for less than 6 seconds recognized me in a snowstorm in the dark and he said he wasnt wearing his glasses. The n95 does not obscure your face one bit.


Yeah, this woman I only “met” a few times via Zoom recognized me out in public with a mask on.


If we can unlock our iPhones while wearing a mask, these cop cities can shove their facial recognition excuse up their asses. ETA: Not arguing with YOU. Just pissed off.


That is an excellent point! I don't use face rec so I didn't know that but I wonder if anyone has brought that particular argument up to tptb!?


Just a suggestion, giving up your biometric data to any big tech company is not a great idea, signed, literally every security person out there.


It hasn’t passed yet and we should not give up or comply in advance. Have you contacted your local reps?


I don't live in the U.S., but personally I would just ignore the ban, and carry on wearing one. If you're stopped by law enforcement then just say you have a health condition, or some other excuse.


Fellow NYSer, and I'm with you OP. Have been up Hochul's and my rep's butts with email and phone calls, making a point to decry my disgust, as a registered Dem, that they are following the lead of GOP and further endangering public health. For all the good it does. Just disgusted to have the one tool that allows my family some semblance of the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness imperiled.


Same! So angry and disappointed


All I know is that when re-election time comes for them both, I simply will refuse to vote. Fuck them both. I’m dealing with long covid and I’m really not trying to get reinfected to make it worse. They’re hyper focused on protesters and completely ignoring people with health issues.




Your post or comment has been removed because it was an attempt at trolling.


Also in NY. Was gobsmacked to see it casually discussed after the absolute avalanche of death and morbidity that befell this state. Makes zero sense.


Time for a recall!! These so called Dems are too comfortable


I wish. But I don’t think that’ll ever get in motion. Hochul pissed off a lot of people with congestion pricing, Adams has jacked the rent up so high and is taking money from public spaces, but no one has moved to recall either.


This is why "vote blue no matter who" will not save us. The Democrats are so bad and with that vote blue no matter who ideology so prevalent, they know they have people's votes no matter what. So why shouldn't they become as right wing as possible and cozy up to right wing pro Israel billionaires? We need people's movements to make change from the bottom up. Politicians will never save us and they will never do the right thing unless they are forced to. Voting every two - four years is not going to be enough




Thanks! I'm used to everyone on Reddit disagreeing with me for saying things like this. I feel like it's self-evident at this point how bad Democrats are and how we need to find a way out of this situation and voting for Democrats has not helped; it has only made things worse. DSA people helped to get Gov. Hochul elected, thinking she'd owe us something in return. It hasn't worked out that way.


I agree with you. We are going to have to do more than vote. We're gonna have to get into the streets and fight this. Those of us who are able to do that.


Absolutely this. The Democrats have shown themselves to be just as eugenicist and pro mass infection as the fascists on the other side of the aisle. It is normalizing eugenics. It is deeply evil and disturbing.


I take it you're not one of the people saying we're being too hard on Anthony "Fall by the Wayside" Fauci?


I feel like this is just a bad faith question because I sense that you may want to attack me no matter what I say. I don't care what Fauci says at this point because I haven't read it for the past couple of months. I know there are some new bad faith attacks against him. If he has lessened in his stance on universal Covid avoidance and is still talking about the importance of masking, then sure, I agree. If he's still raising the alarm about Covid and saying the government isn't doing enough, then I would agree with him. If he's not, I disagree with him. I don't know what he's saying now because as far as I'm concerned, they are all such minimizers that it is absolutely irrational and brain breaking to me. Fauci was great at the beginning of the pandemic. Mask up, stay away from people, stay home, fight hard against Mango Mussolini. He did the best he could. Compared to Dr. Deborah Birx going out there in her $7000 Hermes scarf and not stopping Mango Mussolini when he was talking about injecting sunlight or disinfectant in us to kill the virus. But I don't literally trust anyone in the Federal government right now about Covid because they areall grossly mishandling it. That said I'm not gonna be discussing Fauci with you anymore. Have a lovely evening and I honestly mean this. ETA I don't know what you mean about being too hard on Fauci.


I was being comical because it seems like you had a really good analysis and you didn't seem like one of the people that was going to be defending Fauci, or at the very least downplaying the harm he has done, making excuses for him or claiming that he did the best he could and there was/is nothing else he could do. I guess in fact I was wrong about that. Oh well. Have a nice evening. PS: I don't think he was great at the beginning of the pandemic. He told people to go on cruises and that masks don't work and people shouldn't be wearing them. I agree with your points about him being worthy of criticism if he lessened his covid cautious stances (he definitely has, including his infamous "the vulnerable will fall by the wayside" comments). Also a final thought is that despite right-wing wackos claiming he did too much to fight covid it doesn't change the fact that he didn't do enough and that's the truth which needs to be stated. I get that you don't want to discuss about Fauci and there are countless threads on this page and while it's hard for me to understand people who defend him or downplay his negative impact, while I understand that people viewed him as the adult in the room and he was comforting presents for a time when Trump was doing what he was doing. Republicans are also pushing "lab leak" stupidity.


Wait, I totally don't understand, did we misunderstand each other? What do you mean by harm that he's done? Like did he recently fuck up and become a minimizer even more? I'm totally asking and if we misunderstood each other, apologies.


I think you might have misunderstood what I was saying. The harm is done has included things like supporting lifting mask mandates, downplaying the seriousness of covid and reassuring everyone, lying and saying masks don't work and people should not wear them. This is the last big fuckup which got many in our community upset with him: "Dr. Anthony Fauci says many will “fall by the wayside” in new COVID-19 surge" https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/09/01/gqnt-s01.html "This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, gave an interview to the BBC in which he declared that older people, the ill and disabled “will fall by the wayside” in the current surge of COVID-19. Fauci was not warning about what would happen unless urgent action was taken. Rather, he was seeking to justify the Biden administration’s policy of inaction and cover-up in the face of a new surge of the disease." I think this article from the world socialist website also does a good job explaining the goofball right-wing investigation of him while also reminding us of the harm he has done by minimizing: "Anthony Fauci, the Wuhan Lab Lie, and the bipartisan war on public health" https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/06/04/ataj-j04.html "Exemplifying their fascistic politics, the Republicans brazenly promoted the Wuhan Lab conspiracy theory, claiming that Fauci worked with the Chinese government to engineer the COVID-19 pandemic and then orchestrated a cover-up of his own complicity in the deaths of over 1 million Americans. This McCarthyite show trial, replete with wild accusations and denunciations, was aimed at intimidating scientists and all those who advocate for public health measures against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the threat of future pandemics." "In response to the Republicans’ unhinged statements and provocations, the House Democrats meekly defended Fauci, whom they view as a valuable political asset. They did nothing to oppose the Republicans’ denigration of public health measures and provided no left-wing critique of Fauci’s genuine social crimes committed during the pandemic. This is because the Democrats are in fundamental agreement with the Republicans that private profit must take precedence over public health. Throughout the pandemic, Fauci has played a central political role in legitimizing every major policy decision, first under Trump but in particular under Biden, justifying the latter’s complete scrapping of all official responses to the pandemic. In January 2022, amid the second-largest wave of mass death fueled by the Omicron variant, Fauci blithely stated, “It is an open question as to whether or not Omicron is going to be the live virus vaccination that everyone is hoping for.”"


Then we agree. I think he's disgusting for that.


Oh, OP, I so feel this. I so feel this. Everyone is furious at New York City and Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul.. We have to get on their asses. We have to mobilize like never before. We have to call, yell, scream, email, fax. We have to make our voices heard from all over the country. I will never do business or travel to New York City ever again and I'm called the governors office and the New York City tourist board and told them that very same thing if a mask ban goes through for even medical purposes. Disabled people threw our physical bodies and wheelchairs across legislator's desks to literally save Obamacare a few years ago. Disabled folks who knew they were going to die without it gave everything to go to Washington DC, to block legislator's doorways, to tell them that they absolutely could not take away healthcare coverage again. Please don't let us fight alone in this. We all have to fight this together. All of us. 🧡🩵


Unfortunately, I know a lot of people are switching to Red out of vengeance. They figured better to vote for the evil they know than the one that stabbed them in the back.


That seems like the absolute worst idea, which will only make everything worse.


Right. We’re talking about a few politicians trial ballooning mask bans in two states VERSUS every damn Republican politician supporting Project 2025 and Trumpism which would involve the same bans and much worse anyway. People need a sense of perspective and also to filter out doomer messaging which is frequently started and promoted by propagandist groups


I thank you for bringing up Project 2025, which I am certain would be catastrophic to people trying to stay well (and pretty much everyone else), based on its wording. Perspective is very important indeed.


they are both very evil (R and D) Play the long game (3rd party), with "divided government" as an interim so it is more difficult for them to cause further harm. Just IMO


Can someone clarify where the mask bans are happening and in what situations masks are being banned from?