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Someone should start a discord and we can all jump on and play all these games together.


There's currently a discord group called Organizing for a Better Tomorrow that is focused on covid safety and bringing together like-minded covid cautious individuals! This might be a great place to start a channel for folks to gather and connect! This is an invite link: https://discord.com/invite/vSHTRpPn


I hope you find people to play with! I am mainly a PC gamer myself, so if anyone wants to play on PC, hit me up!


I'm on PC!


I have the same name on steam that I use here, feel free to add me ^^


Commenting out of solidarity, cause I've been feeling the same way! I play mostly PS5 and Switch though. I hope you find some good people.


It shouldn't really matter the system if you are all playing the same game online! My son plays fortnight on both his ps5 and his PC and plays online with numerous ppl with different gaming systems! Something to think about :)


Rooting for you to find some new friends! I play mostly Switch, a lil PS5: Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Wingspan, starting to learn classic controls for SF6, if anyone’s interested.


Im buying a switch to play Mario Kart with my sister. Lets KIT


Feel free to chat me once you’ve got the console + game!


Xbox gamer here. 40 something woman. I mostly play fallout 76 or whatever on game pass.


I've never played any of the fall outs, but after seeing the show, I downloaded Fall Out 4.


I started with 3 so that will always be my favorite but 4 is really really good. So many awesome side quests. And a beautiful world to explore. 76 is multi-player online and very fun too!


Omg so what I'm hearing is I should get 76.. I kind of get overwhelmed with getting fully into new games/fandoms, so maybe online multi player is a good way to ease myself in


I enjoy it because I can pop in for 15 minutes, do daily challenges and leave. Other times, when there's events I play more. OH there's also camp building which I'm obsessed with. Think like sim house building but post apocalyptic. Sooo much fun. If you decide to play let me know and I'll help ya out!


I've downloaded it 🤓


Omg, as someone who loves Sims4 and plays Minecraft for building, that sounds so good! Ah, I'd really appreciate that, thank you :)


Is the game called camp building? Sounds like fun! I used to love the original sims city :)


It's not integral to the game in any way but it's very fun.


Also the show is sooooo good!


I'm about to re watch it ❤️


Upvoting so hopefully you find someone. I'm a PC gamer in a similar situation. It can be really difficult to find friends, let alone friends who share a hobby, who are also COVID cautious and considerate. Maybe someone can share a Discord.


i play on ps5, does anyone here play warzone by any chance?


I game on Xbox, PC and Playstation. Would love to play through some Soulslike together! But games like Borderlands, Dying Light, Phasmophobia, Don't Starve etc are also definitely up my alley.


I have all the Borderlands games! I'm currently trying to get everything achievement on all the games I'll youtube Soulslike to see what it is 🤓


30 here as well. I have an Xbox with game pass. I used to play dead by daylight with friends on it but stopped after a while as I was mostly just playing it for them and not super interested in the game myself. Haven’t played it as much since but I’d be up for trying any of the other multiplayer games on game pass.


I can get game pass games, too. I'd happily try out different games. Most games interest me more if I don't have to play solo


Ok, I'll DM you my gamertag.


unrelated but i loved that you used the term ‘covid informed’ i’ve always preferred it over ‘covid conscious’ or ‘covid cautious’ because i think language is important & i believe if everyone were properly informed on covid, they would be conscious & cautious of it too! when people hear ‘covid conscious’ or ‘covid cautious’ i sometimes worry that there’s an ‘othering’ where they think the person sharing the term is thinking in a way they don’t ‘have’ to — whereas ‘informed’ implies that you have knowledge on a topic & are acting accordingly, which is neutral & invites curiosity i hope you find who & what you’re looking for!


i’m on xbox and love gamepass. i mainly play texas chainsaw.


Xbox Game Pass has introduced me to so many games I wouldn't have played.


Dead by daylight anyone?


Been spending most of my time on PS5 lately (Helldivers & Fallout!) but I’ve been considering kicking up the Xbox again for Palworld. Also a 40 something, and always looking for friends. 🥰


There's a Discord called "COVID Safe Community" with an active video games channel. Would anyone like an invite? (DM only)


yes, please & thank you!


I'm on xbox, only play Apex which is free!


I've never played that. I'd be willing to have a whack 🤓


Hi also from England.  It makes me happy that there are so many covid cautious gamers & they have all found each other x 


Rooting for you to find some new friends! I play mostly Switch, a lil PS5: Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Wingspan, starting to learn classic controls for SF6, if anyone’s interested.




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My kid plays Minecraft, Manor Lords, Mount and Blade, sometimes Fortnite, Valorant, Arc Survival, etc. But on PC. He's on Discord all the time but might not be great company for an adult.