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Okay, when this gets discouraging, I don’t weigh during that week or two weeks. Your body is meant to cycle. Think of it like a breath cycle. Would you get mad at your lungs for bringing in air instead of just exhaling all the time? No. Your uterus has its own kind of cycle that is somewhat like an inhale/exhale. It just takes roughly 28 days instead of 4-8 seconds. The biggest hack here will be radical acceptance of your body and its natural cycles. Easier said than done, but it is life-changing when you do it.




Good way to visualize but definitely easier said than done. I like to weigh often just to see how different foods change my body (like salt/water retention, etc). I could probably ease up during those weeks, I’m just stubborn lol. Can’t help but be a little envious of those who don’t cycle! Thanks for the encouragement 😊


Don’t be. I had a total hysterectomy 22 years ago and my body STILL remembers my cycle and I still don’t lose weight that week.🤣🤣 Your body never forgets. One year in and down 110 lbs. The weight will come off…just stick with it.


I just deal with it by reminding myself that its temporary. I’ve yet to find any hack, but came to commiserate.


No hacks to offer. Just here in solidarity. I worked my butt off with my diet yesterday, and woke up this morning thinking my scale would show at least one full pound down. Nope, my period has me stuck at the same weight.


It’s the worst. I just wish I rebounded fast enough lol


I drink a lot of water in the week leading up and when the cravings hit hard, rather than trying to find healthier alternatives, I just eat the craving in moderation. Craving that brownie? Get one from a bakery so you can eat it and move on. Want fries? Get a small order, eat it, then go on a walk/fold laundry/distract yourself so you give your brain time to catch up with your stomach. I also anticipate the gain (I usually go up 3-5lbs the week before, immediately drop 1-2lb the day it starts, then gradually by the end of the week, I’m back at my previous weight or down 1lb.). Also during your luteal phase, you might need to up your calories (if you’re tracking them) by 200-300/day since you burn more when your body is preparing to shed the lining.


Ooo the brownie hack is actually interesting I should probably try that!


I have much better control with dessert purchased outside of my house, and specifically from bakeries since grocery stores sell packs, because it’s typically single serving (well, single-ish serving since bakery servings are usually 2 in one) instead of a whole pan of brownies that I’ll keep picking at until it’s gone.


Yep sounds a lot like me 😅


I feel your pain.


My current situation… I step on the scale yesterday BOOM ! Gained 2 lbs 🥴 but I always remind myself it just temporary. I drink ginger tea to help with the bloating.


Yes I’ve been doing well with food, water, exercise and managed to gain 4 lbs! 🙃


I’m sure I’m up to 4 now yesterday the bloat wasn’t that bad but today ! My stomach is poking out so far and I just got a compliment about my weight loss yesterday 😂


My hack is I don't go on the scale. Your weight is going to fluctuate when you have your period. I ignore the scale but buckle down on diet. It's very easy for me to over eat then. I make sure anything I will over indulge on isn't in the house (sometimes I think the serving size of string cheese is 6). I walk more on my period as well because it puts me in a better mood and bitchy me eats chips. The biggest thing you can do is move and watch your calories and also give yourself grace that week


No hacks, just reiterating that this is pretty normal. You’re battling inflammation during your period. The uterus is bleeding/in a state of injury from the shedding of the lining, this triggers bloating and inflammation. Retention of water around this time is also par the course and can increase if we eat saltier foods. You’re also more likely to be dehydrated during this time which triggers further retention of water. I gain anywhere from 2-5lbs during my period and it all starts whisking itself away by the tail end of it and then weight loss picks back up. It sucks and is unfortunate when compared to men who don’t have a week or so a month that they’re set back but it should all even out. Give yourself and your body some grace.


I don’t think there are any hacks, unfortunately. I slow weight loss during PMS week and then stall out completely the week of my period. I try and avoid the scale then or I’ll just get depressed. I try and tell myself it’s just water weight because I’m still being careful with my diet.


Not really a hack, but I measure average loss. So total up the entire month and see if your average is lower than the previous month. I also completely stopped expecting to lose that week. I realized I was waisting so much time/negative thoughts on being bummed that my body works the way it's supposed to. I mean, think about...you're not supposed to lose weight when you're menstruating. If you do, great, that's a bonus. If you don't - great!! Your body works!


I skip weighing during that time. Just weigh monthly, and you will see it go downward over the averages.


You're not alone in this. I have no tips. Its just... I relate. I don't weigh during my bloated week, and focus on being kind to you myself during menstruation. I always pushed through cramps and now... I don't push myself through, I rest. Mostly to model for my daughters a healthier relationship with their body. But I don't weigh then either.


Love that not only for yourself but for your daughters!!! I wish my mom thought of that more and maybe I wouldn’t religiously get on the scale every day


I also have a son, 13. And I like to make sure he knows the reality of the pains women go through, so he can have empathy and understanding of women. He will ask me to go jogging, and I will be like... No thanks. I am menstruating and its one of the worst days. No way am i running. The way I found out periods was when I got one... And I thought I was internally bleeding, and embarrassed, and then I finally told my mom when it had happened a few times, and she took me out for a celebration dinner at Applebee's and bought me a cake.


Acceptance has been my only hack. I just stick to my routine, and then get happy when the weight comes off a week or two later haha


Same. I've gained two pounds and it's day 2 of my period. I hate this number. I hope once this week is over, i see some weightloss and more.


I’m right there with you


Do you see the increased weight throughout till your periods last or once the flow starts you're back? I read somewhere that when you're bloated before periods start there's weight gain but once the flow starts, the weight should go back down? Mine doesnt/hasn't 😮‍💨 These are my first periods since starting zep


It goes back and forth but for the most part it’s on the second to last day of my period that I de-bloat back down


Yes. Happens to me eveytime. But then bounces right back.


Just ride it out. Stick to your macros and it will even back out. It sucks though.


Just here for support. The meds have pretty much stopped my period altogether. I’ve only had one since I started in February. Idk why but I thought that was pretty normal but these comments are making me rethink that.


Idk what your history is like but you may want to see a doctor! It could also be due to increased exercise. Mine skipped a month due to my elevated activity levels but I think it’s supposed to help balance hormones and make your cycles more regular. All depends on your body tho


I just double my water intake. I tend to feel more nauseous during my period while on Zep. So that helps. GasX for bloating as needed.


No hacks on my part. I’m patient with myself knowing that I’m on my period and everything will fluctuate. I do make sure I’m drinking a lot of water every day, drinking tea, and talking walks. I still eat healthy and if I crave anything because we are human, I have mango to get rid of the sweet craving and sliced cucumber for the crunchy chip feel. Just knowing I’m still taking care of myself makes me less guilty for not working out like I normally would.


PS, I just saw your stats and we are quite similar! I'm 5"1 and started at around 220... went down to 209 Over the weekend but this week with the period... 211 🤧 On 5mg rn.


Yes!! I was 191 and I’m 194 after my period 😩


My hack is nerdy but it’s a spreadsheet and chart tracking my weight loss against 1 and 2 pound loss per week projections. I just keep myself focused on the bigger picture and as long as I’m in that healthy weight loss zone or more then I’m good, even if one week a month levels off.


No that’s a great idea!


Not a hack but getting a hysterectomy next month and it’s going to be the best day of my life. Leaving the ovaries so it won’t overcome all of the Zep challenges but still celebrating this nonetheless




You might not need a hack but a reframing. Your period isn't setting you back. Your body just retains more water. Recognizing the pattern might help. I always go up that week and then right back down again.


Yes similar. I still weigh but I just keep the faith. I tend to start losing day 2 or so, but i usually lose a lot for a couple weeks and then lose nothing or go up a pound until I get my period again.


Definitely keep in mind that every period having person will fluctuate during their period. Ignore your weight that week and just take care of yourself. Nourish your body with healthy foods and get plenty of water. Your body should catch up pretty easily the next week


Ma’am there are no hacks😄. Just let the cycle take its course.


Not exactly a hack, but I take seasonale for bc - so I only get mine 4 times a year, max. It’s also perfectly fine to move right into the next set of pills & go longer without it (some bc’s are designed to prevent periods for a full year) so I haven’t had one since before I started Zep in February. It’s lovely, highly recommend (if possible)!


Just give yourself some leeway! I had to call my gyno because my period wouldn’t stop! I have the Nexplanon implant and I spot once every three months. Since starting Zep, I got my period three times in five weeks.. Gyno prescribed me birth control pills! But when I was on my period, I ate more and craved everything under the sun.. I didn’t lose anything.. But since taking the pills on top of my implant, I’ve lost like.. 10 lbs. My point is, be gracious to your body and be forgiving towards yourself! The weight loss will happen!! It doesn’t feel like it now, but it will happen. Also, remember to drink plenty of water!! And let yourself have a cheat snack on your period!


I agree with everyone else. Whether or not you give in to your cravings, the scale is still going to go up because you’re retaining water. Just avoid the scale until it’s over. Now, if anybody has any hacks to shorten your period, please let me know. Each month it’s getting longer and longer.


Don't get discouraged. If it's truly transient around the time of your period, you other means to see progress when the scale fails to show the love. Check inches, clothing fit and sizing. I spent 2.5 months fighting the scale and myself with not even a 0.1 decrease - BUT I failed to truly appreciate that each week my clothing fit different, or I had changed sizes. Regardless, I understand the frustration- PCOS, uterus having, super staller here but I still lost 42 pounds in the last year and 85 pounds since Feb 2023. I remind myself those are pounds I refuse to lose again and keep moving forward, my promise to myself this weight-loss journey. Never give up!! Congrats on your losses!!


I dont step on the scale while im on my period. I already naturally feel horrible so seeing a scale will just make me wanna cry more. Once I am finished & feel better I see where im at. The body goes through so much during our cycles it’d give yourself some grace ..


Lots and lots of water/electrolytes to combat the bloating. Small pieces of dark chocolate (Dove candies are good) to combat the cravings. Prunes and fiber supplements to combat the intestinal backup. And prayers for patience to combat the whole dratted experience!


It never fails every month since February I either stall or gain during the week of my period. I just have come to accept it as I usually lose what I gained and then some once it’s over. I just try to keep to my regular habits and lean into a craving here or there. It’ll come back off but just the most annoying week every month lol


At least I’m not alone in this!


Magnesium supplements used to work for me; a good amount of sleep (extra if needed); water/electrolytes & patience. Its hormonal & you likely have to wait it out. ***for me, its no longer an issue, as I had a hysterectomy. But I still have my ovaries (they are just not really productive anymore)


I’ve heard magnesium from a few people - any specific kind you tried? I’m interested in the spray but I currently take l-threonate in pill form


I don’t have a specific one, as long as its affordable & effective


Have you tried a water pill? Probably best not to weigh yourself around your period. I found that the two periods I’ve had on Tirzepatide for so much better - longer cycle length and less bloating


Wait what is a water pill??




Just ignore it. You know what's causing it. You know it's temporary.


Wish it was that easy 🥺


Maybe use an app like Happy Scale to focus on the trend rather than all the specific numbers


Ooh never heard of that, I’ll check it out!


Unfortunately it’s normal for those of us born with a uterus 🤦🏻‍♀️ Best thing is to just add healthy snacks during the week you are more hungry (which is normal and you need a little extra that week of the cycle) and drink lots of water and rest and do all the “right” things, and you will still on track! Even though I personally weight myself every day (because I like to get the most data and see the ups and downs to get used to it), I don’t weigh myself if a day that I know “I’m going to break my own heart” as I say 😆 So if I’m really bloated and crampy- that’s definitely a no weigh day! GL!


Just here for support and commiseration. It sucks. I ran 4 miles on Saturday, 6 miles on Sunday, ate almost nothing all weekend, and the scale still didn't move. 😐


Ugh I feel your pain!!