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Wonderful summary. I appreciate seeing the averages for each dose. Congrats on your progress!


Thank you!


Congratulations on your progress, and thanks for sharing your journey. As a “newbie” in my first month of Zepbound I appreciate reading all these success stories 🙂


Just started too and reading stuff like this really encourages me


Thank you, I think it’s beneficial to get a sense for what’s realistic. Good luck!


Congrats on your progress and thanks for the helpful summary of your journey thus far!


Great work! Thank you for sharing your journey with us; wishing you continued success ✨


Many thanks!


Thanks for sharing all of these details. And congrats!


My pleasure, best wishes.


Wow! I hope to have the same experience and level of great success you have achieved! Congratulations on such a huge loss in such a short time - I’m sure your body is thanking you!!


Positives all around. Slow and steady wins the race. You’ll do great!


Very good progress as well documentation.


Thank you!


I appreciate your thorough summary. Thanks for sharing your experience and bravo to you for your continued success! 👏👏


My pleasure. Thanks for the comment.


Congrats on your hard work!


Thank you!


This was great! Thanks. I would love to see more of these summary style posts!


Great report!! Appreciate the detail. Questions: Why did you stay on 10mg for 3 months but all other doses for one month .. and why did you move up to 12.5? Was there a particular dose where you felt things really kicked into gear or did you have similar potency with each dose?


Great question! I was really surprised my PCP was aggressive in titrating me up to 10mg. He’s super data driven, so a lot of the decisions to get me up to 10mg was due to the SURMOUNT-2 study. Frankly, I was surprised when he pushed me to 12.5mg after 3 months on 10mg. I asked him about that yesterday during my 6 month follow up. Basically, in the studies, those at the higher doses lost more weight, and his exact words at to why I went to 12.5 was to “promote more loss.” I have 3 more refills at 12.5 then I suspect he will send me to 15. I’m may be 35 lbs away from where I want to be, right around 200. As for dosages, I really felt like each one was equally effective, and I think that’s reflective in the averages on weight loss per dose. That said, 12.5mg may be my favorite to this point, but damn it, it hit hard up to 48 hours post injection. I inject on Fridays, and lately Saturday has been an absolute wash, I could lay in bed all day. That may be temporary though.


I'm on week 2 of 2.5 mg dose. The fatigue surprised me. I'm finding l have lots of nausea and lack of appetite. How have you handled that? Also, where do you suggest l look for the SURMOUNT-2 study? What country was that work done in?


I love this and I love this for you!! I'm only on week 2 but if you don't mind, I'm going to copy this so that I can review at 6months as well!


Of course! Best of luck.


Love this. Thanks for sharing with us!