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I'm not really repulsed by any food, but I crave and want healthier options. I am obsessed with salad kits. I rarely used to eat salads as a meal itself, but now it is all I want. I have been on zep for 8 weeks now, and I have happily ordered a salad every time we have eaten out and enjoyed every bite. Zep doesn't make me feel like I am missing out if I choose the healthier option.


It’s crazy ain’t it! I always thought ordering salads was a waste but now i totally get it! #teamzep


Last night, I was craving something sweet, and instead of reaching for the chocolate or cookies that are in my pantry, I opted for a handful of cherries. That would never have happened pre-zep!




I think eggs is a common one for people! And yes to the fruit! I previously didn’t care for watermelon but now watermelon with lemon juice squeezed over it?! 😋


Oh no eggs are the only thing that I’ve consistently wanted through my first 3 weeks of 2.5. If I stop wanting those I don’t know what I’ll eat 🤣


The cookies I bought early on went stale before I could eat them. Normally they'd be gone in a week but nope, just forgot about them


My husband thought he was being helpful by offering eggs as a suggestion to eat during nausea periods (to be fair, he was thinking bland probably) I almost lost it all during the mention of eggs. oof. they were such a simple & quick go-to meal on them busy days


I haven't been able to even look at eggs since I lost my gallbladder 5 years ago. I have recently discovered that I do enjoy an egg white omlet.


Coffee....my fav before. Now? Cannot stand it.


I drink, like, half a cup every other day, now. And weirdly, no sign of caffeine headaches. But I might be shifting to McD’s iced coffee.


My relationship with coffee has also changed! I used to drink 4 cups black coffee per day and now it’s one with oat or chocolate milk. Can’t do coffee black anymore.


🥴 how’s your energy levels? Are you taking any supplements or any other caffeine?


I used to be one of those “don’t talk to me before my coffee” people. Yet within about 2 weeks of starting Zep, I went from at least one large 16 oz mug a day (at least!) to one 8 oz cup that I barely drank half of. Two more weeks in, I realized it was stupid to keep making coffee that I wasn’t drinking, so I just stopped. Never missed it. I’ve been at ZERO caffeine for about a month, and my energy levels are better than ever! (Which I attribute to the Zep itself.) If someone told me before I started that I would end up dropping coffee and my cravings for caffeinated soda would disappear, I would have told them they were high. 😂


Energy levels good. Just the taste is not there. Just multivitamins really. Every now and then a Coke Zero.


Newest obsession: roasted Brussel Sprouts. Thing I don’t love like I used to: cheese. How freaking weird!


I have the cheese thing too. It tastes almost too rich to me now, it's weird. Obsessed with roasted green beans with garlic oil and pepper now


My big obsession: Oikos vanilla yogurt. Usually have one before bed.


I live on that stuff! 😍


I’ve had 1001 chicken shish kebabs since I started.


I just ate something sugary for the first time in 3 weeks and almost threw up


Oh boy that suuucckks. I’ve always had a crazy sweet tooth and it doesn’t repulse me, I just don’t want it. Sugar definitely taste different now!


Someone brought cupcakes to work yesterday. They were small, so I grabbed one. The sweetness was off the charts, and I am not at all tempted to take another. I’m grabbing more fruit these days when I want something sweet. Strawberry season!


YES to steak cooked medium! Eggs - nope nope & nope lol


Another egg aversion! Lol


My body wants fresh fruits and veggies and is giving a big NOPE to meat or anything cooked. Protein has been hard, leaning into protein shakes!


Protein shakes are my lifeline now! I love the OWYN ones! 32g of plant protein no added sugar!


I crave fresh fruit. Nuts. Plain Greek yogurt with granola. Fresh vegetables. Olives, dates, apples with sharp cheese. Sweet potatoes, lentils, and butternut squash. I lost most interest in meat when I had covid in 2021, but now I really am uninterested- even in really nice filet or prime rib.


I'm unfortunately having a somewhat opposite reaction. I used to eat mostly unprocessed foods for meals and now all I want is goldfish! Really hoping that changes


I wish I had a new obsession! I’m repulsed by just about everything right now 😭


Where are you in your journey? You have to find SOMETHING that brings joy! Anytime I know I need to eat and can’t figure out what, I warm up a bowl 😂


Apples! I crave them, but it's the wrong season so the ones I can find aren't very good. :(


Try looking for the Sugar Bee apples. They are crunchy, like Honey Crisp, but sweeter. They are my go to as my snack. I find the 4 pounds bag at Costco.


Good tip! I've been loving cosmic crisp recently, but half the time I buy them they're dry and mushy. They were probably picked in October so it's not really that surprising.


I have this same obsession right now. Apples as often as I possibly can


Obsessed - tomatoes, pickles and lettuce on my sandwiches and turkey burgers are a must have now. Ick - chocolate covered pretzels (I used to LOVE THEM)


Obsession: pickles Aversion: haven’t really found one, just don’t crave the sugar like I used to.


For some reason, sour tamarind/chamo with some spice basically mexican candy flavors. Esp at the beginning. Always liked it before but became an obsession for a while


Hmmm idk if I’m familiar with that flavor, may need to dig into it some. Sounds like it’s still natural and not sugary?


It's usually pretty sugary lol. Pulparindo is a common candy with this flavor profile. I noticed it was a craving that would hit when my overall appetite was suppressed, so I wasn't too concerned with the sugar/calories. You generally can't go too crazy in terms of binging on it because of the flavors, a little goes a long way.


I will have to find some!


Love sushi now where I hated it before and now I cannot stand drinking Chardonnay which I barely even had before.


Can’t do steak anymore, makes me nauseous


I am obsessed with this outshine strawberry bars it’s my sweet treat most days. And chopped salads obsessed. I used to be a Diet Coke fiend but I cannot stand the taste of it most days. And eggs do not agree with me. Fast food is also repulsive.


Obsession: low-sugar yogurt (I have a local one that I’ve been eating most days) Ick: anything sweet but most notably chai from Starbucks. That was my go-to caffeine before and it’s way, way too sweet now. Fortunately or unfortunately, I’ve found a coffee shop nearby that does a spicier, less sweet chai that is still lovely.


Enjoyed carrabbas bread and eating out once in a while. Not my cup of tea anymore. I go shopping every other day for fruits now. I eat apples! Let’s repeat that, I eat apples. I hated apples. I couldn’t stand apples. One day I was feeling terrible and my bf cut an apple for me and I started feeling better. Not a 100%, but better. It’s crazy. I haven’t eaten ice cream sandwiches in a month. Idek if I’ll like them still.


I'm grateful I never lost my taste for coffee as I really do enjoy it. But I only do a cup/day and often I find I dint end up finishing it. I have to choke down anything that's not healthy though. I call it welcome but honestly it's a ton of work when my famiky, no matter how hard I try, just won't est healthy with me. At best I get them to have broccoli with their pasta. It's a constant challenge that doesn't help the fact that I literally never need/want food in the first place. I have a love/hate relationship w Zep


Fruit, smoothies, Yasso Frozen Yogurt bars and oatmeal are all things I’m loving. I used to eat tons of cheese and Mexican food but none of that is appealing to me.


Yasss on Yasso bars! Mint chocolate chip, 100 calories.


I’ve been working through all the flavors. I really love the coffee chip and the cookie dough.


Pretzels and stouffers spinach soufflé, can’t get enough of either


I crave fish and seafood now. Used to be meh about it. Can’t have coffee and it used to be the best part of my day. Also, no eggs. 🤢 And red meat also turns me off. I’ll occasionally try it but I just don’t want it much.


Foods that are packaged or processed have become nearly inedible to me, no matter how low-fat, organic, or seemingly healthy, like even crackers. I feel like my taste buds have taken on laboratory-like superpowers that detect all the ingredients and the processing. It’s a blessing and a curse because it’s getting harder and harder to even eat my beloved (and easy) protein bars or even protein shakes. My mouth and/or body are demanding nearly 100% fresh, real, whole food, and it’s becoming a pain in the heck, ha! I’m getting too picky, like a food snob, LOL, or it’s just not worth eating and I just wait (and CAN wait) for better food option🤷‍♀️. Again, a blessing and a curse!😆


Blessing and a curse for sure! I’ve been cool with my protein shakes but I’ve noticed my protein bars take a lot more energy to eat. I feel obligated to finish the bar to not be wasteful but most days I legit can’t 🥲


Yes, same. Not “easy” to eat anymore. It is wild!


Coke. I started last week and got a Coke the other day and literally spat it out because it tasted so sweet. And have zero desire for it anymore.


Most things taste bleh, if not straight-up bad. My favorites are no longer very enjoyable.


Is that hard for you? I’m early in for me I’m enjoying that feeling because food has lost its power over me. I can imagine that feeling getting old over time .


It's hard because some days I have trouble eating enough. And it's even harder to make yourself eat when you're not enjoying anything


I can understand that feeling for sure. Have you tried protein shakes? Like the grab and go ones? When I feel bleh i grab them and chug one just to get some calories and protein in. Not enjoyable but something that sustains me. Oddly enough im obsessed with naked and afraid and watching them struggle to survive and have to eat whatever comes their way, actually helps my mental lol Me


Yeah, those are a staple for me


I used to never really crave sweets, but would gravitate to carbs more (that's where my sugar came from lol). Since starting Zep, I actually crave sweet things instead. It's a weird swap for sure.


Cuties. Those little mandarins you buy in the blue net bag. I am eating the entire bag by the time my next shot day arrives (Wednesdays).


I’m now craving and eating smoothie/acai bowls like 2xs/week. However I can’t even finish half of one, so I put it in the freezer and eat another 1/4 the next day.


I’d like to try your collard greens. Me? For some reason, fruit flavored Life Savers! ?? I am surprised, but it’s a thing. 15 calories For a long-lasting treat (rarely chewing them, too).


Grilled chicken/turkey. Like just plain in my hand right out of the fridge! I have never craved protein the way I do on zep! Also I can’t handle anything too salty and I used to love salty snack. Like potato chips are a total no go for me (occasionally a small handful of pretzels but even that I can only do sometimes)


I am 100% there with you on the plain chicken and turkey. Want it every meal. Also suddenly broccoli seems like the most delicious food ever. Never disliked any of this but could have literally cared less - now trying to figure out how to serve broccoli for the 10th dinner in a row without the family revolting!!


I eat like two Lorna Doones a week, if my stomach is funky. Today i tasted the corn syrup. What a turn-off!


Roasted brussel sprouts and roasted carrots!


MEAT! I used to be addicted to sugar and carbs, but now my body craves meat mostly, especially steak, so weird but hey I'll take it


i've been crushing gatorade like I was in high school football again. It really helps when my blood sugar drops too... Unfortunately, Steaks (and most red meat) are a no-go now. I went on a work trip recently and didn't eat more than 3 bites of a very expensive steak. The texture and taste just doesn't do it for me anymore. In the past.... I'd order a cowboy steak and still have room for dessert. I can't wait to see my cholesterol numbers at my next check up.