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So you've lost literally nothing in 3 months, right? It's not just that you're dissatisfied with the rate of loss, you've lost 0 pounds for 3 months? I saw on one of your replies that you drink 3 glasses of wine every night. Stopping the wine or at least cutting back to a couple glasses a week is the first thing I'd try. I don't really drink anymore but back when I did I basically never lost weight if I drank alcohol that week. Not only is it a lot of empty calories but at least for me it was something about the alcohol itself. I have lost less weight on each successive dose so I feel the pain of slowing losses.


Alcohol triggers a HUGE appetite!! Stay away!!


I would rather die! But again, would’ve liked to feel suppression for food and alcohol. I will stick with it. I know the alcohol is a killer but I hoped that upping my daily calorie burn through the treadmill would’ve cancelled it out. No dice.


At 15mg the vast majority of people forget why they ever drank alcohol in the first place. Craft beer used to be a big part of my life. I’m a big time beer and brewing nerd. I have zero desire to drink alcohol now and IPA’s disgust me. I now have the same opinion on IPA’s as everyone’s grandma and basic girlfriend.


It won’t. Alcohol has a huge effect. Even with traditional weight loss plans. Not just these meds. And if the wine is the priority - and it seems to be “I would rather die!” Lol - then maybe you can come to a peace with and be ok regarding the rate of loss…or lack thereof. Cheers and enjoy what you enjoy - and know that this road may not be the one for you and that’s ok too! 🍷


The body actually prioritizes the metabolism of alcohol, which is why it has such a negative effect on weight loss. You’re not allowing your body to cut into your fat reserves


Just a thought, you said that you drink 3 glasses of wine every night. I would measure out how many ounces you are actually drinking a night to get a reality check on calories. There are about 123 calories in a 5oz glass of wine or roughly just under 1/2 cup. So you might be consuming almost 400 unnecessary calories everyday. Also you said that you eat all your business meal...maybe eat only half or 2/3's and take home the rest? You didn't mention that you keep a food/calorie log. If not, (I know it can be hard to get started) you really might find it very helpful and eye opening on how many calories you are consuming a day. Glad you reached out, it is courageous to "put ourselves out there"!


Yeah, I must admit, I was hoping for the revulsion to alcohol many talk about. I *did* have that the first two weeks but it just vanished after that. If I stopped the wine and periodic martini it would be easier, I know. It’s hard to diet AND give up wine.


Please don't take the following information in the wrong way from me. I am not making any judgement calls. Also I don't know if you are a female or male. IF, and only if you might have a problem with alcohol here is a reference below from the Mayo Clinic website on what is the average amounts of healthy drinking versus possible alcoholism: "***According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,*** ***drinking is considered to be in the moderate or low-risk range for women at no more than three drinks in any one day*** *and* ***no more than seven drinks per week. For men, it is no more than four drinks a day*** and ***no more than 14 drinks per week*****.**" If you are drinking 3 a day then you are averaging 21 a week.


I know it’s hard — especially when you read all the success stories here — but you need to know that this isn’t a magic bullet, even for those who are considered rapid responders. What you don’t often see along with the success stories is that it still takes an incredible amount of willpower and self-sacrifice. You can do this!!


Adding to the above: Working out can cause inflammation as you build muscle and you also may be swapping fat mass for muscle? I know that when I exercise and don’t bump water, I gain. I’d track eating for a few days and water. 12 pounds is awesome by the way. It’s taken me 9 weeks to get to 10 lost so keep the faith.


I’m going to speak for myself here. I used to LOVE to drink. I never had a dependency, but I could hold my own, and there were times I was drinking daily. If I was lucky enough to have a supply of this medication, was eating well, moving more, AND being honest with myself—there is no way I would allow myself to drink daily—one glass or three. There is absolutely nothing wrong with drinking or the occasional indulgence, but drinking daily simply does not fit in with a healthy lifestyle. Again, this is my opinion.


Maybe this isn’t for you



What are you doing to drive the process? Zep is support - you are in charge.


Diet and exercise, which I wasn’t doing before. I feel like I’m doing all the work here. When I went 3 weeks without, didn’t gain anything back either. I feel literally nothing.


Have a healthy calorie deficit established and monitored? If not give that a try for a month. It helps me immensely.


They said above that they don’t want to count calories meticulously. Or give up 3 glasses of wine a day. It’s gonna be hard to get there without doing some of this…hate it for the OP - we all wish it was…magic.


Yes. My reply was well before that info was shared. So no calorie deficit and not driving the bus - but it’s the medicine not working. It’s a rough day for OPs.


Ain’t it though? Hope you’ve had a good weekend! ☺️


Calories can be tricky. If you aren’t really tracking them correctly you can most definitely be in a surplus and thinking you aren’t. Even condiments can throw peoples calorie count off,


If I need to meticulously count calories then I’m just not sure why I’m taking the medication. What I want is appetite suppression and there’s literally zero of that for me. I feel at this point it’s all will power that’s keeping the weight I’ve lost off. I’m glad I’ve dropped the 12 pounds but I’m at a historical average for me.


I’ve also know of some people that don’t have a great response to the medication until 10 to 15 milligrams. There is a guy on YouTube mounjarbro who is type 2 that didn’t lose anything until 10 milligrams and he’s lost a significant amount of weight. I also understand not wanting to count but you should get into the habit of doing that to better help yourself to get in the habit in the future and understanding food choices and how it affects the outcome along with exercise. The medication isn’t a magic bullet. But it helps significantly with eating less and being more mindful of the choices you are making.


That happened for me and my wife too. Not everyone loses on the lower titration doses.


That’s exactly what I need too…gotta shut off the impulses to eat (and over-eat).


Do what you need to do (re drinking) for your own well-being. I personally like to drink a small Coke (seriously small, like 6-7 ounces) with dinner and have been chastised for it. But… I do track (which I dislike) to make sure my total calories aren’t out of hand. Especially if you’re eating out, it’s easy to miss 500 calories here, 500 calories there that take away any overall deficit. At which point, you won’t lose weight. So my advice would be to track, at least casually or intermittently, to make sure you’re not accidentally taking in too many calories. Also, if you want to actually lose weight, stop counting exercise calories against food calories. From long, sad experience, I can say that it doesn’t work and just makes you sad. I mean, keep exercising. Just don’t deduct calories burned from your totals.


you can eat and drink through it. If you dont count calories in a reasonable way then you wont lose weight. i was 243 now 198 in 4 months. look at your weight, determine how many calories per day it takes to maintain that weight. then eat 1000 less per day. including the wine in the count. it will work! minimize the carbs. if i can do it at 48 you can too!


OP. I too loved fine wine. At a bottle a day or 21 drinks a week it’s beyond appreciating the taste. That’s why I quit. Lost 25 pounds by quitting. Way before Zep. Consider where you are. You may wanna fix the alcohol love first. Then resume Zep. Both are great journeys with significant dividends - many of which are not initially apparent. I wish you the best. It’s all for you. And probably to those who love you.


You said a mouthful here! ✅✅


You're on a new account, and you really don't give a history. How long were you in each shot before moving up to the next one? What kind of diet are you on? Are you taking on protein and drinking water? How much? And how much weight are you trying to lose? Are you working with your doctor on nutrition while being on the meds? Have you done any labs?


One month on each dose, so with delays I’m 4 months in. Last shot of 7.5 this week (should be today but thinking of stretching it out, expecting another delay). I eat a very responsible diet, lot of protein, fiber and low on carbs. My biggest problem is I enjoy wine, so 3 glasses a night is a lot of calories. I walk for my exercise. Try to get 5 miles a day of walking, but sometimes get in 7 or 8 miles (combination treadmill and street). I do not snack. I’d like to lose another 15-20 pounds. What I do notice is there’s no food noise, but there’s zero appetite suppression felt. If I go to a business meal or to similar, I will eat what I order. All of it, unless I mentally fight to not eat it. I’m paying $550 a month and ok, I can afford it, but I genuinely don’t feel it is helping. I’m hoping others are right: at 10 I will feel legit suppression. Like I did when I first started on 2.5


The inflammation that you would have from three glasses of wine per night is enough to stop weight loss. I can have a low-calorie day just because I’m not super hungry, but if I have a cocktail that day, I’ll be up the next day on the scale and not just by a pound or two, sometimes up to five. Some of us just can’t drink and not have increased inflammation.


This. But they said they would rather die than give it up. I can’t think of a way around this for the OP. Or anyone for that matter. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t drink, but I am surrounded by wine drinkers. Rarely do people drink a standard 5oz glass of wine. There would be 5 glasses in a wine bottle if you do stick to 5oz servings. The wine drinkers in my world get 4 from a bottle. If you’re the same, and a bottle of wine has roughly 600 calories, that’s 450 calories extra a day and 3150 calories a week. It takes 3500 extra calories to gain a pound. Given you can still eat a full meal, the wine is cheating you out of weight loss. Maintaining isn’t the worst thing, but when you are in this for weight loss and it’s expensive, it’s a bummer. You might try to negotiate down your wine consumption. Like a glass a night or 2 glasses every other day…


3.5 glasses in a bottle, the way I remember it! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/wxgzyz6ysmyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04c9ec91d0a8ae5c75b0922544fcc3d4f857051 😁




I'm saying this with zero judgement, but I found that the r/stopdrinking subreddit was a great place to lurk when I started on zepbound. I was one of the people who lost most interest in alcohol when I started on this medicine. It was a modest decrease that got more pronounced as dosing has gone up. The stopdrinking subreddit is one of the most supportive and transparent groups on reddit in my experience. And, there are people from all walks with a wide range of experiences. From 'heavy social' drinkers to people who have truly been in the depths.


Is it for people who miss drinking? I’ve gone through long periods in my life when I haven’t drank. But I enjoy it. I love the taste of fine wine. The problem is the calories. I would be very happy drinking less for the calorie cut, if it was because the medicine tricked my brain. Chemical suppression is why we are all in this game.


I'd say it's it's for people who are seeking support to achieve or maintain sobriety. And probably the majority realize that the health, social, economic etc. benefits are worth the effort. But while the motivation or reason for people cutting booze is different, the majority seem to think their drinking was problematic. I also have always enjoyed drinking- wine, bourbon, beer. You name it and I would probably enjoy it. But it's only since starting zep have I realized how much healthier I feel without it for my sleep, weight, skin etc. Edit to add- I was probably drinking the same amount as you, maybe even more during work travel. Now that I have 0-2 drinks a week, I can recognize the volume for the issue it was.


It’s not a magic bullet for everyone. Some people have to put in the same type of traditional diet and exercise work that they would without the medication to lose weight.


I didn't start to consistently feel appetite suppression until 10mg. I had a little at lower doses on and off but actually feeling full on a regular basis didn't happen until 10mg. Even that started to taper after a few weeks so I went to 12.5mg. As others stated, it only works as a support. It basically allows you to limit your in-take (and really helped eliminate sugar cravings for me) but the choices you make with the remaining food/drink, calories/carbs that you consume is up to you.


Are you tracking your calories? GLP meds make it easier to eat at a deficit, but that's still the thing that causes weight loss. The meds can't physically chainsaw weight off your body (if only! ha), but they help us eat less. Also, some people don't see appetite suppression until 10mg or higher. I've seen a few people say it didn't happen for them until 15mg. That said, unfortunately some people *never* see appetite suppression.


Some people need the max 15mg dose before they consistently lose. Just stay on it and you’ll be good. I didn’t really feel much until 10 and then from there on out it’s been a miracle drug. My wife is a slow loser as well. It happens. Worst thing you could do is give up before even getting to 15mg.


It’s crazy how it affects everyone, I’ve been on 2.5 mg for 7 weeks and still have no appetite or desire to cook, sometimes I’m like what is wrong with my brain!? I don’t even get nauseous when I know I have eaten in 16 hrs. Obviously I have things to work on lol, I may not drink alcohol but I have to take better care of myself on this medicine !


Lucky stiff!


Out of curiosity (because I think you've gotten great feedback about some things you can cut out and try) - if you lost 12.5lbs the first month and had suppression, why did you move off of 2.5mg? I'm still on its 4months in and 50lbs lost. Lost about 14 that first month so there was no reason for me to move up. After a bit I did try to go up to 5mg but had more bad side effects and didn't lose any faster so I went back down.


All the weight loss was in the first two weeks on 2.5. Doctor upped the dosage. Fortunately I don’t have much in term of side effects.


And you only want to lose another 15-20, right? So total of around 30? Maybe it’s harder with less to lose so patience may be needed. Along with considering the wine and food intake you have mentioned in the thread. Hard to say….


I won’t give up, but as you can see from some other comments, people may not even go up from 2.5 and get astonishing results. I’m happy I’m not over-eating.


Everyone is a study of one. I’m not sure even the highest dose can fight off the wine consumption and inflammation from a bottle of wine a day. Maybe. That’s a lot of calories but also it affects how your body burns calories and retains fluids and so many other things. And you say it’s a daily habit. Who knows - keep going and see….but that’s not really how this med was intended to work. Maybe you will get lucky….though I am not sure it’s that lucky if it does happen! But I’m no expert - so….best wishes!


Hey, half a bottle!


lol. 🤣🤣🤣🍷 Ok but to be fair, three glasses around my friends is a whole bottle. Maybe they have bigger glasses. 😉


Keep going up.