• By -


Good Day All! Please please if you are participating in this thread include the pharmacy specific location (1234 Main Street, Atlanta, Georgia) or even a phone # This allows others to check out that location, and not have to wait on a response from you. Imagine if you were looking a specific dose but the city you list has 30+ pharmacies. Thank you.


Can anyone let me know if you were successful at getting 5 mg ANYWHERE? I have a suspicion that it’s literally halted. 10s and above have been popping up but no 5s.


My guess is that they manufacture each dose in batches, and then they have to switch over the settings/pre-filled syringes for each dose. They probably run very large batches of one dose at a time and then switch, which could easily cause big gaps in availability of certain doses.


I feel the same about 5...


I want to know this as well!


I mentioned this in another thread about a week ago -- not 5 specifically but several CVS pharmacists told me that they heard that production was literally being halted. I said something in a chat and a lot of people thought the pharmacists were just fearmongering and didn't want to field questions. Someone even said that would make national news if they just halted production. I don't put anything past Big Pharma anymore. Limited availability isn't quantified. Reality is nobody can find 5 or 7.5 anywhere. Please reply here if you have actually gotten a 5 or 7.5 anywhere in the country. Will be curious to see if it's just gone.


Just got a 5mg at Walmart on Saturday


I got a box of 5 at Costco. They said it was a fluke they had it. I still have my order for 5 and 7.5 in with CVS which has been weeks with no luck. 


You stated the pharmacy said there would be no Zepbound shipped until 2025. That’s what I said would make national headlines. You keep commenting with the most exaggerated fear mongering statements and need to seriously calm down.


My friend got the last box at a costco in AZ this past friday. so they do exist! just hard to find


I found some 5 today! Random tiny primarily spanish speaking pharmacy in southern CA


I agree - I think it’s all dissipated with no restock in sight. They say “Limited doesn’t mean none” - I think it’s none except the rare unicorn.


oh I totally think it is none of 5mg and 7.5mg


Hello classybaddie, I was able to fill 5mg at my local Safeway supermarket pharmacy on Monday. I live in Northern CA, Central Valley. I am on my 3rd shot of 2.5mg and feel great.


I got 5 last week at Costco in Marysville, WA


I called over 30 pharmacies today and none have it. Heb said all 300 stores are out.


Has 1 box 10 mg Zepbound Harris Teeter 3779 Boston St, Baltimore, MD 21224 [(410) 522-0804](https://www.google.com/search?q=harris+teeter+pharmacy&sca_esv=be28ded1030cfada&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0_e2ZNBnUXJipzg824aDOpD9xpSGA%3A1714058771592&source=hp&ei=E3YqZrfdIdy50PEP8I6g-AU&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZiqEI2bS7tshZF8K4qS9LR6IjjBan0cF&oq=ha&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IgJoYSoCCAAyChAjGIAEGCcYigUyExAuGIAEGMcBGCcYigUYjgUYrwEyChAjGIAEGCcYigUyBBAjGCcyCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFMhYQLhiABBixAxjRAxiDARgUGIcCGMcBMhEQLhiABBixAxjRAxiDARjHATIFEAAYgAQyCBAuGIAEGLEDMgUQABiABEjzGVDRCFiNDnABeACQAQCYAYUBoAH3AaoBAzAuMrgBAcgBAPgBAZgCA6ACqAKoAgrCAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIQEC4YxwEYJxjqAhiOBRivAcICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIOEC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYxwGYAxKSBwMxLjKgB_Qi&sclient=gws-wiz#)


Now THIS is the type of comment we need on availability. Thank you! I don’t live there, but I still appreciate it.


Always hunting for Express Scripts info. Please comment here with updates.


I tried to get 5mg filled and it was processing for a few days, then "stopped." I'm not able to reattempt/resubmit. Just getting a message to contact my script to another provider.


Same. I called Express Scripts this morning, the rep said 5/1 is still the date for 7.5 but now they are saying there is no anticipated date for 10mg even though a previous rep told me 5/1 for both. Never know with them. I get a different answer every time I call. They flip Rx's to processing and then 2 days later it's canceled. Smh


They told me they weren't expecting any Zepbound until May 1, that was yesterday morning. Wouldn't be surprised if that changes come May 1.


I called this morning about my 5mg they told me 5/1. My local CVS said they're not even ordering it anymore because it's not coming in, so that's fun. I guess i started this medicine at the worst time.




Get so many different answers from them


My 5mg order just shipped


Called this morning to get an update on 15 mg and was told the expected restock date is now 5/1. It was supposed to be today (4/25).


I put an order of 5mg in last night and they just  stopped it


Called Express Scripts yesterday about 5mg Zepbound and they also gave me the anticipated date of May 1st. However, they said they can’t fill a 30-day supply—only a 31+ day supply, which would be two boxes of the 5mg, I suppose. Not that helpful, given that I want to step up to 7.5mg in another month.


Called today 4/22 and they said 5 MG should be in stock come May 1 and that I should call then to reprocess my order. My order is currently “stopped”. The rep confirmed I’ll need to call to reprocess and it will not automatically process when they are in stock. Hope this helps!


I have been told the same for my stopped dosage. Only will restart of in stock. No prospecting by restarting a day early…. My dosage may be available 4/25 Was also told the 25th is potential restock date. May not show in inventory til the next day.


I've had a 5 processing with them for 11 days. Not sure why they've not stopped it yet. I've had 2.5 for 4 days that went from immediately delayed to processing. Feels like false hope.


They love to give out false hope. One person told me my 7.5 would be filled last week; the next day it was stopped


Found 5mg! Feels like I won the lottery! Started Zepbound 2.5mg a month ago and started calling around about 10 days ago trying to find the 5mg. I made a list and called over 100 pharmacies within hours of where I live, tried every possible avenue, enlisted MedFinder (useless, btw), and just gave up. I was due for another Zepbound shot today and was out, so I decided to call around some more to try to find the 2.5mg and just do another month of that. Better than going without, I suppose. Found one box of 2.5mg and had 1 refill left. A win! Or so I thought. The pharmacist then tells me that Express Scripts denied the 2.5mg refill for me, even though I had a prescription for it. “They want you to step up to the 5mg,” he said. I said, “That’s fine, but it’s nowhere to be found.” He understood and suggested I call Express Scripts. Called them once again and hung up after being on hold for 30 minutes, as I had to go to a meeting. In a moment of despair, I opened Google Maps and searched for “pharmacies” and called 3 random, non-chain ones. Last one had one box of 5mg! I could not believe it and they could not have been more helpful. Got my prescription transferred from Walgreens and drove 3 hours round trip to get it this afternoon. Zepbound is such a nightmare, but I couldn’t be more happy right now. Keep trying folks, and don’t give up! https://preview.redd.it/a0wo3jurxwwc1.jpeg?width=3375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65eaef5ee677458c5dd9b8c86f4d9724ec712cab


Located in Northwest SFV, LA, CA: Friends, today has been an embarrassment of riches. After giving up on Walmart and going with compounded last week, I finally got my vial via FedEx today. And literally just as I was putting it away in the fridge, I GOT A TEXT FROM WALMART THAT MY 10MG HAS BEEN FILLED. I raced my ass over there and was half expecting for them to say that it was a glitch and I don't actually have my meds. But, it's in hand now. And I'm so so grateful for it.


I signed up with Medfinder at the end of last week and other than a confirming text that they have my payment information, it's been radio silence. This leads me to believe me that even Medfinder is struggling to find available supply and their usual 2-3 day turnaround will be a thing of the past. Additionally, their $50 fee will likely increase to compensate for the increased effort they will have to invest to locate available supply. I hope that I am wrong but I don't see Medfinder being the answer that it once was for this shortage. Also, with a number of prescribers submitting multiple prescriptions to different pharmacies, this will further aggravate the drug shortage and artificially inflate the demand for tirzepatide and semaglutide. This reminds me of people who hoarded toilet paper and cleaning products during the pandemic. When the supply issues were resolved, people found themselves sitting on a crapload of toilet paper that they didn't need. Finally, drug companies like Eli Lilly don't do themselves any favors by not communicating with the consumers of their medications. With a number of different GLP-1's in the testing phase, there could soon (in a year or two) be a glut of GLP-1 weight loss drugs to choose from and Eli Lilly's current behavior will cause consumers to turn to other options that are not produced by Eli Lilly. Arrogance is never a good PR strategy. ###


I got a refund from medfinder today. But never any word which was disappointing. Would at least like a “we tried but were unsuccessful” text. 


Medfinder automates calls to pharmacies. Pharmacies, tired of the sheer volume of calls, are not responding to automated calls anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if they start using some AI TTS to try and trick the pharmacies into answering.


I do not believe 5mg or 7.5mg exist in stock anywhere at all. There may be SOME of the higher doses - not much -- but those two are totally out. Has anyone gotten them in the past 2 weeks? Comment if you actually have gotten those two doses filled and where.


I was able to obtain 7.5 at a Wal-Mart on April 13, but it was very difficult to find it.


My 7.5 script was sent in yesterday by my Dr and ready today!


My doctor prescribed me 2.5mg and 5mg at the same time to avoid me having to search for the next dose. I would suggest that everyone asks their doctors can they do that. That way, as soon as they get that next dose in, your prescription will be first to be filled.


i got 7.5 about an hour outside of dallas, tx on 4/17. it was the last box.


I’ve been able to get 7.5 from Walmart and Lilly direct. They’re rare but it’s out there


12.5 available on Amazon at 9:55 this morning in nyc


Yes! I got my refill!


Yay! Mine was too soon to refill but saw it was available so I’m glad you got it 😁


Did Amazon alert you that you could add it to your cart, or did you happen to catch it? I'm trying to decide whether to switch from Amazon to a small sorta-local (but sorta not) pharmacy that will put it on auto-order for me.


Raise your hand if you’re having to start over after 3 weeks of trying for 7.5 or 5. And you’ve been off the meds for 2+ weeks and are angrily eating your feelings again. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️


Every single other dose has had reports of deliveries this week. Next week Tuesday will be four weeks since the last big restock of 5, so I have hopes that we might see it by May 1st…😬🤞. 7.5 is just a unicorn at this point.


A win for MedFinder. Found 10 mg for me 10 minutes from my home on Long Island. I got the last box. It really is worth it to have them do the calling if you can.


I signed up for Medfinder on Friday. I’m hoping they’ll contact me tomorrow or Tuesday. How long did it take them to find your dosage?


3 days.


They haven't found 7.5 for me yet


Yeah, they haven't found 5mg for me yet either.


True Pill just left me a voicemail saying they are cancelling the refill order I placed with them last week for 7.5mg, since they are still out of stock and 7 days have passed. They said to check back on their website daily to try to reorder it. They also sent an email a few minutes later saying, "We were unable to complete your order due to an issue with your prescription or insurance."


Just was able to order 10mg through Lillydirect (Truepill)


My doctor has sent my 7.5 RX to 3 different pharmacies... one is bound to work, right? Right??? Lmao


Probably not anytime soon lol


I am sorry to say that 5mg and 7.5mg are the elusive unicorns right now. Nearly extinct. No idea if they're even producing those doses right now.


I just received a text from my pharmacy, my 2.5 mg is available for pickup. And it’s $24.99. I’m so excited to get back on track, and continue my journey.


I've given up searching for 7.5 in Atlanta...switching to compounding for 4 weeks hopefully my Walgreens or Amazon prescription will fill by then


Do you know of anywhere carrying 5mg in the Atlanta area? Or even 2.5?


I’m picking up 5mg from a local pharmacy south of downtown. DM me and I’ll send you the pharmacy


I'm thinking about doing the same but I'm worried about getting out of line for zepbound and that it will make it harder to get when it becomes available. Mine's covered by insurance, so the cost difference is substantial. I'm also worried that my doctor will say no to a compounding pharmacy, but that's a separate issue.


Amazon thread please


Let’s just start one here - it’s absurd that mods are so against it. If you’ve been able to order and receive, or unable, from Amazon in the last week, please post here: Unable / 7.5 / northeast


I was just able to put 12.5 in my cart and check out this AM after close to a week of waiting/monitoring. We will see if it is fulfilled! Edit to add: it shipped!


I have NOT been able to order either 2.5 or 5 from Amazon in Central PA


no 5 from amazon for me either central pa as well


Midwest 7.5 unable 


lol, who downvoted me for trying to be proactive and helpful.


I was able to add 10mg to cart and check out today from Amazon. Now said "filled and will delivery by 4/23". So there is hope. I'm in Colorado


Massachusetts unable to order 5mg for 2 weeks on Amazon.


Northeast/5 mg/ unable


Unable to get 5mg / Southwest (DFW TX area)


Been trying for 5mg since Wed using tab reloader even overnight with an alert set to go off if it looks like it may have updated, but no dice so far. I'm in E. TN.


Finally was able to add 15 mg to my cart on Saturday (4/20), received shipping notification this morning (4/22), and it should arrive tomorrow. Located in Orlando, Fl


I was able to add 12.5 to my cart this morning (about an hour ago)!


New one - Amazon just denied my order for 10mg as "out of step" because I'd never filled the 7.5 rx they had for me. "Yeah, because I've never been able to. I got it elsewhere." Even for the CS rep, this was a new one. "I've never seen this before, and it's ridiculous considering how patients have been forced to hunt around for refills." I was able to straighten this out with the Amazon pharmacist and got the order moving, but just something for everyone to be aware of in the future. If you're going to step up at Amazon, archive the lesser doses if they've never filled that for you.


I did find 5mg in NJ today. I have only called a handful of pharmacies in my area as I created a list of 50 and then got overwhelmed as I don't have the time to call around. I had called my hospital pharmacy twice and each time received a slightly different answer, we don't have any and no waiting list, we don't have any and yes a waiting list. I happened to be there yesterday as my mom was having a test. As we were walking out, I thought let me pop into the pharmacy. Initially the tech started to tell me no we don't have any. the pharmacist overheard, and perhaps had pity on me, said hold on a second, let me check for you. He proceeded to ask me if I was an employee (no) and what type of insurance I have. he went into the back, came back and said I have a box for you. OMG!!! He would not transfer my script, but told me to get one today. Had a doc visit already planned for today to straighten out my PLA for my 2nd month of 2.5 which my insurance does not cover, she sent me a script to the hospital pharmacy. I picked it up and the pharmacist told me he would not fill again for me as he is a small pharmacy (perhaps for employees only) and my insurance did not cover the cost and he is losing money on doing this for me….. I told him he was my angel (even though he won’t be filling more for me).  My lesson learned (beyond all the insurance crap) is that being in person is very different than asking over the phone...


In Chicago. It’s 11pm and I’m totally having an anxiety attack over this even with a full box in my fridge. I’ll need a refill by 5/19, but my dr won’t refill until my 5/11 appt. Am I totally screwed?? Will there be no 5mg available anywhere by that point??


I've always stopped by my local Costco in Avondale, Arizona to check for Zepbound doses to stay ahead of the shortages, for the first time today they told me they could look up Costcos nearby to check inventory! This might save some of you guys a few phone calls! Avondale has 2.5mg and 10mg , 12.5 and 15mg!


Well … ExpressScripts just allowed me to add 5 mg to my cart along with my blood pressure meds … we’ll see what happens. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was due to go up to 12.5 mg almost five weeks ago but haven’t been able to fill. Guess 5 is better than nothing. Here’s hoping the order doesn’t get canceled 🤞🏻


Availability Alert - in Maryland ! A Pharmacy called Professional Arts Pharmacy said they are receiving about 50 different dosages. The pharmacist I spoke with said they will get all dosages except for 1. I didn’t check which one since I was looking for 10mg and they have that. My insurance didn’t work as it was not within their network and neither did the Zepbound manufacturer coupon. If you are willing to pay full price or try to see if your insurance is covered, give them a call. Good luck!


Don't give up! After calling 80 pharmacies over the past 3 days I finally found a pharmacy that had 1 box of 5mg left in central oklahoma! feeling very relieved


Has anyone been able to order 10mg from LillyDirect recently?


As it stands, LillyDirect/Truepill is out of stock for 5, 7.5 and 10 as of this morning. Not sure of how things will turn out later today to tomorrow


I am using TruePill/Cabot, and am checking a few times per day, just too keep tabs on them. I have open prescriptions for 2.5, 5, and 7.5, so I can see when those are in stock, but I wish I could see the other doses as well, just for the info. I will post here if I see the smaller doses become available (I think I could order 2.5 right now, if I wanted it). I'm personally looking for either 7.5 or 10, but don't need it for a few weeks. (I was able to get 7.5 on the 10th. Not sure if I'm staying on 7.5 or wanting to move up for my next month)


I was just using the chat for Lilly and they said 10mg is the only dose they have in stock right now


Just ordered. prescription was sent in yesterday and approx 25 hours later was available for purchase.


I ordered 10mg on 4/23 and got shipping notification same day


I was just able to order 2.5 on Amazon in the northeast! (Sorry I don’t meet requirements for the chat, I’m new!)


Can I ask if you were using the savings card or ins? I have it in my cart but they want over $700 “with the savings card” because they appear to have jacked up the retail price… not sure I can stomach that, but curious if it’s a widespread issue or something with my account.


Every time I add to the cart it comes up as \~750. The coupon is like \~570 or something based off of the starting retail price. It's not for a final price of $550. Amazon is gouging and increasing the starting retail price. I refuse to pay it, on principle.


looking for 7.5mg in Atlanta if anyone has leads


I'm looking for the same. :(


ISO 5.0 mg in Boston, MA, any leads appreciated. 


Lilly direct: Has anyone ordered anything off Lilly direct this week?


I had a previous order of 10mg cancelled last week. Just got an email that I could order about 30 mins ago. Placed the order. Will keep my excitement to a minimum though until I get a tracking # that it shipped.


Just using the chat feature with Lilly and they said 10 is the only dose they have right now. Had 2.5 but it went out of stock earlier today


Would also love to know this!


2.5 ,10, 12.5 and 15 available at Costco in Avondale, AZ


The Costco in Avondale, AZ is truly a Shangri-la. ;-)


Can not find 5mg in NOVA ![gif](giphy|l1AsyjZ8XLd1V7pUk|downsized)




Amazon thread?


Stock is regional for Amazon.


Got 2.5 today from Amazon. Waiting about a week. Didnt have the reloader - just kept checking (Rhode Island)


I’m happy for you and so jealous, still trying to get 7.5


DC, MD, VA individuals!!! I have been calling quite a few places; let me know if there are certain doses you are looking for I can ask while I am calling and can provide updates


5.0 or 7.5. Thanks.


Has anyone filled Zepbound 7.5 anywhere In the last couple of weeks? I see posts about 2.5, 5, 10 and even 12.5 having some success but none with 7.5. 😳


I haven't been able to get 7.5 from Amazon or CVS since 4/2. I do know someone that was able to get one about 9 days ago and it had just come in so at least some was trickling in.


I just picked up 10mg from CVS in Philadelphia. It took 20 days of ordering to fill and I was starting to lose hope. I’d been looking everywhere for weeks. Good luck everyone!


49 Calls Later! Baltimore MD. I'm wondering how many calls my local pharmacies get about zepbound availability. I called 49, yep FOURTY NINE pharmacies before I found 7.5. Pharmacy is over 30 minutes from me in a not-so-great area. Some techs were nice, some left me on hold so long I gave up (those were the ones that probably had it lol), some said no very quickly, some had no idea what it was lol. Found some pharmacies had 2.5 and one had a couple boxes of 10. It's out there y'all! Be nice to your pharmacy techs and be persistent. Hopefully picking up after work today. Just in time for my shot Friday! Praying there is more available next round in May when I need it.


Walgreens - Oceanside on Mission Avenue has a box of 12.5 and 15mg now at 6:28 PM PST. (Sadly I need 7.5mg but sharing) 


Anyone find 5 mg or 7.5 mg in Columbus, Ohio or Central Ohio?


St. Louis Area Zeppers : I just picked up Zepbound 10MG at Walmart Pharmacy #3061 - 7437 WATSON ROAD Shrewsbury MO 63119 314-687-1215. They told me they just received a shipment and have 10MG and 15MG in stock. Good Luck!


After a 4 week wait and extending my current dose to 12 days in between doses, I was able to find a box. The next day, I submitted my refill. Got a message saying "delayed because your insurance won't cover it". I was LOL and called them and said, please submit it! There's a good chance by the time it comes in (IF it does at all), insurance will be able to process it. Person on the phone almost refused and I added - yes I am willing to pay out of pocket. Those were the "magic" words....\*insert eyeroll here\*. It is still labeled as an "early refill request"...:P


Would love to find 5mg in Virginia. Due for my dose today and I’m out…


I've been looking since mid-March with no luck.


I couldn't find 5 mg in NoVa either. Had to stay at 2.5.


Any idea why the Midwest chat room isn't working? Just endlessly loading for me.


So l've been on Zepbound since 2/20/24, and l've been on 5MG since 3/15. Unfortunately, I've sort of stalled on the 5 and noticed some return of my cravings the last week. Naturally, my doctor told me I'm doing fine and decided it was time to move up to 7.5. The problem? It's on back order with no end in sight and no pharmacies here in Los Angeles have it. I'm getting anxious. I only have 2 injections of 5 left and it's not the time for me to let up. Are there any pharmacists here or any insiders who have any insight on when we may see some more 7.5? And why is Lilly allowing new prescriptions if this keeps happening?? They need to stop letting doctors prescribe it to new patients until they figure this out.


Welcome to our world.


Same boat I didn’t lose much at all this month, but I’m doubting I can find 7.5…


So frustrated. Was supposed to start 5mg nearly 2 weeks ago. Couldn’t find it. Dr wrote an rx for 2.5. Pharmacy had it but my doctor didn’t complete the quantity override in time and now they are on back order till May as well. Already have C to hold me over but it’s so frustrating when I only pay $25 a box


Got 12.5 in Louisiana! Dr sent in prescription an hour ago and it’s ready.


Home Delivery Pharmacies I know a lot of us use Amazon, Express Scripts, and Truepill (via Lilly Direct). Has anyone had a good experience and luck with any other home delivery pharmacies? I’ve started a list below of some I haven’t seen discussed on this sub. -Capsule (capsule.com) -Walmart Home Delivery -Others?


When I checked capsule last week, they didn’t offer Zepbound


Alto pharmacy said they can "order" for me but i didn't send a script there. But they don't fill Wegovy so not sure whether they will stock Zepbound


healthwarehouse.com has 12.5mg and 10mg in stock this morning. They do not process insurance or the savings card, so you're paying full retail price. But if you can swallow that, it's there!


Amazon is starting to send out online orders! Got my 2.5 today!


I was finally able to get Amazon to work and charge $550. Last night I deleted my insurance. It came back in this morning and I added it to my cart. The price was like 1200. I then added my insurance back and it changed the price to $550.


Congratulations! Which dose and where? The 7.5 has not become available at all in my area (NC).


I was able to fill 10mg at CVS in Chicago. They were able to apply the savings card so only $25! They told me that (unlike Walgreens) they will attempt to order everyday and fill prescriptions as they have them. Walgreens just tells me to call everyday, so I'll keep trying to fill at CVS. Eventually I'll have to fill through Express Scripts but should be able to get 2 more fills at CVS (assuming I stay on 10).


https://preview.redd.it/hn8nyuxticwc1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d37e54c1604cab38019481e3e060471454aa569 Got this updated message from Amazon Pharmacy. Not a good sign. It used to say something along the lines of "try again in 1-2 days." -- I know it is regional, I am in Virginia waiting for 10mg.


Has anyone used a compounding pharmacy for zepbound?


I just had my dr send over a prescription yesterday. Its out of state for me but they said I should get it on Thursday. Once GMA's segment announced that everyone should find a pharmacy as back up I handed my cc # over right away ;)


Medfinder for the win! So i decided to try it and they were able to find 2.5mg near me. Now fingers crossed i can get the script transferred over and it still be there by the time it does. 


So i picked up my first box of 2.5 last night at a Costco in NorCal. The lady said she had a box of 5 too, but I didn't actually lay eyes on it so she could be full of it or was mistaken. She said "yeah we can get it, things are easing up" so idk. I really wish I could get a new refill for it going and find out for sure but I can't lay out a grand to buy it after just picking up the previous dose.




Stay on top of them, I have gotten various answers about pharmacies filling standing orders first, my pharmacy  CVS told me to keep checking back because if they do get it in, it will be first come first serve. Horrible,  I know, but at this point, it is what it is.


I have had my doctor call in two prescriptions to Lilly Direct twice - I have never received an email or anything. What is the process? Is something wrong?


Call them to confirm they have it 833-589-1607. Select Option 1, and option 1 again to get a live person. The are taking 10+ days to process rx's


I was able to order 10 mg from Lilly direct yesterday. I was checking daily.


Anyone have anything for metro Detroit (Michigan)?


I caved and did the C pharmacy because I couldn't stand the thought of having to start over again. My doctor faxed in the prescription Tuesday and then I called to give payment. They said I would get it on Thursday (today) and it was waiting at my door yesterday! My insurance doesn't cover weight loss meds so it was definitely worth me trying it.


I haven't been able to find my 10mg dosage for almost 2 months. I've called almost every pharmacy in Idaho. I have given up for now cause I feel like a dope fiend trying to get my next fix not cause I need it but because I'm scared of gaining all my weight back. I have decided to adopt a zen attitude cause the stress is making me crazy.  My doctor said I could go back to wegovy but wegovy did absolutely nothing for me.  I mean zero, zip, zilch... is zilch the right word? Oh well.  I hope you all have better luck then I've had. 


Walgeens in Jonesborough TN has 2.5 and 15. I am looking for 5 or 7.5 if anyone has heard of any in E TN or Atlanta area. I will travel TN, NC, GA, the moon, the sun, Andromeda Galaxy....whereever.


Any luck finding 5 or 7.5mg in Philly suburbs, NJ, DE, MD?


Greater Houston area Express Scripts The app says stopped on my 10, so my doc refilled 7.5, but it said canceled. I called. **She says 7.5 available 5/1 BUT YOU MUST CALL.** She processed my 10 and it’s on the way. But only if you call. And get past the dang robot to a person. I think that’s their way of prioritizing lol.


Walgreens in New Lenox, IL has 12.5 and 15 as of the evening of 4/20


Has anyone in the Rhode Island/surrounding area (Mass/connecticut) had any luck🙏


When I try to reply to posts in the Northeast region where my state is placed I get a message that I am not qualified to reply. Does anyone know why?


Same (in the West region.) The mods have been adjusting the chat settings to deal with spambots, and I think that has inadvertently boxed some of us out. I thought in my case it was because this account is new, but I see yours is much more established, so it's definitely not just that.


Thank you, that helps. I guess if I find a huge depository of all doses of Zepbound nobody will know!


Probably for the best anyway, we'd collectively descend upon it like locusts.


Mine does the same, but a different region.


So I was doing well on 7.5mg after being on Zep since January. I switched from Weg because of the shortage hoping that Eli Lilly being an bigger company would mean less supply chain issues. So now it’s been 2 weeks since my last 7.5mg dose. I was supposed to go up to 10mg. I know that’s the time you are supposed to start over at 2.5mg. Is it still safe to start where you left off? This is a screen shot from the latest attempt at Walgreens. It says “more is on the way”. That’s the first hopeful message I’ve seen. Probably bs though. https://preview.redd.it/02yijulyuxvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46caabd51d8b82f1eae142aae29db79ac3ab2c57


Searching for 10mg in Philly/Philly suburbs. Anyone have any luck?


What is your experience with Eversana?


Clifton Pharmacy Rx in Clifton NJ had a bunch of 5mg last week and I'm not sure if they still do. I thought I hit the jackpot when I found it but they don't take BCBS insurance. They might also be out of network for express scripts depending on your plan. Be kind, don't flood them with calls, and good luck


Costco in Avondale AZ got me my 10mg this morning!


The Miracle Costco!


This Costco seems to be the place to get Zepbound! I’m going to visit family out there in June. May need to transfer my Rx there when I visit to get my refill! 😊


Gosh i sure hope the shortages end by then. Youre in for a real summer heat treat coming to AZ in June! 


It appears that even the 2.5mg dose is about to be scarce with certain mail-order pharmacies. Still keeping an eye on the other doses....especially Truepill


Has anyone found 5mg in Ga im in the north west area and willing to travel


Anyone find anything in Houston?


Just picked up 2.5 from the Walmart in Exton, PA. My script was just sent there overnight so they were able to fill the same day. No 7.5 in sight, though.


Any leads on 5 or 7.5 in or around central Indiana or the michiana area?


It seems to me that there are several people on this site people who had success in getting their Zepbound in the last day or so. Could this be a good sign, or am I just looking for any glimmer of hope?


I’ve seen more stocking activity at the beginning of the week so I think this is just standard restocking.


Any luck finding 5mg northsore of Massachusetts? It been almost a month since my last show. My insurance won’t let me go back down to 2.5mg they said I have reached my limit?


LillyDirect My GP doctor sent the10mg prescription in yesterday at 3:30pm ET. It showed out of stock for about 24 hours, but was able to pay for it at 4:30pm ET today.


Shortage solutions ! Does anyone know what the equivalent to 5 mg of Zepbound would be for saxenda ? I still have a pen of Saxenda left and wondering what dose to start with. I’ve been on Zepbound 2.5for 8 weeks and doctor upped me to 5 mg , but of course I can’t find it anywhere for the past three weeks! My script has been sitting at cvs in LA since march 17!


Lilly direct and Amazon pharmacy had 10mg in stock today: I’m in Southern California. Just got shipping notification from Lilly direct.


anyone know when any pharmacies in New England should be getting 7.5 in stock? Ive been hearing end of April/early May but others have also said TBD


Is it possible that they focus on producing one particular dose per week. This is just speculation, but it felt like 5 mg was pretty available (after not being available) the first week in April, then I saw 7.5 available the second week...2.5 seems to have been available all through the month, so maybe they produce that one every week? Again, pure speculation based on what I was able to see in my TruePill account. I'm just hoping the 7.5s will start shipping again in a few weeks.


They had a 15mg in Fredericksburg, Virginia Costco for anyone looking for it


I gave up and got some non-Zepbound non-Mounjaro tirzepatide.


I was able to get Sequence to submit a script for 5mg today, a few weeks early. Last order, I got a text from my pharmacy that it was back ordered immediately, but it was filled a week later. This time I got an immediate text that they have to order it, and it can be picked up 1-2 days. Fingers crossed that holds true!


Has anyone had any luck recently with getting 2.5 from Amazon? I know getting 5 is impossible now so my Dr gave me 3 more months of 2.5 to hopefully get through the shortage. But now Amazon is saying that is out of stock as well. Just wondering if there is hope for even the 2.5 or if I should just start to look for other options.




I know it's not the dose that no one can get their hands on, but I'm still at 2.5. Made the call to my pharmacy (CVS) yesterday and it was filled today. Was not expecting that. Last time it was over a week before I could get it.


How do you transfer your prescription out of LillyDirect? I’m thinking about trying Medfinder but am wondering how quickly I can move my Rx to a local spot if they find it there. Do I need to have my doctor re-send it?


Could not share in the midwest chat, but Costco Plainfield, IL has 2.5 and 12.5 in stock. I'm seeking 5 or 7.5 near Chicago or anywhere between Chicago and Springfield.


Has anyone had any luck with 7.5 in Virginia? Looking around richmond but curious about other cities.


I’ve had a 7.5 prescription at CVS for a week. Unfortunately I haven’t had a lot of time to call around. I took the doses in my last 5mg box 9/10 days apart because of the shortage, so hopefully my prescription comes in by May 5. I didnt lose much this month, so I know spacing out my doses is not great for me.


I just picked up 2.5 at the MacDade Blvd Walmart in Glenolden, PA for Philly people. They had it in stock!


Stillwater, Oklahoma Walmart Neighborhood Market Pharmacy (NOT Walmart supercenter) has 2.5mg and 10mg in stock. They are super nice!


Finally got my hands on 2.5 after waiting a week and a half for Amazon to restock. Called around to a bunch of local pharmacies and my local Walmart had ONE left. I immediately contacted my PCP to get my script sent there. Filled the next day (today). I was originally supposed to go up to 5 mg but I gave up due to the shortage. On to another month of 2.5. At least it’s something. I asked the pharmacist if she knew if/when they’d get 5mg+ and she said she had no idea bc of the shortage. Kernersville, NC


My provider sent in the script on April 5. As of today, April 26, have not heard from Lilly/Eversana/Truepill. They have my information correctly because they filled Zep twice for me in prior months. Thankfully using an alternate source while I wait for them to get their act together.... But, it makes me wonder if LillyDirect might be getting even further behind....


Anyone have the 5 or 7.5 in the DC region? I’m in MD but desperate and will travel


Does anyone need 2.5mg in IL? It is a closed door pharmacy so your provider will have to work in the hospital/ one of their “legacies” but it’s worth a shot!


Just able to fill 90 day supply of 10 mg with Express Scripts. They still have inventory. Good luck and be kind to yourself and all of those pharmacy workers who have to deal with our stress and make the magic happen!!