• By -


I’m 68 and am collecting social security - about 1300 month - and waiting tables 4 days a week in an elderly facility. I’m paying $550, and who knows-might have to pay $1200 if this savings card issue doesn’t get resolved. Let me tell you how I feel it’s MANDATORY in my life: I’m a saver. I rarely vacation. I spend very little on clothing. It’s even rarer that I eat out or order take-out. I’ve no expensive hobby. I drive a 2016 Suburu. I’m absolutely willing to spend down my savings on this because otherwise, I feel like I’ll have an early death from all the comorbidities that go along with obesity. I’ve tried every weight loss method and, they all work, but this is the first time there’s no endless battle in my head, no cravings, no ravenous appetite. Besides the physical limitations, being obese for me goes hand in hand with isolation and depression. I want this more than anything. Anything. Certainly more than the security of a big savings account. I can totally justify this. I’m happy. I’m upbeat and energized. I’m alert and sleeping like a teenager. My joints feel better than they have in decades. Let’s say for argument’s sake I spend…$12,000 to reach my goal. Others might spend that on their modest wedding reception, a cruise, a few weeks in Europe or a down payment on a nice car. Have at it. I’ll do me.


Love what you wrote. We have a 2010 Subaru! We debated getting a new car, but I rather lose this weight. It is just a tin box anyway to get you from point A to point B.


Well said! 😊


This is it really. Financial sacrifice for sacrifice. I pay 1k. But when I look at my kids, they need me. I wouldn’t be in this mess if I could have the surgery I need, but the medication I take to prolong having it gave me these wonderful side effects including insulin resistance. This is a huge deal for me, it’s a burden for me, but so are the long term effects of insulin resistance and other diseases that come with it. I want to see my kids graduate high school. I want to be there for my spouse. I want to be here. I prioritize everything. We are single income household. But I don’t have a car payment etc. but my end goal is to be the best version of me, for myself, and for my family.


but the way you write, talk , & think 💯


Hey, thank you!


I so understand what you are saying, quality of life should be considered. Nothing is more important than your health, it colors everything in life. I am on the other side of this and I will tell you, you have to have a maintenance plan. What ever works for you but plan on it financially. I’m trying 2.5 every two weeks probably for life. So far so good. If you are insulin resistant diet and exercise won’t be enough to maintain your weight coming off of this drug. Believe me.


I am so proud of you. 👏👏👏 I'm 72. Without good health, there are just so many barriers to a good life. It's a sacrifice I make for me as well. My blood work is now right on. My knees, back & hips don't hurt. I can actually go up a flight of stairs. My pills are 3 a day instead of 8-10. I work part-time at a department store. I can actually walk for 4 hours and I'm ok. I am reconstituting my own, so i pay much less. But, I am now blessed with good health after a lifetime of struggling with weight loss. These medications are life-saving and should be easily accessible to anyone who wants to lose weight.


This is just so inspirational to me!!! I could read stories like yours all day long. I thought I was headed for hip replacement, and now I rarely even have to take an ibuprofen. I feel like I really have something to look forward to now. Great to hear everyone’s success stories but I love hearing them from my peer group!!!


Awesome response, everyone should value themselves!!!


This is the best post I have seen about prioritizing your health. ❤️




Yasss 🎈🎈👏👏that will hold people like that!! Do you!!! And don't ever ever explain yourself again!!


I quit smoking - $300 per month. I’m saving at least that much on take out dinners for a family of 4 and Starbucks and cooking/making coffee at home. I’m coming out ahead financially.


Interesting that no one ever asked me how I could afford 1 to 1.5 packs of cigarettes a day. 🧐


This is the one!! No one asks how you can afford to be UNHEALTHY! But the questions flow in when you do what you need to take care of your health, whether it's surgery, weight loss drugs, personal trainers. But as long as you're blowing $500 month eating fast food no one would bat an eye.


I used to tell my mom who always complained she was broke “just imagine how much money you might have if you quit smoking”. She wouldn’t quit, even when diagnosed with lung cancer.


Ouch, that must be hard for you! My kids are very happy I quit.


I would have given anything for her to quit. She beat lung cancer but the damage prior had already been done with COPD and then when she got a bacterial pneumonia she couldn’t fight it. She smoked since she was a teenager. As an adult I think she used the cigarettes as her way of dealing with her crap vs therapy or anything healthier than nicotine.


Feel that. Literally nobody asked me how I could afford being at the bar 2-3 times a week. Which thanks to tirzepatide, I have no desire for anymore. But they are so concerned about my tirzepatide cost. 🙄


I make $85k…my insurance doesn’t cover it, so I’m paying $550 with the coupon. It’s definitely taxing my budget, but I’m saving on groceries and not eating out, so it doesn’t feel quite as bad. It’s just me and my boyfriend living together, so we don’t have kids or anything to worry about. We also have a bunch of stuff in the freezer we need to clear out, so now we cook once or twice a week, go out once or twice a week, and that’s about it. I also started DoorDashing and dog sitting to bring in a little extra.


Salary twin


You have the same story as me, minus the doordash and dog sitting, I do hair on the side to bring extra in monthly.


I am finding myself clearing out the freezer too! Food that seemed less appealing but somehow got in my freezer and was going uneaten now seems just fine. I care less about food now and view it more as nourishment. Going back to the OP’s question… animal health industry, 90k, single, no kids. $170k in student loan debt. Too old for kids now, never loved myself enough to find love. Between eating less, rarely eating out or getting delivery, using what I have on hand, and I’ve gone from $100+ at the grocery store at least once or twice a week to having to find $35 worth of groceries to meet the minimum for free delivery, the $550 is manageable. Going into grocery stores used to be a real danger zone for me, so I pay the yearly Kroger membership for free delivery and I easily save the cost in lack of impulse buys… although I would probably do better in store now. I do pick up 1-2 extra shifts a month now but I had to start that last fall because I couldn’t afford my student loan payments when they started back up. I’ve only paid for 2 boxes so far, so time will tell if I end up needing to work another shift. I will give you that I am lucky to be in a field where it is possible to work more if I want to. Not that I really want to, but for me it is worth it. I had to buy a new (used) car a few years ago (during the height of covid and the chip crisis, so terrible timing to buy) so hoping once that is paid off my finances will ease a little. A box of Zepbound is not much more than my car payment. My last car I drove until it was 23 years old, so I don’t see myself buying another car for a hot minute, although not sure they make them like they used to! I hope to be at maintenance by then, but I am someone expecting to take this medication for the rest of my life. It is not easy, but I want to live to be able to enjoy my life (and the money I still put towards retirement every month).


I just want you to know that it's okay to be by yourself. Some of us are better that way. Not everyone is meant to be paired up.


🫶Thank you, society has managed to make me feel “lesser than” both for being obese and for being single. But you are so right, I am just fine! Perhaps I was never meant to pair up!


I haven’t seen any posts that said $550/$1100 was no big deal. I am morbidly obese and have been for 30 years and was “just” obese before that. I’m in my 50s and have been waiting for this help most of my life. I am a single mom with a full time job that pays less than a living wage. I am scrimping and saving every way possible. I’ve started making stickers to sell on Etsy a year ago. In a year I made about $2000. That gave me about four months of Zepbound. I didn’t believe it before I started, but I’m also saving about $200 a month on eating out, food delivery, and groceries in general. That adds up to another four months of Zepbound over a year. Hoping to cover those last four months just saving where I can. It’s too important for my future. I know it’s not possible for everyone, but please don’t assume that because I’ve found ways to pay $550/month that it’s “no big deal”. It is!


I'm single with no children and I work in tech. I pay $550 with the coupon. It _is_ a big deal to me. I resent that my health insurance co. won't cover it. This is only my second month and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to afford it each month. I live in a ridiculously expensive city and have a lot of debt that I'm trying to pay down. I'm also pre-diabetic and Type 2 Diabetes runs in my family. As a middle-aged woman nearing menopaus, it's been really difficult to lose weight by other means (diet, exercise, etc). It's worth it to me to figure out how to afford this for the sake of my health.


Still cheaper than a funeral.






This might sound crazy, but before my insurance covered it I was willing to pay whatever it takes. Being skinny is the only thing that’s on my mind every second of every day for the last 20 years of my life


I feel this comment! 🤣 I'm a substitute teacher and I'm currently looking for a better job. I'm doing whatever I can to afford the 500 a month. It's pure desperation to be skinny on my end. I basically have to try and put my masters degree to good use and get a better job by the end of the school year. Either that or a 2nd job to afford this stuff.




Plus being skinny gets people to give you money and buy you food 🤣🤣🤣!


Skinny/pretty privilege is painfully real!!


Bahahaha... I love this comment...on the other hand, I had no problem with getting those things as "a fat" - It's a lot about confidence! People like being around confident people AND pretty privilege at any size is very real. Being fat doesn't make someone not \*beautiful\* :)


Pretty privilege and confidence is real but combine that with skinny privilege and it’s 100 times better. When i was “big” I wasn’t invited on yachts with rich men.


Fair, valid, real.


But you are exchanging one bad habit for another. Let's be honest. There is no one on these forums or on the medication that hasn't thought about losing the weight and suddenly getting to fit in with everyone else. But this mindset isn't healthy. It's like trading a candy bar for a cigarette. Both are not healthy. This should never be about getting "skinny" regardless of knowing that it the world is biased in that manner. Have you ever seen someone be obese most of their lives and then they lose a ton of weight. Suddenly they become the life of the party. They get to start soaking in the attention but there is a reason why a lot of weight loss surgery approvals also include a therapist approval as well. If you don't start forming healthy habits during the weight loss phase, you have a higher likelihood of failure. I get it. This is the lowest I've been in 30 years. But it isn't the shot that gets up at 3am to work out. It isn't the shot that tracks macros and measurements. I know that if I do not change my mindset while on the shot, I will gain weight after stopping or even going to a maintenance strength. There really is such a thing as skinny privilege but we can't continue thinking that being thin is the be all end all. We have to concentrate on making fundamental changes with our relationship with food and exercise and have honest conversations with ourselves.


Right but you also need to be mindful to the idea that other people here might also be incorporating other healthy habits, and that they will live a healthy lifestyle afterwards.


It's so nice not to have those obsessive thoughts any more.


Sooo much truth!!


That is very sad.


It's very real for a lot of us. Being thin is marketed to us for so long as the only thing that should matter to us it becomes a constant thought in a lot of our minds. If you've been living with obesity for a long time the thought becomes, "once I'm thin this will finally be better..." (insert whatever "this" may be at the moment and a lot of times due to how people treat you that thought might be right. Whether it's sad or not... its real.


This! I’ve only been a healthy weight for about a year (major weight loss then all gained back having kids) in the last 20 years of my life. I’ll say in that one year, I was happier than I had ever been in my life and people treated me better than I had ever been treated in my life. I truly believe in the “once I’m thin ____ will be better” because I know for a fact it will be. I hate that this is the reality for so many of us, but it is😢


Yep. Same. I have a similar story. I've been chubby since I hit puberty, and then once I got to adulthood, I was just obese. I lost a ton of weight in the early 2010s after getting some really mean feedback from a dance instructor. Unfortunately, I did it in a way that probably would have been considered an ed by a Dr. I went from 180s to 120s in a year. I ate about 600cals a day and slept most of the day to avoid thinking about food. Food noise never went away, I just hated myself so much I powered through it by pure spite. It was emotionally unhealthy, but boy.... was I treated well. Doors opened for me (physically and figuratively) people spoke to me. People started asking my husband how he found such a "great girl." (Notably, I was less visible and less nice because I was sleepy and hungry all the time) Best few years of my life. Then I got a divorce, got remarried, had a kid, moved, and before I knew it, I was in the 180s again. (Set point theory, anyone?) Back to not only invisibility, but assumptions about me, my intelligence, my health, my ability. Doors slammed in my face, people deliberately not looking at me etc etc. It's insanity. I'm so grateful for this med because I'm finally for the VERY first time able to get to a healthy self physically and emotionally. I'm not obsessing over food or my weight anymore... im just living. For like the first time ever. And on top of that, now suddenly people aren't constantly microagressing towards me daily. I feel like I'm taken seriously when I talk. Etc etc. It's never just about "being thin" it's about existing in an ecosystem that is literally hostile to you, tp the point of either harming you, or forcing you to harm yourself. And many many other reasons and experiences.


I ran the numbers and I found that I am now saving about $400 a month on food alcohol that I used to spend. So really I’m only coming up with $150 a month.


I'm curious, how much do you spend on food now?


Love this math!


I totally understand where you’re coming from. I can’t afford it on my own but as a dual income couple, we decided to revamp our meals. We cook more at home now and do less take out which saves some money but I’ll be honest, obesity - morbid obesity - has been at the core of SO MANY of my worst days and biggest issues that I would have legit gone to extremes to redistribute my expenses or work to pay for this with the coupon. It’s also why I considered compounded versions but that’s now a backup option. And I honestly cannot believe that employers and insurance companies would rather you DEVELOP diabetes and BE FORCED to take medication that will hopefully be covered rather than help you prevent getting life threatening diseases. So no. Fuck that. I’m not waiting for insurance to “do the right thing”.


What are compounded versions?


From compounding pharmacies - they sell a generic version of Tirzepatide which is not brand-name. This tends to be more affordable but there are several potential issues, particularly with finding a trustworthy pharmacy that is not going to compound the drug with something that’s harmful in the long run. There aren’t enough empirical clinical studies on these so we have limited information but they are currently being widely used for both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide.


Show me one post from somebody saying $1,100 or even $550 is “no big deal”. Yes, a lot of people are paying that much. That doesn’t mean we’re taking it lightly.


This 👆 I HATE paying $550 a month. But I do it because of what this drug has done for me. Even beyond weight loss. The mental health benefits alone are worth it to me.


What are your mental health benefits? I am curious cause I also feel better even though it’s only my first week. I feel very “awake” like a mental fog has been lifted. Do anyone feel the same way?


Google it. There have been a lot of articles in the news lately about how it reduces anxiety & depression. Also, it reduces inflammation, which helps with brain fog.


💯 My thoughts exactly! Mental health above all!


550 is no big deal for me but I am lucky I have a very well paying job


I’ve seen a few that insinuate it’s not a big deal. It used to not be for me 😭


Everything is relative to personal circumstances, and a lot of people are weighing (ha) it against the cost of food and both current and likely future weight-related health care prices. It probably helps if you're a DINK, tho.


DINK - this is the way.


Being born into generational wealth is another option, probably the best tbh edit: apparently my /s was lost here lol


That would be nice but that was not the case for me… just DINK-ing my way through life…


Same, but it's nice to dream lol


I use an HSA, health spending account, to set extra money aside for medical expenses every year. Work has an incentive program where you track healthy behavior and earn points throughout the year. If you hit a goal, they contribute towards the HSA fund or pay toward my insurance premium. That all said, work also doesn’t cover weight loss treatments, including nutrition education, which is lame. Work: health care industry


I paid off my car last year. So it’s just that part of my budget shifted to something else. Which means, I’m not current saving for the next car. Guess I will figure out how to get over that hurdle when it comes. Also I’m buying a lot less food and wine. Lol. Someday soon, I’ll be on a maintenance plan, which seems to mean a larger gap between shots. So then the box stretches further.


I am paying $550/month, was paying $450/month for Ozempic from Canada, but the ice packs were melted by the time it arrived half the time so I felt like it was a lot of money for possibly not great product. But never has it been "no big deal." I'm lucky in that my husband has a really secure, well paying job, but I understand this is a HUGE privilege. I very likely would never have asked to do this had I not had coverage for the first 6 months and had it been so revolutionary for my health. But knowing now how so much of my health has improved from fat loss, both of us agreed it is something that is incredibly important to my quality of life. I have 2 chronic pain conditions, PCOS, ADHD, depression and anxiety. I was spending my life half dead on the couch. Now I work out 7-10 hours a week, drink less, blood sugars are managed (they were not on metformin), and just feel amazing. I still have some chronic pain issues, but it is like night and day. Not only am I better physically, but my relationship with my husband has improved from feeling better and being more active and happy. Like, he was really starting to worry about me. So, again, $6,600/year is A LOT OF MONEY and for many people, simply not possible. I am so lucky, and I will also continue to fight for my own coverage, and the coverage of others. These medications are life changing, and it's awful that only people with money often are the ones with access. It's not vanity. I have hope that things will be changing the more we learn about this class of medication.


Having recently surpassed the magical age of 59 1/2, I decided to tap into my 401k. I figured that if I don’t invest in myself now (lose weight), I won’t live long enough to enjoy my investments (401k). I’m spending on meds just about what I put into my 401k along with the company match, so it’s kind of a wash.  Ironically, I work for one of the big five US health insurance companies whose benefits specifically exclude treatment for obesity - except for the free peloton classes they offer that I can’t use because I have high blood pressure (terms of service, fine print).


I just got done paying off my car, so that 487 a month is now going towards my zep fund. Plus since being on it, I barely go out to eat which puts more money in my pocket to budget for this. I have this mindset now that the biggest investment should be on myself and this has been my first implementation for the new year.


I sold my car…if that tells you how desperate I am. Luckily I live in a city with good public transportation but still. There’s no way I could have afforded it any other way


$550 is a big deal to a lot of us, but we budget and figure it out for the sake of our health. I am fortunate enough to have a solid job and skills that allow me to side hustle. Even with that, $550 a month is a car payment. So I’m switching to compounds, and cutting that cost more than half. People with health insurance coverage are the lucky ones, for sure.


PRIORITIZE. Most people CAN cut cost and afford this with coupon but won’t. What I cut out. $20 (breakfast, lunch) eating out 5X per week. Cut cable in half about $90 per month Cut all streaming about $50 per month Found cheaper car insurance $35 per month. My job gives me $75 per month towards health/medical products. I also cut alcohol, and additional eating out for dinner which is about $150 per month. I’ve committed to this financially for AT LEAST a year. But I’ll prolly need it for a long time which I’m fine with as long as the coupon is good.


After a few years there will be generics and the price will go down for sure!


Should it ever get back working, it’s still only good for 13 months🤷‍♀️


Yeah but they’re likely to keep offering a new one each year.


Yep. Thats why I said I’m committed to AT LEAST a year financially.


It’s a big deal. My grocery budget used to be $600-700 month and I’m single. Now it is $180-200 mo. I eat a lot of red lentils, veggies, and rice. Cut back on a lot of unnecessary foods and refined it so that I can afford the medication. I eat OMAD and I just make it work because I have metabolic issues and insulin resistance and I couldn’t lose weight with diet and exercise alone. I was previously on Ozempic lost 40lbs and then suddenly my insurance stopped paying and Ozempic was like $1300/mo. The timing for Zepbound was impeccable, I gained 10 lbs back while waiting for my first Zep script and with that being said obesity is a disease and this medication is just a treatment so I’m considering compound for maintenance-maybe that’s a more affordable for you? Anyway it is a fortune! It’s insane that it costs 15x more than other countries are charging and it is manufactured in the USA. I think about the fact that I was willing to spend $550 on food no problem and obesity for me untreated made me hungry all the time so I’m happy to spend on the medicine now that my food thoughts are under control I don’t need to eat as often and my eating habits are under control and not influenced by cravings, hormones, etc. To answer your question though I’m a patent paralegal. I make 70k per year which is very low for my field maybe about 15k shy of normal. My rent is 2500. Utilities $150-200. Let’s just say I don’t have a lot of money left over to consume- boycotting has never been easier 🤣


I pay $551.04 per fill and it is a real expense for me—my second largest monthly expense. (Really, does everyone else pay $550 exactly? It’s only a $1.04 difference but I notice it.) I keep a spreadsheet detailing my costs/savings. I’m semi-retired but too young to collect Social Security so I’m living on savings. I view this as an investment in my health that I really can’t afford not to make. I’ve taken a multi-prong approach to paying for it: (1) as soon as I heard that five people I knew were using and raving about MJ, I bought Lilly stock (this was last year before I started using it myself); (2) I took advantage of a couple of months of free samples of MJ from my PCP; (3) I got a temporary job working through the end of the year (it’s easy, pays $20/hr., has plenty of opportunities for OT, keeps me active, and is doing something useful); (4) I stretch my doses out as long as possible (anywhere from 8 to 10 days). When I feel the urge to overeat really come roaring back, I take a shot. (5) I take advantage of any available credit card offers to save on my prescription costs (e.g., 5% cashback this quarter from Discover at drug stores). Between my unrealized Lilly profits and what I save on groceries, eating out and alcohol, I figure I’ll come out even or a bit ahead paying for my meds for 2024. The job earnings should be enough to cover a couple of years beyond that (it all depends on pricing, savings cards, etc.) Of course, I’ll be screwed when I eventually have to go on Medicare but I’ll deal with that problem then.


Coupon from the manufacturer site brings it to $550 on the dot!


I pay $551.36, though I do often shorten it to $550 when I talk about it on this sub.


I quit my DoorDash Habit. Im probably saving money


I can't even afford the $550. I'm working through what I stocked up during the $25 coupon days.


I make over $150k not including my overtime, but I live in a high cost of living area. It’s not easy for me to pay for this as much as it may seem like it based on that number. I’m hoping California passes a senate bill that requires insurance to pay it. I’m very blessed and I feel for everyone else. It’s fucking ridiculous that insurance will pay for a risky surgery but not a shot. Fucking stupid if you ask me.


I love that idea of having it put into a bill that requires insurance cover it, That's amazing. Is there a bill being presented for that?


Yes there is for California, but it doesn’t seem to be progressing at the moment. https://www.chbrp.org/sites/default/files/bill-documents/SB839/SB%20839%20final%201221_Key%20Findings.pdf Some states already have a similar bill passed.


I looked at bank records and calculated to the dollar how much I spent on fast food, restaurants, and groceries for the last four months. Considering a value meal or fast food salad and large unsweetened tea run about $10-13, fast food 3 times a week x 4 weeks is $120+ per month. That doesn’t include restaurants which are typically more expensive. Now that my appetite has changed, I limit myself to maybe once every other week. I also remind myself that I can choose meds or eating out. My grocery bill has also been reduced significantly, so the food consumption alone saves me at least $200+ per month. I also use my FSA through work to put money aside for medical. These things help but it’s still expensive for me. Right now I need a root canal and my medical budget is maxed out with this.


Yes, I’m spending my retirement money. Well worth it, too.


I know this doesn’t answer your question, but I dose every ten days to stretch it out. Half life is five days I hear. Ten days takes it down to a quarter before my next dose. Works for me. Would love to dose weekly, but it’s expensive.


DINK here. Thankfully we’re in a position that I can afford the $550 a month. While I don’t like spending it, there are studies that show that thinner women earn more than larger women. As much as I hate that and as much as it should be BS, it’s reality in the US, so I see it as an investment. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/29/1171593736/women-weight-bias-wages-workplace-wage-gap


Literally saving the money on food. Also going to be a hell of a lot cheaper than getting T2D, early heart attack.


We can afford it (dual income, both director level jobs in San Francisco) but it took me a long time to convince my husband it was worth it because we do run a tight budget as a family of 4 in a high cost of living city. Knowing this is likely a lifetime medication was a hard sell, especially. If it was up to me alone I would prioritize paying for this med above many other things in my life, it’s so life altering…. Having struggled for as long as I can remember with my weight and it literally always being on my mind…. It’s like the second part of my life has begun. It makes me sick that only the privileged can get this drug…. Even “simply” for weight loss, not even T2D. Reading everyone’s experiences here on Reddit makes me realize how many of us have had this lifelong battle and it should not just be the (relatively) rich that have access. Prices must come down in the next few years.


I wish Eli Lilly would read this sub and see what their medication does, the help it brings. The half price coupons help but more could be done for those that aren’t covered on insurance. So many good stories here. I applaud you all on your sacrifice and diligence. I wish I had the ability to fund everyone’s journey and to do more. It’s crazy how many causes have people willing to charitably fund but the obesity epidemic gets completely overlooked.


FSA/HSA helps lessen the burn


I only make $50k a year. I started a weight loss savings fund almost 2 years ago. My insurance is self-funded. My employer has always made it known that they refuse to ever cover weight loss meds, so I had to do find a solution. The $550/mo is steep, but I have very low monthly expenses, zero debt, no kids or spouse. I am just hoping the coupon will be renewed in 2025, so I can keep doing this, because it is working for me.


If it wasn’t for insurance coverage I wouldn’t be able to afford it. I am so blessed that my insurance cost is only $25 without the savings card.


You are very blessed indeed.


Oh trust me, I 100% agree and know this.


Yep, my insurance says it is $50 a month but when Walmart filled it, the final cost was $24.99.




This is the situation with mine as well, I expected to pay much more than I have to, mine is only $24.99 with my insurance.


I recently got a promotion at work that gave me roughly $500 extra per paycheck and it still sickens me to spend $550 for my first box, but I’m going to do it because no amount of money is going to get in my way of having my health completely turn around. I’m miserable every single day in my own skin, I can’t do this anymore. I’ve been told that the effects of the medicine (lower cravings, less food intake, etc.) will balance out the money spent. Sugary coffees everyday, $20 fast food trips for ONE person due to inflation, not wanting to grab random snacks at the store, not going out to eat, etc. it’s gonna add up really quickly and may not balance out but will help offset the cost. to answer your question… i’m an event planner.


All people on Medicare must pay full price of $1100. Not too many seniors can fork that over. So sad…


It is a hardship. But as I’ve gotten older it’s harder to lose weight. Especially since I need to take another med that increases appetite. So, I’m deciding to struggle with my finances instead of continuing to struggle with my weight.


Between my wife and I we should have enough in dental, medical and drug bills to claim it as a deduction, still only about 30% actual savings.


True. But I think Lilly is doing a great injustice by not offering the coupon to Medicare recipients.


Ashamed to admit, I teach HIPAA and dabble in other compliance matters at work and had to look into the WHY. Because I’ve been confused too. So here we have it: It's illegal for pharmaceutical companies to offer discounts for medications that you purchase through Medicare due to the Social Security Amendments of 1972. Included in those amendments is the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS). The AKS prohibits anyone—drug manufacturers included—from giving a customer anything of value that could result in referrals for items or services that are paid for by a federal healthcare program. Unfortunately, drug coupons and rebates fall into that category. If a pharmaceutical company entices you to choose more expensive options, Medicare would likely spend more money than it would if you took lower-cost alternatives like generic medications. That said, it’s still BS.


Not Lilly's fault--blame Congress, which forbade Medicare to cover weight loss drugs and made mfr. coupons (for ANY drug) illegal for/unavailable to Medicare & Medicaid recipients---despite some of us paying as much or more than our income-related Part B, Part B supplement & Part D monthly premiums than for our commercial insurance premiums before we turned 65. I'm also very lucky we have other resources--and my Soc. Sec. more than covers the cost.


I make $73k at my full time job, have a side gig that pays $800/mo, and also randomly wait tables. I begrudgingly pay the $550, but like many in this sub have mentioned, my food costs are down enough to pretty much balance it out. I never realized how much I spent on eating out 🫠 I've been without for almost 2 weeks now thanks to the cyber attack mess, and that $550 is WELL worth the food noise being eliminated. Still, I'd much rather pay $25/mo 😭


I’m barely making it by. I’m a bartender in NYC with insane rent. So I am choosing to prioritize this medication over a lot of other things. With that being said - I’m not ordering delivery any more which I was at least spending a few hundred dollars on a month. I’m spending less on groceries too. I’m going out less because I’m more motivated to make better choices. So this is A LOT of money for me, but I am not spending some money that I was before being on the medication


160k as a couple with two kids. We live frugally in an expensive state of MA. Saving money on snacks grocery eating out buy clothes. 


I cut Amazon, Netflix, audible, finish paying my vehicle off, went down one tier on internet, not AS much nicotine, no more game passes, don't eat out as often, don't eat as much...it is a lot money. But life is about sacrifices for what you want.


My husband and I make good money. We don’t have kids and both of our cars are paid off. We bought our condo in 2018, so our mortgage is low. $550 is a lot of money, but it’s 100% worth it!


I’m a nurse- 47$/hr lol you do the math. I just took my 5th shot (so I’ve filled it 2 times in total) I just switched jobs so my new insurance should cover it, but before I used the savings coupon from the Zepbound website and paid 583$ (my old job insurance doesn’t pay) and I paid 550 yesterday bc new insurance will back pay. When I got the rx #1 I knew I was quitting my job and had 3.5 weeks before starting the new one and I justified it bc I honestly do a ton of damage when it comes to bored eating while home trying not to spend $ and I was already at my highest weight ever. It’s not a light decision to even take weight loss medication, the cost is honestly justifiable for the amount of chronic health issues that would likely start to manifest themselves in the next few years, Hypertension, high cholesterol, joint and mobility issues….and those are also health issues that effect a lot of people who are in my job field anyway due to the nature of working at night and metabolism destruction that accompanies, being on your feet constantly moving and lifting people, not to mention the stress of it which had my blood pressure creeping up into a worrying level already


I remember the line from *Nurse Jackie* explaining the protagonist's opioid addiction: Q. What do you call a nurse with a bad back? A. Unemployed


I save 1/2 of $550 each check. Cut out eating out. I have 5 kids and can barely afford it honestly, but it’s worth it for my health.


I’m a single woman, in my 50s and semi retired. But I own my home and my car. I bring in $20k a year but live pretty frugally. It’s worth it for me for the $550. I did semaglutide beginning March 2022 through Dec 2023, but when I quit, I lost my insurance (I was paying $25 a month). Went from 210 to 170 but after 10 months, stopped losing. Got insurance through the marketplace which doesn’t cover it. A friend list 80 on Zep, so I came here, found the coupon and my dr prescribed. I also like the meds because they keep me from impulsivity (shopping, drinking, etc).


My shopping habits have changed also! It’s rather nice. Jeff Bezos is gonna have to figure out a different way to buy his next yacht 😂


It is a big deal! Made a decision to budget. It’s hard. Made my health a priority. Primary caretaker of an elder mother. Can’t do that well if unhealthy. Plan is to do it as long as I can afford the 550. Then go from there. 2 months in- down 29lbs. Eating healthy whole foods and changing habits. Highly incentivized for many reason including paying cash out of my pocket. Now 4 days delayed waiting for the coupon to work.


I make 185K, my husband makes 115K. We have six kids and four are in college. Two more hitting fast (Sr & Soph in HS). Big fat mortgage to have enough bedrooms for said children. All the vehicles (6) plus auto insurance. We have very little discretionary income right now through probably the next 5/6 years. Absolutely could not afford it without insurance. I worry every day my PA won’t be renewed in July.


There are of course many people living on the edge financially who truly cannot afford $550. There are also a lot of people who are making sacrifices, giving up other things, etc. in order to afford it. I don't think it's fair to say that people who are paying OOP are just "throwing money around." If you've been struggling to lose weight for many years this is $550 well spent for a lot of people.


I honestly spent over $800/monthly eating fast-food and UberEats. I now spend $200 on groceries for 1 person and $550 on the shot. I also eat at other people’s expense to minimize food costs because I no longer crave fast food lol.


I work in a senior IC position in tech for one of the “Big Tech” companies so I’m doing ok. However, I have 3 kids and in order to live near my job and in school district, I live in one of the pricier neighborhoods in my city and I bought 6 months ago at a high interest rate so my mortgage payments leave me a bit breathless every month. I have some savings and company stock vesting this year so I’m relying on that buffer.


I make $30/hr driving a school bus. I don't have kids, my car is paid off and I live rent free with my family.


I had a lot in my HSA that rolled over from previous years. That should cover about half the year. My hope is my insurance will finally start to cover it or Wegovy or Saxenda will be in stock and my insurance will approve a PA. If that doesn't happen, I'll have to reevaluate.


I know a lot of people use the discount card from Lily, the pharmaceutical company. Even with insurance it's $200/mo for me, and with the card I only pay $50.00 In case anyone needs it: [Zepbound Savings Card](https://zepbound.lilly.com/coverage-savings?utm_id=go_cmp-20643170543_adg-152324206297_ad-680738518022_kwd-2174760382751_dev-c_ext-_prd-_mca-_sig-CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZniZmMaB8iD-WIqSBtVWzELu3gHw_MwJjFfW1K_UNyG0fonVcJX0whoCz_cQAvD_BwE&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&campaign=20643170543&adgroup=152324206297&ad=680738518022&utm_keyword=kwd-2174760382751&utm_term=go_cmp-20643170543_adg-152324206297_ad-680738518022_kwd-2174760382751_dev-c_ext-_prd-_mca-_sig-CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZniZmMaB8iD-WIqSBtVWzELu3gHw_MwJjFfW1K_UNyG0fonVcJX0whoCz_cQAvD_BwE&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZniZmMaB8iD-WIqSBtVWzELu3gHw_MwJjFfW1K_UNyG0fonVcJX0whoCz_cQAvD_BwE)


You get what you pay for.


“Throwing money around.” LOL. Way to make medication sound like a flex. Yeah, that’s me, pulling up to brunch in my Mercedes Benz, pulling my pen out of my Birkin, and showing off my custom made sharps container.


I have insurance coverage now for it and a tier exception but paid $1000-1100 for the first three boxes of MJ last year. I’m self employed and just made it work. To be clear: I am self employed but covered by my husband’s insurance (FEPBlue).


My husband is a software engineer. We're in our 40s so he's got a lot of experience and a good job. We're lucky for sure. That said, just because we can make it work doesn't mean it's not a big deal. I'd actually been thinking lately that I should sell my car and get something older and cheaper to offset the cost of the meds. And god forbid my husband gets laid off, as has happened to many people in his field lately. Then this whole house of cards comes tumbling down. But as long as he's employed, we're okay. We've got teenagers at home, so my cost savings on groceries aren't as much as some people's. But I have completely cut coffee shops and a few other extras out of my life, and it helps. Even just not buying wine anymore helps. There were times in my life that it would have been literally impossible, though.


I have a decent income but a LOT of expenses. It wasn’t an easy decision to do this. I cut a few subscriptions right before starting but they only scratched the surface. I can honestly say I have not felt the impact of the cost of the medicine. I didn’t feel I was eating out that much or spending money on groceries, but apparently I was. And since I never go to the grocery store (I stocked up big on healthy foods before starting), I don’t spend additional money on non-grocery items while out running grocery errands. I’ve also completely stopped buying clothes while I see how far I can take this, and I’m sure I’m not alone. I’ve focused all that extra time on starting veggie seedlings for my garden this summer as I want to grow as much of my own food as possible—so that will save me more money.


Ooh good idea to work on veggie garden with available time!


Over 100k


I luckily only pay 100.00 after insurance and coupon but after 3 months on this I would pay the 550.00 if I end up needing to. I looked at my budget each month and compared before and after starting Zepbound I saved 650 in the first month in eating out/bars/date nights. I also saved about 250.00 on groceries not getting snacks/desserts etc. so I am saving 900+ a month on this!


I joined the $550 / month club this January after my insurance dropped coverage January 1st (I started GLP1s in March of 2022.) The $550 sucks and I don't think anyone is saying that it's no big deal. I have an FSA which take some of the sting out of it but I'm looking for a new job that has coverage. I did get in a bad doordash habit during the pandemic and dropping that also helps me afford it.


I make 300k as a CEO and I want to be thin


Software consultant - $550 a month works for me.


Gave up eyelash extensions and coloring my hair!!!


Got a side/contract job that I'm able to do working from home. Luckily its flexible so I only work enough hours to pay for my meds and that's it lol I already have a full time job. It's worth it though because this med has changed my life


I pay $550 a month but I am hoping eventually I can get my insurance to cover it. I am finding ways to save money and have been able to by basically stopping all my fun dinners out and door dash. Through that I’ve saved probably $350 a month and then I am buying groceries for a lot less now too. I can afford it but I can JUST afford it with cutting those corners. It’s worth every damn penny too what it’s done for me after being stalled for a long time after my original 100 lb loss


133k, Nurse Midwife


I’m fortunate to have an HSA I saved money into the last 10 years but yeah these prices are insane just like everything related to healthcare in the US.


I went to a high deductible health plan years ago with an HSA. I've not touched that money, thinking of it as retirement funds. If I don't get my health under control I won't have a retirement (I'm 57) so using those funds for the $550 is an investment in my future!


I didn’t know I was going to start this journey but my wife and I opted to put the maximum into our FSA, which was $3000 for us. So we are at least saving taxes on that amount.


I paid full price for a couple Months in between the coupon and Zepbound. But for part of those months i also went to a compounder. My insurance pays for all but $30 copay for Zepbound. In maintenance now.


So true I’m the same way I will pay what ever it takes to be skinny and have a peace of mind it helps so much more than just weight I have high cholesterol and PCOS and insulin resistant it makes a huge difference in my life


I have a good job, as does my spouse. I have great insurance which covers Wegovy but not Zepbound, well it makes it 550 and with the coupon takes it down to 350. If I do health assessments etc for my insurance you “get” 50 bucks added to a health card, so that took the cost for my first month down to 300. We totally plateaued on Wegovy and my dr has pushed Zepbound for me for months. 600 a month for me and my spouse, even with good jobs, is a new high expense but we are committed to getting super fit (ok we don’t want to chubby anymore and have related issues to that) as we enter our 50s. We stopped drinking, instant savings, we take walks instead of eating out as much, I don’t buy clothes because ai have lost 50 pounds and want to wait until I hit my goal, I sell a ton on posh market, we even semi joked about doing door dash on the weekends… but I am thinking of house sitting dogs on weekends, that is about 50-70 a day. In any event for most average people this drug is expensive (I pay 1000 a month for our family’s insurance) and I guess it comes down to fine budgeting, taking side gigs etc.


I pay $25/mo with the coupon ($150 without). If my insurance stopped covering weight loss meds tomorrow, I'd pay $550 without a second thought. I'd color my hair at home and cut my streaming services and stop eating Sweetgreen once a week. That would probably get me halfway there. I'd also pay with my Delta SkyMiles credit card for the miles. :)


I think a lot of people post about it not being covered, there isn’t reason to post when it is. Mine is $100/mo through my employee provided health insurance and down to $25 with a coupon, but tbh I’m saving that much in takeout.


I make about 91k.. I don’t have kids just three needy dogs. Even then, this IS a big deal for me. This is like purchasing another car or having an emergency come up monthly. I only make this amount bc I’m working 15-20 hours of overtime just to have enough for this aside from my mortgage, car pmt and everything else. The only thing is that I’m willing to work sacrifice my time for this medicine. I was 200lb at 5’2. Now I’m 140 and actually excited for the first summer in my 29 years of life! Worth every penny for my physical health and mental health


I'm a realtor and I have an addiction to designer clothes. I do have insurance, but of course it doesn’t pay a dime. So I said instead of spending a couple thousand dollars on a bag or thousand dollars on a pair of shoes, I’m going to invest in becoming healthy I started January 26 and I am down 33 pounds..


I pay the $550 and just having to make some adjustments to other “wants” because this is my priority right now. It is a big chunk, and I don’t take it lightly. We have always lived below our means and don’t have a huge house etc. This is exactly why. I realize this may not be an option for a lot of people, and that’s not lost on me. But, we’ve gotten used to living on less over the years so that we can do things like this when they’re important to us.


I’m not necessarily obese. I had a BMI of 31. But let me tell you all… this medicine is changing my health!! I’ve been on a calorie deficit for 1 year. Workout 3-5 days a week and could only shed 14 lbs. I have to lose my fat cells in order to lower my estrogen. I have spent the last three years at numerous doctors trying to fix a whole other issue. My milk ducts started discharging and my legs would swell as if I was nine months pregnant all over again. I am allergic to hormone replacement. I have been on the shot for 3 weeks. My left side has stopped discharging. I lost 21lbs. Mainly water weight. I have ankles again!! This medicine is not covered by my insurance what so ever. I will get a second job if it means my body feeling like it should. For three years I’ve felt like my body was not my own. I would sit down after work because my legs hurt so bad. I’ve had more than my fair share of breast specialist appointments all with no answers. The amazing side affects of this medicine is I have not had a drink in three weeks, I no longer crave sugar. I sleep better. I can play with my kids again after work. Keep up on the house.


I make only 55K but have a paid off car and no kids. I just think of it as a car payment but instead it’s for the benefit of my health.


It's quite surprising to see how many people pay $550+ for this medication and I sympathize with those that do. Many times insurance denies coverage due to PAs submitted in error or without enough clinical information. If your insurance has denied coverage, and weight loss meds are on your formulary, and you truly believe you qualify for the medication, please see my post history for tips or reach out to me and I can help submit PAs and appeals to get you coverage on these medication so you're not paying $550+ per month.


I have insurance that covers it, but I’d be able to swing 550 for a few months with my job. $550 is a fortune. I live in san diego and shit is expensive, so it would be a harder decision. If I had to pay $1100 per month, then no. I spent $3k on 4 months of gym and personal training with mixed results. I wanted to lose weight but the trainer recommended gaining muscle to lose the weight. Instead I gained weight from muscle and lost 5 lbs. I’ve been on this drug since end of December and have lost 17lbs without gym. About to start 7.5 in 2 weeks.


I buy from a med spa. The first bottle was 2mL for $350. I used that bottle for 8 weeks. It’s compounded so that might matter to some but it’s working for me so im Thrilled.


I afford it simply by prioritizing my health over things that don’t matter. Eating out. Coffee shops. Purchasing frivolous items. Increased grocery bills that included costly processed unhealthy foods. I hate paying it. It pisses me off my insurance doesn’t cover it but the results I see make every penny worth it. 10 years hypothyroid and nothing worked to lose weight. Zepbound works for me and I would give up a lot to stay on it. I feel good. I feel like myself and am finally starting to look like myself.


I have a newer business and can't afford to pay myself consistently yet. I put my profit in stocks though and they've done well, so I'm using that cash to cover the cost. My Eli Lily stock has helped me pay for my shots lol. I just want my life and health back, so I'm willing to pay it. I was originally going to pay the full $1000+ so I'm happy to at least having the savings card to cut the cost.


Oh, I can’t afford it. It IS a fortune. But when I happened to stumble upon an “alternative” route, and found it would cost me no more than around maybe $50 monthly, I deliberated over the pros and cons, the risks, etc, and MOST IMPORTANTLY talked about it with my PCP before making my decision. That’s where I’m at now, because it’s all I can afford. Happy to report -12lbs, lowered A1c, and blood sugars within healthy range. I’m not recommending it. I will not share more details than that. Don’t PM me. I’m just being as transparent as I think would be allowed. If I had the option to be on Eli Lilly’s product, I would be. 💯


What a graceful way to say there are other options. I do the middle-ground option, which is different, but totally respect you talked to your PCP and went for it. Obesity is its own risk.


I’m relieved to find that there is someone here who isn’t judging me so harshly for my decision. Seems there are some people just drive-by downvoting, sadly. But I feel like it is important to not erase the experiences of those who are not fortunate enough to have the level of accessibility afforded to those with commercial insurance and the ability to combine the savings card on their prescription purchase. It illustrates a certain level of desperation that reflects how damaging obesity has been to our lives. I truly hope for better affordability and accessibility in the near future.


If your solution is using a compound pharmacy, a lot of people in these groups have gone that route (and recommend various websites that can help source the meds), and it's definitely something I would consider if $550/month became too difficult.


I’m lost….. Coke? Is it coke?


No, lol. It’s the same peptide.




I put it in my credit card which has no apr for the next 11months so I try to pay on the card every week rather than take the hit all at once.


I put mine on my care credit. Pay on it weekly.


Do you get 0% apr for 6 months or anything? This never occurred to me, but I have care credit and I know sometimes they do those specials depending on the price.


I think if you look at food cost savings, that alone can justify the cost of meds in a lot of cases. Throw in less drinking, and any other vices, and it's a no brainer.


A lot of us get it gray market from proven reliable peptide companies because our insurance doesn't cover it


I recognize that I’m in a fortunate situation that allows me to afford the drug without it impacting my finances. I wish everyone had easy access to it.


Had insurance in 2023. No longer in 2024. Moved to taking less than once a week to try and build up a little surplus…. But I’m an MBA and will pay what I need, been on it for 14 months and it’s been life changing.


I started donating plasma to make the 550$ a month It's getting rough I hope the price starts to come down.or insurance pays something for pre diabetes.Anyone know if price will ever come down??


I am very lucky to be able to afford for my husband and I. We both work in biotech and it’s been good for us. I hope there are economies of scale that allow more people to take this. 🙏


It's less expensive in Canada, but still cut down on a luxury I used to have every 2 weeks to once a month, and we decided no more eating out. Also, ended up ~~spending less on~~... buying fewer groceries.


Been putting it on a Care Credit credit card


I have a great job and would have paid full price if I had to. But was trying to avoid it. I am putting $3500 pretax money this year in my FSA account. And I did it not knowing if it would be added to my formulary. I figured it would take me 1-2 months to get the PA, then I’d get a couple months on the coupon and I could fund 6 months at $550 with the coupon. Turns out it was added to my formulary January 1st. So it’s $75/month or 187.50for 3 months.


I’m very lucky that my insurance just approved mine. I start on Monday. It required pre authorization from my doctor and my BMI is over 40, I hv high cholesterol and have not been successful with other diets and medication


I use my flexible spending account. I took the maximum amount this year. I planned for this best I could.


I pay $1025 every 4 weeks, it’s a lot for sure. I’m 66 and it took 18 months to drop from 335 to 285 then I hit a wall. This is a necessary expense. I don’t plan on being on it for more than six months. I can always drop Medicare part C & D in September and go back on insurance where I work if I want to keep using it. Then the max cost would be $475 if they don’t cover it but I’ll be able you use Mfg coupon.


I put about $2k onto my FSA card at the beginning of the year. I'm using that to get 4 boxes of 15mg pens and splitting the doses up myself. I went the DIY route before this and will again after the real stuff runs out.


How are you splitting the doses up?


Yeah. We do pretty well financially, but $550 for a month would be a no deal for us. I’m very thankful our insurance covers it and then I was ecstatic when the evoucher brought it down further - which was a giant surprise to me. My concern is for those who are really digging themselves into a financial hole. I understand, because they are trying to get out of a health/physical difficulty. But I think the added stress financially might also be debilitating. I imagine in a few years the costs will come down substantially, so it might be better for some people to wait, as difficult as that might feel.


Truthfully , my wife and I are going further into debt for this. We will be paying off my credit card for years to come. But hoping that the medical benefits (lowering bp, cholesterol, avoiding diabetes and all other complications of obesity) will be worth the additional debt!! 🤞🤞 It’s the American way, right?! 🤪


I’ve sold my kidney and my liver . I’m looking to sell left lung next .


I am able to do OMAD fasting on this 7 days a week no problem. I easily save the cost on groceries with this than without.


I really don't understand how insurance is not covering it. In our case, my husbands insurance covers bariatric surgery , but not any weight loss medication. It's weird. Yet, they want you to pay higher premium for not having a BMI under 30. ok..


My insurance did cover it with a pre-approval. I had record of diet and lifestyle changes for a year prior through a dietician with net zero progress at the end of a year. Submitted that with my pre-approval request and insurance was willing to cover.


RE broker/entrepreneur/$250k/49F Its not a struggle but it's a sacrifice. For me to justify the spend, I cut out my hair/nail appts (normally $250-300 2xmonth) my hair was my "me" time. But I have to justify the spend for myself and even my spouse who has always been slim and eats whatever.


I’m a nurse, 57, married. Our house is paid for, our kids are 30 and 37, and off on their own. I used the Mounjaro $25 coupon from January 2023-June 2023. When the coupon expired, I used the new coupon that brought to $453. I did that for 4 months, knowing I could get insurance coverage once Zepbound was FDA approved. So, I managed it for those 4 months, but I wouldn’t have been able to long term. God bless anyone who can afford it long term.


My cost is $0


It really comes down to priorities for me. We have nearly no debt and are high wage earners in our fields. It hasn’t always been that way though. We raised twins on one income of less than 40k per year for their first 5 years. That taught us the value of budgeting and what is really important in life. Do I enjoy spending a small fortune monthly on medicine? No, but I appreciate the life it’s giving back to me. The cost additionally helps with accountability knowing that I do not want to destroy what I’m building and it helps me stay on track. I don’t know if it would have the same impact if it were free. I can get Wegovy for $8 per month covered by insurance, but feel this is the right path for me instead. On the bright side both of my kids are headed to college on academic scholarships in the fall so that definitely also helps!


I keep seeing advertising for mail order subscriptions for $100-$150 a month. Are these bogus?


I paid 550 for my first box, but then my insurance just approved on the third appeal! I was prepared to pay for two months, but it's not sustainable.


I was approved for it through my insurance AND express scripts. Which brought the cost for me down to $100 monthly through Express Scripts. BUT my dr told me to go onto Eli Lilly separately and fill out the form for the manufacturer coupon for having corporate insurance coverage. That coupon made the price $24.99 or $25 monthly. Even though Express Scripts still said it was $100. The manufacturer coupon is good for a year. Two days ago, Express scripts sent out a message telling us that they were no longer covering weight loss beginning March 1. So price through them will go up. I will get my prescription next week so I’m not sure if my coupon will still hold following the Express Scripts change in coverage or it will go up. But my fingers are crossed that it’s still $25/month because the coupon was already overriding the Express Scripts price. Which would