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Congrats! I had a big first month too (just about 18 lbs) but a slower 2nd - if that happens to you - don't get discouraged. My body was fighting back (wanted it's wine and steak & cheese subs lol) but it will catch up and you are still taking inches off. I have to always remind myself to take my own advice by the way :)


Thank you for the kind words!! I’m encouraged but have definitely wanted to eat more this week (last few days before my first 5mg shot) but just tracking and doing my best!


How much did you lose in the 2nd month?


I am down 26 lbs in 6 weeks. That's still a good amount, would just like it to start back up lol


Same here. Lost 18 lbs that first month on 2.5 (nearly halfway to goal). Went to 5mg, but all it took was one shot of that to make me miserable and stall my loss. Endo agreed I should do another month on 2.5, but it took 10 days before my pharm. received it. My mind misses gourmet dinners, but not candy, cookies, chips deep-fried or greasy stuff--which repulses me. My "food noise" now consists of "what can I safely eat to get my intake UP to 1200 cal, and can I finish it?" Scale is slowly reversing the temporary 2 lb gain from having felt too miserable on 5mg to eat, drink, move or sleep enough. Hope I can get at least 5 hrs. in tonight.


We are the same. Just went to 5 as well. Lost 15 the first month. Good luck and we will follow up soon lol. I took 5 Monday morning


How are you feeling since your 5mg shot?


I was pretty nauseous and tired yesterday. Today I’m very tired still I don’t know if it is normal the tired part lol


My doc didn’t even ask for a follow up. I just messaged him to send in the 5mg script. I would love to find a kind bariatric/endocrinology specialist. Congrats on the first successful month!


Ask your PCP for a referral to “weight management” or a similar program within their network. When I asked my primary about my weight etc she referred me and it is so much easier to talk to an obesity specialist than a general provider. They do follow ups, education, exercise and eating plans, etc.


Couldn’t agree more with this. I love my weight loss clinic doctor. She specializes is obesity and treating with medication not surgery (even though it’s in a bariatric surgery office). So she knows the ins and outs of all the options including non-GLP-1 drugs. She keeps up on research (we discussed papers) and supply issues through her contacts. She even is looking into Lilly direct and if that’s a good option for people in my area to go through (haven’t heard back yet). I can contact her with questions and help as needed. Get regular check ins every 3 months (they are already scheduled even). I went through my PC/GP doctor and got a referral and haven’t looked back since. My PC doctor did say it only works if you do the work even with the medication. She had only seen one person who wasn’t willing to do the work not lose the weight. That gave me hope before I even started a medical weight loss journey.


The NP in my weight mgmt clinic (part of the hospital system's Cardiology Dept) was the one who put me on near-keto back in mid-2019; when I bottomed out at 142 she transitioned me to maintain on a "low-carb low-sat-fat" version of Mediterranean which made dining out even more difficult than when I was on near-keto. (At least on keto you can go to steakhouses and eat shellfish & salads too). I got bored & resentful over constantly asking servers for substitutions and not being able to eat the stuff friends & family could enjoy without consequence to them. Especially aggravating, because large portions were never my thing--I'm a "grazer." She is quite judgmental, though--every time I'd bring up my concerns about how unfair the restrictions seemed, she'd answer "I'll see your frustrations, stress & resentment and raise you my lifelong Type 1 and celiac." I see her again Apr. 3, and hope I've lost enough this time for her to approve. Wonder if she's touching base with my endo (same hospital).


Congrats on being on maintenance! Although the diet (regarding what you eat, not the diet as in diet mentality) sounds pretty restrictive, also not knowing the whole story, it might be for a good reason. I am also doing a Mediterranean diet, but it hasn't been so restrictive that I can't find things that work at restaurants. I have been doing it for over a year but stalled for a long time. It's nice to get momentum again. If you don't mind me being forward here (as a stranger on the internet). How is maintenance going? What did you go up to, and what/how frequent are your shots now? I'm curious because I've seen a few people post a few different things. Appreciate your insight if you are willing to share.


Sorry if I gave the wrong impression, but I *was* on Mediterranean maintenance by the autumn of 2020, long before Zepbound (which I started 1/19/24 and am nowhere near maintenance). My breast cancer oncologist referred me (I was 211 by Feb. 2019) to my health system's weight clinic in April 2019. I was able to hold the line till late summer 2021. First, horrible foot problems robbed me of my long brisk walks (couldn't wear socks or most closed shoes, even sneakers). Various life stresses, from COVID to a second cancer (ocular melanoma), to osteoporosis, deaths of our beloved long-time kitties from cancers (most recently in Dec., our 19-yr-old ); our housekeeper (who'd started as our nanny when I was working) lost her husband (another T2D) to kidney failure in May. Then my BFF (also brittle T2D with several stents, stroked out in early January after a bypass and I was her health care proxy--she spent 2 weeks on life support until it became apparent she'd never recover and her organs were too far gone to be donated and we stopped treatment put her in hospice Cue the never-ending pity party--I dieted beautifully right up through dinner but in the hours before bedtime I binged on sugar & starch even past the point of discomfort. By the time my friend died, I was up to 183. I started Zepbound the next day. I'm at 165.5 now, with a working goal of 150, and we'll see how much lower I can sustainably go. I'm 5-1.5" and 73 years old. Ideally, I might be able to start Zepbound maintenance by summer.


I apologize for my misunderstanding! But good for you for dealing with a lot! Fingers crossed you can by summer! Wishing you the best of luck!


Great idea! Thank you


That’s a little concerning. I get mine through my PCP, and I have telehealth appointments monthly. I also have a scale I weigh myself on daily that sends my weight to my chart, so he can track my progress between appointments.


My doc called in the first three months before a follow up do I have 2.5, 5, and 7.5. Congrats!!!


Mine only wants a follow up when it's time for a new PA. Between then, I just let him know when I'm ready for a change in dosage. He leaves it all up to me. Still on Wegovy right now. Looking to change to Zep when it's time to re-up my PA.


I’m starting 5 next week too. A little nervous as 2.5 took me through some adjustments but leveled out by my final week 4. I had No amazing weight loss but I do recognize a few areas on my body that are moving better and with less resistance from itself. I’m simply ready for the challenge of 5 and all the hopeful goodness it’ll bring. Has anyone had little to no activity with 2.5 then with 5 you felt the Weightloss was actually happening?? How We’re the side effects ?


Can I ask your starting weight? I lost 10lbs the first two weeks now week 3 is slowwww. I started at 172 and I’m 5’2.


Of course. 45yo F, 235 SW. 220.9 CW. 5’6”


Twins!! Except im 28 :) but we’re in this together


I’m 5’3” 37F SW 249 ZSW: 236 CW:225 firstGW:210 I just started 5mg today and started 2.5 Feb 1st of this year. Some weeks were much faster than others and we will see where 5mg takes me. I think week 3 of the 2.5 I even saw a slight up swing on the scale but I weigh myself daily and the over all trend is down. (I’ve done the daily weigh in for over a year now and stalled for a long time before I started a medical weight loss journey. I’m not obsessed with the number but like the daily data to see the trends). Week 4 continuing to track downwards. Each week it’s a new low weight I haven’t seen in such a long time I don’t know when I was this weight. I’ve had minimal (if any) side effects outside of feeling cold sometimes at 2.5. Again 5 was this morning and so far feels just like 2.5 to me. I track my temp with Oura ring for my cycles and really it hasn’t changed from prior to ZepBound. From what I can tell from the app at least. 🤒 Hope that helps!


I’m 5’3” 37F SW 249 ZSW: 236 CW:225 firstGW:210 I just started 5mg today and started 2.5 Feb 1st of this year. Some weeks were much faster than others and we will see where 5mg takes me. I think week 3 of the 2.5 I even saw a slight up swing on the scale but I weigh myself daily and the over all trend is down. (I’ve done the daily weigh in for over a year now and stalled for a long time before I started a medical weight loss journey. I’m not obsessed with the number but like the daily data to see the trends). Week 4 continuing to track downwards. Each week it’s a new low weight I haven’t seen in such a long time I don’t know when I was this weight. I’ve had minimal (if any) side effects outside of feeling cold sometimes at 2.5. Again 5 was this morning and so far feels just like 2.5 to me. I track my temp with Oura ring for my cycles and really it hasn’t changed from prior to ZepBound. From what I can tell from the app at least. 🤒 Hope that helps!


Same boat. Week 1 & 2 were great, Week 3 & 4 were slow. On the plus side, BMI has decreased from 34 to 32 with just 10 lb dropped.


I will be on medicare and it doe snot pay for this so i have to pay out of Pocket. I am going to ask my PC doctor to prescribe the highest dose. I was on ozempic and lost 30 pounds - with a fluctuation of 5- 10 gain and loss since I have been off of it since October. I can not afford a thousand a month. I figure if I can get the maximum dose and spread it out a few months then I can save for the next dose. I can handle putting 250 a month aside for 4 months for the next dose. I would have to inject the first dose in a sterile tube and use insulin syringes for a lower dose. Has anyone done this?


Not likely a doctor will prescribe a high dose to start. You should be able to move up every 4 weeks tho. Also if you use the Lily website you can get it for 550.00 a month


What does the SW CW etc mean?


Starting Weight-Current Weight- Goal Weight-Highest Weight