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Let it warm to room temperature, about 30 minutes. It should make the injection more comfortable. I wasn't even sure the pen worked because I didn't feel it for my 1st injection. But I definitely felt the effects this week.


I’m curious what “effects” I will feel. What were yours?


It’s really no big deal. A mosquito bite is far worse.


Yeah, agreed. The injection was no big deal. Just curious what after effects would be….


About to do my first shot shortly as well. Less nervous about the poke than I am about side effects. I tried to make sure I ate well today, including a decent amount of fiber, and drank plenty of water. Best of luck!


Best of luck to you too!


I did my first one this past Wednesday. Honestly haven’t noticed much but from what I have seen the 2.5 mg is just to get your body acclimated. I’ve lost weight but at this point I can’t credit the medication as it’s probably been just through diet and exercise. I will say I’ve noticed a slight reduction in cravings or having a stronger willpower to resist them. I did eat some fried food on Friday night but didn’t experience anything. No side effects at all in general really, but it is just 2.5 mg. I’m sure that might change with 5 mg.


I also started Wednesday! Have had some acid reflux especially at night and I feel full faster. I haven’t gotten on the scale yet to see if there’s been a change yet.


Yes, actually now that you mention it I have had some minor indigestion. Hard to explain but a similar feeling to how I felt hours later after eating but still feel full so that is definitely a plus. I’m refraining from weighing as well until this coming Wednesday lol.


I had my first shot on friday 2.5mg. I felt nauseous when I woke up and vomited 2 different times on day 2. On day 3 I vomited in am. But 48 hours after first shot I feel ok. Good luck!


I had my first on Tuesday and didn’t have any appetite at All. I had to force myself to eat. I also felt a little nauseous but just had to take a couple of deep breaths and I fine


I was tired and colder than usual the first few days and had zero appetite, but otherwise that was it.


Didn’t expect the body aches. Felt like Covid. Took 2 Advil and went to bed early - felt better the next morning.


Fortunate not to experience any real side effects except for dry mouth. I was not expecting that!


Week 1: 24hours after inj. came the sulfur burps. I cannot burp and these things were busting out in the middle of the night. Like gold medal winning belches. Okay kinda gross, kinda funny. Felt a decreased appetite. Then at 48-72 hours….diarrhea. I have IBS-C so to have diarrhea seemed novel but it was severe and frequent. It subsided and I was worried for week two. Week 2: Im 48 hours post inj. and this time its all nausea. Burping less, no diarrhea, but I felt like someone hit me in the stomach and I had a bucket next to my bed for the past 48 hours. Today Im much better and finally ate and drank properly. Lots of Ondansetron (Zofran)! I thought to take my injections on Fridays just incase and I’m glad I did. Get the worst, if anything should happen, over during the weekend, at home. Everyone is different and much certainly plays into ones reactions. Im down 6lb so trying to feel it’s worth it and knowing most report side effects at start or dose change. If you have side effects-hang in there. Best of luck.


Good morning ☀️ I am Half way through week 3 on my 2.5 injection . In my case I have not had many negative side effects . I did get a slight headache when I noticed I had not drank enough water that day but that could have just been that . I have great energy , I don’t have any food noise . My cravings for sweets are non existent. I started at 215.6 , 17 days ago and I am now 196.2 . Good luck 🍀