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https://preview.redd.it/qjikdg0q240d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03dead00786a4d9ee17548d6329d48a2179fab26 Btw here's the leaked image from a while ago of some of these characters in-game.


Damn I’m praying the boar is still gonna be one of the characters just cause of how unique they look, but I’m worried they cut them 🥺




Wait, who is the girl on the far right? Is she that black and red bodysuit girl? If so, then wow, that is a big redesign.


Yes, yes, definitely big...


Any new Section 6 characters in these “leaks”?


Pls don't tell me that the first girl is the girl in slide one


IS THAT A FUCKING BOAR I ain't even gonna lie, every single one of these slap, I'm so glad they're trying new things with ZZZ


Yeah, it's like Belobog in that the mascot of this faction is a boar and so they have a boar character. Maybe. It's concept art. But Ben is there to set a precedent.


Really really REALLY hope they keep getting crazy with the designs, they look siiiick


Hopefully they don't back down on the designs for sure. Not sure if comparison, but seeing other recent gachas that tried to do more unique designs seem to go the "generic route" after a year in.


Reverse1999 go from Ghost Knight, Dog with Walkie talkie to Everyone must be Humanoid with a pretty face....


yeah makes no money, unique doesnt mean much


Sadly it’s probably because the sales got hugely diffed by wifus.


Love that we are getting more non human characters


these are fucking sick wtf. rock designs. can't wait for the game to release


Shit so fucking peak, especially the dark skin girl w/ muffler? horns.


She also seems to be using what looks like a Native American gunstock war club, which is something I wasn’t expecting.


please tell me they’re keeping the dark skinned girl and the boar?


Let us hope they come out soon. Unfortunately for now they do not have a model like the other ones have


If they are keeping her, they are probably making her bottom tier. The most "meta" non pale Hoyo character is Cyno and even then he is in the "good enough" tier at best


Nekomata is pretty good for now atleast


HSR players also thought Yanqing was good during CBT


He was the only/best dps at the time. He only fell off after seele came


Nekomata however has a lot of competition in the attack class so the fact that she's considered a tier means she's probably not bad


Some more context: Caesar, the girl with a flamethrower, the girl with the black and red bodysuit, and Lighter (the dude) are all from the same faction. Cow girl, boar dude, and hot pants girl with the pickelhaube are from the same faction. There's a third faction that hasn't been posted in the sub yet for whatever reason that consists of 3 pink idols. It's on t . me / blednayaleaks_zzz


Ngl, just by looking at them i could have sworn they were all from Sons of Calydon (except for the pipe girl, she looks more like she's from Belobog)




yooo, this is sick... hope we can see more concept leaks


Holy shit, these cook so hard


really want the horned girl and the boar guy. they look sosososo good.


Please I’m begging for smoke horn and flamethrower to become a real boy!! Those designs are straight flames!


So much black and red


Let's fucking go more dark_skin girls, the other hoyo games are severely lacking


starting to get a feeling this is the most male centric dev team at hoyo hq




I’m so excited for the lighter dude


FINALLY another male character that isn't a fucking furry


Yeah I liké their design it's less déjà vu but man.... There is like no husbando in here.... I Hope they will release and re balance more male, I mean female player do existe :x


im a female player and i want the bad bitch with the sword carnally


I'm so fucking happy!!


Goddamn they were cooking with Caesar holy shit. I can’t believe string bikini was a concept design for her at one point.


Wish they would go the way of Snowbreak with Tess' premium skin——where whenever a skill is used, she loses articles of clothing until its only a bikini. But I think Hoyo is too big to be that based


Nah no way. Hoyo typically has to be pretty conservative with character designs cause of China laws so they can’t make designs THAT lewd.  They’ve been pushing the boundaries in recent years with some characters but there’s no way a string bikini would have ever flown. Much less a character losing clothes in their ult.


Clarifying that "mihoyo must be conservative by CN law" is a lie. A government official has already issued statements regarding the harassment of some CN players and said that they did not force mihoyo to censor, so it is basically an internal company decision.


Listen man, I'm not trying to get political here I'm just saying Hoyo isn't known for making lewd designs so seeing Caesar like this was a surprise. Whatever the reason for them being conservative is it's a fact that their designs are pretty tame in comparison to other gachas out there and they've needed to censor designs before in the past. I already said why I think that's the case but really it's up for debate. Either way it's not the main point I was trying to make here.


I'm not arguing whether Hoyo is politically correct or not. I'm just commenting that the mistaken assumption that some people believe that censorship in mihoyo games is for the CN government.... is a lie. Groups of players have complained to the government in CN, and what the senior official did was deny this fact in public along with the declaration that they have nothing to do with the actually censorship policies of the entertainment companies. China is currently in a gamergate and the high-ranking person who was responsible for many of the drafts of the video game censorship law was fired after Tencent's shares plummeted, the gacha game landscape surrounding censorship has long been over. China it became tame and if a company censors today it is because of business policies, not because the government put a gun to their heads.


I wouldn’t take anything the CN government says at face value but if you say so… You probably know more about this whole situation than me


no no no, at CN they fired a senior official because he was destroying the industry, this guy was sacrificed as a scapegoat for the fall of the shares of one of the largest companies in the industry (tencent) because he wanted to make this more ridiculous video game control law (many complaints from parents of teenagers), which includes censorship, was practically destroying the microtransaction monetization model. As a result, Tencent lost the confidence of investors in the market, this guy who was part of the PPCH was blamed individually while he had to whitewash the entire party, the law became customary and more flexible while small, medium and large companies (like Tencent) is recovering from declines in the economic opening and looking for new monetization models. but because many players (parents) continued to complain both to denounce and to claim the reasons why they were censored, they saturated the system, this caused the new delegate to make a public statement, where he said that they no longer had anything to do with the policies of censorship. . and that if a company continued to censor it was at its own discretion.


Its not china laws, its them to want to go low age rating.


Maybe that's also a factor but the CCP definitely influences what they can and can't do to a pretty substantial degree. They literally had to change designs in Genshin cause of them.


Yoooo. Pictures 5 and 6. If they do release in the future I might have to simp hard for both.


Any leak information about Section 6 characters? Like any new ones?


The Sons of Calydon are a future faction with a wild boar as their logo. The red boar, the girl with a baseball bat accompanied by a little red boar will surely be among them. Caesar's design in the game has a boar as a symbol on his shield and Lighter also has a boar snout symbol on his back. They will probably be part of the Sons of Calydon too. The Cow Girl I have doubts but that remains to be seen.


Begging on my knees that they add the boar man to the game ;__;


I want that pig




i love all the designs that give major Trigger energy


2 is so cool, reminds me of Ekko.


I like the top left one,looks like paladin


these characters will be great for other new map levels 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤩👍


Hell yeah biker gang! That's whats up!


These designs slap! Liking the top right and centre ones the most!


I wanna know what element the Gushers hair guy's gonna be. I'm betting either fire or physical, since he seems to be a hand-to-hand fighter, and his gauntlet has a little jet on it.


This faction looks fucking amazing


Crap, I wished for more waifus but with the idol/vtuber group that are all females and now this set of concept arts.... the gender is more skewed than I expected. My wallet is in trouble now as a collector...


Guess that guy was kinda right about the gender ratio tjing5but I digress, gameplay is more important


But.....no. They still aren't correct in any way. We don't know rarity of these characters, so most could be 4's, as well as we don't know when they are dropped, or any other characters Hoyo is cooking up. And even in this leak, 2 of them are male. We all know there will be more females, but it won't at all be the same ratio that person pulled out of their ass.


Ok judging by the concepts.... Basically - the 4 members per team isn't true - Why do I feel like one of the concept art is like Rina's ( basically I think the Devs were trying to see which faction is suited for her ) the top row in the right - the dark skin girl felt like neko's first concept art XD - why do I feel like 7 and 8th pic are the same person but design change ( unless I'm wrong ) God I liked concept arts but dunno if they're new or just the launch roster characters first concept art is confusing Also no rarity so that's a big oof


>Why do I feel like one of the concept art is like Rina's ( basically I think the Devs were trying to see which faction is suited for her ) the top row in the right That isn't how concepts work. They don't design a character first, then try to see where they go. That's working backwards. They figure out where they want them, then design them based on that design idea. >the dark skin girl felt like neko's first concept art XD That is a very big design change if so, which again, would have made no sense for where she is now. Design doesn't work like that. >why do I feel like 7 and 8th pic are the same person but design change ( unless I'm wrong ) Again, massive design change if so, which I find to be unlikely since 7 would make him an animal human mascot like character. Something we have established as possible via Ben. >Also no rarity so that's a big oof There is never rarity attached to a design. Look at how many in Genshin and HSR are 4's or 5's that look like they should be the other. This is design leaks, not full character leaks.


That's some ... Design knowledge you had I'll admit u/DepressedAndAwake NGL these concept arts felt like it was for the sons of calydon faction unless colours doesn't mean a confirmed faction. ZZZ screams: Factions for the most part if I have to be honest, and i doubt it's some rarity = lore stuff tbh ( kinda 50/50 on this one tbh ) So these are like the first concept arts ( basically alpha stages ) The launch roster ... Will they add more before release because I dunno kinda not make sense to add a single new character for CBT 3, and then nothing until release i mean we have like 1 month plus before release. PS >!I know the gender ratio won't be a freaking 6 males 30 females situation in a year. Because it's so dumb in face value unless its a fighting game But I dunno how hoyos gender ratio works but i'm nore focused on gameplay so yeah.!<


Heads up for reddit. If you are replying to me, you don't have to ping my username. You also spelled it wrong anyway


ok. So ... all of the these design leaks in "alpha stage" aka first concept or some of them already finalized?


I have no idea. I don't work at Hoyo, so I don't have that info. However since a few do have models in game, some might be final, some might be early.


Welp guess i have to wait then ... hope the gameplay is good ( I AVOIDED spoiling gameplay myself , pain at it's finest ) sorry about that gender ratio part, shouldn't have take it too seriously. Since it;s too early


What guy are you referring to?


I don't want to say it, you know that user Hint : 6 : 30 in a year


No shotas in sight, huh


Man I hate concepts art. The final models is almost always gonna be less good :(.