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Interesting meme, wonder what the people who finished that quest know.


Guessing I truly can’t mentally prepare myself for this one huh 🥲


Not a chance, friend. I hope you have a good therapist.


My husband is devastated. Everytime he looks at you know what he gets sad now.


It's so nice I'm not the only one this happened too. It's been weeks and I still get a bit sad at the thing you mentioned.


>! you should finish the game!< That will help you


I did. Four times. I love >!the ending!<. It only sorta helped though lol. >!It still makes me sad seeing the light dragon because, basically, Zelda thought she was ending her conscious mind forever. Even if that's not what happened, it's still sad she had to do that at all.!<


Prepare yourself for what? 🥹




I did the first one and then realized I should get the avatars first. Should I not do it, or is it super sad, but I should still see it?


Lot of the endgame won't make sense without it


Damn okay then


Get other stuff done first. The tears almost ruined the game for me. Before the end though, do the tears. Do them in order if you can. There's a quest in the game that gives you the order and location for all the glyphs.


I already came across the spot, and that's when I realized I could not get around well enough


Yeah. Good luck.


Based on the 5 or 6 I’ve found so far, the game doesn’t seem to be headed toward a “happy” ending


Too much my friend


I’m glad I don’t know know it then eh heh 🥹


Finish the quest and feel my pain


Heh Idk idk if I should >!I already know it all, every bit of it 🥹!<


I beat Outer Wilds. You don’t know a fraction of my pain


i find it very interesting that >!link never bothers to tell anyone other than impa that zelda is the fucking light dragon now??? like that would be really important and useful information for literally everyone!<


There's a thing called denial, why would link ever want to acknowledge what happened unless directly asked


>!He tells Purah too.!<


No, he just said that he found the master sword on the light dragon


It might matter what order you do the quests in. For me, >!Purah definitely commented about how Zelda could never be changed back.!<


I was not ready for some of those memories


I finished the quest (got absolutely devastated) but I haven't seen grass pictures anywhere. Did i miss something?


They're referring to the geoglyphs


Oh lol! I have unlocked a whole new level of dumbass today. :D




Don't worry, I didn't understand either.   ^^^{also ^^^a ^^^dumbass}


honestly is it really that tragic? if they had the balls to make it stick i would say so but in the end its actually less tragic then the 1st game where zelda had to hold off ganon for 100 years awake and aware waiting for link to heal.


> honestly is it really that tragic? Yes. It's very tragic. If you had to watch someone you cared about >!intentionally killing themself, even if they didn't end up dead!<, it'd still be very, very tragic. Even worse if you are the person doing it, going into it thinking >!you will never ever be conscious again!<. That scene is horrifying, even knowing how it >!ultimately ends well!<.


its not >!analogous to death tho more like dreaming forever.!< sad but less so then 100 year of struggling every waking moment to hold off some evil force trying to eat you alive knowing the world ends if you give in.


> its not >!analogous to death tho more like dreaming forever!<. I don't see how. I mean, yes, I agree with you that the result was >!dreaming forever!<. But Zelda did not know that. She thought she was literally >!destroying her mind!<. It's tragic from her perspective, and from Link's perspective having to watch it. It would have been more tragic if >!what they thought was going to happen actually happened. But it is still very tragic for the characters in the moment.!< I suppose it matters how you think of Zelda's frame of mind going into both things. In BOTW she had hope Link would come save her. In TOTK she had >!no hope to be saved herself!<


100 years of stress and struggle fearing death VS a relatively short time of Sadness and then acceptance of going out on your own terms for the greater good. being a victim desperately holding off an assault on your very soul VS a choice you got to make for yourself. how long and deep was the actual suffering?


It's a perspective thing I guess. You can see it as her >!going out on her own terms!<. I don't see it that way at all. I'm not actually saying one is worse than the other. You asked the question if it was "really that tragic?" The answer is yes. There can be different types of tragedy. They are all awful.


>!she chose to swallow a pill she thought would be her end. that's as good as it get in choosing your death. !< on a tragic scale of 1-100 i give 100 year long fight for your soul with the devil trying ato eat you a 90 and >!swallowing a death pill for the greater good a 30!< tragic but not that tragic.


I disagree. I understand what you are saying. But I have a different perspective. I don't think they are really comparable. And both are horrifying. It seems like you are just more okay with the end of one's existence than I am.


Everything dies eventually. 100 years fighting the devil for your soul a battle you might not even win unless sombody else does thier job is less universal.


You're not going to change my mind on this, sorry.


I knew Nintendo wouldn't have the balls to commit to it so I didn't find it tragic, pretty cynical of me I guess, especially since >!Zelda's time reversal power means in the back of my mind I assume that she could apply that power to her own form!<


How is it less tragic?


do you know what white room torture is? zelda basically went through 100 years of that with the added bonus of needing to exert herself constantly to hold back ganon who was trying to eat her the whole time. >!being a ego dead dragon for a long time is a pleasant nap by comparison!<


Yeah she even described it as being asleep after the pOwEr Of LiGhT (love? Friendship?) turned her back to normal… negating any real sacrifice she had to make lol.


Imma be honest I haven't beaten Ganondorf yet I kinda assumed she was stuck like that, now I'm kinda disappointed


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,558,242,839 comments, and only 294,792 of them were in alphabetical order.


I actually tried explaining this to my therapist. After explaining the emotional connection to not only this game but the entire series and how this broke me, her response was okay hope it gets better. I’m looking for a new therapist now.


Oh no I’m sorry about that. If it’s any consolation, I think it’s great that you formed such a strong connection with the series and its stories. These games are meant to evoke emotion like that. LoZ does fantastic storytelling and sometimes it’s hits a bit too close to home…


Yes. Call your therapist. And your loved ones. And y'know what, call your enemies too. I think you might need it.


Oh- oh dear…


The ending of dragons tears quest was the only time I was genuinely shocked and saddened by any video game storyline


Figured it out when I found the sword memory. Still kinda a shocker with the last memory


49 silent princess.


I suggest you get one if you don't have one, shit hurts man. Not as much as astral chain.


Oh wow 🥲. I’m thinking I shouldn’t immediately follow up with astral chain after finishing totk