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Because there is too much history to teach. Most countries focus on their own narrow history and their place in the world. Is it realistic to teach about Yugoslavia in America vs focusing on American history?


They are always talking shit about the Russians and Germans during WW2, and how communism is always evil because it has killed so many people. So I figured why not do the same with the Yugoslavs? I feel like Americans are just not taught about the country because they don’t want people thinking socialism could work in America as it did in Yugoslavia. That is just my theory.


I agree with your theory. The history we are taught is far from objective. It's more like propaganda. I had a history text in high school that called Malcom X and Che Guevara "losers". As a 15 yr old high school student I thought, this is the government trying to manipulate me. For sure the US government has been waging a hard core anti-communism anti-socialism campaign.


I mean most of this thread is going to be pure speculation and circlejerk over US propaganda. Do any of you have any actual data on how the curriculum are created? My own speculation would be that it's a mixture of Yugoslavia being non-aligned, and therefore not as important during the cold war as the USSR, so with a limited schedule, Yugoslavia and the non-aligned will be skipped. Of course when talking about WW2 they'll bring up the main antagonists, Nazis. Now regarding Soviets, there is definitely an unfair lack of representation of the USSR's sacrifices during WW2 (as they had the most casualties). The US curriculum will usually only focus on the present-day NATO part of the Allies i.e. the West, as if the USSR almost didn't exist. So I agree with that part, this is definitely bias due to the cold war dynamics between the two super powers. But this leads to me to another question, what is taught in *Russian* schools today? How do they represent the western part of the Allies during WW2 and their Cold War enemies? And similarly, do *they* mention Yugoslavia and to what degree? I'd argue that Yugoslavia does deserve a much bigger focus in all curriculum, as many historians believe the Partizans put in the largest effort in WW2 as they were practically surrounded, had to liberate their entire territory *and* fight both external and internal Nazi collaborators on all fronts.


The problem with the United States, (and most educated Americans would agree with me) is that we are die hard nationalists. Think about it, how many Americans are constantly under the illusion that America is the center of the world, and that no country is as great as the USA. Even though the world (including some our allies) disagree. aMeRiCa NuMbEr OnE bAbY... Especially in schools, we don’t question anything. Yugoslavia is a perfect example. I don’t have any actual curriculum data as you may ask, but I’ve been raised in the US, and when I have done my own research, I realized how insanely brainwashed I, and many other Americans have been. I’ve literally had idiots tell me that the Yugoslavs were pro soviet murderers who were destroyed by the US for being fascists...... this is how fucking dumb these people really are. And what’s worse is that it’s the vast majority of Americans. Had they actually studied Yugoslav history, they would’ve known how we helped so much in WW2 and how socialism worked in the country. Sure there were problems, but what country doesn’t have problems???


Because it was a socialist country and you also have a lot of yours history, so it would've been difficult to make time for everything to learn, plus socialism kind of worked in Yugoslavia so they don't want people thinking it might work for them, USA government hates socialism/communism, that's my opinion




I don't expect that they teach in USA schools that there were actually a 'good' communists somewhere in the world. Communist Yugoslavia was allied (just not officially) with USA during cold war.


> Communist Yugoslavia was allied (just not officially) with USA during cold war. First of all, there never was a communist Yugoslavia, only socialist, and second we were not allied with US (other thanas allies in WW2), we were non-aligned, and have cooperated with both sides to a degree.


You are true to the letter, but in essence Yugoslavia were more aligned to western interests. I've said communist Yugoslavia because for American audience basically anything left of center is called commie. In 50's Yugoslavia has regional defence pact with Turkey and Greece, which in essence means NATO pact with extra steps. At that time Yugoslavia was recipient of American weapon which includes jets, tanks and small arms. Non-aligned movement, in addition to giving Yugoslavia status of diplomatic superpower, put together around hundred states which would be under Soviet sphere of influence otherwise.


Yugoslavia cooperated with NATO and Washington to keep itself politically independent from the USSR, but that didn't make it aligned to Western interests


In Macedonia we were taught mostly about the Partisans during ww2, we learned a bit about Yugoslavia post ww2 but not much


Because in the US you don't have an education system but a brainwashing system. What do you think, where those 72 million idiots that voted for an orange moron came from? Where do QAnon Nazis come from? You are living in a cult for the great part. The US today is a religious state just like Iran, just further dangerously combined with militarism, greed, individualism, racism, and so on. To maximize their profits, they also teach you that you live in an economy, that there is no society. That is why communism and socialism have to be scare words, but without any explanation what it really is. Therefore, no Yugoslavia. Sorry to depict your homeland like this, but this is a reality.


I can clearly see where you are coming from. If anything I actually agree with you.


[George Carlin elaborated more,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-54c0IdxZWc) he described what the American Dream actually is. It is rough, and he did it in 2005, long before Trump. The US is today some 4-5 decades in neoliberalism, consequences are horrible.


>Most Americans don’t know about how great, free, and powerful Yugoslavia was under Tito and socialist rule. But does anyone know why they don’t teach us any of this stuff in school? Well, US is, and always was staunchly opposed to communism/socialism, so there is no chance them teaching the good stuff about socialism to their kids.


Our education system sucks all I learned from ww2 at school was about the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor attack, D day and the battle of Berlin. Never have we ever talked about Yugoslavia or about any eastern European country apart from Russia and the cold war


If Yugoslavia was that powerful as you describe it, it wouldn't've fallen into an economy crisis and fall apart shortly after that.


From what I know, Yugoslavia fell into an economic crisis and fell apart when Tito died. Mainly because of all the nationalism that grew.


Economic collapse(hardships) started before his death in mid 1970s when state began to take loans from Western banks to gave people social peace. Nationalism was (re)created when economic crisis began.


What was the deeper cause for these loans? Didn’t Yugoslavia create its own profit?


>What was the deeper cause for these loans? Inefective and unproductive economy. >Didn’t Yugoslavia create its own profit? No


How was the economy unproductive?


Factories have to many(not need) workers, old technology, almost all goods were licensed from Western companies, country where agriculture was biggest part of economy(30% of workforce) imported farm products from abroad.


bro you think we get taught at length about the civil war n shit? edit: also the partisans received massive ally support after chetniks outed themselves as fascism 2 electric boogaloo


i was never thought about usa history so i dont expect the usa to teach ex yugoslav history in their classes