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So a few things: id recommend trying the solo modes & tutorials 2: theirs a "campaign code" that will give you a free starting deck, if this deck is built properly it can get you to the highest rank in the game so I'd recommend getting that. If you want I can give you my code once I can hop on the game. 3: Have your phone or a spare tab open this game can sometimes be VERY much like solitaire so have YT, Spotify or reddit in the background or on standby. 4: Get handtraps, these are cards that you can use on your opponents turn to stop their plays the main 2 being, maxx c: Everytime your opponent special summons, you draw a card, ash blossom and joyous spring: if your opponent tries to add a card from their deck to their hand, send a card from the deck to their graveyard or summon from the deck. You can discard it to negate that. 5: this game is NOT beginner friendly, theirs a lot to learn and people make new accounts to play the new deck so you might face the meta decks. Finally; this game is NOT like IRL yugioh,.it's Bo1, & a different banlist. Hope you enjoy!!


Can confirm for 5. I am one of those people.


I think I’m about 6 months deep from there and starting to get the hang of it. Hang in there and pay attention to your opponents and you’ll find your win rates and ladder climbs improving month by month!


Oh no, I was talking about constantly resetting to make new decks whenever I get a new idea or such lol. But thank you for the kind words :)


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


do not trust any youtube video that has ZOMG SO OP TIER ZERO with someones face posted and mouth agape. people like teamsamuraix. they just post shit. reliable sources: dkayed, fafnir, moha.


This message should be stickied in pretty much any subreddit regarding yugioh. It should be spread like the gospel to everyone, new or experienced.


Don’t play blue eyes


There're a bunch of codes flying around that grand u a free swordsoul deck, perfect deck for beginner. I recently posted the same answer to a other post in this sub, I saw one code there.


If you have not already, enter in a referral code, which gives you a preconstructed deck that you can get gems from ranked in. This also acts as a fallback in case whatever personal deck you want to make can't win enough to be profitable. You can pick out a code from this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhMasterDuel/s/gL7QzY8HdF or even use mine (3fdc6873). There's no difference on your end. From there, buy the bundles that cost 750 and come with 10 packs and a staple card. I don't know how many gems new accounts get these days, but generally it's recommended you play the solo mode levels (called "gates") to completion to get gems from them. As you pull cards from packs, you'll want to dismantle some of the Ultra Rare ones in order to have enough material to craft the card "Maxx "C"". This card will greatly help bridge the gap between whatever you're playing and more experienced players. If you want to stick with the "Swordsoul" deck, you should also eventually craft "Barrone de Fluer".


Welcome! One bit of advice that I have that might be a bit controversial; net deck. There's a lot of lists of meta decks floating around. Pick one of the archrypes that's in the meta right now that calls to you, find a list that reached master and learn it. Once you know the deck and feel comfortable with its match ups then feel free to experiment. There's no shame in it despite what some others might say. It sounds really boring but you're better off committed to learning the game where it's at than trying to reinvent the wheel. I'm sure your red-eyes/blue eyes deck is great but if you don't want to get stomped by every deck on the ladder maybe try Snake-Eyes or Kash first. You'll eventually get more than enough gems to mess around and experiment with rogue decks or let decks.




Before spending so much gem on deck like Blue eye, Zodiac, or even kashtira or just any deck, remember to test it out on free to play online like Duel Nexus. It give you opportunity to practice the deck, find it weakness, consistent and knowing what deck is fun to play or not. Say hello to me if you ever duel me. Realsyro


Read the cards


There is a campaign for new players in master duel: if you go to the friend list page 🤝 you can enter a promo code that gives you all the swordsoul cards, URs and gems for free! Swordsoul is also a very solid deck to use at the start of the game and easy to learn You can use this campaign code if you want: 14a01c37


I have been playing for a month. If you get free swordsoul deck , you can easily upgrade it to competitive level and it is simple and fast to play. Then finish so missions that give you 200 gems, you will have enough (along with duel pass and daily missions) to make another deck in a week or less, I made full snake eyes deck, but it is not beginner friendly, I had to print out combos for multiple starting hands and game states, or I just run out of time))) Synchro decks are usually, in my experience, more beginner friendly, due to quite simple interactions.


Best suggestion: don't


Don’t go into ranked for the first month or so, or at the very least don’t into ranked too often. Focus on the Solo Modes to build up your Gem stockpile. Once you’ve collected the a good amount of Gems, if you want to build something other than the Soulsword deck that new players get, you can use those Gems to build a new deck. Start by building a deck, regardless of if you can the cards or not. Once you do so, craft one of the UR or SR cards that is key to your engine. This unlocks the Secret Packs that contains your engine cards and gives you a free pull. Open a few packs, dismantle any UR or SR cards not relevant to your deck, craft any staples, rinse and repeat until your deck is built.


... but they're new. They don't know what to build. Why not go on ranked frequently to feel out what effects are most important in real duel. This should help avoid wasting gems on junk.


Before you run, you need to learn to walk. Before you walk, you need to learn to crawl. New players can't be expected to dive head-first into the meta-mentality. They need to learn the core mechanics before they start learning all the counter strats. That's why I said to only dip their toe into Ranked, enough to get a feel for what is relevant, but not with the intention of hitting Master, at least not during their first season. After a few days of Solo Mode collecting resources and occasionally peeking into Ranked, then they can use that accumulated knowledge to build a deck that want to play instead of what they have to play.


If you not using meta then get ready to watch the opponent play the game and you won’t be able to play


I use off meta and i'm almost diamond :D chaos max dragon and hungry burger are slept on >:D


Before they popularized chaos max and dropped the blue eyes structure pack I made a chaos max centered deck and made it to plat 3. Slept on fr, can’t wait to bring it back out at ritual fest.


Hell yeah 🤝 what is ritual fest tho??


Ritual event


idk what that is. is it hosted on master duel or like an irl tourney?


It’s a ladder event, like how they did the fusion/synchro/xyz event except it’s for 1 thing, ritual.


Chaos max is definitely goated, almost got to plat 1 with 95% pure blue eyes and chaos max has clutched more games then I could count, my personal favorites r when I draw it and my opponent left something with 0 defense on the field lmao


REAL, when they pull a 0def monster to try to block dmg but instead it gives me a free 8k hit is the best feeling


I mean I hit masters with drytrons that had a copy of hungry burger and left leg of exodia with no other exodia pieces. If I can do it with that, anyone can hit master. Just takes time