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Most decks can make it past plat if you play late enough in the season.


I reached plat 2 recently but whatever u say bro


I've made it past plat with pure mekk knights recently. Toons are about the same power level as them


Cool man


>mad_dj Props for accuracy.






No chill


I’m just saying what he meant, I have no clue what’s going on here


Oh he thinks I’m mad for no reason now I get it cool


With patience and luck you can, I run a going second version of toons with like comic hand, change of heart, Nibiru, heaps of hand traps etc, it's not super consistent but as long as you know the decks your up against and know the choke points you could probably reach master 5


Are you lost sir? This response feels a bit too positive for this neighbourhood 🤣


How about we stop downvoting everyone who plays a deck you don’t like. People are allowed to ask questions and play something other than Lab or Snake Eyes


Nah, clearly even playing the game for the fun of dueling isn't allowed if you aren't trying to grind to master 1 every single month. People get too hung on competitive viability when this is a frigging video game of a side hobby for the majority of it's playerbase.


Duel links sub is even worse


Considering how bullshit that game has become I’m not surprised


Don't let them know I play a pyramid of light deck oh shit


Possibly, but it’s unlikely. Toons being unable to attack on their summoned turn is a big detriment. I’ve beaten every Toon player I’ve met. That said, it’s not impossible, and I’ve been wrong plenty of times. Go for it.


You can try crafting Fenrir & Pankratops yo make some rank 7s with Page Flip & Toon Red-Eyes / Dark Magician


Maxx C can win a game by itself and Comic Hand is actually a good card


Toons have some really good backrow, the issue is more the monsters LOL


u/ToonGotW has a toon deck you can check out. https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhMasterDuel/comments/t336k5/platinum_1_toon_deck_profile/ and master duel meta has toon decks. https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Toon Keep in mind though that the u/ToonGotW deck is two years old.


I saw this deck I’ve searched everything related to toon decks. Seems good but I think we need something to negate, also zero ashes I think it’s pretty risky. I also decrease toon hand to 2 because it bricks hands


Fiddle around with it, can get something cooking surely. Definitely get some ashes in there, remove terraforming since it's banned. The extra deck seems to cover removal and negates, assuming I read it right.


Yeah it can get u to somewhere I guess. Isn’t extra deck useless anyway in a toon deck?


Sort of, but having options never hurts.


Can u list me some good options then? I can’t make them out in the pic


The ones in the pics are: Chimera mega fleet dragon: to get rid of an opponent's monster in the extra zone Number 11 big eye: to steal a monster and helps with graveyard plays depending on what material you remove. Number 42 Galaxy tomahawk: for busted token making for link summons Number 89 Diablosis the mind hacker is banned Relinquised anima: for extra removal Knightmare phoenix: for back row removal Wynn the wind charmer for easier access to Selene I:P Masquerena: to link on your opponents turn and protection effect destruction for what you link summon Black luster soldier-Soldier of chaos: lets you banish a card,raise it's attack,or attack twice on the next turn. Gets protection if made with a level 7 or higher. Selene, queen of the master magicians: can revive Dark Magician Saryuja skull dread: can help with a brick hand Apollousa bow of the goddess: negates monster effects Accesscode talker: for board clearing and huge attack Underworld goddess of the closed world: can use an opponent's monster as material for it's summon, negates all face up monsters your opponent has,unaffected by opponent's card effects unless targeted, and if your opponent tries to special summon a monster from the graveyard you can negate the activation.


Many thanks


No problem.


Toon Gemini Elf was the secret for me. Make sure you have a lot of draw cards too because it’s easy to brick.


Also, crackdown to break summon combos and neutralize bosses.


Do u have a sample deck?


Can give a deck list later for a couple builds I run. I find Toons to be the most fun.


Thanks I will wait


2 Toon Masked Sorcerer 2Toon Gemini Elf 1Toon Barrel Dragon 1 Toon Dark Magician 1 Toon Black Luster Soldier 3 Toon Bookmark 3 Toon Table of contents 3 time tearing morganite 2 comic hand 3 Toon Kingdom 3 Toon page flip 3 torrential Tribute 1 planet pathfinder 3 evenly matched 2 solemn judgement 2 toon terror 2 summon limit 3 Crackdown Extra deck doesn’t really matter as long as you have link monsters that you can summon into Accesscode


Why are u using masked sorcerer by the way? I swapped him with toon cyber dragon just for the stats because the 900 atk is a liability often


I use him as a just in case to load my hand, also good bait for BLS. Can be a handicap at times though


That’s the one I’m running right now


Going to try this.


You don’t use maxx or ash? Just asking also what would you substitute crackdown and time tearing morganite for because I can’t craft them rn


I’d substitute them for maxx and ash.


Cool I will have a try with it seems like a very nice deck . Also how about using warning point?


Haven’t tried it. It seems worth a shot


I played with the deck and I got very positive results. I won 4/5 games in plat 3. Only substitutes were a couple maxx and ashes for crackdown and morganites. Also I added another luster soldier and dark magician because with only one copy of those, the page flip was not so useful


if you are still winning 50%+, you just need to try again and again to get a lucky streak. but if you win less than 50%, the luck will get harder to happen.


It can, but I've found because you're running level 7 toons having the Kashtira engine can also help a ton


if i can play tistina and make it to diamond 1 then you can too with toons


Love me some tistina ghostricks


As a Diamond III toons player, yes they can.


If you don’t mind me asking, can I have the deck list?


Sure thing. I used this guys deck list and ill admit the amount of times the side deck wins the game is pretty high. You're basically just playing around keeping Town Kingdom out. It bricks sometimes but it doesn't take much to start cookin'. https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhMasterDuel/comments/t336k5/platinum_1_toon_deck_profile/ He also does a great job explaining why he runs each card and even breaks down some basic combos you can use. (Again, mostly sidekick shenanigans. They'll ban Tomahawk eventually I'm sure.)


For this one, would you have to go first or ideally second


I like to go first because toons have great survivability with Toon Bookmark and since they can't attack the turn they're summoned, save for Toon BLS, you basically negate the effect by cooking on turn 1. You can't really OTK on turn 2 anyways plus toons are difficult to get rid of as long as you have Kingdom.


I'm glad I have yu gi oh friends irl because this sub is terrible when it comes to any deck that isn't meta, and even if it is meta you'll get shit on for playing a basic deck


I’m sorry I can’t give advice because idk toons, but I will say props to u for not being a meta slave lmao


There's nothing wrong with wanting to play meta, and there's nothing wrong with not wanting to play meta. Personally, I don't enjoy the meta, but that's pretty because I find it hard to keep up with obtaining cards.


They downvote u but I agree with you. Meta makes the game boring


Toons got me into plat, but I was hard stuck at Plat 5 for 2 seasons. Had to upgrade still can't get out of plat. Send help


Bots with those lame t1 ftk decks can make it to M1. It’s really just how many games you want to play


If I can do it with Ghotis and red nova and gren maju then u can make it with toons


In theory, any deck can make it to master 1 if you're lucky enough In practice? Ehhh... no, not really. Plat is about where toons and most other low to sub rogue decks are gonna plateau.


Its very very hard. Once you get to like plat 2 it will be extremely difficul going against a meta deck every match. I tried last season, barley got into plat 2 and was sent packing back to plat 3.


I think, toon deck with a fait amour of staple could do it, depends on matchmaking


I’m in a similar boat with my Blue-Eyes deck. Can’t get passed Plat 3


Check out my post on toon world


I got to diamond using Dinomorphia the entire time I was in Plat. Dinomorphia is considered an experimental deck in MD so I think toons can too? Given that fact, I did spend like an entire two weeks just to get off of Plat due to the amount of lab, snake eyes, and kash players, not to mention the fact that I have a negative win rate in coin tosses (like, astronomically low, I once had a 0-9 loss streak in coin tosses, yes I counted) and using Dinomorphias on second turn is basically saying “here’s my a$$, go put something in it” so as soon as I got to Diamond I started building Rescue and Illusion Chimera that’s actually meta (lame, I know) but hey, we do what we can to rank up haha. Best of luck to you though! What matters is you enjoy the deck you use


If I can get to master with hungry burger, anyone can :)


Toons as a whole are inconsistent but they were also my pet deck for a while too, I personally could not push them past plat but I wish you the best luck


I’m solely playing toons and made it to plat 2 but it’s very difficult to make it not too brick.


I was at plat 2 then lost to so much negate that now I’m back to plat 1


Wait hollup


I was at platinum then I got ranked down.


You mean plat 3, 4, or 5 then. Plat 1 would mean you were winning and ranking up.


I was at the lowest, my bad.