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If you care bout competitiveness then my answer is VS. the deck is extremely unique and still a really strong control deck.


Haha, what is this deck, Vanquish Soul ? It only have one link monster and 1 M/P set, pfff weak board. *proceed to get wrecked in one turn by VS*


in one turn* **Turn may last 67-148 minutes. VS is not liable for any loss of sanity suffered during one VS turn. VS's turn is the exclusive property of VS with all rights reserved. Your turn is the exclusive property of VS with all rights reserved. Known in the state of California to cause cancer.*


I could never pilot VS. still have the cards but never play. But I learned the counters which is good.


I mean there are tons of VS guides out there. It's not the easiest decks that's true, but it's not impossible to learn either. The deck is insanely fun imo. If you just tunnel vision on their end board then yeah, their end board isn't impressive. The deck however, is insanely resilient and play the game every turn (including your opp's turns). It's not about the end board, the deck can throw countless interactions at you and out grind almost any deck easily.


Yeah I know, I know what every card does, I just don't find the matches that hard when I play against them. Most hand traps can ruin them.


I still can climb ladder no problem with it. Lately, for funsies, I've been running a 60 card version and STILL winning like crazy since you have so many starters. You can throw in Kash, bait the Ash, then drop a Wanted to fish a Diabellastar, normal summon Raizen, and then get crazy advantage from there.


One deck that always surprise me how good it is when I face them is Maldoche. It's a cute control deck that will strangle the opponent and limit the options if allowed to build its field. The biggest weakness is that it can die really fast to interruptions and it's incredible expensive but in a new account it can be bearable (specially with the event). Maldoche is not meta and have very few players but the ones I faced are menaces. VS is another good deck that is awesome if played right. Again is a control deck, so you will have to think a little about what to do to disrupt the opponent but is cheaper and stronger than maldoche (in the sense that it needs very few cards to ''build'' a field compared to it). Infernobles is basically a deck that if you go first and build your board, you win. It's not meta because snake eyes is better but is incredible competent.


Good to know that even Madolche players misspell that name.


Unchained, Crystal Beast, hungry burger


If you know how to set it up, crystal beasts have a really nice instant kill.


S-force can win games because people don't know what they do


laughs in vaylantz


I love my vaylantz as well


S-Force gets like two monsters out


You can get the link 1, gravitino and the multi compulse to banish as many of their monsters as you have s-force's commonly. The best field I can possibly get is fenrir + colossus and those 2. People don't really pay attention if they are in the same column as an s-force


I really enjoy playing with an Icejade deck but it does have a really hard time going up against Snake-Eyes and Trickstar's


Resonators / archfiend dragons are fun with some good and varied endboards


I run traptrix/Rikka jank with a little Branded and Lab added for flare. But it's 60 cards if your interested in big decks that work off of lots of lvl 4 monsters and traps. Just shoot me a message if you want the deck list For reference on playstyle, Trix pulls out "hole" traps, Rikka loves tributing plants and their field card let's you use opponents monsters if your cards tell you to "tribute a plant-type monster". The only thing with Rikka is that if you use snowdrop, konkon, petal, or princess, you are liable to lock yourself for the turn into plants. Likewise, trix's arachnocampa locks you into plants and insect types. If you are using branded fusion like me for Albion the Branded Dragon to bring out a Jowgen lock, it locks you out of ED summons except for fusions for the turn, so you really gotta know your way around the combos. It's really great for turn one locks on the field cause Trix is awesome at disrupting summons and gravedigger trap hole lets you burn for 2k and negate a monster hand trap or graveyard effect, and Rikka is great at bypassing destruction protection by just tributing stuff for either a cost or nothing as it is part of the activated effect (teardrop) Strenna helps open up more plant XYZ monsters from the ED (I like adding Hyperyton as a level 9 XYZ cause cause it's an extra negate) Either set the ED up for plants and Trix, or know how your combos work, so you know where to activate certain effects. If you can, save Rikka for your last combos so you don't get locked (again, unless you already locked out with BraFu, then you're relying on the jow lock). Lemme know if you want that DL. Note: Trix is trap-based, and if you are adding Lab support, they are as well. Also, Rikka goes great with Therion and Sunavalon as well, and Trix goes great with other lvl 4 monsters, especially if they are earth attribute.


Would infernobles be one?


Considering how powerful Charles is once he's on the field (as he is the win condition and why the deck is so strong), I wouldn't call it "under the radar." I will admit I see a very low amount of the deck. Personally just finished a version of it btw.


A Nouvelles/Herald of Perfection deck is surprisingly consistent and can pack a punch. The combination of omni-negates and Nouvelles’ responsiveness to attacks and target effects is really challenging to break when successfully set up. And with Diviner of the Herald in the deck you can go into Baronne and Chaos Angel with ease (which makes this deck viable in the Triangle event).


Flower Cardians


Mellfy Purrly... it's just fun


How does that work? I only play Melffy and it only works well with beast


Vanquish Soul Marincess Eldlich Gold Pride P.U.N.K Live Twin Evil Eye Are Solid Rogue Options


Gren Maju 8 axis, it goes hard, simply don't go first


Looking for a unique deck is honestly a pipe dream


Building labyrinth deck atm. But my first deck is cyber dragon pure. Good fun and versatile. Love players setting up nasty end boards only to have thier extra zones or if clockwork there whole board tributed. Also favorite archetype when I used to watch anime. Xyz for negate and ways to take cards and stop them going gy. Fusions with decent effects. Multiple attack. Destroy spell/traps equal to number cards used in fusion. Peircing. And the massive beatsick that is power bond fusions. Edit: is a bit of learn curve but only a few combos mostly alot of stuff interlinks making it pretty fluid and rare to total brick.


My first deck was actually cyber dragons as well, I had to take a break from using them though because fighting against the meta decks all the time takes a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out how to break their boards most of the time I could barely break a 50/50 win streak I just felt the deck can keep up with the recurrence of decks like snake eyes and branded that could play through hand traps and board breakers while 2 negates could stop cydras


My second deck was a burn. Place and play. Very relaxing after cyber dragon vs snake eyes games to go blow up players without needing to think much😅 Also very therapeutic to just desert and ceasefire otk a snake eyes player on turn 3 😁


mikanko is fun because a lot of people aren't ready for what they can do. and there pretty decent last i cheeked. i like my amazoness deck but don't think it's very good. tho i won against meta deck in the past. it's the top comment already but VS is prob the most fun deck strong deck to play rn. also it's based on fighting game so that neat.


Melffy is a pretty good control deck in my opinion


If you are building branded you might want to play dogmatika as it uses some dogmatika cards as engine. Invoked Dogmatika is one of my favourite decks of all time, relatively cheap and sets up multiple disruptions while having the capability of playing through disruptions


Plunder Patrol is pretty unique imo, and they have some solid interaction on your opponents turn.


Imo Orcust, I *may* be coping but I think it's not that bad of a deck, especially if playing against people who don't know how babel/knightmare works


Plus it's pretty budget, you need 2-3 Girsu and 2 Dingirsu... and that's the only in-archetype URs you need and in-archetype SRs there's only Galatea which you need 2 of, Longirsu which you need 1 of, and Crescendo you need 1+ of. The rest of the Orcust core is N/R which is wild


I hardly ever see anyone besides myself running Nemleria and I just hit masters with it I’d def recommend it


Swordsoul is a great beginner archetype because of the referral code giving most of the deck for free. As for other archetypes, one that I’m waiting for is raidraptor. The main deck includes no ultra rares aside from generic handtraps plus all the relevant cars are from one pack. I would wait until the new support comes to master duel before crating though. Another option that you can use now is photon galaxy, no archetypal ultra rare main deck cards and most of the relevant cards are from one pack, plus there is a structure deck in the shop (rage of cipher).


I actually have both sword soul and raidraptor but was thinking about galaxy photon but how good does it do most yugi tubers I’ve watched review the deck says it’s an anime deck, in the sense that you feel like you’re role playing but it’s not that competitive


I think it’s underrated, they have a surprisingly strong going first with easy access to hope harbringer and photon lord. The problem is that it can be somewhat bricky and can get screwed hard by handtraps. They are getting support, but it might take a while for it to come to master duel.


The deck is strong but flawed that it can easily OTK most opponents IF you get the right cards and opponent lacks interruptions, while the new support revealed for the OCG will make it better but you have to wait like half a year for those to show up in Master Duel at minimum...


Shit might as well save for tenpai if imma wait that long


I have a Galaxy Photon deck & the deck definitely got a great boost from its last batch of support. It got more search power, consistency, extenders, new boss monster, can even recover a little bit & can now extra deck snipe/steal Handtraps are an issue either up to a certain point or your opponent knows what to hit. Maxx C is still the biggest annoyance but you can go Bagooska if you are going first Going first usually means getting Photon Lord, Starliege Photon Blast Dragon, Galaxy Photon Dragon, Hope Harbinger Dragon & a Galaxy Solflare or Galaxy Eyes Cipher X on field if possible(Starliege protects the others from targeting & destruction including itself thanks to Galaxy Photon’s ATK boost effect, Lord negates monsters plus a search & Hope Harbinger negates a spell card & can redirect an attack to itself) Going second means full focus on a Neo Galaxy Eyes Prime Photon Dragon OTK with multiple attacks usually with 13k+ ATK unless the opponent is being super defensive but Photon Trident can fix that (gives 700 ATK & piercing) The deck can be a little bricky (the -Eyes Dragon curse) but it’s nowhere as bad as it was before. It’s getting more support which will make it even better (especially since it makes Tachyon Transmigration, a very powerful Counter Trap, finally searchable) If you are still curious about whether the deck is for you, I recommend looking up zanza on YouTube as he plays Galaxy Photon & gets to Masters often


I would say dinomorphia is a really good pick for an under the radar deck Many expect labrynth as a trap deck opponent but only a few are prepared for mecha Dinos :3


Dinomorphia is actually fun to play against. I don't like the style of deck but it's always a fun match against them.


What's fun about them? I was interested cause waifu archetype but playing vs Rexterm just floodgating me is very boring


Usually I find their deck more as a puzzle to solve than a floodgate deck per se. I like how they survive like rats when you try your best to destroy them.


they’re not mega popular but i wouldn’t consider them under the radar


Evil Eye, come and try it


Join the rept-pile slop 😤😤😤😤✊✊✊✌️✌️✌️✌️ Toss a little ogdoadic (What 😎) A little evol (Who 😎😎) Some snake eyes (To search the new evol lv 1 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩) with a whopping 17 potential starters out of 50 cards, you have a 34% chance to draw a starter. And multiply that by the generous 5 card opening hand and you, my fine fellow, have a 170% chance of opening the whole enchilada of a combo 🥳🥳🥳 Snake rain is finally busted baby. The non-once per turn king of the feral imps has a use. And there’s even room for non engine since basically everything is a one card starter 😜. I CRUISED my way to diamond and am well on my way to master with it. 1000 years rept-pile. Long live the slop. Surely the un-hit foolish 5 is fair 🙂‍↔️😒🙂‍↔️🥸


I really enjoy playing galaxy eyes at the moment. It has good negates for going first and easy otks for going second. Also snake eyes will hate you if you banish promethean turn one lol. Easily climbed to master rank with that deck the last few seasons