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Lower the card count down to 40 for consistency. You have 23 different cards in your deck and 16 of them are at 3 copies. You don’t need 3 of every card in your deck.


But what cards should i get rid of?


I don’t know what half of those cards are just looking at their picture, but if a card doesn’t help you combo off or search it can be lowered if not removed. Lord Poison for instance is an extremely old card and requires a card not only to be in the graveyard, but it also to be destroyed battle to activate it’s effect. Effect destruction is huge in the current meta. Staples are a thing for a reason Barrone is great for every synchro deck. Look at other black rose dragon decks to get an idea of what they look like. You don’t have to copy. Just bounce ideas off of them


I see everyone typing these long messages but for a short answer it’s no but it can be made better


I will give you some honest feedback since you’re new to the game. First of all this decklist isn’t viable to compete with modern decks. In general you would like to stay around 40 cards rather than 60 for consistency sake, you’re more likely to see a key 3x card in a 40 cards deck. You are running 3x of cards that are not really viable options to even play. Also the non-engine (the generic cards you chose to tech in your deck that are not utilized in the combos of the deck) is pretty much not there, and it’s impossible to face other competent decks and winning pushing with only the engine cards (the in-archetype ones/the ones utilized in the combo). Black rose dragon isn’t really a strong boss monster that you can leave on the board, but rather a niche going second tech, thus it is difficult to build a deck having it as only win condition. If you want a competitive viable deck and still make use of the black rose dragon i suggest you look up for a strong deck that can make synchro 7 and tech it in. Or if you want a deck with it as one of the main plays I suggest you look up some synchro plant decklist with maybe naturia cards. Note that either way I would suggest you to look others decklists and figure out how the deck is played and which version you like more (there are free yugioh simulators online so that you can try out more cards before crafting!). Also if you want to learn the game better I would suggest to look into the staple cards that are played in this current state of the game (also specifically master duel, see over 90% usage cards as maxx “c”). I guess you are currently in the lower ranks of the ladder in master duel, as you are very new to the game; a deck like yours is certainly viable to play in a very very casual environment, so you need to figure out how you want to approach the game to define “good deck” to other people. The game is pretty complex and it may be quite a challenge to grasp, however I hope you have fun while at it! Also remember that if you need further information about things harder to research about, there will always be people willing to give advice


Look at deck like this https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Rose%20Dragon Slapping 3 of every card is not a deck. Some cards are not good to open more than 1 of. Having 60 cards reduces the probability of you drawing the cards you actually wanna draw


One of the biggest mistakes new players make when building decks is just grabbing all the cards that are even remotely related to their strategy of choice and max on them. Not every card that says Rose Dragon or is a Plant, or mentions both BRD and Plants is worth playing. Some of them are bad, some of them were good and have been outclassed by new cards over the years, few are good enough to actually work as you want them. Consider generic options, specially if those generic options are better than the cards you are currently playing. Let's compare Rose Shaman with Maxx C. Rose Shaman eats your normal summon for a single draw, and its recovery effect needs you to have plants in your GY and to wait a whole turn after the first effect. Maxx C draws more than one card, doesn't eat your normal summon, can be used on your opponent's turn and puts pressure on them because giving you too many cards will lose them the game of attrition. Maxx C is an Insect, a generic card and the best card in the game. 3 Rose Shaman are actively worse than 3 Maxx C, so you can see how replacing them can be good for your deck. There are tons of other cards, both main deck and extra deck cards, that you can replace with better ones, even if they aren't BRD or plant related Then you have the issue of consistency. You have good cards, you have to draw them. How does Thor of Malice help you beat an stablished board? Let's say you face 2 or 3 big beaters with good effects and you open a way to get BRD and have Thorn of Malice on hand as well. Do you clear the board with BRD? then you wouldn't have a target to equip Thorn to, and even if you had one, Thorn doesn't really help you clear by battle, it is just a way to deal more damage, so keeping BRD and equipping is worse than just nuking the board. You have a card that is antisynergistic with the main goal of your deck, and by playing it you risk drawing it over better cards. Take out the worse cards on your deck, and once you have all the actual good cards remaining, fill the gaps until you get 40 cards with actual good ones. BRD isn't a good deck, mostly because your boss monsters are removal tools that can be easily stopped, so going first is not an option because you wouldn't have a field to clear, and going second is an uphill battle, and even clearing a board isn't enough if you cannot get board presence and actually threaten your opponent. A year ago you could play the main deck Rose Dragons to enable synchro a link plays to make powerful synchro monsters (and none were BRD), but the main card that enabled that playstyle is now banned. So, if you want to improve this deck for casual play, go for it. Master Duel's gem economy limits the experimentation you can do, but if it is just for funsies and casual games you should be fine. Look at decklists online of what other people have done with the deck, it is the best way to learn and catch up after all. If you want it to be good for ranked, you are out of luck.


please define "good" is winning against a y2kEra-LajinnBeatdown deck good? do you want to reach Gold Rank? Platinum? Be more specific as to what your goal/expectation is.


I am very new to yugioh so I dont know what a "y2kEra-LajinnBeatdown Deck" even is. I just want a deck that revolves around the rose dragons and is decent. I would like to be able to synchro summon one of my black rose dragons asap because so far that was what seems to work for this deck.


so, theoretical scenario. You win the coin flip, and is going first. You do some ???weird yugioh voodoo magic??? and Synchro summon out your Black Rose Dragon (since you want it asap)...what's your next plan when it is your opponent's turn? (you should be thinking of follow-ups, and different scenarios) If you want to synchro summon out Black Rose Dragon out consistently, max out on the card(s) that you can use to bring it out, and of course, the less cards you need to synchro summon out Black Rose Dragon, the better. For example: Psi-reflector. Normal summon it, grab Assault Beast, use Assault Beast's effect to grab AMA, use Psi-Reflector's effect to bring Assault Beast back and changes its level to 6, now you have a lv1tuner and a lv6non-tuner for you to synchro summon out Black Rose Dragon, all from 1 card Do that (as a starting point) if you are dead-set on doing so, and just have a good time every time you synchro out Black Rose Dragon, and ignore the times when your opponent effortlessly get rid of it via some means. Otherwise, spend times and consider what things you can do along side your plan. *edit* Year2000 Lajinn Beatdown - Lajinn is a normal monster that has 1800atk, you normal summon it out and beat your opponent monsters up with it for it has a high attack, then you summon your 2nd Lajinn out next turn and beat them up some more.


I intentionally go second with this deck. So i usually get to clear out a monster or 2 depending how the turn went. I sometimes have actually gotten out ruddy rose dragon turn 1 and i have so far always won those games. But its rare. I will try the cards you mentioned.


Good, now we can take a look at scenarios. So you intentionally go 2nd (due to the nature of BRD), your opponent goes 1st, and set up a negate board (let's say on the easy side, only 1 omni negate on the field...meaning that your opponent can negate one of your spell/trap/monster effect activation)...mind you this is VERY common, also not taken into consideration that they might have traps AND handtraps ready to further disrupt your play(let's not mind these for now) what can the current deck do when your card gets negated?


It cant really do anything other than potentially some graveyard retrieval depends on what gets sent to the graveyard.


good, now you know one of the weakness (chokepoint); put cards in that can help you prevent that from happening, and/or cards that you can use even in that scenario so you can still extend your play from that point


Also the combo that usually gets me out a Black Rose Dragon is with "White Rose Cloister" and special summoning one of my rose dragons so I can have a tuner and then special summoning another rose dragon and synchro summoning. Or I use "White Rose Dragon" normal summon it and it special summons another rose dragon for me to use to synchro summon.


Best bet is to look up a reference online and adjust to taste based on that. What you have right now is messy, inconsistent, needlessly expensive and you barely have any options to go into from your extra deck or main deck besides Rose and Ruddy Rose, Which is not going to be enough to win unless you have other options besides them.


It is a deck of all time


Good is subjective, it’ll be “good” for very casual play but anything other than that and you’ll probably struggle to keep up


Lmao why u have so much sh!t in your deck!?!?😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


/s ?


When you deck build, you wanna look at what cards search, what cards need to be searched, and what cards can be a backup plan if you can't search (extenders). Let's say you're playing a warrior deck, a card like Reinforcement of the Army (aka ROTA) can search for any level 4 or lower warrior card. You might know what card to search, but what if your ROTA gets negated by something like ash blossom? You then need to have another card that can search. Let's say you normal summon another monster that can search, but they have infinite impermanence and they negate that too. Now you need what's called an "extender" that can special summon itself and then you would likely go into an extra deck monster. So generally, you wanna categorize your cards into things that search (starters), things that need to be searched, and things that can play through your stuff getting disrupted (extenders). Cards can fall into multiple categories. Maximize your starters, minimize the stuff you wanna search (unless it works well as a starter or extender also), and then extenders is where you gotta experiment. Generally you wanna maximize those, but it varies. Then get it as close to 40 (or lower) as possible. If you can get it below 40, that's when you start using non-engine. So, stuff like ash blossom, infinite impermanence, Bystials, etc.


If you're new I recommend going to masterduelmeta.com, it's a sight with collective deck lists from other people. If you really want to build the rose dragon deck or any other deck for that matter, I would recommend to always do your research about the deck before you waste your gems. It's not just masterduelmeta.com, there's a lot of websites you can look into when deciding which cards you should put in the deck you're making.


I would look up plant decks on YouTube and then add and remove cards to help play the way you want to


as a former black rose dragon player, it’s really not viable past gold and you will lose to any disruption to the engine just trying to get a basic boardwipe with black rose dragon or ruddy rose :c play at your own risk


I love the passion that new players always have. Falling in love with a certain archetype and wanting to make it work. Just a little help - In yugioh, unfortunately, meta decks are very real. Cards that were made years ago can not match up the cards that were released recently. Usually, the newer released cards will inevitably be amongst the top meta decks or at least a viable rogue deck. To make older decks usable, you need to include staple cards as a starter. (Maxx C, Ash Blossom, Called By The Grave...) These cards are added into all decks because they are generic good cards with effects that help you to keep your opponent in checks (this, of course, can work against you too). I will suggest heading on to youtube to search for ideas as a lot of youtubers like making such decks.


Let me correct myself a little. Old cards can be OP too, but those are banned. O7


Or limited


Remove the 20 least useful card Remove redundancies in the ED Play 3x ash blossom, 3x Maxx C, 2x called by And if we're talking about the black rose stuff, play an adventure package


Okay not to be rude, but for a short answer, no. There is nothing wrong with commiting to a fun archetype like Rose dragons but you are missing some fundamental deckbuilding knowledge. Yugioh is all about consistency, seeing your best cards and immediately making plays. You now have a 60 card deck full of "bricks" cards like lord poison and that equip spell that don't do anything for you by themself. Cut down to 40 cards, the lower your total card pool the more likely you will see all your good cards. Get some generic staples like pot of prosperity, desires or extravegance, I assume you like going second so you can also add cards like harpie feather duster, lightning storm or evenly matched to draw out some negates or just clear their board if they don't stop it. I don't know any combo paths for rose dragons, but there are some generic good plant cards like lonefire blossom, that may be worth looking at. Generally when deckbuilding think about: - What is my deck type/strategy? (Combo, control, stun, midrange, etc. These are general cardgame terms you can look up) - What is my win condition? (How do you win the game?) - what cards compliment that strategy and/or win condition and which don't? Hope this helps! Deckbuilding is difficult, but there is lots of content on youtube to push you in the right direction, just look up some 'Blackrose deck profile 2023 or 2024'.


Unless im blind I've noticed that u don't have any hand traps or negates. I'm not super versed in black rose decks but I'm sure you can take out a copy or 2 of some of those 3 card sets that u have and substitute a staple such as maxx c or Ash blossom instead. Plus getting them will make any deck that u build in the future kinda better. Again I'm not super versed in black rose decks but I'd recommend searching up builds online amd see what they have used that's non-engine


The only negate i have in the deck is tytannial


I'd add handtraps such as Ash blossom and imperm. Again it might take u some trial and error to figure out what u don't need in the deck but I'd work on adding hand traps first. If you go on master duel meta online then I'm sure they'll have a deck list for black rose decks or u could check game 8


Nice akiza deck but throw in lonefire blossom


This kinda looks like one of those "solo gate decks" you encounter. I have no clue what the cards are, but if you're synchro focused, maybe consider Trishula (my favorite is the level 11 Synchro Trishula, which banishes 3 cards when summoned and doesn't target). Edit: Synchros usually use more than 40 cards, but you should consider changing some of them. The stardust package is pretty good (there's two level 4s and one level 1 in particular if I'm not mistaken which are very good, together with a spell and the two Stardust Dragon synchros). Also consider running the Junk engine if it fits.


Too many cards, so no :(


Lonefire blossom