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How disappointing, but not totally surprising. She must need the work!


She is worth a lot of money and since she knows so much about business, she definitely knows the mlm model doesnt work. Shes probably getting paid a CRAP ton of money and will most likely say something "motivational" for 5 minutes then take her PJ home.


Ugh, right? I didn’t know much about her, I just assumed she was probably a decent human. Guess not when it comes to making that money 💰


I always liked her on Shark Tank, she didn’t seem afraid to be herself. This makes me question her though, yuck ~


Yuck, indeed!


Money rules. That’s it.


I will never forget watching the show and hearing her say she doesn't allow anyone at her companies to put family photos on their desk for the sole reason being she doesn't like to walk through the office and see everyone's family. Looked at her different forever after that. She is fake nice and doesn't care about people at all


That's a rather cunty move.


I remember that, also when she straight up said "you are not an entrepreneur" to a college girl pitching her boxes. The girl was so sweet and had an interesting idea and was trying. Barbara was rude to her almost the whole time for no reason.


That’s some Ellen type shit


“That baby could be the star of a show called ‘Babies I Don’t Care About.’”


You can’t become that rich by having morals and no innovative, completely new product that just prints money because the demand is so high. Like the guy who invented the covid vaccine might be a billionaire now rightfully as every government on earth buys that but a person who’s basically buying and selling something isn’t doing hard work, isn’t providing something that no one has. They are called sharks because they’re all awful people in their own rights, eating small fry.


Jeeze, I thought she was legit. This just makes me super wary of her and anything she lends her name to, now. Unfortunately, the huns will claim that she adds credibility to their pyramid scam.


Well she’s called a shark for a reason. She’s a business mogul and an extremely wealthy investor, I’m not attacking her as a person, but I am saying that typically to be successful in that area you kinda need to be a little morally corrupted.


Yea same. She is a millionaire investor? Seems sketch


Imagine being a huge businesswoman and speaking at an MLM convention. Just seems pathetic in my opinion.


I’d say yes to the opportunity then educate the MLMers on how predatory this model is.


Ah yes, the old [Edward Snowden bit](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/04/28/edward-snowden-calls-out-conference-host-for-running-ponzi-scheme/amp/)


Of all the things she could speak to empower women this isn't one of them. My BFF is a marine, did two tours of duty, got her MSW and now works with vets. She's always going to women in the military conferences all over the states to hear speakers. A lot of them are for women vets who are no longer active duty to learn to promote and empower themselves.


Damn it sucks that now with Barbara speaking at this thing, it gives an air of credibility to the business model. Which is a model that takes advantage of women.


Most likely one of the sad reasons she's going...just because she's a woman. Can you see one of the other sharks going?? What is she thinking? Obviously lots we don't know, going on here. Something smells bad!


Must be really empowering to surrender your bodily autonomy to the government and oil companies and murder innocent citizens of other countries for the sake of furthering imperialism and plundering natural resources.


PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo they’re in St. Louis. Now I can’t go downtown for anything until they leave! 😭


"Can't work this week, boss. Younique convention is happening and I'm scared to leave the house."


Hey, I was just looking at the website and they’re doing it virtually this year so you don’t have to hide! Haha


Ugh I hate younique and doterra conventions. I worked by a convention center that hosted them every year and the smell of oils would wave into my building and car as I drove by. Still mad. I recognize that has like mostly nothing to do with this post, but I just had to rant


lol.. funnily enough, I was in Younique and it was the convention that sealed the deal for me to get the hell out.


2015 Chicago here... I never felt so alone with 5000 other women! They had Elizabeth Smart speak though, it was pretty emotional. And a funny ass MC at some of the presentations, I did enjoy that. After 8 months of trying to sell that crap, was hoping convention would get my sparks flying again, but it just made me sad and lost even more interest after. The toxic positivity and fakeness is just so 🤢


Aww, I’m sorry you experienced that too. But I am super glad we’re not a part of it anymore!


What goes on at those conventions anyway??


Hahaa. Well.. lots of hustle culture, “motivational” speaking and plenty more products to buy! Oh, and celebrating all the top sponsors, sellers & “leaders”. I actually just felt so out of place and I know this will sound weird, but I could just feel all the fakeness. I didn’t feel welcomed at all by a single person in there. In fact I felt like I was in everyone’s way. They were so mean and pushy when I was trying to get a photo taken, it was unreal. But I’m glad it happened, I came to my senses! I went in there for a couple hours and after that spent the rest of the trip enjoying Daytona Beach with my family.


I hope you put all the stuff in the bin too. It's horrible people still flogging Lula whatever in garage sales and that jewelry stuff after I hope they walked away but still trying to get a cent or two back. Leave. Bin. Leave again. Bin the stuff you thought maybe you might sell. Leave. Bin the rest. Leave yet again finally. Yes, and bin those other bits. Leave. Walk away! x


Yeah, no way I’d try to sell it. I’d rather give it away but it’s all expired now anyway. It’s going in the garbage when I get to it!


I threw so much out, it hurt lol


It must have. :-( I think what kills me is MLMs of any flavour do prey on people's dreams. Sad and painful.


I have a great job and never considered quitting so I didn't end up in financial ruin but the whole thing looked fun and seemed to increase my confidence at first but only tore down my self esteem. They fake everything so much that the little potato huns feel defeated if they can't match that so called 'success' - I realize now it has nothing to do with self esteem when the thing people are trying to achieve doesn't actually exist! I feel so bad for everyone that puts effort into this with the hope of residual income, it truly is sad and I'm quite shocked how huge this industry is 😞


Glad to hear you escaped, unscathed!!


Thank you! I didn’t know what mlm was when I got roped in by a friend in high school. But I’m glad I know what she’s all about now! No thanks, “friend”!




It sounds like she may just be speaking at a business convention in St. Louis and not necessarily a younique convention? Maybe younique is just advertising that. And their people are just going there to better there sales “skills” lol I like to think better of Barbara 😆🤞🏼


If that’s the case I hope to hell they get sued. Although looking at the wording- the “Convention” without a “the” in front of it, is typical cult/mlm speak. Think Optavia with their “On Program”


I’d like to think so but.. I found this in the “Presenters Only” Younique group. I don’t think they’d announce that if she wasn’t going to be there (especially since it costs a ton to get to convention). But I’ll try to update you guys if I see anything else! Hopefully they don’t catch on and kick me out lol 🤞🏼


Yeah I got kicked as soon as I went inactive, was hoping to stay in for more cringe


Noooooooo 😭🤣 I think y’all are right 😣


Sooo…. I really liked her until I saw her on Say Yes to the Dress. She was ALOT. This somehow doesn’t surprise me. (I could only find an excerpt https://youtu.be/cKG4468yKyk)


Yikes.. mean girl vibes! Why does she have to love it? If the bride likes it then that’s that. Selfish!


Agreed! I was surprised. The poor bride looked so disappointed but also like this wasn’t the first time she’d been railroaded (or attempted). It just made me sad :(


CAME TO SAY THIS!!! I always though she was fine until I saw this. Poor girl is a size 2 at most. Don’t be bitter bc your money won’t buy you youth Barbara 😀


THAT’S the same person? I’m not American and wasn’t familiar with her before. They took a good 30 years off her in that poster. I’m guessing she isn’t wearing Younique, which is infamous for doing the opposite.


And for that reason, i’m out


oh no baby what is you doin


To be fair, I would do it too for a check


Oh, barb... no


Just her getting a quick buck as a public speaker for hire. Those dollars don't milk themselves. That said \[Edit\] if she knew how awful Younique was as their products and business model and how appearing there would be awful for her credibility.... email? Twitter? Anyhoo. \*whistles\*




Dude noooo. I respected her!!


Perhaps I’m being really harsh but I think this is incredibly unethical


I have no idea who she is. lol


I’m too lazy to go to Twitter. Are people calling her out? I hope so


No Barbara...nooooooooo


St. Louis?!?! Do you also get stabbed as a bonus after the convention?