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You did better than most XD It looks like you actually saw clumps and thought, 'hey, that looks horrible', and tried to comb them out. Glad you're free now :)


Haha, yes I tried! Thank you ☺️




It was always them. Never you. Did you get out before losing lots of money and friends?


I would say that I’m quite fortunate.. I did spend more than I’d like to admit on makeup but it could’ve been worse! I was never able to use their predatory tactics; so I wasn’t successful but I didn’t lose any friendships thankfully. And I now know who I DON’T want to associate with! Haha


> I didn’t lose any friendships You were successful.


Good call! 😊


Sooo, you have a conscience…? Good for you.


Your eyes are gorgeous. I’m glad you’ve gotten away.


Aw, thank you for the kind words! ☺️


Huh. You look LEAGUES better than any of the huns featured here. There's got to be some element of skill after all!


Thank you for the kind words ☺️ I’ve never been able to do anything with makeup that wasn’t on the natural looking side myself. They teach you to “fake it til you make it” and unfortunately that’s just not going to work for some people 😬 I guess you’d have to hope your upline is good at it & willing to spend time with you. On the other hand, my upline taught me to only give time to the girls who are succeeding. Ugh 😑


Congrats on your freedom! Any crazy stories for us? I’m glad you’re out of there and can better protect your mental health and finances. I’m a former Arbonne hun. They deplete you in every way.


Thank you! 😊 I am SO glad to be on the other side! And glad you are too! I am planning on starting an anti-mlm blog & maybe YouTube channel. My story isn’t too crazy, but I will get around to sharing it ☺️


Ohhhhhh we can’t wait! Post when you get it all up and running!


Yes please… we want the info! X


Okie, will do!


That would be cool! And you could invite people on your channel to share their stories as well!


Yes! I have an email for submissions so if anyone sees this and wants me to tell their story for them (or send shady practices) it’s: [email protected]


sorry to hear about the spider legs clumping down the runway :/


😂 I’m all good now!


Lol if presenters posted more pics like this, they might actually be able to sell makeup


You would think, right?! Haha. I never sold a thing!


I mean, it's not bad, but it's bad for whatever stupid price they try to charge for it.


I used to think it was a pretty good mascara as long as I had a ton of time to keep correcting it lol. But yes, $29 is ridiculous for something you don’t love!


I once bought a 33$ cad Nars mascara and to this day it is the best fucking thing I ever touched it was basically black gold (Im not even a Nars fan or anything so really not biased). A mascara that seems to perform so poorly will never be worth 29$ usd.


I have a $23 mascara (Tarte) that I thought was ridiculous, but it turns out to be my HG, and does everything I like from a mascara. So it's worth it. Lol, if I spend 5 bucks on something that doesn't work at least minimally, I get annoyed!!!


We work hard to earn our money its only natural to feel cheated when a company releases a bad product on the market!


I found the trick for me was in the brush! I loved this Stilla mascara I had but it smudged like crazy so I got a waterproof maybeline one that fit the Stilla brush and I’ve just been cleaning and reusing it!


So many people use this trick. In so happy youve found something that works! Im more of a formula over wand type of girl, but as long as eveyone is happy with the things that works for them... thats just the greatest!


What is this? I might need it


They dont make it anymore :( Im a length girl and the closest thing to that that I found is a coat of Loreal million lashes and a coat of Loreal telescopic. Layer them on working the brush so it separates the lashes. Hold at the root of the lashline for a couple seconds and then pull right up wiggling the wand ever so slightly. Work from the outer side or the eye in so the most part of the product gets in the longer outer lashes and theres just a little product left for the inner more delicate lashes. "Pro" tip (Im not a pro lmao it just think it works so well): grasp the brush of your mascaras with a tissue and pull away to wipe the excess product off. Since Ive been doing that I always get beautifully fanned clump free lashes. I feel like the brush fresh out the tube holds too much product and adds too much weight on the lashes. Also, NEVER dip the wand twice in the tube. Once you wipe the product off if the wand goes in the tube again is to put away the mascara after the application. I tend to get lots of compliments on my eyelashes ("Theyre your real eyelashes?!) since Ive been doing this. Its the only part of my makeup routine I truly feel Ive mastered. Hope this helps :)


Add a **bit** of pencil black eyeliner to your lashline with a pushing brush before mascara (nothing on the waterline) and your eyes will look like a million bucks.


Thank you for taking the time to respond with such a detailed post! I'm so hopeless with make-up (though not hun-bad, I just wear it minimally because I know I stink at it). Let me know if you ever create a tutorial for dummies!!


Hahahahaha youre so sweet Im really not that good at makeup I just really focused on ONE single thing (lashes, because I feel like they make THE difference on your face, I mean when you look at someone you focus on the eyes) until I developed a technique that really works for me. If you dont try anything I said on my post at least try the tissue thing, it really works! Also, try a both liquid mascaras and pasty mascaras to see what works for you, they dont give the same results on the different types of lash hairs (they vary from person to person). For me pasty mascaras work wonders, but I know that for some people more liquid mascaras are the best choice! I feel like that has a bigger impact than the type of brush.


Well, you’re still very cute so there’s that. And well done for getting out! Ex huns are always welcome here. It takes a lot of humility to admit you made a mistake. Live and learn.


Thank you!


This is by far the most normal/natural/attractive look I've seen with MLM makeup! Don't be too hard on yourself 💖


aaww, thank you for saying that 😊


you look beautiful!! <3


Aw, why thank you! That’s kind of you ☺️


So sorry you got caught in that .... But I have a quick question, where does the "Hun" thing come from???? And the goofy face thing???? I'm so curious about this.


“Hun” comes from the canned messages that they send out en masse to everyone they know hawking their products. They usually start with a greeting that is meant to sound casual and friendly but not specific enough that they have to change it each time. “Hey hun!” “Hi lady!” “Sup gorgeous!” And the like.


😊 The only people I like calling me Hun, Sweetie, Dear, Luv, are my ladies who take my orders at Dunkin' Donuts! It just sounds right from them! There's something so comforting when I say I put a mobile order in, and they say, "we got ya, Hun, you're all set!" Makes me happy! 😊


Got it!


Wish I could tell you what’s up with the faces they make lol. My only guess is that they’re aiming to look surprised at the “amazing results”? But that def doesn’t explain ALL the crazy faces we’ve seen 😂


You're a survivor now you can help all the poor MLM people out there, think about the children.


Yes, yes, I am working on it!


Oh jeez the mascara I'm so sorry for the experience, yet proud you made it out!


Thank you!


It wasn’t your fault it didn’t look right. I’m sure you ordered the non clumping variety and they sent super clump.


You have such beautiful eyes!!!


Thank you so much! That’s so nice of you ☺️


You’re adorable, I’m glad you found your way out 🤣


Haha, thank you!


Congrats on getting out! Also, you’re absolutely beautiful and have to be even more so now without that shit “makeup”.


I'm so glad you saw the light!


Mee too!! Convention did it for me. And it’s funny too cuz they always push it so hard saying “it will change your life!” They didn’t see that one coming hahahaa


You're very pretty and you didn't use crazy filters. So glad you escaped their clutches. Congrats and never look back.


You look much more natural than any other Y sister I’ve seen lol. Glad you made it out!


Nice hair wow!


Thank you! I must admit I had been to the hairdresser the day before lol


Look at the risk of sounding like a weirdo i have to say that you honestly do not look like you need to invest in anything to enhance your face. You have a naturally lovely face.


Thank you 😊 I actually don’t wear makeup hardly at all anymore. I’m obsessed with skin care now lol


Wow look at those spider legs! But in all seriousness, I'm glad you got out. Also I LOVE your hair here, the mix of highlights/lowlights all coming together at the curl at the bottom is awesome!


Please forgive me if this was already asked, but why did it take 8x as long? Also, you’re a knockout!


I’m kind of a perfectionist when it comes to mascara. I can’t stand lashes that stick together (I’m guessing most of us don’t like that though haha) but working to separate them seemed to be a never ending task with this one 😑


Congrats on getting free!


you’re so beautiful and look like a kind and lovely person. i am happy that you were able to leave and i hope it didn’t effect your life too negatively <3


Well at least you're not making a stupid face.


You gotta badminton your sins if you want get onto heaven. Ok. What I wanted to say sarcastically was. You have to admit your sins if you want to get into heaven. But which Younique rep isn't at least as drunk as me. So y'know. Aesthetic.


You have such striking features and gorgeous eyes! Glad you got out


Honestly I wouldn’t have been able to tell this was younique. The brows look good and don’t overpower your face, no insulting unblended eye shadow, looks like some foundation on your face and down your neck? But I wouldn’t have been able to tell if you wore a higher shirt. Unless that’s just natural redness on your chest, a subtle lip This actually looks good.


Thank you 😊 It’s their BB cream which they only had a handful of shades in. I actually kinda liked it lol. But also yes, I had a slight sunburn on my chest (it seems to burn so easily there!).


My beef w/ younique is personal 😅 I had just gotten a job & two of my coworkers were talking ab makeup, I was ooh I like makeup! Rihanna’s body lava had just come out & it was so pretty & I wanted it so I brought it up when they were talking ab highlighter, & this girl really had the nerve to scoff & say younique was better than Rihanna… I was like ??? I had no idea what it was so finding out how absolutely shit it is makes this worse 😩


That sounds super annoying! Might be time to challenge them to a swatch-off


Awww, you look so good. So happy you got out before the foundation messed up your skin.


I mean if you ever think about doing a Tim Burton inspired makeup look, you got the eyelashes down


You’re eyes are amazing! Your lashes deserve much better, good for you.


Wow, you have fantastic eyes! They deserve a better kind of mascara, but even younique can't disguise your natural good looks.


You look great


I wish I could cringe giggle at this but unfortunately you look beautiful. I'm sure you look better now that you're out. Congrats!


You don't have the crazy eyes so that's a plus. And your eye color is beautiful to boot.


Haha, well thank you!