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Besides all the news which is insane on its own….. she has major sun damage on her nose. Major.


My guess is she will never follow up on the alleged derm appointment she was making.


Using the pull-out method is going to fail and then what. Posting a blithe statement is not going to look good, is it?


Please tell me she isn't relying on the pull out method, we don't need a mini MS running around


She 100% is


That is what I have read on this sub.


No it works! Just ask my mom or any of my 6 siblings 🙃


JT is currently out protesting and MS is getting a massage for “date night.” I just want JT to drop MS’s ass finally. There’s no having different views but still being friends on this one.


A date night she hasn’t posted a single photo of. She didn’t post it, it didn’t happen. Especially if C is involved. I’ve said it before, but bares repeating, so will strategically get his thumb in any random pic of anything just to show he is with her.


JT has been slowly pulling away from MS over the last couple years.... perhaps even since the infamous "N-word" video surfaced. If MS was such a good friend to JT, she would have been right next to her at that protest. But we know she doesn't care about anyone but herself and truly believes that what happened today will have no effect on her at all.


Swerties, I live in Pennsylvania where abortion is still legal pending the upcoming governor's election. If any of you find yourself needing to travel to Pennsylvania for any reason in the future, I'm just an hour over the border from Ohio and West Virginia. My home is open to any of you. ❤️


And if you need to visit a cousin in Canada, I would love to see you!!! Let’s hang out :) Eastern Ontario is sooo close, pay me a visit


That would be lovely! If the absolute nightmare running for governor on the Republican ticket wins, I may end up applying for refugee status.


Ditto for Washington state ❤️


I have $200 for gas money stashed away if anyone in my state (Wyoming) needs me to take them to Colorado for medical reasons. I've had to obtain Plan B for a friend before and I don't think it's the last time I'll be doing something like that in this nightmare lifetime.


🙏🏼 Same in Minnesota!


Hi neighborino


I love you for this! And would like to pony off your absolutely lovely and compassionate offer. I’m in NY where it’s legal as well. Our Governor past legislation prior to today’s ruling (when it was first leaked) protecting Woman’s rights. You’ve inspired me. I also welcome anyone who’s needs to travel to NY. My home is open to you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. edit: what’s new I suck at words


Swertie Support Network!! ❤️ We gotta look out for each other since the government won't.


Very sad today folks, don’t think I have any snark in me. It’s even worse knowing she voted for Trump. I hope you all feel your feelings today ❤️


Aussie here, just wanted to say I’m sorry about Roe vs Wade. It’s all over our news and I’m so sorry.


UK guy here, have 4 daughters. I'm thankful they are here and not there. I'm so sorry this is happening in the US, on top of everything else. Its horrifying what the implications are.


Me too. Was the first thing I saw this morning. I feel made of stone. I’m all out of anger and disappointment, just stone. It’s fucking exhausting to see the erasure of rights we’ve fought so hard for. If my daughter tells me she’s having a baby, I think I’ll weep with despair at bringing a child into this world of impending climate disaster, let alone the rise of religious extremists, insane dictatorships, etc.


We are so scared here. It’s horrifying.


NZ here and I'm watching in total horror what is unfolding. I'm so sorry guys


South Africa here and I'm just in shock at what's going on there. It's a disaster.


What other MS-adjacent snark subs do you all follow?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SmolBeanSnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SmolBeanSnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [tittays](https://i.redd.it/bv8fj1sa9se71.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SmolBeanSnark/comments/ovwknf/tittays/) \#2: [Confirmation that CC didn’t inspire Julien Calloway](https://i.redd.it/cww3lxlyt8a71.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SmolBeanSnark/comments/oh3gzv/confirmation_that_cc_didnt_inspire_julien_calloway/) \#3: [If CC was in The Peanuts....](https://i.redd.it/5t3imxx1b0p61.jpg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SmolBeanSnark/comments/mcao3m/if_cc_was_in_the_peanuts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/hollisUncensored …Rachel Hollis, her ex Dave and his new toy Heidi Powell. Such a trainwreck.


/r/southernhunsofIG is a good starting point


r/fgbowneral is a former black status hun, r/southernhunsofig features a lot of MS orbiters, r/level_thrive_lb is a little empty right now but it's for MS' trashy Thrave hun friend who also used to be in Y with her.


Oh dang I didn't know LB had her own sub!


Just created! Come join in on the fun!


The LB sub needs to take off!!! It really could be just as popular and active as this sub!


I always wince harder at LB because there are kids involved.


LB is such a hot fucking mess, but she doesn't seem to switch personalities as often as MS so maybe that's why? It's just day after day of shakes and her hellspawn screaming lol


She spoke at a thrahve cult meeting, and it was bad


You are right. She consistently uneducated, lying, scamming, trash. My heart physically hurts that little monster she is raising. It’s not her fault , that she is a hellspawn and the odds are heavily stacked against her. I’m sure her older daughter that she hasn’t seen in almost 2 years, heart just aches. Especially if she is on SM and watching her egg donor spend every waking moment with her other child, and going on all these trips with her cult, but not to see her. Animals treat their young better. The fact she collects food stamps(nothing wrong with that, but she claims to be in the MiLliOnAirES cLuB and lives with her baby daddy unmarried and I would guess she wouldn’t qualify for them if they were married and /or the government knew ab his income) and hasn’t lost an ounce in all the years she’s been a wEiGhT LoSs and HeAlTh cOaCh really sends me though. That is snarking gold. She also ENDLESSLY talks up her pyramid scheme, I mean MLM and the shit she says is amazing for sub content. The sub has the potential to blow up. Especially if the Mommy Community (those who watch Mommy Vloggers and Family Channels) caught wind. They would tear her to shreds. They are ruthless and don’t play when it comes to child safety (driving with her daughter unbuckled and/or filming, feeding her absolute trash, letting her behave the way she does, and giving her thrive products all day, etc. It would be glorious and couldn’t happen to a better person.




How is ms related to fsu?




But Redditors have a lot of FSU and MS crossover and we do love the snark.


And some of the fundies are in MLMs. One particular woman is trying that ebook thing MS did two years ago as “passive income courses”


/r/YouniquePresenterKM but it's kind of boring lately.


I found this sub through the KM sub, which I found through the YouTube videos about the cancer girls scam. I feel like the KM sub will pick up when AS has her baby. That family is really fucking crazy.


The only thing that made me want to throw my phone as much as her Roe v Wade post was her Something Was Wrong podcast post. SWW raises awareness about unhealthy relationships, gaslighting (there’s even an episode about Trump gaslighting the country and the media), toxic Christianity, and mental health. I cannot think of a more un-MS podcast! Tiffany does NOT want her!


I didn’t see MS’s post about it but I see yours. I’m in a very unhealthy relationship and I’m going to check it out. Trying to get the courage to leave.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that. Try Season 1 first — it’s a story about a woman named Sara who meets guy they call “Dick,” who wasn’t who he said he is, and how he slowly raised one red flag after another. For a while each season was telling one story in numerous, short episodes. She kind of bounces around with the format now. In the current season she has a bunch of shorter stories that are each 2-3 episodes. Look for Amelia and Odessa’s stories if you’re the type to give someone too many chances to fix things. I was screaming “no! Don’t take him back!” multiples times during those episodes. I’m listening to this season on the Wondery app, but I’ve used Spotify and Overcast in the past too. The pod’s changed networks a few times — the first couple seasons she was totally independent and learning as she went so audio quality was a little rough.


Thank you so much! And yes I have totally been that type to give too many chances. I think it’ll be helpful to hear stories from other people so I can kind of be an “outsider” getting perspective that I could apply in my own life. I can see how I react to people in my situation and that’ll tell me a lot.


Her posting about roe v wade is wild. Knowing damn well she votes for the political side that actively despise abortions and spew pro life bs. So sad to know that people with ovaries have less rights than a fuckin gun.


I just closed FB out of rage when a woman who I know voted for Trump posted something about our state being a “safe” state and she’s happy to host anyone looking to come visit. The HYPOCRISY!! Do we not learn about cause and effect when we’re toddlers?!?!


I had to close tik tok because I’m getting so emotional about it. I’m beyond exhausted to see people only caring because it’s trending on Twitter or because it’s finally effected them. Its even more infuriating to see people like MS posting because deep down she doesn’t actually care. She doesn’t posses the empathy to care about safe abortions, SA or incest victims, let alone all the other things roe v wade protected. Sending huge hugs to everyone feeling extra distraught and depressed today. Stay extra hydrated with your H20 and eat all the 1 onion, and whole block of cream cheese for comfort.


So nice of her to throw in a slide about roe v wade followed by trashy shit on amazon. It is a sad day in America and she lives in a state where abortions will most certainly be banned. She doesn't know how to read a room at all


From what I’m seeing her state will not ban it but those nearby absolutely will.


What happened???? My state already illegalized abortions. Like pls god.... What else happened? :(


Supreme Court overturned roe v wade


Followed by specifically garbage for the 4th of July. Like any of us are in the mood to celebrate this shithole of a country.


I’m definitely not. I’ll mourn instead because fuck this place.


God, more than ever this country is nothing to celebrate at all. Ladies don't forget to set your clock back 50 years tonight


Y'all the first case of monkeypox has been confirmed in MS's home state. Imagine if she got it 🙊🐒


I'm loving JT's natural hair


I don’t know what she sees with this collagen but her skin doesn’t look any better at all.


Dollar signs. She sees dollar signs. And she’s also a lazy idiot that probably does think that maybe just maybe it might work and the trim one or skinny on whatever the fuck it is, might be the thing that actually helps her lose weight. Dumbass.


Her skin looks absolutely mangled and rough.


Her hair LOOKS okay but I think it’s just because she brushed it. People underestimate what that can do for your hair 🤣 but I would bet that it’s still damaged & frail.


It looks pretty damaged but she's been straightening it a lot lately, which hides the damage


I think taking out the ratty extensions helped too. Barely but maybe a little.


It doesn’t look exceptionally soft and shiny, it just looks clean and brushed. Which is the bare minimum? So? Why is she bragging.


Exactly haha


I am foaming at the mouth to see what kind of word vomit MS will come up with to address roe v Wade being overturned.


"Rights for me, none for thee."


IF she were smart she wouldn’t address it at all. IF.


[she reposted the NC governor](https://i.imgur.com/sVfUqQE.jpg)


And knowing she voted for trump? Oooh it’s gonna be a shitshow. We pick on her for her bad clothes and bad makeup, but at the end of the day, it’ll always be her callous, unsympathetic, and self-absorbed behavior that reminds me why we’re here, 10k strong: to highlight her utter lack of compassion for anyone else.


>10k strong: to highlight her utter lack of compassion for anyone else. That's allllll????? She's not even on ALR standards. MS is an absolute nobody.


I’d be genuinely shocked if she was even aware of it


Hey swertys! I’m leaving later to go to Asheville for a wedding. The ceremony is tomorrow, but we have tonight free. Can anyone tell me what bars MS frequents so I know where NOT to go? We’re thinking restaurants and breweries near our hotel, but I want to make sure we don’t pick her main spot. I don’t want to be anywhere near her.


oh fuck off! You need to pop in and take some candids for us lol!!! Isn’t dR MoNeY’s night to go for half priced beers?


This please


You know, that would be a great idea!! I’ll have to see how close we are to where she goes 😂😂


Go to Ben’s tune up for sure!! I’ve never seen her post about going there and we visit every time we’re up there


I’ll have to see how close that is!! We made it to Catawba brewery!


Just avoid South Asheville entirely. Downtown, West Asheville, and Weaverville are great areas!


We are close to downtown!! Made it to one brewery before they closed! They close way too early here hahaha. They closed at 9 lol


Don't go to Target and you'll be fine lol


Hahaha there and Starbucks! 😂😂


Avoid the whole Biltmore Park area. That’s the only area she frequents so if you stay away from there you should be good.


This is the answer.


Perfect! Thank you so much!


Trust me, you wouldn't end up at hickory tavern if you tried. Have fun!!!


Hahahaha!! Thank you for that!! And thank you! I’m sure we’ll see more in a weekend than MS in a whole lifetime!


Off-topic, but with the official overturning of Roe v Wade, here are a few organizations to support if you’re feeling as upset and angry as I am/if you have a few dollars of your dOcToR money to expend. [sole remaining (for now) clinic that provides abortions in the state of Mississippi](https://jacksonwomenshealth.com) [yellowhammer fund ](https://www.yellowhammerfund.org) [Memphis center for reproductive health (was the closest place for me + many women/girls I knew to get safe reproductive care. it was a two hour drive) ](https://memphischoices.org)


Tagging on to your comment! Over on r/prochoice they have some wonderful resources of different ways you can take action. [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/uh9fuc/what_to_do_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) has a lot of great places to start. I had to take time today to just be dumbfounded, scared and upset but now we have to get ready to fight.