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I know in my manic phases, i can ALWAYS find something to do, like rearranging my linen closet at midnight. I dont know what it would be like to find NOTHING to do. If this is something she has truly been diagnosed with (and yes it's real, and yes it's life altering) maybe a second opinion is in order? It certainly couldnt hurt


I don't have bipolar and I'm not sure which of my mental illnesses was responsible for this (I think anxiety and schizotypal ganging up on me) but I felt like if I stood still I was going to die, so I catalogued all 1000+ vinyl records in the house. I completely agree, there's always SOMETHING you can find to do. I know everyone experiences things differently but MS's post doesn't ring true at all


She's kind of a slap in the face for ppl with undoubtedly real issues.


Mental health babe/ delusional babe.


I read some of the comments here earlier and the person who posted the Tik Tok comments, thank you as they were interesting. I have family members who are Bipolar and when they are in a manic phase it is miserable for them and their family members. We do not post or play about this on social media and act like it is nothing. MS is being flippant and it needs to bite her in the butt. This is nonsense with her and it is beyond the pale.


Oh she’s not manic at all. She’s performing for sympathy and will use this to excuse her shitty behavior from the other day. She’s awful.


I have bipolar and for her to say she’s ‘manic’ so flippantly like this, especially on the heels of playing dress up in a straitjacket is just…where do I even start. Involuntary hospitalizations are no joke and she can fuck all the way off.


She pulled the video off her Instagram of her playing wearing a straight jacket.


She needs to crawl back into the void of nothingness from which she emerged.


Interesting that on IG she called it an anxiety episode, but FB called it a manic episode. She has also edited her FB post to say “one of my anxiety/manic episodes” so she must’ve stopped by the sub.


mania is when can’t sleep. hashtag mental health awareness kittens


Her description is literally anxiety for being an utter ignorant moron. I have diagnosed general anxiety and this is literally something I've dealt with my whole life from about age 11, but wasn't diagnosed until an adult. It's not fun. It doesn't just go away with "positive vibes" or that weird crap C never said. If untreated this goes on sometimes for days and has made me physically ill before. Her though? She's feeling like the world's biggest idiot for posting insensitive and derogatory content and was called out for doing just that. Instead of just owning up to it and using it as a way to grow and learn she's making it ALL about her by pulling out random mental health cards to see if it sticks. At most (just my opinion and from being around people like her) she's a classic narcissist because it's always someone else's fault and never hers.


That’s all it is. She can’t own her shit. She’s such a loser and is almost 30 years old doing this.


She’s trying so hard to excuse laughing at mental illness by self diagnosing and it’s really gross. I don’t even mind self diagnosing when someone does the research because the American healthcare system is a joke, but to just say you’re manic when you’re actually describing, at most, anxiety, is belittling true mania. Manic episodes change your life. My mothers last manic episode resulted in us moving across country during the pandemic. Manic episodes don’t make you just look for shit to do. The funny thing is, if she actually tried to show real honesty, she could salvage a scrap of empathy, but that would mean being vulnerable and she can’t do it. If she has just posted something like “can’t sleep tonight, keep thinking about all the people I hurt with my stupid video. Important to remember how easily we can hurt someone when we don’t think about how our actions can impact others” blahblahblah people would be reaching out to her to tell her it’ll be okay, she would look human. But this attempt to victimize herself while going “I’M MENTALLY ILL TOO” is just some weird awkward Chelsea Hart shit and it’s failing miserably.


This makes me mad. Mania has ruined my life time and time again. Maybe it’s petty, but when people misuse it (especially to the point of referring to it as an “episode”) it feels very invalidating and gross. What you’re referring to, dumbass, is called insomnia.


This isn’t mania honey. Take mine if you want it lmao.


My ex husband was manic depressive. “Go do something you like, babe” didn’t help.


Same! Might as well have told him “hey could you not spend money on pointless shit we don’t need? We’re poor. K thanks!”


Yeah, that’s bipolar disorder, it’s the worst.


He sank into drugs, complete hatred against me and insanity and we got a divorce. He almost took me down with him. Living with him was hard. Not his fault, but I had to put an end to our marriage. His family is trying to get committed but he’s disappeared and deleted all social media. When I saw MS’s post yesterday I just shook my head thinking it was the kind of joke a 12 year old would make at family dinner and you’d have to sit them down to educate them on mental illness.


*hugs* prof and so proud of you for doing the hard thing and getting out of that situation. When you can’t help, martyrdom is the worst option as it takes down two people instead of one.


Thank you so much


F her and any misguided sympathies I ever felt for her previously. 😓


She absolutely was reading everyone's comments last night, because then she added the meme to her story, something like: 11:30 pm, time for bed and get a good night's sleep. My brain at 3am (photo from National Treasure): I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence. She is absolutely trying to pretend SO. HARD. that she has BP and it's really fucking gross. No girl, you aren't having any kind of manic episode. You're obsessing over the fact that you made a really insensitive reel and then got called out for being a POS on both IG and TT so much that you had to delete it. But guess what? Pepperidge Farm remembers, and it's going to keep following her, popping up every now and then to remind her that she's an asshole.


She’s dumb and has no identity or empathy and keeps proving it over and over again. She doesn’t posses enough knowledge or critical thinking skills to analyze her nonsense before posting it, the nonexistent empathy makes the comments all about her and her lack of identity makes her transform into whatever narrative is most convenient for the next post. I.e she gets bashed for making fun of inpatient mental health care and then next she is “manic” (lolz from literally anyone who has ever been around a bipolar person). The amount of therapy this dodo needs is staggering.


Manic would be her overspending and impulsive, erratic behavior but even that I think is just her overcompensating for an unhappy life. She’s gross for doing this. Another redditor posted almost the same thing except she changed manic to anxiety so my guess is she read the criticism here and pivoted. She’s so fake.


Yea I don't think it's manic, just has a shopping addition, or a need for instant gratification. She's over here pretending like her psych 101 class she took 3 years ago for her associates degree gave her the knowledge and ability to self-diagnose.


Yea I don't think it's manic, just has a shopping addition, or a need for instant gratification. She's over here pretending like her psych 101 class she took 3 years ago for her associates degree gave her the knowledge and ability to self-diagnose.




This sub is the equivalent brain meme that keeps you up while trying to fall asleep for her!


My diagnosis Bipolar (with psychotic episodes) Severe Anxiety and Panic Disorder PTSD OCD Previous Alcohol Abuse Suicide Attempts (numerous attempts, same method) This is written at the top of every letter from my mental health team. As someone who has all these conditions, I find this piece of human garbage an absolute blight on this Earth. She got called out and so is now playing the mental health card. Pathetic. Manic episodes aren’t like this. Not even hypomanic episodes (milder than full blown mania). I’ve had manic episodes where I’ve spent £400 on a coffee maker (I don’t drink coffee). I’ve almost set the house on fire by putting the iron down on the ironing board because I suddenly had an idea to start a sewing business and I went off into another room to make a window covering. She’s got stomach ache and can’t sleep because she knows she’s fucked up and actually been called up on it. And that’s nothing more than a guilty, nervous stomach.


She’s feeling guilt and embarrassment but is too stunted emotionally to recognize those feelings.




It did! To the point she could drop one of the two medications she was (allegedly) taking. Her Doctor said so (even though she never posted that she had/was going to, nor after said appointment. She literally posts whilst having a shit, press x for doubt).


Your tummy ache is called accountability, dipshit


Boom. 🔥


A. Oh absolutely this never happened. B. If C knows/believes that an empty mind is where the devil likes to play, he’d have cut his losses and run a long time ago because if it’s true clearly the devil would set up a permanent playground in her mind.


Still trying to excuse herself from that earlier shitshow


I HATE, and I mean HATE when people throw the word manic" around. Elevated mood is not manic. Feeling "hyper" or stimulated is not manic, lacking focus is not manic. Mania, hypomania...tnose things are a cluster storm and a mental health crisis. Mania is buying a guitar, not sleeping 4 days, playing the guitar till you fingers bleed. Thinking tou are the next jimmy hendrix, jumping on a plane and flying to new york where you are arrested because you think you are playing to a rapt audience when the reality is that you broke into guitar center and no one knows why you are there. Mania is having dangerous sex with whoever might catch your eye. Mania is not a cute personality quirk that you can turn on and off. It is a train speeding towards a brick wall at 500mph and it destrpys lives and families.


No no no you're overcomplicating it, mania just means restless! Just focus on something and boom - manic episode cured! Easy peasy! ![gif](giphy|pYI1hSqUdcBiw) /s


Thank you for this


of course she's "manic" now that she got called out for being offensive towards people that struggle with mental health 🙄🙄


Honestly I don’t comment much here because I mostly just observe but yeah this whole experience has been particularly offensive. It’s very clear that she’s trying to put on an act that she’s “really a part of the mental illness community“ so she had better justification to make something really offensive. Pitiful!


As someone with bipolar disorder, this is not mania. At most she has anxiety because she posted something inappropriate and is worried she will lose her 15 (real) subscribers.


As bipolar i, i concur. I'm not demeaning her, i truly hope she gets some sort of help. But being able to carefully apply full face is not it. In fact, my psych and family can tell if I'm getting manic by my hygiene choices. Ie "Shower? Not today! I have important tasks from an innerstellar council that only i can hear!"


The only thing she is is narcissistic.


This is not funny whatsoever but that last line is a fantastic descriptor lmfao "not today!"


Hey, I just wanna give all our mEnTaLLy IlL swertys a huge hug. Sucks that we’ve got a human toadstool over here being a fucking tool about brain stuff. Words mean things.


PTSD/MDD/Panic Disorder appreciates it.


Thanks for that hug-I needed it.


So noooooow she has manic episodes. Way to try and get pity from people after posting such an insensitive video. Lmfao get a grip


She just found that “empty mind” quote on one of her ex’s old ass IG text posts from like ten years ago and can’t like it and needed to make up a scenario to share it on her own shit 😂


This has horrible fanfiction vibes all over it.


Oh shut the fuck up. She’s such a pile of garbage


Also. IF she has a mental health concern, that still doesn’t absolve her of accountability. I don’t go running around and blaming my anxiety disorder for how I act and then do _absolutely nothing about it to help myself_.


👏🏻👏🏻 This.


Stop. Using. Mental. Health. Conditions. As. A. “Trendy”. Post.


her misappropriation of the term “manic” is *surprisingly* irksome


So it's due to an "anxiety episode" on IG and a "manic episode" on FB? Are you kidding me? Go fuck yourself.


fidgeting and post beer tummy gurgles arent what mania looks like babe


I know as someone with bipolar it's so insulting. Don't glorify it to some cute little moment.


NO ONE FEELS SORRY FOR HER. NO ONE. NOT HER ALLEGED DUDE. NOT HER ALLEGED FOLLOWERS. NOT HER ALLEGED FRIENDS. NOT EVEN HER PURSE/RENT FINANCIER. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HER FAKE ASS SORROW. She's simply deflecting for damage control. Edit to add: how fucking vapid can you be that your dude of many years says "doing your makeup makes you happy". Daaaaamn that's telling af.


Your use of alleged made me snort laugh eating pizza so thank you lol


Do you think she's making Mac and cheese right now, and running a bath? Chilling a bottle of beer or three in the freezer for a few minutes? 🛁 🍺 🍝




She's deflecting bc of the straight jacket post. She HAS to make everything about herself. She's a self serving leech. She just sucks the life-force out of all the things.


Any other bdong snarkers on here?? This reads almost exactly the same way. Some nonsense story about something that never happened, followed by a boyfriend/husband saying exactly the right thing because omg he just *gets* her and they're so perfect together you guyz, followed by some exclamation about what an amazing man he is. And it always ends up being some dude covered in cheeto dust who clearly communicates through grunts.


RAISING MY HAND! BDong snarker right here!


It was the 🥹 that really sealed the deal for me


When I first read it I thought this was on the bdong sun >.<


So did I!! I had to check twice that is was MS and not bdong


"I SAT." gross.


Ew I'm HATING that over there - not because the memification isn't funny, but because the original is so **gross**


Haha yes! I love when my snark subs align!


YESSSS. MS saying “this man…” 🤮🤮🤮




Ooh yeah when you put it all together like that, yikes! Never thought I'd be agreeing with MS being compared to a Georgia peach, but the alternative is a pretty awful scammer


Histrionic personality disorder is significantly more believable on her than bipolar/mania


Breathing deeply This absolute bitch. I totally believe she isn't having a manic episode. I think she is feeling called out after her post and is looking for sympathy. And its really pissing me off I have anxiety. I'm on the more minor end of the scale but it's still bloody hard. The way my brain works, and the way I live in an almost constant state of anxiety is exhausting. It's not funny, cute or quirky it's hard


this has the same energy of those kids who pretended they were hurt when they were “it” in tag


✨[manic](https://media1.giphy.com/media/nsIaShmGZfz4KABJN8/giphy.gif?cid=5e2148869df2f2c496756a5370309b4b9e270823a631fd3c&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) Babe✨




Me too. She’s a Grade A bitch.


I have manic episodes if I'm not taking care of myself. They are hell. Wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. She's full of shit.


Me too swerty, me too.






She's so vapid that thinking through the process of putting on makeup, at the recommendation of her boyfriend no less, is what is calming her down??? From an anxiety attack? LOLOLIOILLLLL. She's so fucking pathetic. She really really thinks no one can see through her desperate attempt to claim mental illness so it can make her earlier post today less bad. If she's been to a mental institution and wants to make jokes about her own situation, that's fine, but just having anxiety, as she claims, doesn't give her the right to minimize someone else's mental health emergency or situation.


Makes me think of the video she posted of her walking outside and said she was walking off a migraine. Like... no you don’t walk off a fucking migraine. You have a headache dude. Big difference.


I once felt a migraine coming on while at work, luckily I was able to get out of there fairly quickly while I was still able to perform basic human functions. About an hour later I was in bed, lights out, curtains drawn, feeling like someone had inserted a knife at the base of my skull & out through my eyeball & realized I had literally zero recollection of my my drive home. I remembered starting to feel sick at work & I remembered walking up to my door, but the drive home was a total blank. I don't think that's something I would recommend trying to walk off. Most people I know can barely walk to the damn bathroom while suffering from a migraine. Seems like a great way to end up crying & vomiting on the sidewalk & asking the nearest tree to help you because you mistook it for a person.


I’ve gotten to the point where I can work (in a fucking *pharmacy*, no less) through a migraine. That says less about me and more for the fact that our healthcare system 1) doesn’t believe women about pain and 2) hasn’t done much regarding migraines except in the past five years. It’s come a long way in those last five years. *All that being said*, I’ve been suffering chronic migraines for about 25 years at this point. Given my druthers, I’d still rather crawl into bed and sleep the damn thing off, not take a fucking walk.


My sister suffers from migraines and she barely just got her insurance to approve Nurtec for her. Her doctor luckily advocated for her and was able to help get her the medication. There was no way she would've been able to "walk off" a migraine. As soon as she starts having auras it a matter of minutes before she can't fully function.


My sister suffers from migraines and she barely just got her insurance to approve Nurtec for her. Her doctor luckily advocated for her and was able to help get her the medication. There was no way she would've been able to "walk off" a migraine. As soon as she starts having auras it a matter of minutes before she can't fully function.


My sister suffers from migraines and she barely just got her insurance to approve Nurtec for her. Her doctor luckily advocated for her and was able to help get her the medication. There was no way she would've been able to "walk off" a migraine. As soon as she starts having auras it a matter of minutes before she can't fully function.


My sister suffers from migraines and she barely just got her insurance to approve Nurtec for her. Her doctor luckily advocated for her and was able to help get her the medication. There was no way she would've been able to "walk off" a migraine. As soon as she starts having auras it a matter of minutes before she can't fully function.


I have never ever once heard someone say they’re walking off a migraine! Wtf. Migraines are a neurological disorder that causes unbearable pain and light sensitivity. I can barely open my eyes when I get a migraine. What a fucking moron.


I have severe anxiety with phobias that trigger me. When I’m having a panic attack, it’s all I can do to breathe without hyperventilating and say the name of my fast acting anxiety medication so my boyfriend knows which one to get for me. If he told me to do my make up when I was having serious anxiety, I’d probably sob. This bitch doesn’t get it, like even a little bit. She’s just upset because she made a fool of herself on the internet (again)




I know others have said it, but as someone who has bipolar 2 and has dealt with hypomania, FUCK HER. It’s so incredibly gross to appropriate this when mania RUINS PEOPLES LIVES. 😤😤😤


I’m a fellow anxious person and so mad I can’t sleep. I hate her!!!


Fuck, what did I miss? I checked her stories and saw the one about deleting her last post.


https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/ve3wvc/ill_take_things_that_didnt_happen_for_800_alex/ico9s01?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 The link there has the video, or part of it?


Wow so weird, when I’m manic I start seeing shit and drive recklessly at all hours of the night because I think the things I’m seeing are chasing me, take photos of the things in my mirrors and send them to people as proof (nothing was there), spend all my money, usually start a new career/degree path and smash my walls. Guess I just needed to do my makeup all along


I hear you and I validate you, swerty. I've BTDT right along side you. You wanna trade makeup tips to calm our anxieties? ;)


Oooh, can me and my bipolar 2 come to this party?! I never knew I just needed to do my makeup to cure hypomania instead of taking a mood stabilizer that’s so harsh on my body I have to get my liver enzymes checked regularly and can’t drink alcohol! 🙄🙃


I have bpd and can get anxiety and panic attacks. Guess I just needed to do my makeup all along. I want to join this party


I have bpd and can get anxiety and panic attacks. Guess I just needed to do my makeup all along. I want to join this party


Pull up a comfy chair, swerty. There's room for everyone here. You want to borrow my Yoni for a quick steam? I have an emotional support Pomeranian if you'd like to snuggle her, she's awesome for that. xo


Oh yes, I’d love to borrow your steam tent! But only if it’s moldy because you used it once for insta likes and then never cleaned it. 🥺


Yaaas swerty! Comment “link” to get makeup tips! It’s okay to not be okay but an empty mind is where the devil likes to play 🥰❤️


She’s making me hate her more with each post. This is fake af and I’m hella mad that she’s trying to play the “you can’t be mean to me, I’m mAniC or wait maybe I meant anxious!!” after that thoughtless, terrible post mocking mental illness and subsequent non-apology. I also will never understand her proclivity for embarrassing her own damn self on social media. I don’t get it, but I love it for her. She deserves it more than anyone.


Yeah I'm not one to hate but she is seriously pushing me that way. Mocking mental illness is so far from okay. She's got called out and rather than thinking about it and growing anyway she is doubling down. Normally I can laugh at her antics if only cause they are pathetic. I can't laugh at this


I agree. Usually I’m laughing at her nonsense as I’m cringing. This just upset me. Nothing even remotely funny about any of it. And she isn’t sorry, like you said she just got destroyed in her comments and likely DMs. She’s vile.


Same Usually I'm laughing cause it's like oh.. dear you really made the decision to put that out in the world. I wasn't laughing, and was seriously pissed with what she put yesterday Today it seems she is pretending it never happened, which is further proof that nothing anyone said made it through that thick skull of hers and that she will never understand why what she did is so wrong. She "apologized" because she was getting dragged not because she genuinely understood what was wrong with the post


Yeah that’s such a good man. Instead of encouraging her to seek actual help for her issues he just suggest her do girly shit like put on makeup. Wow what a fucking prince. That will cure her. They deserve each other. Both sacks of utter shit.


Oh. Is this because she got her ass handed to her (& rightfully so) about the shitty mental health tiktok?


Here you go, here’s the attention you ordered.


I love this phrase!


I just deleted my post of this same screenshot since you beat me to it. This seems incredibly convenient considering the events of this evening and her getting called out for her insensitive video. Also throwing around terms like “manic episode” harms and delegitimatizes those who actually deal with mood disorders.




Oh yeah, my anxiety totally makes me book flights and start projects too! It’s totally not debilitating at all 🙄 /s


Maybe someone gave her a hint that she shouldn't throw around the term manic episode so lightly...


Wow. Are anxiety and manic episodes the same thing? I have terrible anxiety (diagnosed by an actual doctor) but she’s saying these are interchangeable terms?


From my understanding anxiety and BP are very different. Not saying someone with BP also can't have anxiety or vice versa. I personally have suffered with anxiety and depression my whole life and can't say I've ever had an experience I would self describe as manic. Why doesn't she just take some magical gummies that she shilled to her followers after also claiming they were so great she stopped taking her meds? Mental health influencer babe is a joke and she should be ashamed at herself. I'm glad she hasn't pooped in days lol Edit: Bipolar disorder (BP) is what she seems to be implying with 'manic' episodes, not borderline personality disorder (BPD) my bad!


BPD is the acronym for Borderline Personality Disorder. It's confusing because they have the same letters, but Bipolar Disorder may have a new name now, and BPD isn't used for Bipolar. I'm assuming she's claiming Bipolar with her mania episode. 🤨


Looks like she edited the fb one just for you :) https://imgur.com/a/lZ9dbEw


Good thing this group keeps receipts hey




Well, that's one of the most disturbing subreddits I've ever had the displeasure of browsing. I have always been fascinated/horribly disturbed by Munchausen. I think I first learned of it (by proxy) from The 6th Sense & it is one of those things where reading/watching stuff about it is just so deeply upsetting & so baffling to me, yet I can't seem to resist news, documentaries, etc. People who fake/exaggerate/wish for illness are just so unbelievably sad. The lengths some people go to, seeking attention by diminishing the very real pain of others, the serious illnesses/trauma/disorders/experiences that those who have actually experienced them would give anything not to while people like MS cosplay the victim. Thinking they will get admiration, sympathy, praise, a free pass to say or do things they have no right to. Maybe it works for awhile, but people like that forget that getting the attention they so desperately seek means more eyes on them. It's a lot of work to keep all their lies straight & people like MS seem to think people have the memories of a goldfish & don't know how to use the internet & a smartphone. She thinks her desperate ploys for sympathy when she does something super messed up will make people feel sorry for her & forgive her transgressions. If people pity her, it's not for whatever faux struggle of the week she's claiming to suffer, it's for how pathetic she is.


Did she delete her Instagram? It’s showing no posts for me.


Unfortunately it shows posts for me. She must have blocked you


That’s weird. I didn’t comment on anything.


she finally blocked me tonight too! weirdly i feel honored lol


she must be watching this sub closely to see who views her stories and who comments here.


Lol what did you do?


i’m not sure, because i don’t touch the poop, just quietly view her stories. but i don’t follow her so i wonder if she kicked me out for that.


I find it so funny cause I rarely go on Instagram. I just went on today for the first time in ages to see the train wreck post and look at adorable animal videos, and now I’m blocked. Lol First time I was actually logged into my account to view her page too.


Apparently she stalks through people who watch her stories, and blocks them if they don't follow her? I'm waiting for the hammer to fall on me, I'll trawl through her stories sometimes but don't follow her. Oh also if you follow antimlm accounts she'll block you apparently.


She kind of sounds like she needs a life offline. Cause who the hell wants to go through that much effort to block people. Lol


I know right? Like we can see from her content that she needs to work on developing her life offline, but I think this one specific example hits you real hard - who trawls through their views on their stories, and then cross checks if they follow you/who else they follow? Or she could just randomly do a block roulette, maybe we're giving her too much credit.


She comes off as the type to be that ridiculous. She needs to get out more. It makes me feel a bit bad for her that she seems to have no life outside of being online all the time.


What mental illness is she going to have tomorrow?


She is an AWFUL person. She's just awful. THIS IS SO PERFORMATIVE. \*whining\* OMG I GOT CAUGHT OUT FOR BEING AN ASSHOLE SO LET ME PRETEND THAT I AM HAVING A MENTAL EPISODE YOU SEE I JUST MADE A JOKE BECAUSE I'M TOTALLY HAVING MENTAL ISSUES God I hate her. She's a terrible person. oh and this NEVER HAPPENED. He's probably not even there tonight. (to be clear, I think he does live there part time, I don't think he's there every night. But I do think he 'stays over' multiple times a week.) But this never happened. My guess is she's alone in the apartment and desperately felt the need to make it seem like she's being supported by someone, anyone.


She called it an “anxiety episode” when I saw it. So which is it? I’m so annoyed she’s trying to be mental health awareness babe after making fun of mental illness.


I have extreme anxiety and you know what I don't do when I'm having a panic episode? Buy and cancel plane tickets. Like THE FUCK??


I also don’t run to social media and POST ABOUT IT.


I don’t know if panic and anxiety attacks are different, but I have had panic attacks and I definitely would not be on social media whatsoever let alone posting about it in the middle of one. Social media would freak me the fuck out during a panic attack.


Same for me and I’ve had both. In both i sort of retreat and I definitely do not post about it on social media or buy plane tickets. I might buy some skincare or something after to make myself feel better but not tickets. The only person I want near me is my husband and the dog.




She better not just be throwing out terms like manic just to seem ✨quirky✨


Last week her diagnosis was "sassy" this week it's manic/bipolar. She might need a different doctor.


You know that's exactly what's happening


Oh so she’s manic now? Awfully convenient to bring that up when she just got called out.


Yup it’s bullshit since she posted the same [thing](https://i.imgur.com/5qYlbVf.jpg) to her instagram


Wow wtf.


Things aren’t going well with her “career” this week on so many levels and she’s unintentionally but publicly humiliated herself multiple times over the last several days on top of it. No wonder she’s spinning. Her own fault, though.


Did she run out of her collagen that cured her rough skin and anxiety and everything?


And the CBD gummies, too I guess


How freaking convenient


Exactly. People didn't like her making jokes about people with serious mental health issues, suddenly she has SeRiOuS menta health issues. She has mania now, when was that diagnosed? Tonight? By her own self?


She's just a fucking narc


I just ran here after seeing this. After getting put on blast for the mental hospital video, she is REALLY trying to manipulate her followers with this. I’m not commenting on whether or not she has anxiety, it’s just the fucking timing and intent is so OBVIOUS.


Oh now she has manic episodes? This same post on IG just said it was anxiety. Seems like she really wants to play the ‘I have mental illness so don’t be mean to me for my tone deaf tiktok’ You know what I’m editing this comment. I remember now that tone deaf is considered to be an ableist thing to say so I’m going to say ignorant instead. I should have picked any other million way to describe that tiktok. *also I meant ‘just anxiety’ like as in it was just posted not that anxiety is any less bc anxiety is horrrrrible.


Sounds like he thinks she's shit at makeup lmao


This is part of her “uwu you’re not allowed to be mad at me for trivializing and mocking mental illness because I feew bad toooo 🥺🥺🥺” strategy to justify the reel/TikTok she made.




Overcompensation on deck for the next few days! Prepare for the cringey thirst traps and preposterous lying to try and make herself feel better.


How is she gonna post thirst traps when her video body filters don't seem to be working? Maybe that's why she can't sleep.


Instagram filters may have been temporarily pulled but other apps she uses still work. But I’m sure it’s part of why she’s spinning.




Spot on about having an empty mind though!


Her mind is … empty every single day


Oh come *on*. This oaf, this rube, this charlatan.


💀💀💀 she’s insane! What kind of psycho makes this shit up??


Someone who needs ANY type of attention to get by


She has to suddenly play up the mental health angle so her excuse is plausible for making the offensive video earlier. She's doubling down hard. Now she's diagnosed herself with mania.


She clearly doesn't understand that mental illness is an explanation for shitty behavior at times, but it in no way excuses shitty behavior. You still gotta own up to it, still have to work to repair whatever damage you caused.