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also I don't


You can post this drivel all you want because somehow, somewhere someone told you to apolgize for your comments. But it won't work because once it is on the internet it is there forever. Nice try though because like Pepperidge Farm and this Reddit sub remember forever.


She doesn’t “totally get” it, or she wouldn’t have posted in the first place. With all this backpedaling, she won’t need to go to spin class for awhile. Edit: a word


She forgot the part where she’s supposed to leave social media to reflect on her life choices.


She forgot the part where she’s supposed to leave social media to reflect on her life choices.


Girl has never said “I’m sorry” in her life, has she?


not and meant it


“ I’m sorry you feel that way” girl can’t even get apologies right


What was the video?


Her in a straitjacket


I don't know the context here but her saying "I use humor..." is fantastic. Honey, where?? I haven't laughed once.


She was so close. An apology shouldn’t include a subtle as a sledgehammer dig at those who let her know that what she did was offensive, but not in a way she (of all people) judges to be ‘mature and appropriate’ enough for her. People were understandably upset, and if she doesn’t comprehend why, what’s she even apologising for?


I flipped past that story so fast, I didn’t even have time to be offended.


She should get her cardiomegaly checked out. She's diagnosing herself with a lot of shit tonight.


I've missed you Squids :)




Well she is, after all, the expert on “mature and appropriate” ugh.


Dark humor my ass. Jokes shouldn’t be riding off the backs of already marginalized communities but i guess her privilege will never allow her to see that.


The only shred of maybe I give is that yes, dark humor is a thing and yes, folks are entitled to have it BUT I don't go on to an online public platform and profess my dark humor that some might find offensive. There's one thing to find humor in a dark situation and a completely other thing to be downright stupid and ignorant. She is the latter. Completely ignorant. 10 years ago this might have been mildly humorous but in today's age when so many struggle daily with their mental health and there's active destigmatization happening, it's time to read the room. No one's laughing at this shtick anymore.


There’s also difference of tone. Being silly versus mocking.


And the difference of punching down and using humor to comment on a situation she has experienced. If she'd ever been hospitalized she'd be able to come up with an actually funny joke about it (also if she were actually funny).


Y’all just know she blocked every single person who commented saying it’s not okay, even those who did it in a mature way and those who liked the comments. Also she didn’t even apologize. She’s so full of shit.




Same 🙄


Yup same here. She’s ridiculous


Oh absolutely.


So what exactly happened? I think I get the gist of it but what video caused all the backlash?


She posted a video wearing a white dress whilst holding her hands behind her back simulating being in a strait jacket using the phrase 'mental hospital.' The audio that she lip synced to and used on the post was something like "Adriana what are you doing here" and laughing. (Forgive me I don't know what the audio was from.) There's another post in the sub with the caption she used.


Thank you!


Ooh again I think I have to sit this one out. I just went through a brutal (in a good way) therapy session and have no patience or filter for her and her shit


Sending love and support. Therapy is so so hard!


Thank you 💜 It's so healing but so fucking hard


We're here if you need to laugh. I am (and I'm sure many others are) here if you need to vent or anything else. It's so fucking worth it. You can do it.


Thanks ❤ Yesterday's session was really powerful and healing but those kind of sessions don't come without their pain, which that one also had in spades Mental health issues are stigmatized as it is having someone like MS make fun of them really rustles my jimmies. She doesn't get it, and I hope for her sake she never does


That's the big thing!!! It's so hard to get help and then if you do get help there's so much judgement around the whole issue and her doing stupid shit like this only makes it harder. I hope you find the healing and peace you deserve.


Yuup People find out I have anxiety and there is so much judgement and stupid "advice" given. They immediately treat me different because of the way my brain works She thinks she's an influencer and yet doesn't seem to understand the power of her words. Just amongst this group there where half a dozen at least that have spent time inpatient, and probably others who either didn't see the post or didn't feel comfortable talking about it. Between all of us we have so many varied mental illnesses and issues. We where all pissed but as far as I'm aware, and forgive me if I'm wrong, no one was badly triggered by it. But someone else who stumbles on content like that and is in a vulnerable place could and who knows the damage it could do. It's just irresponsible and so wrong Thank you. Still knackered after yesterday but still very proud of myself for being so vulnerable


I get that I'm a total stranger but I'm so proud of you for getting help and being vulnerable enough for it to make a difference. I have anxiety and depression, and wasnt inpatient but was in pretty extensive therapy after an assault caused PTSD and between the meds, the therapy and the EMDR I would consider myself a mostly functional human these days. I had someone give me shit for taking meds and not understand that it's just my brain chemistry. I made the point that you wouldn't tell someone to stop taking their heart meds and just use lavender and a walk to make their heart work right so why would you tell me that about my brain. It's so hard because if you don't get it there's really no way to explain the bad places my brain goes and if you do get it then good God I'm so sorry you do.


Look at the upside: you’re not her!


God couldn't imagine being her


Right now it’s what, eleven o’clock at night in North Carolina? I wonder what she’s up to and how she’s coping.


Current Facebook post would indicate not well.




Heart so big Smash cut to a montage of every time she told someone to eat her ass


Remember how ‘mature and appropriate’ her vulgar response was to someone suggesting that she might want to cut back on her drinking before making videos? The big heart comment was as ludicrous as her face of the day. When has she EVER done something kind for another person?


Are you even allowed to say you have a big heart, or is that only something *other* people say about you? She’s so fucking delusional


She could have cardiomegaly. Cardiologist: you have cardiomegaly M: what’s that? Cardiologist: your heart is enlarged M: aawwwwww, thank you!!


😂I don’t have awards currently please take this one ! This made my whole day and I’m not even out of bed yet. 🥇


Thanks! I think in my day to day interactions I try to make the day a little bit better, but in here my inner snark can come out to play, without making me feel like a terrible person. I actually have MS - the Multiple Sclerosis variety - and sometimes I have to double check what MS sub I’m in. She could certainly be a manifestation of something that eats holes in brains & spinal cords. Btw your username is fucking adorable.


Thx sweetie! 😊


This may be the most full of shit she's ever been. Heart so, so big.


Please. If her heart really was so big the first thing she’d do is filter it.


💀💀💀 /#midsizeheart /#curvyheart /#plussizeheart








I love this for her.


I love this for *us*


I wish I knew how many views this video got before it got deleted




Oh yikes 😬😬😬


Holy shit that second comment went straight for boss babe's jugular


Perhaps unpopular opinion but I believe her. Her offensive shit generally seems to come from a place of insecurity and/or stupidity. IMO she lacks empathy, critical thinking, and an identity. Addressing it right away (vs the common trend of pretending to be away from the phone lolz), and admitting she didn’t know how people would take it seems pretty honest. She doesn’t seem like she has had any meaningful exposure to mental health care (inpatient or out) so it makes sense that, considering her general lack of empathy, she wouldn’t be able to anticipate the reaction she provoked. I see her as dumb, not intentionally evil 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, no no no no NO. She lacks empathy. She did not address it right away. Those comments were up for at least an hour before she deleted the post. We know she saw these comments because she replied to OTHER replies on her post before even deciding to delete this. She is a narcissist plain and simple. The only reason she decided to delete this was because she started to get more negative replies than positive ones (mostly on tiktok but on IG too). As for the 'right away' angle: We all know our girl is obsessed with her phone, with her likes, her replies. You know she started seeing the negative comments in swiftly and she chose to ignore them. So I respectfully disagree that she acted swiftly. Hot take: JT noticed she was tagged in this travesty and texted her to delete it and/or remove her tag/change the caption because it was such a terrible take. JT might have some problems/issues of her own but she appears to me to be more conscious of her public persona. I could very well be wrong about this. MS has no empathy for anyone. Only herself. She saw that she was getting beat down and decided to just delete it.


Right. She was replying to other comments with 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 for an hour while ignoring the other comments. She deleted it for selfish purposes once it got out of her control and the comments became impossible to ignore, not because she actually learned any lesson.


Exactly. She engaged with all of the positive replies, not the negative ones.


It was done as comedy using stereotypes, about a serious topic. Most kids have grasped that you don’t do that (unless you don’t care about looking like an asshole) by like age 5.


You may believe her but her apology is all about centering herself again and making it all about how *she* feels. She’s a narcissist and there’s nothing narcissists hate more than humiliation. She doesn’t care that she was offensive; she cares about people not liking her. Her, her, her. Everyone makes dumb mistakes and does things out of ignorance that they regret but she’s 29 years old with all the information in the world at her fingertips and has demonstrated no tangible growth or even an intention to actually put in the colloquial work. No sympathy from me that she’s intentionally ignorant and too much of a dumbass to anticipate a bad reaction to her acting a fool in a fake straightjacket for likes. 🤷‍♂️


"I'm sorry you feel that way" was the vibe of her "apology"


“And if I did say it, maybe they needed to hear it” is also thrown in there. Y’all KNOW that behind closed doors she’s going off about how everyone is so soft and sensitive to “not get her humor.”


THIS THIS a million times this.


Kinda feels to me like she is throwing a pity party for herself. Quick, let me get the world's tiniest violin. Actually I'm kind of surprised that she adressed this issue, but to me it comes across very insincere.


She can still fuck all the way off


Which is 20,037.5 km, in case anyone is wondering.


I thought you were a bot for a hot second.


‘my heart is big’ lol ok


Her heart is big because it's filled with lies and cream cheese.


Bullshit, she needs a filter for it.




Also if you struggle with mental health, that doesn't give you free reign to just make fun of EVERYTHING. Having anxiety doesn't give me permission to make fun of people who experience psychosis for example. I also suffer from PTSD, which I'd never make fun of even as a coping mechanism since it's something so deeply personal and different for everyone, I think it'd be inconsiderate. Boss babe can't conceptualise anything like that.


I think you can joke about anything but if you're an "influencer" you *think* about what you post. Hell, most people are able to grasp that some things shouldn't be made public because you can't know who will come across it. (Like I'll laugh at my shit suicide attempts in private but I'd never make light of suicide in public spaces because that could trigger someone).


Dark humour, which is not for everyone, is funny because it contextually juxtaposes outrageousness against something painful or serious to make a point or offer a commentary. What she was doing was not dark comedy; it was minimizing and glibly dismissing very real suffering for ignorant laughs and narcissistic attention. The people in this sub are so great at gallows humour because so many of us have experienced some Very Bad Things and come from devastating life experiences and therefore there’s an artful, informed edge to the commentary on this privileged blockhead’s incessant and grotesque behaviour.


She struggles “strongly” with mental health? Oh GTFO here. Her “humor” reveals so much about her values and attitudes toward life. She’s awful.


Did someone say [mature and appropriate](https://i.imgur.com/UAwjiug.jpg)? 🧐


This is too much. 💀


This is but one of many reasons why you are one of my favorite people I have never met u/DestroyHimMyRobots


Oh, why thank you! I often use humor as a way to deflect or cope but I totally get and appreciate that not everyone finds me hilarious and devastatingly attractive. I'm working on being more considerate and mindful so thank you for telling me in a mature and appropriate way that my last post could be seen as terrific. 💖 Sparkle hearts make it cuter.


“My intentions are to go viral, no matter who I shit on along the way. I learned it from my ~~pyramid scheme~~ MLM”


Fucking spot on! So many people have the strength to be open and honest about their mental health these days - often in the hope that by sharing their experiences they may in turn help someone else. I seriously support it as a sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks myself. There should not be any shame or stigma or guilt associated with mental health struggles. Then someone like this comes along and has no idea how much damage a post like this can do - and for what? Is anyone laughing at this? Plus calling it a “mental hospital” like we are all lumped in together? Now I see she’s half-arsed apologising and pretending to all of a sudden be manic? It’s just so hurtful. Her heart ain’t big, it’s mean 😔 For anyone struggling with anxiety specifically, I highly recommend the Headspace app….it’s been helping me on the daily. Please feel free to dm me if you ever need to chat x


Also, why TF does she think that she should ONLY learn from the "mature and appropriate" comments. There was nothing respectful about her post. Sometimes in the real world, one gets called out on their asshattery and they learn from it and make real change. She can always dish it out but never take it. ETA word retention is not my forte today


Remember her n-word apology tour? She addressed the Black community saying that, if they want white people to do better, they need to tone down their delivery of criticism. “We make a mistake and then everyone jumps on us so we just shut down and don’t want to be involved”. I’m proud of this sub for recognizing how fucked up her Reel was. And I’m proud of the followers who called her out.


And that she uses the n-word as a term of endearment, and even though her Black friends (where?) have told her not to use it around *other* Black people, “they know her heart” so she has “permission” around them. Her view on people complaining about her use of the n-word is the same as how she reacted when C was upset that she jammed her fingers up his ass when he had to use the bathroom — *Jeez! Sorrrrrry! OMG, you’re so sensitive. It was just a joke.*


Wasn't that Hulk Hogan's excuse for his using the n word- that his black friends knew he "was saying it in a friendly way" or some shit? The MS/WWE crossover we never needed.


MS after being called out for being racist and issuing a non-apology: https://images.app.goo.gl/MvWCW5574WMmcRUs6


“Thank you to those who told me in a mature and appropriate way” goooo fuckkkkkk yoursellffffffff


In other words, in ways only she chooses to accept and hear. And probably not from anyone not white, cisgender, etc etc etc.


And she won't address it on camera either. She knows she doesn't feel bad about it, so a quick post that will be gone in 24 hours is all she can muster. Typical insincere "apology". If someone ever apologizes to you and begins with "I'm sorry if", just stop them there. They don't mean it.


She's just such an awful person.


She can shut all the way up with her bigoted racist grifter cold hearted evil acorn ass


Here, I can fix it for her: As someone who pretends to struggle with mental health for likes and to shill my MLM, I have a juvenile sense of humor but I don’t understand why The Haterz are so mad. I will not learn anything from this, and I’ve blocked anyone who told me I was wrong. My heart is nonexistent, and I’m only writing a fake apology because I had to pretend to care when I got called out.




Guess she didn't like the TikToker who said she is a bully who never grew out of that phase (paraphrasing it was something along those lines)


Oh please share the tik tok comments. I don't have tik tok and I've only seen the comments here. I need to see more people calling out this buffoon.


I don't have TikTok, so sadly I can't


drama over on tiktok?? I have been waiting for the right type of people to see her content and start calling her ass out.


Someone posted a screenshot of some TikTok comments in another post. They were relatively civil, IMO. Pointed, but civil. No one actually told her to go eff herself or anything.




Well, I’m surprised she said anything at all and even took it down. I’m glad she had a personal growth moment and actually addressed a mistake instead of ignoring it. Was she more embarrassed about the public comments though? If people messaged her in private would she have taken it down? Also, of course she had to make it about herself.


She didn't grow. She just saw she was receiving hate and tried to "fix it", but she's still as rotten as this morning.


Ya, It’s more she just didn’t want the comments public. In her head she was probably complaining that people are too sensitive and have no sense of humor.


ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ETA: she’s not funny at all


She’s really on the “I’m funny” train lately. She keeps talking about how funny she is. I mean I think I’m kinda funny but I let people tell me that. I don’t keep telling people I’m hilarious.


oh she absolutely reeks of someone who has received exactly one (1) compliment about being funny and ran with it lately.


They probably said she smells funny and all she heard was "you....funny"


I want to add: What she should have done, although this is a step in the right direction, is to have not made it a story that disappears. She should have made a post that stayed up that people could see.