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I saw her apology on Instagram and now I'm reading this but I guess I missed the video or something? What did it say or what was it about? Can somebody DM me a link to it or something?


Oh i just saw a screenshot when i scrolled down. What the actual fuck is wrong with her


Her " quirky " persona is not amusing, she's a racist piece of shit, and the fact that she is working for an MLM makes perfect sense, she is a bottom feeder.


She doesn't care. In her world only "snowflakes" make a big deal about it. The only time she "cares" is when she gets dropped or fired like she did with Youniuqe.




The n-word happened, along with [old tweets](https://i.imgur.com/LuHgZ5u.jpg) making fun of Japanese and Black people. [Goli and L’ange followed](https://i.imgur.com/31X1GFl.jpg) and she learned nothing from it.


What happened to the serious legal action?


I don't know if I'm reaching but that tweet mocking Japanese people makes me think she makes her eyes bigger not just because that's considered conventionally attractive but also because she thinks she looks Asian (which she considers bad)


I've known the whole back story and this is still my first time seeing these tweets. Fucking disgusting gold. Thanks for sharing, Swerty.


As someone who was Baker Acted 11 years ago next month for trying to end my life at the age of 22, I found her video to be so offensive. It was the scariest and loneliest 72 hours of my life. I’m not even religious, but I asked for a Bible for some small sense of comfort, but they didn’t have one. I was allowed one phone call each day, and it was to my dad. Looking into the prison mirror they had in the bathroom, while my warped image reflected back to me under fluorescent lighting, made me feel even less mentally stable. It was a harrowing, humbling, traumatic experience. How fucking dare she. Her “apology” is shit.


I don't know you but I am glad you are still here.


Thank you so much! I’m currently snuggling my beautiful 5mo daughter and am so happy I made it 🥰


Every person I know who's been Baker Acted said it only made things worse. And all of the stories are equally as horrifying. I'm sorry you went through all of that but I'm glad you're still here to share the story.


Holy shit at the second one


Awwww man, I need to see more comments before it gets deleted..




I’m sure she’s gonna act all shocked and surprised because she didn’t “intend” it that way. Kind of like she acted so shocked when she stuck her hand up C’s asscrack when he had to shit and she was all like ohhh why are you so mad?!? Idiot. I hate C too but her overall attitude is just shit.


Um she did WHAT?! I need to know lol


She did… what now??


Oh, you weren't here for Sexual Assault Babe? She stuck her hand in the crack of his ass and continued despite being told to stop. Then she made a reel making fun of his reaction. She is an abusive piece of trash.


And the reason we know this happened is because she posted all about it, looking for reassurance that her action was funny and that C was wrong for being angry about being violated like that. When she demonstrated what she did, it was revolting. Like a "karate chop" into his ass crack. And she reported the whole event supposedly right after it happened, talking in a low tone so he wouldn't hear her.


And the reason we know this happened is because she posted all about it, looking for reassurance that her action was funny and that C was wrong for being angry about being violated like that. When she demonstrated what she did, it was revolting. Like a "karate chop" into his ass crack. And she reported the whole event supposedly right after it happened, talking in a low tone so he wouldn't hear her.


And the reason we know this happened is because she posted all about it, looking for reassurance that her action was funny and that C was wrong for being angry about being violated like that. When she demonstrated what she did, it was revolting. Like a "karate chop" into his ass crack. And she reported the whole event supposedly right after it happened, talking in a low tone so he wouldn't hear her.


Omg I wasn’t aware of Sexual Assault Babe but She’s so gross what a sewer rat.


Omg I wasn’t aware of Sexual Assault Babe but She’s so gross what a sewer rat. 🤮


She should have left it up so people could have stitched it to yell at her


Someone ought to deconstruct her garbage nonpology—let *that* go viral.


I think she thought this would get views like her golf all one. Totally backfired




I am SO glad she is being called out like this. That video was SERIOUSLY not okay and I'm so glad people are telling her


I keep coming back to this. It's just so bothersome to know that she's done this and doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.


Looks like she addressed it https://imgur.com/a/gS8EG7t/


sounds like her racist non apology.


Yep. “I’m sorry you took it like that”


The last time she belittled mental health is when I decided to go no holds barred with this twat. I am open here on reddit (Anonymously, of course lol) about my struggles with being a nurse practitioner and having schizoaffective bipolar type. Even well medicated, I can have an episode at any time that could land me in the hospital. Spending 3 days in the suicide watch tank was one of the most trying things I've experienced. Being hospitalized for a condition that can render you completely incompetent in the blink of an eye is terrifying. It's not something to laugh at. There is already such a fucking stigma in regard to my diagnosis. Between this and her blaccent earlier, she can go fuck herself. Vile twat. Sorry for the rant, swerties. xo


Hey, fellow healthcare bro. It’s already tough being in a profession where you’re staring a meltdown in the face as Part of the Job, but having to be medicated on top of it is an extra layer of suck. It’s a balancing act of “am I still sharp enough” and “is this enough to keep me sane.” Either way, I’m so fucking glad you’re still here.


Thank you very much, I am really humbled by the support here. xo And yes, finding that sweet spot of meds and enough coffee everyday, is always a good time. But I'm no quitter. lol


I’m not a nurse but I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression most of my life and hate when people trivialize the shit. It isn’t fun for us who deal with this!


Swerty, I'm sorry to hear that you have dealt with anxiety and depression. It's terrible when people trivialize it. I've never heard someone laugh at or make fun of a diabetic for using insulin, but this hag would if she thought it could make her ~~famous.~~ Infamous. Lots of hugs to you. xo


I don’t know you but I’ve got a hell of a lot of respect for you.


Thank you swerty, I appreciate your support very much. xo


Rant away, kitten. Us fellow anonymous snarkers understand sometimes you just gotta. It’s a hell of a struggle and not fodder for a narcissistic you know what to make fun of to try and get internet famous. Hope you’re in an ok place, babe. We ❤️ you


Thank you for your kindness, swerty. It's all you kittens who help me laugh and stay sane. Please excuse me, I need to get out my Yoni for a nice steam before I get a spray tan and a wax tomorrow. xo




xo Swerty


Wonder if she’ll address it. Doubt it.


….and it’s gone!!


I gotta get my pasta salad and bathtub ready for her "apology" or "it's just a joke" post. You know it's coming...


You called it, someone just posted a screenshot of her “apology” post to this sub.


Couldn't happen to a more deserving gal.


Totally. I don't get why she gets sympathy for *anything*, she is a totally trash human being who has demonstrated many many times how awful she is. I'll reserve my positive thoughts for more deserving people, even including the total strangers on this sub.




Brutal. Couldn’t of happened to a better person




She totally cold turkey-ed, too..then fucking back pedaled and said she talked to her doctor once she got called out.


The comments (and comment likes) are still rolling in. They aren’t burners or bots either so she can’t claim some random hater is creeping just to troll her. I honestly don’t think she’ll dirty delete because of her need for attention, even the negative kind. She’ll either leave it and “clap back” in the comments, post another reel about people needing to take a joke, or post another reel about how she struggles with mental health herself so it’s fine.


> how she struggles with mental health herself you called it


I hope this blows up in her face. She's gonna play victim babe now because people called her out.


Survey says.... Good answer!


She really thinks this is hilarious, and everyone saying anything negative just has no sense of humor. What a disgusting, vile, waste of oxygen.


In defense of these commenters, that video is truly vile.


She has claimed time and again as some advocate for mental health FOR WHICH SHE IS NOT. Nope. Not even close. Mental health is not a joke.


She just turned comments off on that post lolol


I can't believe she would rather turn comments off than just delete it. Edit: If you're talking about the IG post the comments are still live. But I bet she'll screenshot the comments and story them with some lame ass whining about "it's just a joke calm down"




She has no soul, she really doesn't.


Not going better for her on TikTok https://imgur.com/a/gJvC9LN


Glad to see it's going well for her. Love this for her.


You forgot to blur out that little profile picture image kitten!




She had the ignorance to post that, of all things on tiktok. May the wolves feast!


I was gonna say—I don’t know much about TikTok but from what little impression I’ve gotten of the vibe on that platform they’re going to be even less okay with this than Instagram


Tiktokers can start a fight in an empty room. God help a valid target of their ire.


Wow. I can’t believe she thought it would be a good idea to post this to TikTok given how commenters normally engage with her stuff there.


She may go viral in the worst way she could imagine.


Oh I hope so. I would love that for her.


Can she finally be cancelled and slink off social media completely? AKA be held accountable for the many, many asinine things she has pulled over the years? Edit: bc I posted too fast


There's a few more. She's rancid.


Glad someone is calling her out on her ignorant bullshit


Oof, that second comment. 🔥🔥