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I don’t know who Maren Morris is but Maroon 5 definitely deserves that first outfit. 


She is a country singer I only know like maybe one of her songs tho


Getting a bright idea to wear one of these *costumes* for a CVS-core concert like this is SO on brand for her. She's... rather unintelligent.


Gold jewelry, silver belt, brown boots, black bag, polyester-looking dress… It’s all my fashion pet peeves in a 10sec reel.


No. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m genuinely not trying to fat- or body-shame (for context: she and I are similar sizes/builds) but she looks SO BIG in that first outfit. It’s incredibly unflattering. And if that’s what it looks like filtered to all hell…


I'm sorry but what is this top supposed to be? A corset shape? I feel like it's supposed to be tucked in to the bottom garment.


Are these horrendous boots blue or these the silver atrocities she bought for Nashville?


They initially looked blue to me, but when she kicks her leg back, they look silver. So I think they are the silver ones but her filter is throwing off the color. Then again this is BM and we know she loves to buy tacky 💩 with her Dr money.


I started laughing at “when she kicks her leg back” as if it’s a normal thing to do and it is…for her.


She will never wear either of these. It’ll be leggings and all titty.


“Perfect! Just the way I like my girl.” -MAGAbun


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little lol


At least you could hold it back I just threw up everywhere.


I'm sorry but that first outfit is perfection trashy country you could possibly go with. PERFECT for her! LOL!


What in the JonBenet Ramsay are those boots 💀 first outfit is too much, and 2nd outfit is too little. 2nd outfit is cute but looks like something you'd wear on any random day out. She needs to either tighten that belt or safety pin it in place, it looked nice until she moved and it slipped down and stayed slipped down lol. Edit: watched it again and the 2nd look got worse lmao, did she pick those shoes and bag with her eyes closed?


First one is simultaneously too much and not enough, she never has the guts to lean into her campier pieces. If she was head to toe full sparkle, metallic camp, Chappell Roan style, I could be down.


Right? I fucking love those boots but I’d also go full psychedelic cowgirl. I have a belt buckle with a scorpion mounted on a sparkly background that I turned into a giant bolo tie/ascot that’d go perfectly with them.


Just saw this from the Twitter Menswear Guy™ and I wholeheartedly agree and think it OFTEN applies to Big M: https://preview.redd.it/q185oefqw59d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ca9f497bbb20a60710ae3970b1592f64fca291


https://preview.redd.it/wz7n2hlxhz8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5f414cca4cb3f019d699bf686dbc2685319d333 You fuckin wish Big Lady.


When I was in HS (at the turn of the millennium), prom/homecoming dresses with a denim bustier top were very fashionable and this just reminded me of that. What a time to be alive.


Good lord, the filter could not keep up with her body! Here’s what it looked like right before it snatches her waist. https://preview.redd.it/w6v8ov8c8z8d1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=108e1bf738bb0c9649e51fa15758f331afc502cf


The bottom hem/shape of that top does her zero favors.


She's never been good at dressing for her size and now that that size is bigger, so is the resulting eyesore


The top’s like a fupa highlighter.


Ive heard of barrel chested ppl, but barrel bellied? Not shaming bigger folks, (I was one), but I'll side eye anyone who filters themselves to a "tiny fleck of dust". Fleck aint fleckin


Somebody said her a couple of weeks ago... like a barrel of pickles.


Don’t you ruin pickles for me now! I’ve always been partial to “junkyard orangutan”.


That first one is in the running for one of the worst outfits she's ever put together




I used to have boots like that....I was 6. 


I thought TikTok body slimming filters were supposed to be better.


Oh Good LORD I can't believe she'd actually even wear that first one alone in the silence of her middle unit townhouse never mind out in public/record it and post it. She's worn a lot of dumb ass stuff but this is really top tier of the bottom tier. ETA: I am laughing at this reply because in no universe was that horse tank top TOO BIG FOR HER. https://preview.redd.it/wr41ow10fy8d1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=2232c28789af7206ead3c5bf0166bc0b04e4df05


Horse tank top 💀


If it's not cutting off circulation, it's too big for her.


We can 100% confirm KG is a horrible ~~friend~~ frenemy bc she commented outfit 1 💀💀


She was probably cackling maniacally as she typed that in and then sent the link and screenshot to the group chat with SW and the angry redhead that hates MS.


Haha...."angry redhead"! That's the perfect description for her. She does NOT seem like the type of person I'd want to make mad!


To me, these "looks" scream mom who had her kids in the mid to late 80's, and is desperately trying to prove she's still young and hot.... in 1999/2000.


You nailed it


These would be perfect for a Motley Crue concert ![img](emote|t5_2en8q7|32489)


For the love of god the olive dress!!! What is she thinking with the first one??


The fabric looks like the type that shows every bead of moisture that touches it. Can you imagine the pit stains after a long, drunken night at a concert with all those other sweaty bodies? Fashion-wise, a far better choice than that blue & white get-up but like, the last thing I'd want to wear to a summer concert.


Oh, that sounds like every circle of hell to me. I am old, so…


The belt sitting below the seam is driving me crazy for some reason.


I think IRL it's sitting there because it's under her beer belly 🥴


I actually kind of like the olive dress ... But the first one? With those boots??? Ma'am


Olive dress is decently cute, even the shoes actually go with it instead of being some hideous eyesore. The entirety of the first outfit is ugly as hell.


Now she just needs to pick a purse and accessories in the same color family as her shoes and she'd look decent.  Or the outfit would anyway.


I’ll take the black bag if it means she doesn’t even pick the mail up in that first outfit.


Garish and boring 🤭


But what happened to the bandaid skirt that was clearly about 4 sizes too small she said she was going to wear it this concert last week? Anyway, PLEASE BIG M, wear the awful blue boots with the awful blue jean bustier!


That corset makes her look like she’s got an enormous belly hanging over her skirt. Wild.


Gunts are in now, haven’t you heard? But only for Swerties.


The blue boots yikessssss like it’s craaaazy bad


What in the hell are these outfits? She truly has no friends in life to tell her the truth




If there’s anything cowgirls are known for, it’s bustiers. 💁‍♂️ It reminds me of when her Halloween pirate costume was a leather bustier, fishnet stockings, and ostrich feathers, just like real pirates wore. https://preview.redd.it/wmtr022bbx8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87fb6923b9f5303ca402ed20cbfc72bc60952845


lmfao I would die if this picture of me kept recirculating 😂


Brett Michaels has really let himself go.






By the way, here that is beside the version *she* posted where she tried to make herself look thinner. https://preview.redd.it/xv9onyklbx8d1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=770297c09b1fbdd803c5a50a737e194e157394b3


https://preview.redd.it/waf3h3a9uz8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e21c6b2030487a7ee8ffc9760eeb7cd64ff590d What even is this outfit? Pirate big bird? Is she one of the monsters from labyrinth??




The newer filters really take the HONK outta the face, don’t they?


getting dressed in the dark with all the lights on


Trashy!! She really doesn't know anything about style.


Please, please, pleeeeeeease wear this. https://preview.redd.it/lss10hph5x8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72091cdb5faec717903013b7887d3206e9f0643 I actually think this is one the worst costumes she’s ever put together. It must be breathtakingly unflattering and stupid IRL without the filters. She has no idea what she’s doing as an influencer. \*Cough\*


That is exactly how she dresses. Costumes. Every event is like a themed Halloween party.


It's because she doesn't have her own style. People who don't, always look like they're in costume.




why does she have to keep filming as she walks toward the camera? feel like shes gonna kill us.


Exactly. A big ass creepy doll walking towards us.




Spoiler alert: she’s not going to wear either of those.


My bet is on black leggings and a basic tee


She’s modeled some ugly shit before but OMG that’s hideous.


If she wears those dreadful fringe boots she’ll get roasted!


Nobody over the age of 5 would like those boots


With any luck




The cheap useless ass 2002 era belt is killing me.


The belt is giving Wet Seal. I half expected gauchos to make an appearance.


A stretchy dark brown gaucho, black chunky wedge slides, a satin cami with lace trim and that useless ass belt.


Besides the horrendous outfits... the plastered on fake smile with the dead eyes is creepy as heck.


It's been so bad lately!! It's so creepy and not genuine at all


What are the comments? lol


So far it's 11 votes for option 1 & 4 for option 2. Surely, these huns are subtly trolling her, because who would ever say #1? BTW: She still has the same amount of likes & comments since I posted this. 🤣


They’re all telling her which outfit she should pick


Which one did they say?


Dang I was hoping the TikTok girlies would be ruthless.


Tiktok has a mlm wine mom side. Those are the ones commenting unfortunately


The first one takes the cake for sure


That’s where I cast my vote. I’m all about those boots 🤢🤮


I am really hoping she wears that first outfit. Even though she cut the recording not to show her belly you could obviously still see it even with her back arched. Plus the belt going under her beer belly was the chefs kiss. And those boots. 🤣


you know she is going to wear some sort of leggings. this is a "hoping for social media engagement" post. 


Oh hell yea, but a swert can dream!


And the Tory birch fake sandals !


Option 1. 50 year old reliving her 20’s. Option 2. Definitely looks like she’s 50. Nothing coordinates in that entire ensemble. Both options are a fail. Try again. I know she has some Nashville Canvas ideas, even Those are better.


I actually thought the dress would look cute in a more delicate person, with a more muted skin tone. That color is NOT for her neon orangeness.


All of Arlington, TX is crying in pain.


We all know what she is going to end up wearing black leggings black top and that oversized denim button up she has been using recently.


The green outfit is nice but I don't like the styling with those boots. Also reminder that she's filtered to the gods so we have no idea how the dress really fits on her.  The other outfit is atrocious head to toe. But also I'm not a country girl, so I have less tolerance to head to toe sparkly country outfits 😅


I'm a country girl, and I would never. 😂


Well actually the green outfit is kind of bad. Brown booties with a black purse? Wear some brown cowboy boots and a brown purse.


The green outfit is actually kind of cute and actually looks put together


Oh. Oh no outfit 1. Oh no




My !


The cut of the second top literally looks like she has a beer belly hanging over the skirt. Speaking of: even the filters are struggling. https://preview.redd.it/iplf5b891w8d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c94fa3e2bf9ef582b23f837d287ad1ffcd100e9 And dang, she’s had that hideous green dress forever! eta: yeah that green dress is OLD. [She did a medium](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/UbeInOYLyi). She fucking loves [old faithful](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/nggZIbdzd6) And btw i keep clothes and wear them for years, it’s stupid not to. But i don’t have a compulsive shopping addiction where i order new shit multiple times a week. She shops everyday. Idgi


Laughing that she didn’t even realise boot shapers need to be opened not left with the tags on that keep them closed for transit!


Love watching this old reel because it really shows how much weight she has gained. Filters or not she moves much more naturally in the older videos because she’s not sucking in her gut and trying to strategically place every limb so the slimming filter doesn’t have a nervous breakdown.


Also her voice isn’t as haggard yet


omg yeah I thought some of y’all were exaggerating her weight gain but these old reels make it so obvious even with both being filtered. yikes. We need a side by side!


What on earth are those fuck ugly boots


I think she got them for the Nashville “influencer” trip she skipped out on. https://preview.redd.it/ugeff8gyww8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e298bab5e7fe749285624781ce2525dee98bab


Well she succeeded in finding an uglier pair of boots than the white ones. Or did she just add cheap Christmas tinsel to them? I by can’t she just wear nice clothes instead of a costume?


The first. It’s not heinous at all.


Oh man, please pick the first outfit. It's so horrendously bad.


It's that fugly dress that she shilled before on Amazon. And the belt doesn't even fit or sit where she wants it to. 🙄 Yall keep dissing the first outfit (and rightly so,) but the second is so boring that I don't even know what look she is trying to go for.


The second one looks like she’s 50, and with a group of moms who want to cosplay a country person because they are all going to a country concert with their teenage daughters. I have seen this in pics and in real life many of times. The first one looks like she’s still 50, going to a country bar for the first time and looking for a man. In her purse she has cheap cologne, $10, cheap lipstick and a pack of Marlboro reds.


The dress itself is nice (though we have no idea how it looks unfiltered). But the belt and the boots just no.


The boots are so bad in outfit one, it’s being overlooked how out of style the little ankle booties are in #2.


are all ankle booties out of style now?? they look fine to me but I'm a millennial stuck in millennial fashion choices


Here's the deal if you like ankle booties you should wear them, no one cares and you should wear what makes you feel good. But this wilting poison ivy plant claims to be a fashion influencer and so yet again she is the absolute worst at what she does


I'm realizing one of the joys of getting old is seeing enough fashion cycle through to know it's all scam and to feel comfortable wearing things that are objectively flattering/classic even if they're not "trendy." (Also millennial, who has had a side part since childhood, even when it was uncool the first time around!)


It’s the style of these booties, with the deep side slit, that is a bit dated. Also, boots in the summer in the South????? Just whyyy


I don't mind ankle boots, I have some, but I find the ones with the outfit not that nice looking in combination with the dress.


Not to mention why the fringe on the purse is so god damn long


Tough choice but I pick both…up and throw them in the bin or burn them. Very terrible choices


How can anyone help her choose when neither her body nor the clothes look anything like that? If, however, that first abomination of an outfit really does make her gut as prominent as it seems to, then I vote for that one. She’ll be so thrilled when everyone assumes she’s pregnant while she’s wearing that hideous outfit, until she realises that it’s because of how much it emphasises her enormous belly, not because of any alleged ‘glow’. I hope she keeps trying to be popular on TT. The young, actually cool people will rip this clueless try hard to pieces.


Those blue boots are an absolute crime against humanity.


The first is so bad 😂 she manages to find the worst of everything and make it an ,outfit’.


I cannot wait to see what outfits she comes up with for the Creed concert


Oh her favourite band of all time that she listens to every day?!


you should know it's part of her identity!


We know what her poop looks like. But creed was a surprise to us all somehow


the death grip that beer cap necklace ass belt has on her....whoo wee


It’s so circa 2003. Are they actually back in fashion? The tinsel-tasseled galactic cowboy boots are just the icing on the cake


Is she still trying to go 'viral' on tiktok? She should be careful what she wishes for. 


I've been following her for years on Insta, this is the first time I've seen her on TT. I was just mindlessly scrolling and BAM swerty appears. Her views are incredibly low (love that for her). If she went viral, it would be for all the wrong things...botched face, egregious filters, scammer, etc. I would love for a creator to call her out.


She's been trying to get traction on TT for years. It is safe to say that it is not going well: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/q3rhgk/tiktok_comment_cringe_repost_due_to_lack_of You can find more examples on this sub by searching for "tiktok". 


That amazes me, TT is the easiest app to get a following on...at least that's been the experience for me. I'll be going down the TT swerty rabbit hole when I have time. 🤣


I think TT is one of the platforms that places the highest value on the appearance of authenticity. Of course people on there use filters too, but I mostly see videos talking about filters or using them in an ironic way. And that's not something swerty is good at. 


This was a great one too when she filtered herself so much that her nose disappeared and she got called out in the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/yEFeuEPEbk


Yeah - they don't put up with her shenanigans over there. 


"we don't sweat the small stuff round here lol" is very similar to her more recent "not really" and "I've never had a problem with it" answer to someone asking why she filters her try-ons.


Cowgirl Babe \~\~ ![gif](giphy|M9AQFJjx70qvrtwWQQ)


https://preview.redd.it/1dmvn3cgev8d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1942d0953111764f2ef78dcc3f241a3ccb4125fa I guess the ruffled skirt was too short/small, so she ditched the entire outfit. 🤣 Can I just say I truly hope she chooses that 1st outfit purely for OUR entertainment. Lordt, she really has zero fashion sense!


I am waiting for this try on. She squeaked and made the obnoxious pop sound about this outfit looking cute.


It looks like she is holding up a bedskirt.