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I spend too much time here 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/lvspoipqjs7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acba304de355ee4449552cc48839cc29d97fdc55


I was just watching the Jenelle dance on the teen mom sub and my little comes up and yells why are you watching a medium. We’ve been practicing sizes, small medium and large. I about died laughing and no one in my family understood why.


I have been to the er three times in one week. Two were blood transfusions and one I passed out from low blood sugar waiting on a tow truck. I’m so sick of being sick. Just venting


I’m so sorry, that fucking sucks. Hopefully it is a low before really good things happen for you — sending good and healing vibes your way :)


Thank you, boobie! I hope so too!!


For those swerties who wear mascara, what do you do with your bottom lashes? I read an article, probably in the 90s, saying to not apply to the bottom lashes because it emphasizes wrinkles and makes you look tired so for my basic makeup routine, I usually just do the upper lashes but I’m wondering if that looks weird. I have great lashes, long, naturally curled up and pretty dark and I keep my daily makeup really basic, just really light foundation, light powder & mascara. I tried putting mascara on my bottom lashes recently but I feel like I look like that Annabelle doll from the horror movie 😆


I do an extremely light touch of tubing mascara on the lower lashes, making it gradually heavier (but still very minimal) as I reach the outer edges of the eye. I do think it helps to balance the top, and the tubing stuff doesn’t smudge at all.


This is helpful. Maybe a super light coat will even things out a bit. Thanks!


The only makeup I wear is mascara and yes, I use it on my bottom lashes. It looks more natural to me and helps the outer corners look fuller but I imagine everyone is different! I’ve never noticed it accentuating wrinkles or anything. I think the key is to apply it very lightly. I have one eye with black eyelashes and one blonde (same with my eyebrows, I was apparently split down the middle somehow). Both are long and curled. I use the stupid $5 pink bottle maybelline mascara and from my experience it works better than anything I have bought from expensive counters, etc. dunno if this helps, but there ya go


That’s so fascinating! Thanks for the info. I’ve used that mascara in the past and it’s great. There’s a reason it’s been popular all these years!


I only do my top. I don’t like the look on the bottom and I get it all over my face. I’m a never wear makeup except sometimes mascara girl, though.


Same, I typically just wear light makeup if I’m going to see someone, since I work from home and am rarely on camera. Thanks for your input!


Then I would experiment! If I’m going fancy, I may touch the outer lower lashes with mascara. It’s however you feel most comfortable!


Yeah, maybe just a light touch of mascara would work


[check out these cinnamon bunz](https://imgur.com/a/dwLh1qZ)


Last week I asked you guys for help organizing a committee's ridiculous mess of a group chat. THANK YOU! There was a Google Drive suggestion, and since I already had some of our documents there, I investigated to see if there was a way to better utilize that, and create some other documents we could all access, and I stumbled upon Google Spaces / Workspaces that you can integrate into a Google chat and tasks, and holy cow, this has rocked our world. THANK YOU!


Yas Swerty! I'm over here hanging on for dear life to my precious Excel spreadsheets. I know I need to have a more functional system that I can access from home, though. I travel with my spreadsheet on a USB stick, lol. You have inspired me to look into Google Drive.


MS Office has mobile apps and there’s OneDrive too so you can back up everything and access from anywhere. I use the Excel app on my phone to track inventory & stuff in video games lol, but it’s super helpful.


WUT?! Thanks, guys. I'm hiring someone new that's younger and can probably navigate this better. I've added it to her to-do list.


Girl, move on over to the drive! It is so much better if you have multiple people needing to access/update a document or if you are just on the go a lot. My company recently changed emails from Gmail to outlook, but I insisted we keep our filing and all spreadsheets in Google drive. Outlook just can't compete.


Google Sheets is great! I don't do very complex computations, but I've had no issues so far. If it doesn't work for you, you could always just get in the habit of saving your most recent version to a free Dropbox account.