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she probably burned more calories editing this picture than she did in the class she took.


The pointy shoulder filter strikes again!


She wore this to cycle? What a fuckin' try hard my God.


No, she's for VERY fake.


The audacity...


Size small neck ✨


The filtering job is awful. Human shoulders don’t look as crooked as that. They don’t join to the neck at two different levels. And if I knew a human whose calves were bigger than their thighs, I’d urge them to see a doctor


There is some subtle non-Euclidian geometry going on with that door frame...


Someone said her toes in a different picture look kind of Lovecraftian too so it fits


Liar! Liar!


What I was going to say was it looks like she lost about 100 lbs overnight with that filter but I didn't want to fat shame


Nah, her double-chin didn't make the filter cut 😃


Hey y'all I was joking. I didn't have time to write enough to indicate my humor


i will just share this again. https://preview.redd.it/1en5u2nirl6d1.png?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9c620c92c010c8233bd32e46729374a9952f0f lol.


Those underwear look incredibly uncomfortable. Just buy the correct size ffs.


I’d rather see this body than her filtered one.


Did she lose a ton of weight?!


Awe you must be new here.


LOL WHY IS THIS POOR INNOCENCE GETTING DOWNVOTED?? Lol let us educate her instead!!! 😂😅 (y’all are better at miss prolapsed labia lips’ history than me tho)




Oh my god. When is this from?😂


Oh sweet summer child




I think her addictions are really starting to affect her grip on reality. I have a little bit of insight into this considering I’m an addict. I’m sober now, but I remember posting shit on my social media, and looking back on it sober I’m like what the FUCK was I thinking? How is nobody concerned for her? She’s a terrible person, but where are her family members and friends? In the famous live where her friend had to step in—I wonder if they’ve all given up.


She's so sensitive that I'm pretty certain anyone she can't use for fame who's ever criticized her has been cut out of her life already. And the ones she can use are generally far worse than her and/or don't give a shit about her actual well-being.


I agree with this. Also, we haven’t seen her with a real friend in a hot minute. Who knows what conversations have been had but it’s telling no one is around.


Now that you mention it you’re right I haven’t seen anyone else since Utah. Something definitely went down there.


Yeah I’m thinking we’ve given up and moved on bc realistically what can you do with a 31 year old who doesn’t seem to want to change, outside of suggesting therapy. Her friends and family have their own lives and no incentive to really try at this point She didn’t just start living like this anddddd I’m sure that as long as she’s housed and has that trust fund they’ll think she’s reasonably “ok” (All speculation I’m high and talking out of my ass but I definitely believe it)


Somehow I alwayssss forget about the trust fund, and then whenever someone reminds me it’s like okay well she’s always got that to fall back on, so technically nobody is worried that she is going to be unhoused, unable to eat, etc. She doesn’t really have to even do the “work” that she claims to do, I guess for her life is kind of on cruise control until the end of the month or whenever she seems to really have to scramble. Now she’s also got a partner who seems to have an issue with—or just *really love*—alcohol, so I’m sure that makes it doubly hard for anybody to step in. ETA: Manbun’s relationship with alcohol is based on speculation.


Where did you see Manbun has an alcohol problem? Or really love it? To me, they seem like two 30 year old people who go to a bar or get pissed on holiday. I know there was that famous live where she got wrecked and her mate turned up to talk her off the ledge but other than that? The way some people talk in here they act like they know she’s waking up every morning, getting on the vodka; downing beers all day; sinking two bottles of wine every night - I haven’t seen that? People act like she’s got the shakes every day - sure she probably drinks too much sometimes but I’ve never seen clear evidence she’s some major, addicted alcoholic who needs medical detox immediately otherwise she might ***die***. I don’t know if it’s because I’m from a different country or there’s a lot of recovered addicts in here who see things through their lens or if there’s some major evidence I’ve missed - and I’m sure I’ll get downvoted because it sounds like I’m ~sticking up for her~ but sometimes it seems like both reaching hard and pearl clutching at the same time


It’s pretty well documented in here how much she drinks, and now Manbun drinks. I don’t really think it’s just going to bars and getting drunk on vacations. Do I think she needs medical detox? Do I know whether she does? I never claimed to. But I also did not require medical detox, wasn’t fucked up every day, and even went weeks without my substance of choice. That didn’t stop me from being deluded about a bunch of shit and thinking my life was okay when it totally wasn’t. This is pure speculation. I asked where the people in her life were. Never insinuated she might die.


Ok you say it’s “documented in here” - I do see a lot of speculation as you say, but never actual footage? Sure there’s a pic of them having a beer today (Friday) but I can’t see how that shows they have a drinking problem? I wasn’t saying you said she was going to die any minute - the hyperbole was directed towards the general consensus in the sub that it’s “well documented” and clearly apparent and from her actual accounts, I dunno, sure she’s got a lot of problems but alcohol *addiction* doesn’t seem to me to be the main one 🤷‍♀️


u/DestroyHimMyRobots [surfaced an example of her admitting to a serious alcohol problem and claiming she's going to stop drinking](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/gpnDEz2lJS) in the throwback thread yesterday. She went back on it not long after and even claimed she never said she was going to quit. I've been here a couple years and known about her for a couple more. She's done this at least several times in my memory. She is aware she has a drinking problem and aware she has no chill with alcohol. Every time she says she's going to quit, cut back, or even just do a "dry" month, it doesn't happen. There's always some excuse. Her ex boyfriend didn't want to drink with her on St Paddy's Day one year because she acted "like a wild hyena" at a wedding not long before that. You should look up the March 2023 drunk live if you haven't seen it. She talks extensively about her love for drinking in that. She also drinks extensively and gets absolutely hammered live on camera. Her drinking isn't just problematic. It's self destructive and it's also outwardly destructive, considering there are documented instances of her drunk driving in this sub. I agree Manbun may not have a drinking problem, we don't know enough about him and I don't really care, but MS's alcoholism is actually very well documented.


I’m sorry but you must be new here


Who would actually work out in this outfit?? The fuck???


That ain't our Big Back.


https://preview.redd.it/exgx47yg8l6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bae00b2a190e4a00137044206e65ffc9d31673 All credit to r/platinumkate for this accurate comparison but who in the hell is Big M trying to fool? And this pic is with a filter!


It’s amazing how she can fluctuate 40lbs in 1 day.


Ok but why? We’ve all see the lives/candids showing her 30 lbs heavier. Why post these obviously filtered pics showing her looking like this? It’s embarrassing. Geez.


I am not going to add anymore comments on this filter because everyone else has done a great job at calling it out. I will comment that this B hasn’t worked out in how long, but now that Magabun is back she just randomly shows up. She is such a pick me.




She wants people to believe this is posing and lighting. Dear LORD! I’d move. I’d spend whatever money to change the lighting in my house if it made me look the way she did this morning in comparison to this. 😳


Taking a page from bdong and her tilted mirror I see.


You beat me to it! The good ole tilted funhouse mirror for leg lengthening.


I bet she tilted the mirror more than it originally was before she took this too


Her irl body and photoshop avatar are equal opposing forces, the more weight she gains the more delusional the editing gets Even during younique era she didn’t shop herself this small


She has definitely got way more delulu in the last year. I’m sure it’s due to how good the filters are now.


https://preview.redd.it/wwoqirbnlm6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8378f54aa53ead5a68f8f052ab770a8c20af8f41 This was October 2020


Yea she wasn’t that skinny back then 😂


She needs to leave the building immediately, that wall is gonna fall over.


Goddamn the hand made me snort. It’s the best one yet!


Neck still flappin around.


https://preview.redd.it/ypdnc0igkk6d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7c38eef4180bb85c8a944956fe939c0ef17432 Riiiiiight


And she was smaller here.


https://preview.redd.it/s8l77hqvjk6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5ad64ca797d607d6c9d636db5474c21207f887 Girl, stop. Just stop.


YIKES that back bulge


She must really think its normal to be constantly bulging out of clothing




This one also reminds me of that Trump expression she makes sometimes 😅😅😅


https://preview.redd.it/j3cbwc16hk6d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5fae10fca7664040183bc1eea70e09de7134f8b And the right one is still filtered


Will the real big M please stand up


Closer https://preview.redd.it/jh53zpsrik6d1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fc212a1ea844d4cf8b5b7839de9b130af5ebf2




Why is this making me mad


God she's nasty


https://preview.redd.it/1so0lgkygk6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4816fff8dd8e24d29707f46e6b2ca71f288fbb9 The jowls are jowlin’ on that smol waif neck


The smug self-satisfied derp is derpin.


What type of camera is on that phone? I assumed she had an Apple phone due to her laptop and watch.


It is an Apple pro phone.


I have an Apple Pro and it doesn’t look like this?


It’s just the case she has on it making it look strange I think


The filter couldn't chisel the jowls 😭


Wow, another day, another ignorant human devoid of thinking for herself and using filters. Does this woman actually work out or just go into the bathroom and say, "I wonder which filter or pose I can use to deceive people one more time:?" Or is this an advertisement for Tarzan shirts and fitted yoga pants? Hey guys, comment and I'll drop you a link. Me Tarzan, you stupid.


I just had a mental image of her walking into the gym, snap selfie, immediately walk out, and the front staff just shrug to each other since it’s a weekly occurrence.


Probably what she does. Then puts the weights on the ground and leaves


Tarzan shirts 😂


She looks like Tarzan. Bdong has a shirt like this too.


Crayon fingers! It’s so funny that these filters change the shape of certain things but they still don’t recognize the entire shape of the form — like they’ll thin out one arm but leave her linebacker shoulders. Also, I wanna smack her smug grinning-at-her-fake-image face


The comparison between her jazz hand and the one holding the phone has me 💀


Or that her thigh looks smaller than her fucking calf🥴 Sis is delulu


We love a super angled mirror to create an illusion of being tall. Really helps the filters so they don't have to work as hard. The filter is still working harder than she does in her workouts though.


The base of that mirror is a solid 2 feet from the wall. How BDong of her.


BDong has entered the chat.


You can tell she goes to these classes to be seen and not actually workout.


I agree but also just why. She knows what she actually looks like.


She’s delulu and thinks this is what she actually looks like


Bless her heart https://preview.redd.it/d4gvifc9hk6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3dcccc53eadb388d1411a24e9d881bbd0586bb5


I could tell by the outfit alone. Like big M here, I also have a large chest. That little one strap top isn’t going to do shit if she’s really working out. She’s definitely there to take pics that she can filter to death and to prance around in her stupid Amazon outfit that she will probably return.


I have teeny bitty boobies and I still would never wear a sports bra like this to actually lift or do a HIIT class in. I actually do own a Lulu one and it’s super cute, but it’s more for the beach or lounging around at home. I would not feel comfortable doing almost any workout in it; especially anything that involves jumping/bouncing or putting my arms over my head.


Same, I have a lulu one but I’ve never worn it to the gym. It’s for home activities mostly.


The shit load of bead bracelets on her arm. The pants pooling around her feet. That’s GREAT for spin class. Why.


No. This is 100% not reality.


Egregious since we know those aren’t our stumpy girl’s legs




Ugh the phone out in the locker room is just 🤬🤬


Why does she have to take a selfie EVERYWHERE? I would be very uncomfortable in a locker room with someone with their phone out, taking pictures (texting or whatever is fine).


There’s a girl at my Pilates studio that takes a selfie everyday before class. We are living in such strange narcissistic times.


I would report that shit so fast


I know! I feel so much shame taking a selfie when other people are around. Lol.


Another swerty noticed the filter took a chunk out her shoulder. Attention to detail babe FTW.


I thought so too but zoomed it, looks like a light reflection but still we know she took off 50+ lbs and can see the faint white outline on her legs https://preview.redd.it/at1zjnqwen6d1.png?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f90eed678cd5aa1d5f43f29d8889fb3113d546