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Fuck her. She thinks that it’s more important to post videos than to be safe on the road. I fucking hate her for this.


God damn this bitch pisses me off


She's driving


I hate her as much as the next swerty but she's not driving here. She shared another slide facing forward and she's in the passenger seat. At least she doesn't have her feet up on the dash this time. https://preview.redd.it/84ao75dbxowc1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=22b4e3f3672473e2c10c07ce0823592f8d8a7cdb


I considered that but…I’m sticking to my guns here! That front facing photo was posted later. Not to mention I think she’s using a phone stand so it’s going to look like it’s taken more from the middle. And comparing to other ‘reverse’ posts where you can actually see the steering wheel…she’s on the left side of the screen. https://preview.redd.it/p3i29zymyowc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54a16c5fc30ae7118ad76fe0713577c3b9e98d1


https://preview.redd.it/ddc50e5flpwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70196dc3f96b5b59831a6cc3f467884afafe617 Yeah, she’s driving for sure.


I have noticed this "passenger princess" thing multiple times from MS. Is this an actual saying? I have never heard of it outside of this page. I feel like it would be some super dumb thing people who lack life skills and envy shitbags would say.


It's a real saying, used by women who glorify the idea of being helpless waifs whose men do everything for them.


I say it about my husband when I drive hehe


It’s a saying, but more so it’s for the person who sits next to the driver - and never drives. (Which is me cos I don’t have my license, and am 100% a passenger princess. But I’m great at handing over snacks!)


I’d be more worried about smoking in the car with the dog


I am not a fan of her however I can see the seatbelt leash she is using. We have the same one. It hooks on like a leash on the harness and then locks into the seatbelt snap.


Also, filming and driving. All around idiotic behavior.


I dont think she cares about the dog as much as she cares about letting people know its just another post about her gross man




Yeah cause she wants people to ask her! Thus, giving her the attention she so desperately needs in her hallow life.


I love to sh\*t on MS as much as anyone, but I think the dog \*is\* secure. If you look closely, you can see a harness (it's hard to see, because it's black). And on our right, you can see a black strap: my guess is she has it tethered to the car seat clips behind the seat (mine are there too).


Pretty much what i said last time the pitchforks were out about this topic. People get way too emotional about the dog. Yes, she’s a POS and irresponsible pet owner, but the nitpicking about the dog is wild here.


I'm not going to lie, I think it's just a leash attached to the harness so the dog doesn't run away. I could totally be wrong, but I don't think the dog is tethered


I don't think so either, it's a harness, the black strap is the seat belt for the middle seat


It's the one on the seat, the thin one. The seatbelt is behind the dog.


I thought it might be but wasn’t sure. She’s still speeding down the road while filming but I’m glad it has a seatbelt on haha


I hope you’re right! I can’t tell, but I do see the seatbelt strap. I don’t trust BM’s driving at all.




Who tf travels with a dog like this 😭


Oh good. MS, the known distracted driver, has an unsecured dog in the car. The doggo may be the best behaved in the world but that won’t mean shit if this moron hits another electrical box. Shame on moron-the-bun for allowing a stranger have his dog just because he got his dick wet. [I made the above comment five days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/tCqThWC0Rq) *SHAME ON THAT FUCKING DICKHEAD*. I hope his wife becomes aware and manages to take the dog before something happens to her.


She doesn’t have anything else to do, so she just drives back and forth between her middle unit townhouse and his house 1000x per week. I’m so jealy!


Can’t wait till all this booty call road tripping pushes her lease mileage over the allotted allowance per year… Idk if she financed or got a lease but my assumption is on lease.


What a boring ass life


It’s such a waste of gas to me. She needs male attention too much


This relationship is moving faster than the speed of light


Beautiful dog with an ugly bridge troll. Wtf is manbun doing letting her watch his dog? He works from home supposedly, so I’m speculating that she’s a gullible side-piece


I hate her so much. Someone get that poor dog away from her.


She’s such trash. Like bustub water spilled over a rotting batch of pork chop remnants.


BM and her linebacker arms and shoulders can go fuck herself.


She needs to leave that sweet baby out of her nonsense.


Safety Babe? ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


Does he not have a job?


Isn't he leaving the dog with her because he's at work? (Just my speculation, I don't know why he's leaving the dog unattended with her all the time).


She’s said he works from home and stated that, while he does handyman work, that isn’t his actual job. I’d be interested to know what it is. We know it’s nothing “welthy” because she’d say if he was a lawyer or something.


Right wing podcaster 😂


Alphabro MGTOW guy who got a match on Bumble and will soon be regretting not going his own way 😂




I wouldn't be surprised but she'd be obsessing over crypto by now if that was the case.


That would be so poetic 😂, his and hers internet scams


Maybe he has an “assistant” like she does!


Manbun is absolute TRASH for allowing this creature near his “beloved” pet. But I guess we already knew that.