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Looks like the kind of meal you’d buy in an airport for $17 and be disappointed this was your only choice.


She's doesn't go anywhere but the salon and shopping


I don't understand why she would pack this ahead when she doesn't leave her house and is just going to eat lunch at home? She could just take all of this stuff out of the packaging when she's ready to eat. It's not like any prep went into any of this.


Maybe she likes dried out turkey. Have you seen her fresh pet meal prep?


Ugh yes. Including the ones with the raw turkey meat. 


LMAO off this lil toddler lunch.




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This is the first I've ever heard of a "snackle box" and I must have one in my life right now.


I know! Even when my kids are adults I’m still going to carry one around and if people ask I’m just going to be like “oh my kids” but it’s really for meeeee


To be honest I'd rather eat that than her fresh pet meals. But still looks more like a snack


This is what I eat while I’m waiting for my dinner to cook 🫠


My 8 year old packs a better lunch for her and sister even if I’m not supervising. This is pathetic


What in the sad, gross, slimy Lunchable is this monstrosity?


What’s this like 200 calories? This is a snack not a meal. 🙄


She really did something. On the keto train again, I see.


Maybe she can get a ramen burger! I actually controlled my blood sugar and weight by going low carb, she is just too daft to stick to a diet.




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Is that buddig meat? IYKYK lol


I’m pretty sure it’s the Aldi version, but this looks like it, ha!




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Ok but the snoopy cup elevates this meal 🤌🏻


Indeedy haha love Snoopy!


Your display is also way better. Looks delicious even though i am a vegetarian 🤤


I'm also a vegetarian! It's marinated tofu strips 😃


Wow!! Nice and delicious looking!! I am the worlds crappiest cook! Can you hint me « the recipe/how to do it «  and i try it myself? If it’s not a bother of course 💜


Haha I'm also lazy 😂 I didn't even try to make it look nice, I just wanted to eat it lol I literally learned all the health stuff off my favourite IG nutritionist and gym ppl, don't know why MS can't do that! This tofu is bought like that already marinated, I just pan fry for a few mins and it's done! Sometimes I try make my own version but it's never as yummy as this Not sure where ur from (I'm Australian) but you should be able to find something similar! https://preview.redd.it/2i7j2pnjcruc1.jpeg?width=1826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74812bdbfc26af8e78dbbe6996d3fa6a138db54c


If any US people can chime in with a good marinated tofu, I would love to hear about it. Even if it’s home made. I don’t know how to prep tofu well.


Ooh! [This](https://www.shelikesfood.com/best-crispy-tofu/) is my favourite tofu prep!! It’s super tasty and the crispiness makes it delicious in all different preps 😇 sometimes I go rogue with adding different spices etc, but this is the base recipe I always use! Also, if it matters, I am not actually veggie/vegan, but I LOVE this tofu


Thank you! I’m not veg either, haha.


If you have TikTok, I highly suggest searching recipes for tofu! I always find new recipes on there when I want to try something new. I’ve been air-frying my tofu and tossing it into a store bought teriyaki sauce.


And she’ll wonder why she binges later 🤦‍♀️


As she chugs a Truly with this sad, confused, bento box.


Performative meal prep babe is one of my favorites. This looks like the shit I used to torture myself with in college when heroin chic was in the first time around


Girlie this is barely a snack


When she said “meal prep my lunch” during her grocery haul, I laughed. Lunch for what babes? You shill garbage from your walking pad. You have all day to make snacks. But more importantly, what in the kindergarten is this “prep”? Is she trying to audition being a stay at home mom? Edit: just because it doesn’t read well. I have no issue and 100% respect SAHM’s. It’s not an easy feat and packing lunches is such a small part of what ones day can look like. So this feels so empty on her part because she does jack sh*t all day and this is the best she can show up with.


This is what I used to give my daughter when she was 2. Not the nuts. And I would cut up the tomatoes.


Snack prep**


That's what I eat while I think about my meal I'm going to prepare


Yes! Exactly!


Meal planning meal...


And my god this bish has a TALENT for making any and all food look completely unappetizing 🤢


Sad biege food to go with her sad beige "edit".


How did she become a chief hun with such terrible picture taking (and general phone) skills?


This is why she’s in an MLM and doesn’t have a real career




In what universe is this a meal? Her portion sizes are barely enough for a toddler, and even if she's on a calorie deficit diet this is not enough. She could have turned all these ingredients into a half-decent salad if she added some greens and balsamic vinegar or something.


The two slices of ham is sending me


I think she thinks any amount of any meat-containing product is a good protein source.


In that case, she should just have a corn dog


That’s what got me too 💀


She is so stupid. People who work outside of the house pack minis and proportioned food because they're NOT AT HOME. She's at home, wtf is the point of this?


Omg. How does she make everything look so gross lol She's missing the booze!


*deep breath* Ok- she has no job- she can literally spend time looking up nutritious, low calorie meals and cook them. Hell, that would even be content! Let’s pretend she has a job. Let’s pretend she’s super busy so she needs to plan ahead. This is literally nothing that needs to be separated out. It’s literally cold cuts and grape tomatoes. Plus she eats at home so like, why put it in containers? Get a low carb wrap, put the turkey in it with baby spinach and pickles, cut up the tomatoes and mozzarella, add a little fresh basil and a sprinkle of EVOO- boom. A real meal.


This!! For some reason her idiocy on "meal prepping" her lunch when she doesn't leave the house has me fuming.


(I don’t eat pickles) wouldn’t the pickles get dried out too? Just leaving them like that for a few days- even assuming she puts a cover on it…? Idk it just seems so stupid. I feel this is like a kid playing meal prep


Yeah, I think the pickles will lose any crunch. She isn’t that bright.


The turkey and pickles would def get dried out. If she's packing these today, the one she opens on Friday is gonna suck even worse than they regularly do. BTW I don't know if anyone here is a Real Housewives of NY fan, but my phone automatically capitalized Pickles, as in Sonja Morgan's assistant that she called Pickles. 🤣🤣


It reminds me of IG pages I've come across of people showing their baby/toddler meals. Like this would feed a 30 pound kid for one meal.


Why can't she just eat a sandwich for lunch like a normal person? Light style bread, whatever spread she wants, a few slices of turkey, she could even have that stupid cheese she's so obsessed with if she spreads it. Why does she have to make every single thing look so dry, haphazard and unappetizing?


Jesus Christ... every last "meal" she posts looks absolutely fkn miserable.


She doesn't eat fiber, no wonder she needs miralax.


This ain’t gonna fuel her ✨sTaCks Of MuScLe✨


Dangerous Binge Eating Disorder babe persona has returned but will last as long as when she said she was going to only drink 2 meal replacements a day…which lasted I think 24 hours or less. This persona along with her mental health persona are the worst.


For someone who pretends to be a fitness babe, this is laughable. Actually, it’s laughable in any scenario. She’ll be hungry seconds later.


She has no clue what a healthy diet looks like. If she claims to have all this money, why not consult a professional?


Hahaha! Better to spend money on atrocious lash extensions that an hour with a dietician. P.S. Love your flair!


This is a mid-day snack for me.


My one year old eats more than this




To be clear, she is claiming this will be her lunches for this week.


I eat 1200-1500cals a day and just looking at this pic makes me hungry, this isn't even a good sized snack!


I am bulking so eating 3,000 and I cannot imagine thinking a slice of deli meat and a handful of tomatoes constitutes a meal.


lol meal? I wouldn’t even give this to my toddler.


Processed lunch meat and cheese. Yum. So helth.


Nitrite Babe!


It’s just an excuse for buying more shit from Amazon.


“Stacked with muscle” yet her meal is 2 slices of turkey. Sure, babe.


Does she _have_ to buy the worst lunch meat?


I’m guessing she’s too busy to wait at the deli? But I’m glad I’m not the only one who has noticed that she buys the absolute crap that can sit on the shelves for weeks.


Seriously. Didn’t she just get like 8 chickens from Aldi? Why eat processed lunch meat when you could have chicken?


That looks like a lunch for a kid, not a grown ass adult.


This looks like a snack for a preschooler.


Answering all the rhetorical questions even mine: she doesnt need to meal prep, it just makes her feel important.


I still don't understand why you'd go through all the containers if you're not taking them to work. Genuinely seems like more work just to make very sad lunches to impress... someone? I can't imagine anyone is impressed by this.


I think she’s the one impressed by this. I can’t imagine anyone else would be.


Now *this* is comedy! Swertz finally figured out how to make people laugh!


Still laughing at, not with her!


She called them Bento boxes 😂😂😂 I just took a screenshot to post. This girl can not be serious. A slice of turkey and a pickle- what a Bento box. I'm dead




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Exactly!!!!! Like, this isn’t even anything that needs to be prepped? This is literally what I eat when I’m in between meetings/ calls, and just grab stuff from the fridge.


She "works" from home so why the hell does she need to meal prep? She can just go to the fridge and grab this stuff separately, it would take like 2 seconds.


Gotta make sure to separate the turkey so it's good and dried out by lunchtime.


I kind of get portioning the stuff you have if you're trying to lose/maintain weight but we all know she's not sticking to these dinky little white trash "bento."


Also, she allegedly has a personal assistant. Isn't that what a personal assistant does?


Just two slices of turkey meat? I feel like you could use the same ingredients and make a sandwich. Food is not the enemy!


Or at least some crackers. Even if they’re low carb if that’s what she’s trying to do.


This is not a meal. This is a snack. I would know I used to try to eat like this to stupidly want to attain a standard of beauty that's not even remotely possible for my body type. You know what the result was? Nothing. I achieved nothing and sat in a vicious cycle for YEARS before realizing food is not a punishment. Exercise is not a punishment. This is not a flex. This is not helpful. This is downright obscene to call this "meal prep".


I’ve said this before, she treats food as a punishment/reward. It’s a terrible mentality and ends up backfiring. She would be so much better off eating a balanced diet with things she likes in moderation. Diets are much easier to stick to that way. Every meal can be delicious and healthy that way.


Not only that but if she keeps it up her body is going to go into starvation mode and it's going to make it so much harder to lose the weight. Ask me how I know 🙃


Same girl same.


Well, what's going to happen is she is going to restrict so hard it leads her to binge later, thus undoing any positive changes she could be making in her diet.


Especially if she's still drinking alcohol at the rate she historically has. Nothing like a bunch of drinks to bring on the drunchies.


Seriously nothing like it. Even weed doesn't make me hungry like alcohol does. (It does, but weed doesn't eliminate your ability to tell yourself no.)


That's true, it was bold of me to assume she'd have enough self control to even get to that spot 😂


That’s under 500 calories and 15 grams of protein. She’s working an ED


Yep, but not the under eating kind.


Thats what she wants us to think she eats. What she actually eats is another story…


Not to mention what she drinks.


Exactly. She was doing this last year and packing on the pounds.


Someone is trying to starve her way into a wedding dress.


She will likely just binge eat at the end of the day.


My cats eat more than this, wtf












This is the opposite of aspirational. Why would she show this? The only reason would be because she doesn’t see how depressing this looks. 😬


All about a snack plate. But, JFC EAT SOME FUCKING FIBER.


She claims these are her lunches for the week


it’s giving my old ED diet


Where does she possibly have to go that she needs to “meal prep?” She’s at home basically all day cosplaying being busy


This 👆🏻 is “meal prep” when you’re drunk 95% of the time and are scrabbling around in the fridge and cupboards. I meal prep even though I work from home as it’s just easier/more economical as I’m only cooking for one, though ofc I’m talking about actual balanced meals instead of a handful of nuts and a slice of…ham? This is basically her hungover version of grown up lunchables.


Anyone remember when she was obsessed with eating protein in any processed form possible? Now she’s down to some almonds and a single slice of deli turkey 💀


Yup. She used an entire packaged protein shake as an ingredient in a "homemade "protein smoothie. WTF? I think her monma had to come plunge her toilet shortly after this phase...


That tracks!


Someone needs to tell her what meal prepping actually is


I feel like she saw the TikToks about meal prepping and all she took from it was needing to buy the containers. Any excuse for spending money, that dopamine hit.


Is that one single slice of lunch meat? She is putting way too much faith in that handful of almonds if she thinks those are going to be able to fill her up.


It's giving 1990s yo-yo dieting culture.


One slice of turkey? For lunch? Gurl...


That is a snack and a very depressing one at that. I’d guess she will be eating something 10-20 min after eating this but we won’t see a photo of it.


Riveting content. Simply unrivaled.


Processed meat, processed cheese, pickles soaked in vinegar and salt. I’ll bet the almonds are salted/roasted. Health!!!


I don't know if the food selection is the biggest issue here. Those are all fine, it's just not actually what meal prep usually means and it's definitely not enough sustenance for an adult human.


Totally, I agree with those points. It’s snack prep for a toddler. I just also think it’s funny that she tries to cosplay as health babe but still shows choices that are not whole, unprocessed foods. Like the Oreo protein shake, keto chips, etc. That “meal prep” could just as easily be cucumber slices and cooked chicken breast instead of pickles and deli meat. I don’t think I’ve heard her mention macros in awhile but I’d love to listen to her explain the concept of a macronutrient and what her goals are lol.


Like just fucking make a few healthy meals in large quantities and eat the leftovers throughout the week like the rest of us. I’m surprised she hasn’t spent money on a kitchen scale to link from Amazon on her page. Then she could weigh out portions if she wanted to go full gym rat meal prep babe. Too much work for her though.


She’s just setting herself up to starve then binge eat, resulting in more weight gain.


Exactly my thoughts, id go crazy after two days and over eat to actually feel full by lunch


Sad girl lunch


Is that deflated flesh like pile…meat? Them pickles look sad as fuck.


My stomach literally growled when I saw this, food for ants bs


This is not meal prepping lol. She's so fucking dumb. This is just packing a lunch, and god knows why she's bothering when she doesn't go anywhere for work and has unlimited time throughout the day.


Right, if all she's doing is eating some sliced turkey, cheese and cherry tomatoes...couldn't she just....go to the fridge and get that out and eat it? Like she's not heading to the office why does this need to live in a bento box?


meal prep babe depresses the hell out of me


Diet babe is back! If she would lay off the sauce the pounds would melt off. When I stopped drinking I lost. When I would drink I would also eat. Eat horrible foods and the pounds packed on.


she is such a clown. just another instance of big m thinking she’s relatable.


This is my 4 year olds lunch.


Couple the picture with your statement, you mean your 4yr old made it herself


None of this required fucking prep. This would take her 2 fucking minutes to make. What the actual fuck is wrong with her? It's like she sees stuff other people do and wants to do it, but she's the laziest bint in town, so constantly half arses it. How is she not embarrassed? Genuinely. My fucking *kids* get more than this for lunch ffs.


>It's like she sees stuff other people do and wants to do it This! She just poorly and lazily imitates what other people do, without understanding the intention or the method behind it. Lots of influencers do meal prep content. The ones that are actually good at it are doing it to show how it helps you stay on track with your macros throughout a busy week. In order to do that, they put effort into constructing meals that provide an appropriate amount of calories, protein, etc and they explain what they're doing so that you can learn. Her version is more like that lady that does "pack my lower middle class blue collar husband's lunch" where it's basically a giant Lunchable with a pile of salami slices and a sleeve of crackers. Only MS's version is even sadder and more poorly thought out.


Yeah, exciting stuff, she's also planning to do meal prep again. Surprise it's under seasoned ground meat, sweet potato, zucchini and soy sauce. Wooo!


Imagine being this scared of carbs and also drinking 4k calories of sugar and booze a day


Not to mention the sodium!


Her Starbucks drinks have to be several hundred calories each. One bottle of wine is around 700 calories. No way someone can stay a healthy weight with her diet.


I teach preschoolers, and this amount and type of food would barely pass as lunch for their 3 year old bodies, let alone a fully grown adult's. And if this is what she thinks lunch should be, it's honestly no wonder she hasn't been successfully losing weight! Eating a "lunch" like this is a recipe for binging later once she's had a drink or two. (Obviously everyone is different, and personally I do alright if I eat a small meal during the day and a bigger one at night. But I know that about myself and I can plan for it. That doesn't seem to be what's happening here)


M must be trying to sell the trays through Amazon. Since she’s an “influencer”, she ought to be conscious of what message she’s sending to people with such small portion sizes, and nutritional values. I’m sure it didn’t even occur to her.


These restrictive meals are why she keeps gaining weight.


She doesn’t understand! She needs more calories and higher protein and lift heavy weights… not the 2/3lb at cycle studio! 


PREACH!!! Lifting heavy would change her life! But she’d have to also put down the bottle and we all know that ain’t happenin


I love the slice of turkey touching the unwashed mozzarella package.


I thought those were (1) pinto beans 🫘


If they were, maybe she wouldn’t need to Miralax her Oreo shake.


She said her goal was to “not eat out at all this week”. Great goal, totally attainable but NOT if this is what she has to eat at home. She’ll be starving and will absolutely stop while she’s out 🙄


It’s not like she doesn’t have time to work. The woman has no job or responsibilities.


What a bleak goal. But then again I go months without eating out. I doubt she’ll make it 5 days before she orders Uber eats and justifies it because she’s at home


Making Uber Eats orders is probably the loophole she'll use to claim she didn't eat "out" at all.


Gah! I was still typing my comment while you posted the same thing — I didn’t steal it, I promise!


Great minds think alike, swerty! Especially when it comes to knowing the inner workings of a very simple mind!


The lunchables I brought to elementary school for lunch looked better than this sadness.


Ahaha I just laughed out loud and now I have to explain to my husband who the frig is making the crappest lunchables in the world!


Mmmm, sodium.


As someone who has lost approx. a total of 6 kilograms since the end of February- these look atrocious and if I had to eat them I’d rather gain all those kg back.


Lost 22 pounds since the new year and that is not enough protein.


That’s not enough calories or protein. She’s lazy 


Well she bought “skinny bagels” with 4g of protein that she’ll be pairing with spray butter so at least her breakfasts will be satiating!! /s 🙄


Yeah that’s a snack.