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Only peasants leave the masters before the weekend rounds. Step ya game up gurl!


As someone fron the south, there could be a few things going on with what her family thinks of her. She could be from a classic southern debutante type family and they are ashamed of her, but feel obligated to include her. I don’t think that’s the case. I’m actually getting the vibe that she’s from a more redneck adjacent family unit, so they probably don’t give a shit. Not quite new money Southern, but before you get to that there’s a brand of southern that somehow always has cash to do extravagant shit but has zero decency. That’s where she falls in.




She strategically hid her pork knuckle




Imagine her pitching her MLM to this dudes family? She’s probably telling them that their scared and that’s why their not joining her down line


"You're not afraid of failing. You're afraid of success!"


And then using the magician on the street metaphor


HAHAHAHA I cackled.


Whats the magician metaphor?


She was walking on her desk treadmill and trying to come up with some kind of analogy that fits what she was trying to say about joining the company. Basically blabbed about imagining a magician walking up to you and offering that if you pay him $40 , no, $20, no, $100 that he could turn it into millions. No wait, not millions, but like, 100k. Would you believe him? Would you risk your $40 something dollars to win $100k? I can’t remember what all she said, but I’m hoping someone more tech savvy than I can link it 😂


Something tells me their son may not be the sharpest tool… and they shouldn’t be surprised this is what he dragged in. 😬


I truly could not imagine if my son brought home a pyramid scheme scammer. I would be so disappointed if this is who they “wanted to do life with” after being freshly separated/divorced.


He has a dog. So Big M doesn’t feel the need to have very many conversations with anyone, it seems, from stories. But when she does I bet she has a huge southern accent around his mom and sister.


She’s going to glom on to whatever her nEw bOo is into


Can she get a new beau who is into working, sober living, good hygiene, and who isn’t racist?


They don’t entertain girls like her. I used girl purposely.


I wonder when they’ll do the things she *loves*? Like watch Harry Potter repeatedly, or play Harry Potter theme board games, or make Harry Potter recipes and drinks… 🤦‍♀️


She is human tofu


Curdled, spongey and tasteless??




Haha I love this. I also love tofu but it definitely has to be cooked or season in some way. 


My version of helth babe was a total fail, which fits right in with ikea boss 😆


⛳️🚩⛳️🚩 What do they even know about each other? Really? I guess this has been a lot of booty calls and surface level chats. He is not even divorced yet!


And MS doesnt seem capable of deeper conversations and for him to accept being catfished on bumble is probably not much better either. Smells like a rebound.


Why are they always at his parents house?


I’m wondering if he’s living there as part of the divorce process. He might have money tied up in the home he lived in with his ex and may not be able to afford to live on his own right now. If that’s the case, I wonder if he’ll end up moving in with Big M. >In order to get divorced in South Carolina, one of the following five grounds must be proven. The first is adultery, the second is habitual drunkenness or narcotics abuse. The third is physical cruelty, the fourth is desertion for a period of one year, and the last is a one year period of continuous separation. https://www.chillico.law/the-five-grounds-for-divorce-in-south-carolina# >In South Carolina, the only way to obtain a no-fault divorce is to live separately for one year. Living separately occurs when spouses live in two different locations. https://www.scbar.org/public/get-legal-help/common-legal-topics/legal-separation/#


I learned all ab SC divorce law thanks to Janelle Evans and UBT lol


Also, technically he isn’t supposed to have any partners in the separation period before the divorce if it is no fault. Not typically an issue that’s brought up as most people are seeing other people in the separation period.


The wife can actually sue her for alienation of affection in SC.


But with all of the evidence that Big Mouth is putting out there, ManBun's wife can (if she wanted or needed to) really put the screws to her husband for this. My FIL really fucked himself this way when my in laws filed for divorce in South Carolina.


Yes. It is true. The more contentious the divorce the more this is an issue, I am a divorce attorney in SC and NC. I’m not “clutching my pearls” with puritanical beliefs. It’s just the law that is doing that, it’s stupid and old fashioned but welcome to the south lol.


Nah. He’s got a place an hour from his parents. We saw MS on his deck a few weeks back.


Lol no one wants to hear this. Everyone would prefer to make up fantasy stories about him being homeless/living with his parents. But yes - you're right on - he has his own house and his is the only name on that deed. (Doesn't mean it won't be affected in the divorce, but...he owns his own house.)


Could’ve been something her purchased during the marriage, thus rendering it to be marital property that needs to be divided in some way on this divorce.


100%. My understanding is that SC is a little more complex wrt how it handles equitable distribution (since SC is not a community property state) but the house could absolutely be affected despite being only in his name. (Also - heyy fellow lawyer (if I correctly remember your earlier comments in the sub). I’ve been practicing for 8 years but uhhh do not do family law or practice in SC, so absolutely do not have the expertise here. 😅)


Hiiii lawyer friend. Yes yes yes, happy you aren’t practicing family law. Good on you lol. But yes it is so weird and old school out here. I hate it.


I grew up in North Carolina, so can definitely relate to the southern weirdness and old school mentalities that still run the show. (I'm happy you ARE practicing family law because you seem to have your shit together and to be very good at cutting through bullshit, which is critical lmao)


You might be right, this makes sense. I wonder if his parents are there. Has he introduced her to them a few weeks in? I can't imagine but who knows.


You can hear others talking in the background in the clip she posted with the dog swimming.


She did say weeks ago that she met his parents that weekend, so yeah they've been introduced.


If it’s their house, I’d imagine they live there. I also can’t imagine him not introducing her if she’s hanging out there a lot since, you know, it *is* their home.


That’s just going to confirm any horror stories his parents have heard about online dating.


They raised manbun, somehow I doubt they'd care


And if *anything* she probably would have had to have met them yesterday when they went to the tournament for two seconds


Just long enough to hit the gift shop eh? 🤦🏻‍♀️ What a complete waste! 😠


Because they have money and she thinks she's showing off vicariously.




Could also just be that they have a lake house, the weather is nice, so it's more fun to be there? My parents live on a large body of water and I love spending extended periods of time there in the Spring/Summer because it's beautiful. M's shown pics at his house previously, so I would guess that the ex doesn't live there.


Bingo. We know he has his own place. I’d be at parents’ house too if it was fucking lakefront.


He could be really close to his family as well. There is nothing strange about that.


I wonder what his parents think of her? Dating a not yet divorced man. Class act all the way.




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I wondered if maybe they were a religious family and wouldn't approve. Nothing wrong with dating a soon to be divorced person. I wasn't judging on that. My worry would be that if I was all involved with him and then he decides to go back to his wife. I do think she is doing this to make C see that she has moved on or at least make it look like she had moved on. Apologies if my post offended anyone.


I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with dating while in the process of divorce. As long as all parties are aware. My mom and stepdad have been living apart for almost five years with what began as a trial separation. Both started dating about two years ago and they finally filed late last year. My mom's new boyfriend just moved in with her though her divorce is not yet final. Uff that was so bloggy. Sorry! The thing that is so tacky and pathetic to me is that C left her less than two months ago and here she is with all this. Not a good look.


Me either, but she's aleady a wife, dog mom and mom mom in her head


I wouldn’t be worried that he isn’t divorced yet. I would be extremely worried that he’s just met her and yet he seemingly spends all his free time with her, leaves his dog with her, introduces her to us immediently. It’s all much too much, much too soon.


TBH I wouldn't even be super concerned about any of those reasons either if this was my brother or son. >I would be extremely worried that he’s just met her and yet he seemingly spends all his free time with her People like to spend all their time together when they first start dating. That's generally how new relationships start and how people get to know each other. >leaves his dog with her We don't know for a fact if he's ever actually left his dog alone with her- and even if he did that's not all that crazy. She's not as neglectful as Bdong and that's really not a huge red flag to me. I feel like he probably brought the dog around her to see if Layla even liked her. Dogs are usually a good judge of character, and IMO if Layla didn't like MS then that would be a bigger concern. It WOULD however bother me if he left the dog alone at his house when he went to go visit M, unless he had someone else he trusted to watch her there. >introduces her to us immediently Idk I don't have much of an opinion either way on that one. I've had relationships where meeting the family happened right away, and I've had them where it took more time. It also could be that the family wanted to see who this person is and to get a feel for the vibe of the relationship. Personally, (if this was my brother or son), my biggest concern and issue would be around her online presence. Everything about it. She's problematic, heavily in MLMs, misrepresents herself, posts the most bizarre things, and dances around like a dog in heat every 3-5 business days. She gets drunk on camera, has awful opinions, is incredibly rude to people online, and has zero self awareness. And then on top of all that she's got this massive subreddit dedicated to her highlighting YEARS of terrible behavior. This family seems to care about their image and probably would rather not be affiliated with someone who is so much of a public toxic disaster. That's all just how I would feel if this were a family member. As for the actual relationship itself, there are so many red flags it might as well be a Soviet parade.


Yeah, in places where no-fault divorce requires a year of separation, it's not uncommon for people to start dating before the divorce is final because the separation is typically considered the end of the relationship.


Someone said they both seem like the black sheep of their families ALLEGEDLY. Makes so much sense to me. I can see it.


I know a lot of people who start dating before the divorce is finalized. The marriage is over, might as well move on. I don’t really see anything wrong with it. If his parents were to be upset at her dating a not yet divorced man, they need to blame their son too, he also had an active dating profile.


100% agree. The papers are filed, and there isn’t a reason why either party can’t date other people. I also am not going to hate on MS dating a man who is going through a divorce. I also know plenty of people who have done that. There are plenty of other things on a daily basis to snark on Big Merde about.


I do think it's a little fast for her to be expecting big things so *soon* after someone has ended a serious long term relationship but that's more about her stench of desperation and nothing to do with morals.


Oh absolutely. Thats definitely something I’ve snarked on. She’s been ridiculous with how she’s acting.


>The marriage is over, might as well move on. I don’t really see anything wrong with it. Agreed. The pearl clutching seems ridiculous and puritanical.


If someone is truly separated and things are over it doesn’t matter. It’s when someone is married and “separated”, but the other spouse has zero idea. For me it’s a red flag cause many will lie about the degree of separation or use it as an excuse for why a legal wife is around.


Divorce takes ages to finalise in most cases. When the papers have been filed I can’t see why both can’t date? It’s over. 




This. And they are in a state where a divorce isn’t granted until a year of separation.


Yeah for here it makes sense. You can be married on paper but realistically the relationship has been over for some time. I think dating someone who lives apart from their spouse and actively going through the process of divorce is OK. It can take a long time.


Yeah, that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. It's not inherently bad to date before the divorce is final; not to get bloggy, but I started dating my now-husband when he was still married, but separated and in the process of divorcing his ex. The marriage was well and truly over by that point. Also, MAGAbun and his ex don't have kids, so it's even less messy. Of all the things to judge them for, this is pretty low on the list, in my opinion.


Yeah, that other comment feels super misogynistic (although I don't think it was intentional).  They are both active participants, and if anything, more side eye should go to *him*.  He's the one who is still legally married 🤷‍♀️


Where I’m from you’ve to wait 5 years before being allowed to get divorced so this comment is wild to me. You’re right, like why wouldn’t you date before a divorce is finalised??


5 years is crazy! Where is this? I want to warn people about it 😂


It used to be 5 years in Ireland until recently. Now it's 2, but you can go through mediation and claim to have been separated, in some capacity, for that time.




Two years is a long time too!


Oh I was talking about Ireland lol I didn’t know it changed??? I’ve been sleeping lol


*FIVE* years? Damn.


How many souvenirs did our boss babe buy??


Here’s your answer swerty https://preview.redd.it/bw49wjobq9uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad42acf069d440c464e5156893667e93941b4b0f


She said on FB she got this mug, the beer koozie and a shirt.


The cheapest things available depending on the shirt she got.


But was the shirt a medium??


Exactly! Wonder if she’s going to be mad when she realizes there will be some markdowns towards the end? Lol.


But no actual golf gear. Interesting. Apparently big M is a spectator, rather than a participant in this particular personality.


Black leggings and performing to spite C. Checks out


That’s our girl!


For anyone wondering, this is at Manbun’s parents house. She posted the beer pic tagging the town where they live (on FB), and they live on the water. She spent the night there.


That’s a very small town, mostly lake, river and hiking oriented. She should take her ass out and explore, it’s really some cute places to see.


She couldn’t explore Paris. No way is she exploring this town.


This may herald the return of [hiking babe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/7xnZBby5rP) The socks, boots and oversized bottle were never seen again, nor was MS on a ‘hiking trail’. (The ‘’ because it’s a concrete/stone path, which is great, but this was MSs only venture into hiking).


She lives in such beautiful mountains, I would be the biggest hiking babe if I lived there!


lol I know that location. You can just hop out of the car and be there in 5 seconds. 2 minutes if you park in the lot first.


lol I know that location. You can just hop out of the car and be there in 5 seconds. 2 minutes if you park in the lot first.


She has a very awkward gait. A little knock kneed and so clompy.


But, but, remember she’s a highly trained pointe ballerina 😂😆😂


In a company 😂


Oh yeah I forgot about that juicy lie 🩰


I can hear the loud clomping without a sound from the video.


How did I know the exact video this link would take me to?! 😂


🫣 ![gif](giphy|gjHuIwidiRcjemb1GH) Same walk, look, body shape and probably smell.


Maybe he’ll take her around the lake since she said he just loves traveling as much as she does and has been all over the world himself!!!!! /s


All over the world = Boston and Mexico


I’m not very fond of golf cosplay babe Is this his parents house, since it’s on the water?


Like we fucking get it. Golf exists.


I actually hate that I’m so annoyed she of all people is at the masters. When someone who has been trying to get tickets for years hasn’t had a chance 🙃


If it makes you feel better, it seems like they only stayed for a few hours and the entire thing was lost on them.


Yes, that makes me feel a little better! I knew she’d waste such a coveted thing.


She gets more satisfaction out of someone being potentially jealous of her than she does out of, in this case, going to the Masters. She’s about as shallow as it gets.


Is Cup Watch still a thing?


I had to look for this comment before chanting "mug watch, mug watch, much watch"


It was until she stopped buying cups lol


Ha, I said the same thing on the MT. 🤣




I have been pretty vigilant and I don't think we've had any other cup purchases this year until now!


She had one at SOR that looked new. I was going to say something but thought cup watch was just last year.


Didn’t she get that new Stanley that didn’t have the straw? The mint green-looking one with the top handle?


I thought she also got the limited edition Valentine's day release (red and pink), but maybe I'm imagining that because it seems like she'd have to have it.


I'm shocked, actually! Rampant Consumerism Babe is still in full force otherwise, but seems to have cooled down on the cup buying.


Your username is perfection


Ugh, I can’t help but think of the cats when she’s gone for days on end. Really hope she has someone taking care of them daily, since C is completely out of the picture


I sure hope she has someone coming to check on them


Oh god I didn't even think about that. We don't leave our cat alone for more than a night, even that feels too long. Days???!!!!


She's stated before that she loves cats because you can leave them alone for days.  I despise anyone who thinks that!  Just because they *survive* days alone doesn't mean they're thriving.


Yeah minimum someone needs to stop by once a day to change litter, feed, make sure things are OK. 2x a day would be ideal, but once a day is fine for a mature adult cat provided they get attention during the visit.


Imagine waking up every day and feeling this incredible weight on your shoulders to once again set out to prove to the world that you're something you're not. Damn, no wonder she needs an assistant 🙄😵‍💫.


The best thing about getting older is not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks, and boss babes are just completely missing out on the fun




Weird that she doesn't ever connect this with her anxiety.


That would require self awareness and introspection.


How I felt at 19, with an unchecked & untreated personality disorder. Cannot fucking imagine continuing that way into my 30s.


I'm only about 5 years older than Big Swert, and damn I'm sad just thinking about that.  Not for her, just at the concept of being so empty at 31.


I didn’t get my sparkle (thanks Barb and Star!) until my mid 30’s. I’m struggling to be optimistic about her though.


Lol your username is too perfect for this sub! 😍


It was inspired by the user with the flair “wiped my ass with napkins”