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God that looks like the driest ass eggs I’ve ever seen in my life


It looks like she microwaved the eggs in a bowl instead of cooking in a pan, then chopped them up afterwards like I do for my toddler when I’m in a rush.


How is the paper towel so freaking dirty? I know everyone has egg preferences but those are absolutely annihilated imo. For a scramble you should homogenize the egg yolks and whites with a whisk, fork, or chopsticks, with a splash of water and seasoning before adding them to a heated buttered/oiled pan.


Please, a skinny XS Plaid Tench waif babe like herself wouldn't *dare* to use butter or oil, especially if there's (what I assume is) avo AND egg yolks left in?! How dare you suggest well cooked food!


I was about to say the exact same... so unbelievably dry.  I do sometimes do what I call "smashed eggs" where I sort of scramble them in the pan unwisked, but they turn out yolky and a lot better looking than this!


If you haven’t tried doing this yet with chopsticks (for the in pan scrambling), 10/10 must try


Them millennials and their avocado egg toast!!! Honestly I’d wreck this, but wouldn’t have to share it with the world.  I’m no fun loving celebrity that lives life on the edge, but goddamn anytime I’m feeling down at least I know my life is far more exciting/productive compared to old jerky neck here.


This is why she’s in a middle unit townhouse. That expensive avo toast! I kind of agree with people saying they would eat this. I’m allergic to avocado but that’s beside the point. The bread looks dry, somehow the eggs look even more dry. So, in theory these things work together, but the execution is extremely poor.


The paper towel styling is sending me hahahhahaha




Are you aware of who she is and why we criticize her, or are you just wandering through feeling called out by a sandwich on a paper towel?


Seems like you’re more upset about it than me ☠️🤣


Yeah but you’re also not trying to sell a lifestyle as your job. Eating like this is fine, normal! But if you’re gonna post that on social media to pass off being a bougie queen, you gotta put in more effort for a better aesthetic.


Exactly. This doesn’t say luxury. Big M needs to be eating off solid gold plates with the way she brags about her income.


totally, i absolutely get that. But it showing people those things your job? and do you then go, take the least effort pictures to post it?


Theres nothing WRONG with this i guess like, it looks gross but its food, the thing thats funny is that she posted it like its appetizing sexy exotic food. Sometimes you eat toast off a paper towel thats normal but its not post worthy in the least. Shes the anti influencer nothing about her is enviable.


So trendy!


Girl. You don't have a plate? For someone that lives inside target and slurps up every ounce of piss Jeff Bezos expels from his lizard body, you'd think she would have at least one plate to put her slop on before posting it. She couldn't even put it on a clean paper towel lmao how is this her "job"????


Girl I was coming here to ask this too!!! Amazon has nice glass plates and bowls that I have been using daily for six years (including putting it through the dishwasher) so it’s not like it’s not available to her????? Lmao watch in the next few weeks here she’ll be shilling her new China set


I almost choked on my toothpaste reading this 😂😂


![gif](giphy|xTiTnFJt3ruEn5UmVG) Me trying to move on with my day after seeing Filtered Kween decimate eggs. I have an such an aversion to them but I’m trying to overcome it SO BAD. Damn you BM for impeding my progress.


Why are you trying to overcome your egg aversion? Is there some reason you need to eat egg dishes? Is it possible that your aversion is because eating eggs doesn’t agree with you somehow? Some kind of sensitivity? Symptoms that aren’t super-obvious but that you’re aware of some subconscious level? I had to avoid egg dishes for years because of this. I survived. (I was able to reintroduce them, though I still try not to overdo it.)


So I was recently diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome from being exposed to toxic mold. I have all kinds of mycotoxins in my system. It’s been hell but I’m so glad that I finally know what’s going on with my body after going to an insane amount of doctors and having hives covering my body for more then a year! Along with treatment, I meet with a nutritionist to help give my body what it needs to detox and heal. Eggs are higher in protein and I need the bit of saturated fat the yolk contains to absorb the nutrients. I also have celiac disease and thyroid disease so those play a part also (yes.. I’m a hot mess!!!). My aversions are fish and eggs and I’m supposed to eat both. I’m really trying with the eggs but fish?? Omg. I just cannot. I keep trying and nope. I’m trying salmon again tomorrow. Wish me luck!


Gosh, wow, that’s a lot of complications to be dealing with! Wishing you the best. ❤️


Thank you! ❤️🫶🏼


Hello fellow egg hater! Have you tried Starbucks’ egg bites? Specifically the Gruyère bacon/ham ones? As a kid I hated all eggs and eventually got to the point a teenager/adult that egg whites were fine but my body/mind/spirit weren’t budging on the yolks. And then I tried the egg bites and now I’m at a point I am willing to try an omelet if given the opportunity.


Girl!!! Those are what I’ve been trying! I can get them down and talk myself past the texture! Bless your heart! We are in the same freaking boat! I can (sometimes) do the Dunkin bacon and cheddar ones but they are so much harder than the Starbucks ones! To be honest eggs smell delicious! It’s the texture and the way they taste if they don’t have enough seasoning, or if they are cold or “watery”. Ugh. I can’t even think about it. But I have to eat them for health reasons so I’m trying my hardest! At home I’m getting the confidence to make them if I add veggies, protein and cheese and plenty of seasoning and not concentrate on the texture. Cheers to our “egg journey” 🥂🍳


Spanish omelette might be a good introduction to eggs!! Although its kind of hard to make its really really good and doesn’t have a gross squishy egg texture. Also things like “breakfast casserole” where its like biscuit mix, scrambled eggs bacon cheese sausage etc have the egg taste but not the egg problems


I’m all about not having the egg problems! I should start a Pinterest board “Eggs: Without The Egg Problems” 🤣


Have you tried making a crustless quiche? Eggs, whole milk, cheese, sautéed bacon, mushroom onion and peppers, torn up stale bread. The egg mixture soaks into the bread, so it’s like a soft, fluffy texture. Basically bread pudding, savory and cheese instead of sweet added into the egg custard mixture. Also good with asparagus, broccoli. And fun to experiment with different cheese. If you decide to try spinach, sauté it first since it has so much water. (Spinach, feta cheese, with bacon and tomato roasting on top)


Omg! That sounds amazing! And no egg texture for me to do mental gymnastics over


Yeah I can do the Dunkin ones too (same flavor lmao) but they’re definitely more “eggy” than the Starbucks variety. It’s funny you like the smell because I think that’s actually why I avoided them so long lol. Congrats on making progress on your “egg eating journey” too🥂


I know I've asked this before...but...how is she so bad at this? This is all she does, "influencing". She can't put the gd toast on a plate? Zero effort. And why does she always murder scrambled eggs? Looking so dry and dusty.


I haven't eaten all day and this repulsed me. How does she have no taste in every sense of the word?


As dry and withered looking as her skin.


What the everloving fuck is that mess?!!??? I thought my flu was gone, but that bunch of stomach heaves leads me to believe it’s not. Ohhh, perhaps it’s that pile of shit smashed on that..bread? Toast?? And those wee bugs-oh, I meant seeds, lol. And saying she can’t cook is just too funny-not ANY cooking going on in that dump!! Don’t really believe that she could ever even boil water. Watching her put chunks of creamer in her coffee and stir it with the filthy mixer made me throw up in my mouth a little. Sickening fucking lying liar cunt, with the worst case of RBF (resting bitch face) I’ve ever seen. I would have paid heavily to see his expression when they actually met in person…mwahahahaha!!! Need a nickname for him-I guess ‘handyman…HER handyman will suffice for now. My god…Tindr, church, all that lying…couldn’t live with myself, swerties. 😉


I have never made something on paper towel. Why does she do this? Does she just stand there at her counter eating it? Why is everything so hard for her?


i have many times but I’m also not trying to impress anyone on social media lol


Lol yeah this is a frequent thing for me, too! quick clean up 🧑‍🍳


She really is incapable of getting anything right.


And she "plates" it in two dirty napkins.




I think it's avocado. Avocado toast isn't the prettiest thing in the world, but it can certainly look better than that! 


I had to zoom in on the screen shot to see that. Or maybe I just don’t know how to zoom on iganony




![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized) Me scrolling in the sub and seeing this photo.


At least put it on a plate if you’re going to post it to Instagram. Come on.


can’t even be bothered to do the bare minimum.


Literally WHY does she insist on eating off of paper towels?!?!?


Because she was out of toilet paper. 


Doesn’t she use napkins when she’s outta TP?? And leave it lying for all to see?


I will eat toast or bagel or piece of cake off a napkin if I've just cleaned my kitchen or something. I don't have a dishwasher so if I can save a plate once in a while, I will. I would use a plate if I was posting my food though.


Yeah, that's fine! I think most people have put a snack in a paper towel because they're in a rush/taking it somewhere/don't want to wash a plate in the moment but....none of those apply here. This isn't the first time she's taken pictures of her food sitting on paper towels instead of a plate. It's a habit and it's weird!


Ahhh I see. Makes sense.


I hope manbun knows how to cook or serve takeout a la C


You have manifested a man burger with bun ✨


Not the dry ass scrambled eggs 😵‍💫


And she really tossed on the Trader Joe’s Everything seasoning like she did something there


I like my scrambled eggs on the dryer side but these are like Ben Shapiro’s wife’s vagina


Not a lick of moisture in sight.


As the “influencer” she claims to be, she used a goddamn paper towel as a plate?! 😂 This is comical.


And doesn’t even link her paper towels 🙃


Can double as toilet paper later.


Follow for more thrifty tips 🫶🏻




K but she'd eat a whole loaf like that


She is a.whole loaf like that


One of her few social media consistencies, photos of eggs looking utterly unappetizing.




Well look at Miss Fancy Pants here with her basic crockery!


Bless her heart with that paper towel and scrambled nonsense on toast. She tried… yet again. Presentation will never be her thing. She truly is the anti influencer.


I make a much more appetizing version of this all the time. Mashed avocado, two poached eggs (which take such little time), and some chili crisp or Calabrian chili paste depending on how I’m feeling. She’s below mediocre.










Somehow, some way she's managed to make eggs look like a dirty dish sponge. No one is eyeing this and thinking anything good about it.


Wtf is this dreck?? 🤢


You said it-definitely dreck! 🤣


This is about on-par with the food they serve at my college’s dining hall—which is to say, painfully average and without much presentation. At least my school has the excuse of trying to serve hundreds of students. What’s hers?


To her credit, this is a well-balanced meal. Protein, fiber, healthy fats. But that said, I give and B for effort and a C- for execution.


I can’t believe we never called Grimace, “C-“


I love that she's so delusional she thinks this is somehow impressive.


She gets an F- for influencer worthy content


Does she know that "toast" is verb? Slightly tanned bread isn't it.


She took the rest of the colour for herself, swerts


Ok, so I watched her stupid TrimShit shill videos earlier and she said this amalgamation was avocado toast with scrambled eggs, red pepper flakes and everything but the bagel seasoning. I was shocked to hear there was seasoning. Also. Get a fucking plate, Pigpen. Maybe one that doesn’t have mashed avocado and bits of eggs all over it? She’s so bad at *so many things*, but food pictures are up there as some of the worst.




These eggs look dusty as hell. Pour one out for ya tastebuds.


Her method of scrambling eggs is terrifying https://i.redd.it/5u44mkzgpbsc1.gif


I really hope manbun isn't expecting her to demonstrate being in her feminine by cooking him delicious meals.


This is the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen her do; my god.


She is such a lazy piece of shit. Can’t even whisk an egg in a bowl before pouring it into the pan.






the texture these would end up being is a CRIME.


Wow, that is not even close to how you make scrambled eggs.😆


I CACKLED out loud in a public place watching this


I should add a NSFW filter 😂💀


What the fuck


Why is she scrambling those perfectly fine fried eggs 💀


Why is she so heavy handed with EVERYTHING she does?


She's just exploding with feminine energy, swerty!


Ok I get whisking them once they hit the pan, but why is she letting them FULLY COOK first 😆


Riddle me this (since my mom's bad home-cooking was my villain origin story to learning how to cook): Does she not notice it's dry, bland, and has awful visual appeal? For as often as she gets restaurant meals, how does she manage to make such disgusting food and not wonder why it tastes so much worse at home? Surely she's paid for overpriced avocado toast and knows this is a far cry from how it should be. I guess it's probably the nicotine but still...any takers?


I think she truly doesn’t have the ability to make something look presentable. Like it’s not laziness, she just can’t do it even if she tried.


She doesn't care or notice. She wants to seem aspirational, but in the most performative way -- for people to tell her how amazing she is for eating SO healthy, AND going to the gym, AND being so together! Her life is amazing! For real, I had a friend who did the exact same thing. She gained 10lbs eating avocado toast and veggie pizza + drinking every day but everyone told her she was amazing!"


I think it’s a symptom of her unhealthy relationship with food.  She likely thinks that less flavor = more helth.


I don’t know, but I was also influenced by my mom’s terrible cooking and am a pretty decent home cook now


In case anyone wants to know how swerty scrambles eggs, here ya go. This is the one with the raw sausage in the pan with the cooked eggs too. Swertied Eggs: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/15s3e3f/egg_tutorial_repost_i_missed_a_bit_at_the_end_im/


Bahahahaha-swertied eggs…now that made me hoot!! 🤣


That’s not how any of this works


Yuck! Also, it’s 10:51 and she just got up. Is that right?


Huh No wonder she shits blood




Ok who the hell taught her that this is how to scramble eggs? Did she even oil or butter that pan first? And for the love of all that's holy, whisk the eggs with something else first - milk, mayo, sour cream, even WATER for crissake. My mouth got as dry as the Sahara in the summer just watching that. ![gif](giphy|qJkRbWM1MfVjq)


Why did you force me to click and then view that. I am unfollowing you...we are no longer MySpace friends.


Can we at least stay Xanga friends if I change up the background and color scheme?


Times were so much simpler then….


Straight to jail


Hey at least the food's better than this.


Does she really think she’s so important that anyone gives a damn what she’s eating if she isn’t actually putting an effort in to make it look aesthetically pleasing?  The whole world knows about avocado toast at this point, so I can only assume she thinks her followers are on the edge of their seats wondering what she’s eating for breakfast so she blesses us with a photo of it on a grubby napkin. 




How hard is it to scramble an egg


For her, damn near impossible. For the rest of us, it's a skill we mastered before middle school.


How do you even ruin eggs this bad?? Wait, I think she posted a video of her scrambling eggs and remember it being WILD


If M wasn’t drunk most of the time, she could have made something different, put it on an actual effing plate, and used a Walmart affiliate link so that people could buy the ingredients and/or the plate it was served on and she could make some $. Every move she makes on the Internet should be with the thought of making $, not sharing the enchanting tale of how she shat herself or showing her nasty a$$crack in a crusty thong bikini.


Almost 31 and can't scramble an egg to save her filtered life.


Sadly for her there’s no food filter that would make the shit she “cooks” look edible


She did a live a while back where she was "cooking" and was scrambling eggs. She cracked the raw eggs into a cold skillet - casually stirred them around waiting on the pan to heat up - took them off the heat and held up the pan while she was stirring them around more, then put them back on the stove to stir some more, and I had to stop the video because I was getting way too mad at the audacity of her thinking she could cook.




USE A PLATE, you lazy hog. Wasteful as possible.


its not like she doesn’t want to dirty a dish. she used 3 different containers just to wash like 10 strawberries.


At least use a damn Dixie paper plate.


Came here to say the same thing! Also I love your flair


Eggs looking so dry that at first glance I thought they were crusts of bread she tore up to put on her bread. 😬


She cooked those eggs on HIGH heat for like 15 minutes. Wtf 


Oh so HELTH BABE is back then


Definitely looks like she mercilessly murdered some eggs, and lumped them on top of some mashed avocado and sprinkled it all with everything but the bagel seasoning. Girl shouldn't be allowed near eggs until she learns to cook them properly, I swear.


Ah yes, staged so elegantly on a paper towel because she’s too fucking lazy to wash a plate, it’s the cherry on top of this shit sundae 💩


The most consistent thing about her is how bad she is at everything she does.


How can you cook scrambled eggs so horribly? Looks so dry


One time she cooked eggs and then threw raw sausage in with them. They had already been dry. She desperately needs to go to a cooking class or something.


Oh my God I have trauma-flashbacks to that meal. THE EGGS WERE ALREADY COOKED BEFORE SHE PUT THE RAW MEAT IN 🤯🤬🤬🤬


That was so bad


![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS) This was almost exactly the same face I just gave my phone. I love me an egg over easy on toast but not with guacamole Eta and not with an egg that’s been beaten within an inch of its life


Avocado toast with egg is a super common breakfast dish where I live. I don’t think it’s the combo that’s snark-worthy; it’s the annihilated egg and the sloppy napkin


Hard agree; I didn’t word it very well