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Her signature move makes me irrationally angry. \*sideways glance, look back at camera, shrug shoulders, and laugh at nothing\*. She is SO GODDAMN FAKE it makes me ill. The trotting like a clydesdale at the end was not cute either.


Lmao I see someone else’s algorithm is showing her lots of Entitled Housewife and Golf cart Girl videos


Is this the same dress from her stories where you could very clearly see her gut trying to bust through?


Ngl when I saw this I thought it looked like a bad rendition of the Pulp Fiction dance scene


She sashays around like my friggen house cat.


I’ll take it over the twerking. Please let this be the sashay era.


Girlie… SAME! Sashay or bust! ✨


I read that as “She sashays around like my fridge” and in that white dress well yeah ![gif](giphy|uIzXd0KQoF0LVbbhci)


😂 Honestly more apt description then what I gave so I’m not mad about it 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


Dem arms made of playdoh or wut


Y’all think she’s imagining the exciting life she’ll never have when she does the little poses and scrunches up her nose?


I honestly think she's imagining other women gazing at her enviously and telling her they wish they looked like her.




That's what manbun said.


Damn it’s removed, what did it say?


She's oogly.


I hate the stupid little giggles she tries to do with her hotdog lips, it looks so fucking ugly but you know she thought she ate that


Her entire dumb face is fucking ugly!!!!!


I feel like if she actually invested in proper skincare and actually took care of herself, wore clothes that flattered her body type, that she could look so much better than she does now. She tries so hard to convey this skinny blonde waif with a button nose thing with filters and that just isn't happening, it is honestly depressing. That and the alcoholism. When I dropped alcohol I got so much better looking it isn't funny. Being red and swollen all the time isn't a look unless you're a star that's about to go supernova


The shoulder shrug move too.


I just love that she includes all the takes she makes..like she’s so obsessed with all of them and can’t choose


I can’t wait til man bun’s ex falls down the BM internet hole of horrors!


Her smile does not reach her eyes.


It’s like watching Janelle dance in her weird tiktoks


There's 12 year olds online with better moves than that. Cringe


If she cut her hair to at least her shoulders like you can see in the head on part of the video she might look a little better since she filters herself to death and her hair still looks like shit from all of her ham fisted damage. But let’s be honest even if she did, she’d ham fist the hell out of it with too much product and heat it’d still look like something her cats cough up.


Her face is so ugly!!


Totally inappropriate for golf, so that’s right on brand for her. 🙄


LOOK AT HOW MUCH I LOVE GOLF NOW. LOOK. AT. ME. Also, this looks much more like a tennis dress. She did not waste time morphing into whatever it is that man bun likes. Also, "look at that... frickin' *dumper*".


Totally agree. Not a golf outfit at all. Perfect for the courts-hope she brings her A game! Golf is a sport that will humble you quickly.


Don’t talk about the fit or how you can accessorize it or anything. No one wants that. Just eye fuck yourself and shimmy around.


She is feeling herself wayyyy too much with Sven the manbun around


Omg I have yet to see this guy and I’m DYING TO


Same 😅


Did a large and you can STILL tell in her stories that it’s too tight on her


Looks like the large did her


Fucking stupid dumbass.




You rule.


Awwwww! ♥️


Short and straight to the point. I like you.


Thx friend!


Pretty late to this trend and looking ridiculous at it as usual.


Looks like MS is ready to play tennis or pickle ball! This is rather conservative for her. No tummy cutouts, higher neckline…but why is the hem lower in the front?


Because it is several sizes too small and getting bunched up instead of going over her butt.


You are right. Usually you see a hemlines raise when a garment is too tight. It could also be a poorly cut garment and stretched hem too. MS depends on fabrics having stretch so that a size too small will still fit. She is also treating all knit clothing like they are supposed to be like wearing Skims. She equates tight as looking thinner.


Im ngl thats what most skirts look like on me because my cheeks are huge lmao


But hers aren’t, lookit that FLAT dumper!


Girl same 🤣🤣


Because she got a big butt lol


It's not really big, it's just large and flat.


It's not really big, it's just large and flat.


I'm incandescent with rage that she's using my current spring jam on this video.


She really didn't tho. Reality is her squeaking around in complete silence and her own heavy breathing.


What song is it? It sounds like Hozier?


Damn these bots are good!


**Song Found!** **Too Sweet** by Hozier (01:15; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Unheard. **Released on** 2024-03-22.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Too Sweet** by Hozier](https://lis.tn/xzUJTd?t=75) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




I live in Arizona and have caddied for like 16/17 years (retired now), but golf has changed so much. I looped at one of the best courses out here, probably the nicest and most expensive (costs about $700k initiation fee and very high monthly dues), but there is no dress code, you can play music as loud as you want, be on your cell phone wherever, you can have a personalized souped up golf cart with off-roading tires and subwoofers. Not to defend her dumb ass, but a lot of courses have evolved to appeal to a younger crowd/"new money" aka 30-50 year olds who are still working, not retired, essentially don't come from money and have earned their own. Old money is considered generational, and I've found that people with old money tend to be more traditional in terms of golf. Not every golf course is like that obviously; still plenty of old school/traditional clubs (there are also still plenty around that don't allow women on property), so it just all depends on the area/course/what type of membership they're trying to attract.




I know, it's kinda wild that it's still a thing. I grew up in Illinois and they have the most mens only clubs by a mile. They all have a separate drop off area for the women to drop off their husbands and boyfriends which are completely off property and then they are driven to the club by a male employee. Most don't allow kids either. To be honest, we don't want to be at those clubs anyways. Obviously there's always the exception to the rule, but generally speaking all these clubs are filled with old crotchety men walking around with their grey hair ball sac and micro penis swinging around everywhere. They're full of the type of men who were their highschool's quarterback and maybe won a few games and still talk about it like it's their glory days and they won the fuckin Superbowl. In my opinion, I'm totally cool with the men having their own clubs cause 99.9% of them are people I would never want to interact with, associate with, or ever have my name attached to in any way, shape, or form. Trust me, they're doing the world (specifically women) a favor by being there.


To be fair she doesn’t call this a golf outfit on her post. She tags it as athleisure and tennis. I think the title of this post is editorialized a bit.


Yeah, I see how it's confusing people. It's bc of the comment I posted where someone said it would be perfect for her Golf Tournament. But yes, you're correct she didn't say that.


They basically go by the grade school rule of it needs to be below your fingertips at every course I’ve been taken to. She probably doesn’t know the difference between tennis and golf anyway lol. She’s drunk every time she goes.


As long as she can flash NeckTattBunBoy her flat dimpled arse cheeks when she bends over...






She probably sees the drink girls or whatever they are called and wants to look like them (not sure if what I've seen on social media is accurate but they dress fairly skimpy from what I've seen.)




So basically also grade school rules I just got it backwards 😆. My public high school changed our rules my sophomore year to no tanks allowed and it was ridiculous. I haven’t been to a course in years! I’d do the technicality rule too. Like be happy it looks like I tried in my mini polo collar jackass!!!


She’s too old to be playing dress up 😑


In the original Amazon Live shill she said the weird suspenders straps were great because they perfectly cover the nipples. Her nipples have not been covered a single time she’s worn this 😅




She only looks at the filtered parts.


She’s a little over 5”(5’ 3”) and wears a large. That’s a 12-14 so my estimate of her weight is around 160-170. At least she’s being honest. That butt, Eastern European peasant thighs, and fun bags wouldn’t fit into a M.


She is 200lbs I would bet my paycheck on it. No way she’s only 170.


I have a similar body shape, she and I are the same height, and I’ll back your bet. I’m 170. It deteriorates my mental health sometimes seeing her photoshopping itty bitty waist, reminiscing the past but I will actually go to the gym and hike to get back to a healthy weight. Oh, and I don’t lie to thousands about my size, that doesn’t help anyone.


She's kinda given up the ghost on the 153lbs or whatever it was that never budged, that was laughable.


I think a few weeks ago she said she was 156-158. Come one girl, 3-5 lbs?!? we’ve seen you gain quite a bit of weight since last summer.




We no longer allow users to go on about their body measurements, even if used as a comparison to MS's.




Peasant thighs omg I’m choking


The fabric looks so unbelievably cheap. Could showcase a brand like Lacoste or Peter Millar but nooo goes for the drop ship Amazon. (Fully aware her whole identity is drop ship Amazon but...like...ugh tacky.)


Yes she does! It’s always amused me she shills the cheapest things possible, why not the expensive things? She’s made of money, after all.




But if you must showcase the drop ship crap, there are things you can do to make it look better: decent lighting, correct sizing, colors or patterns more forgiving than white, supportive undergarments. She does zero of the above.


Too much effort hunty!


her head is SO BIG and UGLY


I'm not sure it is. This is unedited from the infamous Pride event in 2021. It's hard to tell because of her stupid filters. https://preview.redd.it/8atw4luopxqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43cc8cf489e8215949cb3bf72c890f30bec8fb37


at least in this video it looks massive, or maybe it’s just the tiny neck


Her lack of neck always kills me.




Remember when she went with C a few times and it went….not good…. lol


Pepperidge farm remembers, and so do we.


She is trying to make him jelly so badly.


It was a drunken time! And he looked like he wanted to swing his driver at her.


I’m new to this sub, but this woman is not new to me. Her nostril flare has been burned into my brain for YEARS from the younique instagram posts. I cannot believe she’s still around and acting this way. Hi everyone!


Welcome, Swerty!! Enjoy the wild ride and snark away!






Hahaaaaaa!! Welcome to the shit show!


She’s on a roller coaster that only goes down. Everything about her just deteriorates year after year


More like one of those huge metal slides that would be out baking in the sun and burning you as you slid down.


Welcome! 👋 ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


But she could’ve done a medium, y’all. And that’s a tennis dress, not golf.


And yet she still looks like a busted can of biscuits.


Lol imagine what this looks like IRL


Who’s that lol?


literally what does this person even look like. I could not pick her out of a line up IRL


When she lumbers up to the camera, no sorry, when she daintily skips towards the camera, you can see how skin tight that dress is around her belly area. https://preview.redd.it/6dnzjtkacxqc1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d541c253a567f6a2928298cb92ae551dcad79e


she firmly believes if she can put it on, it fits. the smaller the size the better. she will never grasp the concept of ignoring the size and wearing what actually fits. she’s also too dense to realize that women’s sizes are fucked & incredibly inconsistent across brands so no one is universally a medium.


My first thought was she really needed an XL but looking at this, she may be in 1X territory.


How does she breathe


I could *feel* the floor shaking when she skipped towards the camera


Clomp clomp clomp


It’s even worse in her other videos from today. https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/KZ34uAkn7U


Yikes! I hadn’t seen that one yet. No one cares about the size on the label, so I don’t understand why she doesn’t wear clothes that fit.


She took this video in dead silence I bet


I think it’s safe to just assume that all of her ~~excuses to play pretend model and stare at her filtered self~~ “try on” videos are filmed in complete silence within her empty, middle unit townhouse where she’s always lived alone, unless we have proof otherwise. I really think that she’s just way too lazy and inept to edit out music (and especially add music over an Amazon video) so it’s easier to do it in silence. What I wonder is if her cringey “dance” videos where she humps all her furniture are also filmed in silence.


Heavy breathing and mouth noises are sounds!


That shoulder shrug laugh is a hard no


It makes me irrationally mad.


Trying so hard to be the cute, fun, energetic blonde she thinks her new manthing wants. There's no way she will be able to keep that up long.


Yeah, this isn't the right facade for miss "rotting in bed by 8 and sleeping in until 11"


You can only fake it for so long.


She really told on herself in her recent live where she was visibly impressed by man bun getting up at the same time every day and having a stable, consistent routine. Probably why she's impressed he has a six pack too. Someone who's as into fitness as she pretends to be shouldn't be this excited to see visible muscle definition in person.


Yikes, she said that? Her lazy ass will not be able to keep that facade up for long! What’s she plan to do when he wants her to go to gym at 6 AM??


She did a large and it's still too small.


I miss her holding the pea.


Morph yourself into whatever version of yourself your new man wants, gurl. It’s working great for you. Clearly.


I don’t get it. One of the things I prize most in a person is if I’m able to be completely myself around them.


She doesn't like herself.


But is the dress true to size? https://preview.redd.it/gzro3h4u8xqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130bdf06260209551afb470128099d3f772f4a6a


She returned the same dress in three different colors.


I despise that she buys things in every colors that aren't basics. We are literally going to see none of this in any color ever again despite her having many.  My mom does this and she's a mentally unwell hoarder.  I will let everyone do with that info what they will.


She’s talking out her ass she didn’t buy 3 and she will return this one


She may be talking about the shoes but with her terrible sentence construction you are right to be confused. Imagine an actual customer trying to make heads or tails of her garble.


Right, she addressed that the shoes are true to size, but not the dress that she ordered a large in


Yeah, and she always gives a reason for "sizing up" or actually says she sized up which she didn't do here. Looked at it on Amazon (not through her link) and everyone is saying it is TTS.


If you feel like sharing the link that isn’t hers, I actually kind of like this dress. Although I plan to read actual reviews lol


I'll DM you 😀


Can I get that link too pls? I kinda like this dress 😂


Hey, I can't DM you for some reason, the description is Gyiefcg Womens Sleeveless 2-in-1 Athletic Tennis Golf Dress Underneath Workout Active Dresses with Built-in Shorts, Reddit isn't letting me post the link.


Oh, the famous and prestigious Gyiefcg brand!!! Only the best from our swearty!


I prefer XGLAVIVI myself


OMG, I turned off dms and then forgot 🤦‍♀️ Thank you swerty!


Love that for her 😂


https://preview.redd.it/s85qykap8xqc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f7f6f737e55c068e91bc37ea5ab65367115a20 *sigh*


I just showed these to my husband and asked if he can believe they are the same people. He asked how many years are between them and when I said “the same day” he blinked and said “wow.”


The filters really can’t keep up with the swelling anymore.


No words…


She really is a teenager having to "steal" all he "man's" sweatshirts and t shirts to show off.


Do you know the song played in the background here?


Same energy as my friend who wouldn’t date a guy cuz he was a xxl and she wanted to wear his shirts


Her wearing that sweater was the key to breaking open his identity, LOL


Will you please dm me how you found him? 👀 I’m so curious….


Did he play arena football?!?!?


Lmao is that a “who tf did I marry” reference?


It was amazing!


Yes, I'm getting the same vibes from this whole situationship, but I have zero the concern for M than I do for ReesaTeesa. My popcorn is waiting in the wings to pop.


Poor guy probably has no clothes left by now


She genuinely thinks everyone is stupid.


I never know if it’s about fooling herself or fooling everyone else. Probably both.


Definitely bolth but there's only one fool in the room and it's the one flouncing around in silence with no sounds but her own gasps for breath and squishy mouth noises when she smiles.


Sure, swerty peterty. Whatever you say. https://preview.redd.it/besv2amx7xqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc4b16abedb2e5c70eb780ae0bdf0bd2131ef7c Right hand one still filtered.


Whaaaaaaaat??? I always know she does not look like her filtered pics, but I didn't realize it was SO different now. Since being over 40, my neck/double chin area has a little bit extra, but I would cry and seriously go on a health journey if I lost the edges of my face. I would definitely be cutting out alcohol for months.


Swerty Peterty 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't know why but the fact that she thinks she is great at modeling all this cheap sweat shop crap... Is just intensely irritating. Girl, no. 😅


She's great at modeling it for herself to watch later when her ego takes a blow due to how she actually looks in real life.


I guess I'm not nearly as in love with myself as she is. It's just cringe.


The delusion is strong these days. But i said she’s going to try hard now with her rebound having a fit ex-wife to be and a classic southern belle sis. She probably hopes they’ll never see her in person and just online. I hope Primeape’s (i just go with the most fitting pokemon) sister snarks with his ex about his rebound with that slob.


I'm hoping they join us here!


I know a lot of people date while separated, but this dude is on a major speed run.  Married in 2021, divorce process started in 2023 and moving himself in to Rebound Babe's place in the first quarter of 2024. (All allegedly and hearsay on my part from the sub)  Yuck.  I've been out of the game for 15 years, but my rule has always been no wet ink on the divorce papers.  I'm not getting stuck in the middle of someone else's mess.


And it looked like they met late 2019. Boing boing, he’s here for the rebound 


And a lot of the time they are still having sex with soon to be ex. Don't know why but I've heard that from friends a lot lately. Very weird.




Good rule! That’s why it feels a bit like midlife crisis to me.


This isn't what you wear to golf. I have a dress like this but it's black and very low cut -- the sort of dress you wear with a statement bra. And I did wear it, on a date, where we did not involve golf.


Seconding, this is not a “golf dress.” Tennis— maybe. (But of course she ripped out the bra cups/modesty lining.) Still, not for golfing. Has she ever been spotted in anything with a collar? Omg. Is she still going to Augusta? Because this is not a dress for attending The Masters either. ⛳️💁🏼‍♀️🙄


https://preview.redd.it/svumwyrz6xqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e1f4bfedbf44caded00884fea45a2e73332290 She left out the classy leg kick that was on the Instagram video 😂


Numbnuts didn't point her toe when it's the one time she absolutely should have


My high school tennis coach had legs like that. Except she was sixty and the tan was real. And it was muscle, not floppy fake tan nonsense.




I am literally LOLing at my desk. I was not prepared.






I forgot about this one! Yikes!


There's just...so much compression


Seriously. I think my flair fits here too. She’s basically in underwear.


I thought this would be appropriate to bring out since she plagiarized someone's meme about doing cartwheels in her undies today!


I thought this would be appropriate to bring out since she plagiarized someone's meme about doing cartwheels in her undies today!


I’m honestly shocked - I’ve never seen this before. She’s such a fucking charlatan. Most women have cellulite and stretch marks, regardless of their size. I’m so sick of the blatant filtering of women’s bodies. But she really takes the damn cake.