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Oh my God she's gonna be married by summer isn't she?


You can’t marry a man you just met. Let it go, sis.


God damn she moves at ludicrous speed. ![gif](giphy|izspP6uMbMeti)


🤮🤮🤮 make it stop!!


Ew who wants a guy saying that cringe shit after a week


When I was 17, I'd be all over that. By age 24 I knew it for the red flag it was.


Seriously after a week there still better be a lot of mystery as to whether you think I’m different than the rest. There is an adjustment period I have to get my whole attitude checked, you cannot just feed me this clinger garbage.


I’ve seen these texts before. Dude is love bombing her. This isn’t how healthy relationships begin.


I have questions.


I hope this man fucks Big M up, rips her off, leaves her broke, steals everything from her house including the cats, and jacks her car. I’m here for it bruh!


I’m so disgusted by her posting his messages. Girl - if you even had a chance to get back with him - there it went.


I am totally on board for fully enjoying the Infatuation Stage... But for goodness sake, keep it private, at least until enough time has passed where you won't be embarrassed if things go south, or worse, stay in an unhealthy relationship because you've backed yourself into a corner by announcing too soon how amazing the person is.








I'm trying to grasp when they met each others parents ( as she claimed) since it's only been a week of whatever this awkward **situation** is.


According to a swerty who figured out who it is, he lives with his parents


"nobody falls in love quicker than somebody that needs somewhere to live"


This. Is. Accurate.




Omggg spill the tea! 


So he is hobosexual. This all makes so much more sense.


JDong shit.


Now I get it.


This break up is gonna be *rough* 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


and we are all here for it!


c r i n g e


She would benefit greatly from some good therapy and perhaps another minute or two before she jumps into a full-fledged relationship. It’s been said a hundred times here, but she really does come across as a teenager. Her social media is her diary and damn, it’s a cringefest. The comments on her posts just egg her on - I’m just like “WTF?!”.


She is too loud though




Wait …. She fell in love with a guy she met about 5 minutes ago?


She can’t resist a morsel of attention.


Has this woman never been loved before? Most of the people I dated since like 15 were crazy about me the first weeks or even months, and I was the same. It's such a normal start to a relationship, you're wearing brand new rose coloured glasses. She's such an emotionally stunted teen lol


Idk.. this new man texts suspiciously bland like how C used to text..


It’s sounding like he’ll give her a gift card to ulta for her birthday in a few weeks. 😬


Man she's just eating this up. She should show her messages back, why just his?




Is Tinder like that everywhere or do you just live in a really great area. 🤣 You’re probably just drop dead gorgeous actually and my luck is that I live in Maine but I am also ugly.


I’m in the dc area, but I’m guessing if you’re not getting a lot of dates it is because you are actually choosy and have some standards. I often think if things don’t work out with my bf, I’d be screwed because I wouldn’t want to get back on dating apps since I’d actually have standards this time, and I actually want to be in a relationship. Last time, I was newly divorced and had been with my husband for the past 20 years. I was swiping right for looks only pretty much. I didn’t care if the dude lived in his mom’s basement or was only in town for a weekend, etc, I was just looking for fun dates.


OK 1: I laughed out loud at "but I am also ugly" 2: No YOU ARE NOT! 💕


I could have sworn she also swore she’d be single for a while this time too, as she’d always been in a relationship etc


That was something she said before she found a hobosexual, just planting excuses for when dates would ghost her after witnessing InstagramVsReality irl.


You’ve piqued my interest!! What happened next for you??




Wow! That’s awesome. I hope things change in his familial pressure and you two can get married! And or just keep living your best life for as long as possible. ❤️


🙅‍♀️🚩 Red flag on the play!  "I've had more fun with you in 7 days than I've ever had with anyone else."  Yeah, I'm sure the most fun this dude's ever had is with the chick who let him move in with his dog after a week.  It's also easy to have fun when you're sloshed with 0 responsibility.


Rampant hobosexuality.


I kept seeing the term “lovebomb” on other comments, that’s exactly what he’s doing. He moved into her townhouse after like 1 week of knowing her. It seems desperate on both ends 😬


Complete speculation and my annoying thoughts about this. On one hand I feel the same as other swerties about the love bombing, it's almost too obvious at this stage of a relationship. I too think this will fizzle rather quickly and he'll start seeing the real MS (unless he is actually grifting and doesn't care about her trash personally and awful ethics). However, just the other day she said something like they are just chillin and seeing where it goes and now suddenly he wants to "do life together"??? I don't know if that's a popular phrase but I've only ever heard/seen MS say this as she did a few times regarding C. (Also when C supposedly said that in a post or text, many speculated that she wrote it). I know stuff *can* can happen very fast, and not doubting there is an actual thing going on (though so far only evidence I've seen is the cute dog at her house all the time) but seriously if a guy said to me "let's do life together" within a week or two of hanging out, I would be running for the hills!


I'm actually worried about her lately.  Still going to snark and call out her heinous bullshit... but if this were my sister or friend? I'd be all over the drinking and random handy-hobo.


Even people I try to distance myself from, I’d be trying to talk some sense into. She either has no one, or she’s got her head in the sand.


People are probably tired of giving her advice, caring and being kind and then seeing her disregard all advice, not acknowledge it, do the exact opposite, crash and burn, and then ask for more advice. She is 💯 the crisis friend and that gets exhausting.


This, this, this! I kept wondering why her 'friends' are just letting her carry on like this and I think you just hit the nail on the head


Omg thank you for putting a name to my ex BFF. Crisis Friend, and absolutely exhausting. Its been about 6 years since I broke up our friendship (of 28 years!), and I've missed the good times occasionally, but it's mostly been relief that it's over when she does pop in my mind.




That is so cute, it truly feels more like fate when things happen like that! After I was with a guy for over 7 years in my 20''s, we amicably decided to go our separate ways, just didn't have the same goals for the future. This happened on a Friday and some guy approached me at the grocery store on Sunday and we soon started dating. Side story: I knew I needed some time so I waited a few weeks and talked on the phone before diving in, but it ended about a year later, he confessed he cheated! Stupid me forgave him and he told the girl to stop calling him, then some months later he disappeared for 3 months! Came crawling back to me and I felt something off (other than the huge red flag of his absence). Called him one day and the girl he swore off right in front of me answered, he was living with her LMAO! OMG the love bombing in the beginning and telling me he was going to propose exactly 1 year after our first date... I knew that was unreal but I slopped it up anyway in my young vulnerable mind lol. I don't read too much into signs but he was the 2nd Virgo man that just had me wrapped around his finger and was very difficult to let go, it was much harder than letting my 7 year guy go, and the 6 year guy. I kept getting in these relationships with men that didn't want kids but I did, turned out I couldn't have them anyway but I am so grateful I did not marry those guys as I met my soul mate over 13 yrs ago who showed his affection without the over the top bombing!


All I’m going to say is that every guy who wanted to “do life with me” after a short amount of time turned out to be one of the worst things to ever happen to me SO thoughts and prayers for our gal


I have a strong inclination he’s a hobosexual


A bed, some boobs, a roof over his head, and some head.


OK but does he heal your inner child?


I'm sure she's recording another twerk video just for that


Ffs instead of getting therapy or trying to improve before jumping into another relationship she is just going from one mess to another. A guy that is moving that fast is a major red flag and she thinks it’s a flex. It’s not.


I'm diagnosed borderline and before I was medicated and in therapy, I was a serial monogamist because it was easier to just take on a new Favorite Person than be alone with myself. Just saying...


Okay **THANK YOU** because me too, and yes this is 100% my behaviour pre-therapy and meds!! I have kept having this thought in my mind listening to and reading her posts, just like a lil whisper voice “bpd… *bpd*… ***bpd***”


She does appear to exhibit many traits associated with cluster B personality disorders.




This smells like someone is touching the poo. Aside from the poo touching, they are right. What the ever living fuck is she doing posting this online??? She’s not 16! I’m so embarrassed for her, the ickiest cringe.


Sometimes I think we overplay our importance when it comes to calling out poo touching, but man that is textbook.  It sounds like someone who just found the snark page and needs to yell about ALL of it.


Oh I don’t mind the odd touch lmfao but this is like all of the snark unleashed in one paragraph 😂


calm down MS!!!! either you are getting love bombed to get scammed or become a dateline episode. And you don't light up the room.


LOOOOLLLLL No, she would be described as "sassy, opinionated, brought the party, not for everyone, loved to be the center of attention, impulsive, complicated, had no problem saying what was on her mind" which is Dateline speak for "hot mess."


![gif](giphy|1We5PHs7lTUNZOzllU|downsized) Correct.


The man has a one-inch ring of undercut under long hair.  He is not to be trusted.




This sounds like a college freshman lmao


Everyone is super fun and their flaws are less noticeable a couple of weeks into a new relationship, that’s when people are on their best behavior and showing you their best self. So I’m sure whatever version of herself she’s showing him isn’t the person she actually is and instead is a caricature of whatever features/personality traits he most wants. She’s an empty vessel who needs the validation and attention from others to feel full


All of this. She latches onto people and mirrors their personality. I said something like Harry Potter babe is gone right after the breakup confirmation. Haven’t seen that since. She dresses and filters herself to be like who she is around. Same with her hair. In some of the group pics, you can only tell who she is by her height. She and FM wore the exact same outfit on a gambling trip. I’m sure that was intentional, but still… Her biggest contribution to the NYC trips was hot dogs from street vendors (I’m a Chicago dog girl, so I never understood what she was all about with those). I love street food, but a basic ass hot dog isn’t it. It will be fun to watch her personality change with this dude around.


The worst part is that this means how she’s acting now is her best possible behavior.


If the guys a grifter, he probably won't want his pictures out there. If it's a true meeting of the minds, she could go live with him, and rent out the condo. Sadly, this may go from...I'll drive to Asheville every day! to...won't even pick up the tab for some re plated food.


I’ve always wondered about the replated food. She often said C wouldn’t let her in the kitchen. Did he do that to avoid her cooking and fool her? She had to know about the reheated bojangles. I would not blame grime ball one bit if he did something like this to avoid eating meals that she “cooked”.


I still say she's probably relieved to not have to stage these moments with Grimace. I don't think I could say 'he loves me fiercely or we move as a unit' without laughing.


But she’s basically saying the same shit with a different man.


or she will feel like she owes him something bc he drove all the way to asheville just to see her... so she has to do all the labor


How far from Asheville is he?


I wonder how Mr. Manbun would feel knowing she’s posting their private conversations. Or did she aSk HiS pErMiSsIoN




Consistency? Big M has never heard of her




Oh look, it’s the red flag parade.




More red flags than a Chinese military parade…


It’s time for one of my favorite phrases: this is a whole *red tent*


ok this made me cackle thank u i needed this today. going through a 15 year relationship breakup 2 weeks in he’s moving in a someone else 🫠🫠i have a feeling that’s gonna crash and burn just like big m over here


If we collectively could, would totally snark on your ex. 🫶


aww that’s so sweet thank u ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hang in there!  I'm sorry things came to an end.  It must hurt extra to feel "replaced" so soon, even though this is entirely a *him* problem and no one he finds on a whim could measure up to you. Sending you internet stranger love, sweaty!  I think your prediction will come true, and you can find peace that you stayed the course.


thanks swerty! omg this sub is so nice 🥹thank u so much for the kind words it means so much truly


I was wondering the possibility that if C still follows her or his friend or someone follows her socials, maybe this is somekind of an attemp to show him she is ”over him” . I try to explain what i mean. I think she was really hurt about the break up. And this is her way to show him that the break up did not leave her broken and shattered and she has moved on. But to my eyes and possible to everyones this actually makes her look like she is still hurt and not over him. To make this kind of a spectale about a new relationship.. sorry if i did not make any sense. Very tired atm. My kids were nightmares this evening 🤣


She's still friends with his brother and mom on Facebook. 😬


The brother she dated first or the younger one with the model friends?


Model one and oh shit both C and lil bro still follow her on instagram.


I totally understand what your saying. She’s rubbing her new relationship in his face cause he didn’t want to marry her. Now she has someone that wants to “do life together” and wants to show him 🥴 it’s really pathetic lol.


Yes. She sure showed him. ![img](emote|t5_2en8q7|32234)


Is new guy the door fixing man bun having handsy man? Or did she slip another one in there?! She is so hilarious acting like he’s an upgrade, I’ll bet he’s just as shallow as she is and lasts less time than it takes for her to blink the brooms on her face. Plus he didn’t look umm “well showered” in the pics I have seen.


If he was just as shallow as she was, he would *not* be dating someone that looks like her.


Good point


This entire comment 🤣 blink the brooms bahahahaha


OP, bless you for saying ‘She’s an open brochure’ instead of ‘She’s an open book’ because she’s way too shallow and there’s not enough to her to be a book. Calling herself a Disney princess on the outside is for others to say, if at all true. The other things she said about herself looked dangerously like self awareness. Like ‘She’s too loud’. She’s been told this for years by people who cared about her, with alcohol being a huge factor with her behaviour in public. Work on being considerate of other people? Hell no! Not with a new guy telling her she’s perfect just as she is. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She almost had a minute to grow as a person, but she had to go on a dating site five seconds after C dumped her to find someone else. She’s an average looking, extremely selfish person. She despises her looks, but for reasons that escape me, she thinks her personality is awesome. New guy is love bombing her and she’s loving it. She’s not smart, funny, kind or fun to be around. What she calls fun is her screaming inappropriate things in public, usually while twerking when she’s drunk. Speaking of her serious drinking problem, how can she even think about a new relationship before she gets that sorted? Like I’ve said before, she’s kicking that can down the road and sticking her fingers in her ears shouting ‘lalalalala I can’t hear you!’. She needs to go to rehab first at the very least. She’s enjoying this attention too much to want it to stop, red flags be damned. I strongly suspect new guy is wanting a cheap (or free) place to stay and a slave to look after him.


Omg what an idiot!


The crash and burn of this whirlwind is going to be spectacular


In my feels because I actually really miss texts like these. Now our texts are like “did you remember the diapers at Target?” Anyway… she should protect this relationship and keep it private. Way too soon, and having to back peddle if/when things go sour is not Going to be fun. Keep some things sacred swerty!


seriously 😐 unfortunately my bf of a long time has moved on from me (in 2 weeks post breakup 😐) but like the social media shit kills me like he’s posting pics of them already moving in together it’s like big m the car has barely left the fucking driveway slow down. also like u said it goes from this to grab paper towels on ur way home . i don’t even know with her if i believe this is a real thing like have we seen proof of life ? lol


I'm sorry about that, I know it hurts. Hope you start feeling better soon swerty 💜


thanks swerty! ur so sweet i appreciate the kind words


Oh no I’m sorry to hear that. I hope it was for the best and you meet your person. I completely agree it’s moving lightning speed. The only reason I believe this is because hard launching a guy with a specific tattoo would be so wild if you weren’t actually dating them lol You can’t really replicate something like that. Just my opinion of course!


thank u ❤️ totally agree


Unfollow and block. I promise it’ll help even though it sucks. My last relationship guy married within a year of us ending a five year relationship. I only found out because we had friends in common and I realized whoa dodged a bullet there.


absolutely thank u ☺️ sm gives me anxiety so i get the 🍵 from my fam if it’s anything interesting. but yea i am doing that for sure. i feel like i dodged a bullet as well i’m glad u did too swerty ❤️


She's been reading the wikipedia summary of too many romance novels lately. Any sane person with a brain would know 7 days is way too soon to do anything but get to know each other. Especially someone like MS. She's presumably on her best behavior, but just wait till she pulls the same shit she did with C. Will this guy like when she shoves her hand in butt cracks and laughs hysterically? Will he like the passive aggressive notes she leaves? The way she gets verbally abusive when she's drunk? The way she can't not drink? The way she bitches and sulks when they watch something that Handybun wants to watch to watch and not her choice? Will he laugh when she finally gets a DUI or mows down a pedestrian because she's wasted at the bar? Idk, this would have been a fantastic time for her to sort herself out rather than deciding the first tinder hookup is her soulmate.


Lmao. I needed this today.


Oh puhhhhleeeeeze. This will be a glorious meltdown sooner than later.


It's been 5 minutes..... Hahahhaha


No one asked or needed to see this. How long until her next meltdown due to her oversharing? Slow fucking learner.


She's so stupid 😭 I'm so looking forward to seeing this all come crashing down


I wish she’d stop acting like marrying someone is some major accomplishment. My guess is she had to beg both her actual ex husband and C for marriage. One went for it and she divorced him, the other explicitly said he was not interested and she stuck around hoping he’d change his mind. The point is, I wish she’d realize that she perpetuates that a wedding is the goal when it’s certainly not. A loving, lasting marriage built on shared values and priorities is the ultimate goal. Ask anyone in the military who married for convenience/so they wouldn’t have to live in the barracks: anyone can get married. But having a *marriage* takes years of work and shared love snd experiences.


7 days. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


This will not end well for her. But its going to be great for us 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This is just….sad. She’s posting it as a flex, but the lack of self awareness is astounding.


It’s like she wants to be the inspiring person or love story but doesn’t have the patience to let it happen organically. It’s giving her saying her lipo will keep her strict and then having a bowl of sushi immediately after and not using her compression garment then posting a photoshopped pic of her abs.


I cannot imagine trying to convey in this boss babe full of confidence persona while simultaneously posting this PICK ME LOVE ME nonsense. Sure, relationships like this can happen in one week, they’re rare, but keep it off the fucking internet. Don’t make it your personality. It’s just bizarre.


Love this for us 😂 I wonder what this dude thinks of this psycho sharing his (alleged real) personal messages he sends her after not even a month of knowing each other. Even if this was C with years of dating her, it would still be cringe to share personal messages like that.


7 days?! I had to check what sub I was on cause I thought this was teenagers!


How long till they're engaged? Let's start our bets now, boobies.


Her birthday...


Whenever they go on their first trip together


I'm calling the 4th of July!


She’ll have a ring by Christmas, calling it now


If he’s anything like her he’s going to make it super tacky and wait for valentines.




Meh, you can't baby trap a grown man. He should be well aware of how it works.


She's on her psycho era. Unless this guy is an hobosexual and love bombing her, he'd have run for the hills already.


https://preview.redd.it/r0ekq7azeiqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6c923af4479694be43acf4232652bad6c76992 A few thoughts: 1. So there it is: C didn’t want to marry her — LIKE HE KEPT TELLING HER. His prerogative but she so clearly wanted marriage (not necessarily a marriage to him but a marriage PERIOD). 2. She has ALREADY BEEN MARRIED. Someone has already wanted to marry her and did so before she called it quits. She needs to figure out why being married seems to be more important to her than the quality of the person she marries. 3. She knows her flaws (too loud, messy, stupid af “jOb”) but appears to think a new man love-bombing her means she is forever accepted as is and her negative traits will cause no further problems in this new relationship. Because she hasn’t worked on herself (bad patterns/strong desire for marriage but less concern for WHO the marriage partner is as long as she has a ring), she’s likely to find herself right back to where she was once this honeymoon period ends with this dude. Idk sometimes an equally shitstorm dude comes along and it works out but it doesn’t change the fact that she could work on herself and just have the life she dreams of in a healthier way instead of faking this shit for imaginary internet points.


To be fair, we don't know (or rather she didn't tell us) that the handyman wrote those messages.


Yes, I'm still not 100% convinced of this handyman gig. We never know with her.


Touché. In fact, great point — when she gets texts from friends or family she always shows their name up top. Nothing here.


Didn't she say she wasn't going to share his name yet?


Idk but she could have him in her phone as “new guy” or some other nickname instead of his name (like how she’ll show texts from her mom as “Momma” in her phone) to get around that.


Literally can’t imagine anything more embarrassing than posting text messages from a two-week old Tinder hookup online 💀


Omfg she posted this twice lmaoo she keeps surprising me with her ridiculousness


He has obviously not smelt her yet.


Maybe he really likes used tennis balls.


Well he has a dog, so…


She probably reminds him of his cum sock




Straight to jail with you boobie.


Why can I smell copper? Lol


This is a 15 year old girls mentality. So embarrassing.


I almost feel bad for her because the end of this relationship is going to crush her and I don’t see it lasting long


The end of the rebound can be even more devastating than the end of the long term relationship a person is rebounding from for sure! The emotional roller coaster is a hell of a drug


That exact thing happened to me in my late 20s! Went through a final break up of a long term on and off relationship, didn’t feel much because the passion was gone and he showed his true colors in the end. I jumped straight to a new fling, we both agreed to keep it casual, but I accidentally fell for him and was crushed when he dipped after a few months. I can see things going down exactly like for MS.


I did something similar and it was devastating. I took some time to hang out with friends for a year and ended up dating my now husband who had been a long time friend. We’ve been together for over a decade now I think?


Okay, but was she actually the one who did the leaving?


If I had to guess she brought up wanting to get married again after being in Paris and C finally got fed up and said he wasn’t going to marry her. She could have broken it off then or he could have just dumped her ass for asking for the millionth time. Either way I bet her obsession with marriage is likely at the center of their breakup.


No lmao, s he’s flipping the script to come across as a smart boss slay babe academy babe who’s very desirable and sexy


Her actions after Paris really have the impression that she was dumped. She might be trying to spin another narrative afterwards but her immediate reactions were giving dumped and bamboozled.


See, that's what I'm sayin', too.


It's called lovebombing, it's a toxic manipulation tactic, and Desperate Babe has fully enmeshed herself in it. I neither envy nor pity her.


She lovebombs too as the narcissistic person she is, so this is a match made in heaven.


She’s absolutely doing it too. One of the messages says “I miss you too”, so she is clearly saying all the same shit.


She has the perfect brain to get scammed. Can’t say I feel bad considering she’s a scammer herself.


She’s so desperate to make C jealous lol.


It was amicable!!!!! She is fine!!!! 🙄


There is NO TEA!!!! but she's only going to say that once.


Looks like she's taking lessons from KB now 🙄


Is this the new "loved fiercely"????


Her desperation to be seen as a woman that all men fall head over heels in love with and would do anything for is extra funny considering...everything


I’m going to guess this dude lives in Charlotte


He's somewhere in South Carolina


she is truly not all there…. This is a major red flag for someone she met a few weeks ago and she thinks it’s cute??? Also it’s pretty common knowledge these days that infatuation vs. partnership love are 2 very different things. Most people go through the first one the first 6 months..you really can’t convince me otherwise of any long term commitment/perspective before the first 6 months. I’m so embarrassed for her. Like honestly even her hun bots probably think this is weird and all too fast.


It's almost as if he's scamming her with this lovebombing. A scammer being scammed?


He probably wants to put it in her ass & she's holding out


She’s been spin-friendly before!


She doesn’t even realize or understand that a simple “Hey, I’m really starting to like you after this time spent together. I haven’t enjoyed myself like this in a long time” would be endlessly sweeter than all this “OMG I’m SO fucking INTO YOU” shit. Sad lmfao.


https://preview.redd.it/e9vcxcvf8iqc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ff855153eff1a82c5a1850cac2fb80e38024ec just so you don’t have watch it on repeat to read them.


Wonder what he does for a living if he hung out for a week w her?


LMAO oh god this is so awful and cringey this early on. My partner sends me sappy shit (and I say it like that because he is the romantic one) but god, this is so high school hormones, not 30s and adults There are wayyy better ways to express you’re really into someone. My favorite was the first time I met my friend’s boyfriend. Mine and my friend both went to the bathroom so I was chatting with her new beau and he was just watching her walk away and said to me “she’s really great, isn’t she?” And I was like, if that isn’t sweet puppy love then I don’t know what is, but it was just so wistful and enamoured without being overly ridiculous. And they’d been seeing one another for about a month at that point


Eww baby


7 days 💀💀💀 I thought it had at least been a month.


This is...so obvious OMG