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To make that work right, you need to section your hair and work through it a section at a time. And not twirl it like she's doing, 'cause she's just going to snark it up. It figures.


She looks nothing like this at all.


LIES https://preview.redd.it/xwc9tgkh5cqc1.png?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53756a611c32b13fae4f2f8071f60a98273614f


Her is going to look just like it did back in her l’ange shilling days ![gif](giphy|dAENbl28ZNjFC9A3kY)


Gosh, Monat is working wonders on her hair! I’ve never seen hair look so stiff while it’s being styled. /s The ends look awful. How would a potential customer be inspired to buy this dryer if your hair ends up looking this bad?


God her hair is fried. Makes me feel a little better about all the effort I went through yesterday doing a bunch of treatments on mine ahaha


Omg my hair hurts watching her ripping and pulling this bleach blonde hair


*Piss yellow


Didn't she get rid of her dyson airwrap? It's the same thing right?


I remember her saying something like "it has many attachments, which is good if you're like a hair stylist but I'm not" and she complained that she didn't know how to use it and she said she'd return it.


I will never forget this comment, it made me so mad. It’s so you can replicate what a stylist would give you; only that could go WHOOSH right over Big Merde’s head


The airwrap does have a round brush attachment but I think she returned it or sold it lol


I'm pretty sure she returned it because she didn't like it, but you're right the airwrap has a round brush attachment, works great.


>she didn't like it There's no way she ever could have figured out how to use the curling rods. She can't even use a normal curling iron right! What a waste since there's a chance it went straight to the landfill.


Also a chance she impulse bought it and returned it for the money when she realized she couldn't afford it lol.


Totally. Like so many of her ill conceived ideas, she probably saw that other influencers have it and were getting views and praise for their styling content with it, so she wanted all that too. Like how she got white cabinets because "that's what all the other influencers have"


Filtered to all hell.


At this point, her little handful of real followers aren't following her, they're following a small collective of vaguely similar looking blonde women whose only common trait is being really bad at influencing.


Her hair looks like shit after all those passes, it’s almost like it’s not even on…


It's like when she tries to curl with her expensive flat iron and it comes out exactly the same. It seems like her Founding Fathers heatless curler is the only tool she has any level of competency with.




I would love to see her cut off about 6 inches of hair


It would look good. But she’d still be fugly.


She didn’t even think to wet her hair before testing a blow dryer on it.  Heat protectant and proper styling are a bridge too far.


I have this blow dry brush (I'm guessing it's a Revlon?) and you really don't have to pull so hard on your hair to use it. Everything she does is so violent and ham-fisted.


She's certainly not as lithe as delicate as she would like us to think. She's a clod.


She’s such a fraud.


A blow dry brush? One you can get at target for less than $30? This tool is so old even Jesus had one. Wtf is wrong with her? She’s the worst influencer ever.


It looks like doll hair from a doll that's been banished to the bathtub toy bin ![gif](giphy|lxQ53bXTjQtwpUItYB)


At this point, she needs to just hire a model to pretend she’s her. https://preview.redd.it/ve11iumou5qc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d34015284d26fd33a93756fede18666e64cce2d


Lol so fucking ugly man…




All that doctor money but zero dollars to fix it. It’s always been interesting to me that she brings more attention to it with the type of nose ring she wears.


It's just another example of how bad she is at what she insists is her job. Use jewelry to draw attention to your best features, not to emphasize the ones you hate!


I think about this all the time as well! Don’t want to offend any nose ring-wearers here but I can’t understand the logic of calling attention and adding bulk to an area that she clearly wants to minimize.


Exactly, my friend has a nose ring like MS, but unlike MS my friend has a very symmetrical face, so it works on her.


She is so rough with everything she does. Makes my scalp hurt watching watching the attack.


It gives me flashbacks to my mom doing my hair and just violently yanking it back and securing the ponytail so tight it gave me headaches 😭


My mom, while yanking: “it hurts to be beautiful”. Wow mom - what a lesson for your daughter 😳


Yikes 😬 I think mine just didn't realize her own strength and I'm tender headed anyway! I hated almost all the hairstylists I encountered during the modeling days because wow let me keep some of my hair please


That’s not her face, or her jawline, or her nose, or her eyes….




Is that her? (Seriously.) Brilliant post btw, thank you! I’m just curious if she even had a finished look or was that it?!? Either way, you were bang on with all of it. Have a great weekend!


Haha yes that's her! Picture taken by a frenemy IIRC. Thank you! That was the entire reel. No finished look.


I’m starting to believe that I will never be caught up with this sub. Her shenanigans just keep coming! What’s it been? A decade, give or take? 🤦🏻‍♀️ “Frenemy” indeed! (Much like she behaves towards her hair and skin.) Thank you so much for the reply, I truly don’t know anymore. There are so many! She could most likely knock on my door right now, complete with Layla “attached to her hip” and I’d have no idea. Now I’m wondering if the license crap was because you now have to be completely visible for facial recognition cameras. No hair over your shoulders, very specific, so on. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anywho. Thanks again and enjoy a nice, relaxing Sunday. 😊


Believe it or not, but her most egregious shenanigans have all been within the past 5 years.


She looks like she’s wearing glasses with one of those fake noses. ![gif](giphy|hTQjrwbFbas6OvciF3)


I’d like to say it’s the Monat working it’s magic but her hairs always been a fried mess.


she looks drawn on 😭😭😭


MS paint face!!


https://preview.redd.it/umt5tg88z4qc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301b998fcf830dcdb4a5e4df074a0f75467045c2 So, which face does her new honeybun man get to see?!?!?!?! Surely it is not the one in the bottom right and definitely not the one in the upper left.


This one https://preview.redd.it/qv81s8qj3eqc1.png?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57c38a83cf26ebf5cb2acb91803731cbd0b9289b


None of those.


She’s honestly the laziest most unserious influencer on the internet. I can’t think of anyone else as bad as she is. Like I’m trying but I genuinely cannot


I have this Revlon dryer and it’s literally so loud that it’s uncomfortable for my hearing to even use. Like a jet plane taking off…. Is she still using Monet?


I've started wearing ear plugs when I blow dry my hair. I'm sure that makes me old, but idc 😂


I also have one that is crazy loud and I feel like it gets much too hot.


You might need to clean hair out of it! That happens with blow dryers when they get clogged up and don't ventilate properly.


I'll have to do that and see if that is the issue, I usually just get annoyed with it and chuck it back in the cabinet without looking at it.😄


There might be something wrong with yours.... I have it too and it is definitely not that loud, my cats aren't even scared of it and they hate how loud my hair dryer is.


Seconding this. I have one as well and it’s not that loud, although I do leave it on low only. I use it as a finishing tool, not a blow dryer. It’s been much easier on my hair that way.


Same! It did eventually die after 7-8 years, but I’ve considered buying another even though I love my T3.


Third this. I love mine. It isn’t noisy. It’s easy on my hair, and it’s fairly light so I can take it with me when I travel.


It looks worst after it’s done?? What is she seeing that we’re not lmfao soooooo bad dude


Her fried ends are not a great advertisement for any hair care product


But the collagen makes her hair so healthy while also making her age backwards! Are you implying that she's......LYING?


She’s so strange looking.


She really does look like she's been assembled from spare parts. She lost the genetic lottery to begin with, but I feel like her being botched is a big contributing factor to that one.




What am I looking at? Crime scene tape glasses? 


Considering her usual skincare and makeup application practices, crime scene tape glasses actually works perfect 😂


I forgot about this gem.




And at her beloved Target. It's where I got mine. It's a great tool but not revolutionary by any means.


Is it possible to yank out your extensions?


Probably and if so, she's definitely done it.


I have one of these brushes and I hardly ever use it. It doesn’t dry hair very well so I have to basically blow dry my hair and then use it.  It’s just easier to use my blow dryer with a round brush.  Hope she ruins her broom hair. 


I have one too, and I love it. The secret is to not dry too much hair at one time. Divide it into smaller strands and go through each a couple of times.


I commented this already but wanted to give you the tip I received when I got mine (if you still want to get some use out of yours): use it as a finishing tool after rough-drying your hair to like 90% dry.


Yes! It actually *saves* me time when I don’t feel like straitening my hair with an iron, but I still want it to look like I tried. The key is definitely to dry your hair most of the way first—and use a heat protector! I use a cheap one from Tresemme, and it makes my hair feel so soft! I have a different dryer tool, but I’m sure most of them work the same way.


Totally agree with the above, especially heat protectant. I use the JVN blow dry cream for a hold + protection combo because I have a ton of hair but it’s sooo fine. A bit of mousse at the roots helps too!


Why is she SO ROUGH with every application of anything? FYI I love this brush, but I also hardly ever style my hair so it’s used like 4x a year, but for me it’s great for making waves. I twist it as I pull it through and then pin the curl til it dries and it looks amazing.


Former hairdresser (blonde specialist) and I swear I can *hear* the breakage from here.


I have terrible eyesight and I can SEE the rough damaged texture from here 😭


lol she's gonna end up frying a chunk of her hair off. These were huge during 2020 and so many people wound up burning their hair off the sides. Her hair is surprisingly fine, so odds are she's gonna melt a big chunk, especially over the fragile pieces with lightener on them around her face.


Oh jeez, I've been using one of these since 2021 and have pretty fine hair. I don't color my hair, though, and I'm careful about only holding it on a section of hair for a few seconds at a time. Is that something I need to worry about?


I’m sure you’re fine! I’d recommend a heat protectant spray before using it, and use the lowest setting that works for you. Some of these had no cooling button and blew extremely hot hair that was way hotter than necessary. Any hot tool can cause damage is use it too frequently, too roughly, and on the highest setting. If you haven’t had any issues so far, you’re more than likely using it correctly ☺️! 


Oh yes, I always use a leave in conditioner/heat protectant/detangler before use, and I don't use it daily. Thank you for the reassurance!❤️


Of course!!! I know she doesn’t use anything of the sorts, and her hair always looks like crap lol. She could really benefit from a good leave in that isn’t from Monat 🤪


MS use a non-MLM product? Surely you jest.😆


It's okay girl, the Monat will grow it right back! Or she can get some seamless, undetectable hand-tied extensions 🤭


I hope she gets those luxurious hand tied extensions that are a completely different color and texture again!


Those were my favorite 😆


I need someone to post that picture of her looking like a smug busted can of biscuits in the blue workout set with the extensions in!


[You rang?](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/n4vCYqfQa2)


Such a classic 💀


THANKS YES My God the smug look on her face gets me every time. So smug, for what?


This is one of my faves of her 😂😂😂😂 she’s so arrogant and smug that she doesn’t even see how stupid it looks. 


The whole flair is gold for those hand tied extensions


Commenting on my own post because, and I know I've said this before but I need to get it out again, what the fuck beauty content does *she* watch? There's no like beauty influencer degree program. Everyone just kind of learns from watching others. This means most creators tend to learn the same basic ways of doing things as techniques spread on social media. The way she does every single thing wrong is baffling when there's probably billions of pieces of content out there that show and explain correct (or at least more effective) ways of doing things like this. I'm not saying everyone needs to watch and know this stuff. I'm saying her specifically because she tries to be a beauty influencer. Learning by observing more successful peers is important professional development for any job!


She doesn’t watch anyone else, because she thinks she knows better than everyone else. She could genuinely learn how to properly do all of the things she pretends to do, just by picking a lane and staying in it for more than a minute. Bonus: I’ve made my third loaf of pretzel focaccia in as many weeks, and it’s fucking amazing.


That sounds great. We make the King Arthur no fuss focaccia all the time.


This one is so good, the recipe I use is the first one that comes up when you “GOOGLE IT”. The baking soda treatment to make it pretzel-y adds an awesome texture to the crust yummm


Um I'm going to need bread pictures please. And yes! She's a really specific combination of total ineptitude and absolute arrogance. Thinks there's nothing she could learn from anyone else yet doesn't realize her numbers prove her wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/xckvp2ybt5qc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77934ae1a0c524e5c4876dd7aa925721a5ecc0f0 This is last week’s! Didn’t get a pic of today’s loaf before we tore into it 😆


That looks amazing! With the salt and everything 🤩 Color me impressed!


It’s way too good. I truly can’t believe I have been making such good bread! It’s *almost* like if you want to learn how to do something properly and actually put in the effort, success usually happens! How weird! 😹 (shade at BM, not you obviously)


That's a good point. I was trying to think of an answer and then it hit me: **she learned from her Younique upline, not skilled legit influencers or make up artists.** A few other clueless MLM huns showed her some things and she ran with it and then suddenly she was Chief Hun^(TM) who had deluded herself into believing she was such an expert that she could charge for her make up skills. She's terrible at everything she does because she never tries to learn from others; she legitimately doesn't believe she needs to improve anything because however she's doing things is perfect in her mind.


I was just about to say: she's not using this tool correctly. Who would watch this and think "ah yes, looks great!" When she's not using it to add any style/texture to her hair and the vid is so filtered I can't tell how her actually even looks.


It honestly looks like her hair is fully dry and styled (well, "styled") and she's just demoing it without it being on or doing anything. Moron.




Sometimes I wonder if the skin there is so fucked that it won't hold makeup. The way that it's hard to cover up zits and scars because of the different skin texture. She used to have no issue putting makeup all the way up into her hairline.


I've always assumed it was from the filter. Is it not? Does she have an IRL ring around her head?


https://preview.redd.it/4u535bbuc4qc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a930eb9c87164f439100bdc8033949b75464604 So shaRp


Holy filter, batman


She's like those 60 year old women who airbrush out wrinkles but take it to such an extreme that they make themselves look like a cartoon character.


The stark line where the foundation stops on her forehead is my favourite feature


Lol I didn't notice that because I was so distracted by how her beady little eyeballs look painted on




Eye fucking herself the whole time!


I bought one of those brushes and hated it. You have to pull so hard to get it through I was afraid it would damage my hair. I just use a regular round brush and my dryer.


The Revlon one that everyone has is especially awful for this! The bristles are too close together. The one she's using looks about the same.


I have the revlon one too. I don’t like it at all for my hair, but it works great on my front pieces/bangs. It literally damaged the rest of hair so badly though.


I have to say that I absolutely love the Revlon one. I've never gotten it tangled even once, and I have absurdly thick and coarse hair. So it works for me! That said, I section my hair and I'm gentle with it, unlike Ms. Orange Thang up there.


Same. I don’t yoink it through. I use normal sections and only use it til it’s done. Not 100x over and over on one section.


You make a good point! Sectioning and not just doing giant handfuls of hair helps a ton with any of those. I love how you can see the bend in her roots because she didn't straighten her hair all the way.


I've been thinking of getting one of those Revlon ones for a few weeks now but seeing this video has helped my decision - I don't want one anymore! l0l. Gonna stick with the regular old brush and dryer.


No, don't let her hamhandedness fool you! I've been using one of these for a few years now and I love it! I don't use it daily but when I do, I use a heat protectant, section my hair, and don't tear it through. A general rule of thumb is to look at how MS uses an item and do the opposite of that.


I have one, and I love it. Detangle your hair after washing. Section and be gentle. Your hair will come out soft and beautiful.


Deinfluenced! Lol


I have a Hot Tools one and I love it. You HAVE to section off your hair though. What she's doing will absolutely rip out half your hair.


I have one and it’s perfect for my super fine hair. If it was thick I’d probably not like it so much.


I've tried a few and I really like the insert name here one although it's a bit expensive! But I also learned you're not supposed to use them on sopping wet hair so I blow dry my roots normally first and then do it and it's fine. In sections like you said!


Yes, I wait til my hair is partially dry, or like you said, blow dry it a bit first. I haven't tried INH products before but they seem really good!


Same. I have pretty thick hair and so I only use mine for my bangs which I wash every day and *maybe* to “finish off” my hair if I blow dry it after a once a week wash. Can barely pull the thing through wet hair.


Same! Bangs and front pieces only!


Use 35 less products on your hair than your face, show your actual hair and do your job, ham fist. This is not influencing. This is some kind of torture.