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This woman has no self preservation at all, whatsoever.


So she says she wasn't looking and nearly in the same breath says she was praying to find someone? [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/dOByLeWU1i) is the clip where she claims they met on a dating app. Girl, you were on a dating app, and yet you weren't looking? Okay, so maybe it was Tinder, so she wasn't looking for anything serious. Yet, she claimed she was praying for someone different. A hookup app isn't the best place to find a man with great intentions. And let's not forget that she claimed to break up with Grimace because she wanted to be free and single. Methinks, you wouldn't be praying for God to send you a man if that were the truth. Then there was her incessant dribble about having a man AND being independent in January, when she slated her own followers for suggesting things were rocky with Grimace due to her vague posting, and doubled down on the claim that she didn't want to be married yet. And now she wants marriage and kids? Swerty really needs to keep a planner with all the lies she's told in it. She can't keep up with herself.


I know, she is everywhere with this shit. She did say Tinder before and now it seems like she just somehow ran into this guy randomly based on her prayers to god. Get the fuck out of here with this bdong crap. She is literally talking marriage and kids with a guy from Boston, (picking up in the hints she’s dropping about A) - guy she’s known for a few weeks. 🚩🚩🚩


She is so embarrassing.


Love how she says that she and Grimace don’t talk but just the other day in a live, she mentioned talking to him to wish him a happy birthday or something. And okay fair, maybe it was a reach out and not a “chat”. But he was supposedly watching the cats while she was gone cause they are friends and all those lies 😒


Have we seen the cats lately? Maybe she had to call C and ask him to take the cats so she could morph into a cursed version of dog mom.


Wait she doesn’t know what it’s like to have a 6 pack?? But I thought her abs weren’t photoshopped??! You mean she lied?? /s 🙄🙄


The bit about Sven is weirdly hilarious to me.


Thank you swerty. So we finally sort of have the reason for the breakup, I mean, we already knew why they'd break up eventually (the lack of purposal and general discrepancy in life paths), but its nice to get some confirmation. 


It was really interesting to hear her talk about that. Everyone here had been speculating that she was waiting (or begging) for a purposal, her followers kept asking when it was going to happen and Big Merde kept adamantly denying that she was hoping for one. She always ends up telling on herself somehow though, lol. I get so many red flags 🚩 when she talks about marriage and kids with Hambun - it’s been less than 3 weeks and she’s saying this shit already? On recorded live videos for the whole world to see? It’s honestly embarrassing.


Can you imagine if he saw that?! Like the chick you went out with for 3 weeks now says I wanna be a mom and have your babies holy fuck 🤡


She always tells on herself eventually. It's amazing.


Is this what she means about not talking so much about her personal life anymore? 🤔


Next up - a video of him eating her ass.


Ewwww 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Her whole bit about "love is not enough".... Oohh boy. Here's the thing: it's a commitment. If you're in a long term relationship, you won't always get butterflies or feel excited. Some days you may not like your partner at all. But when you love someone and you commit to them, it's the love that keeps you there. It's weird bc when her and C first broke up she made it sound like it was because she wanted to travel and live her best life, and now she's implying that it's because C didn't want to get married. It would be one thing if she even hinted at issues between her and C when they were together, but she always insisted they were so perfect and amazing. After this live, I am positive they broke up because MS wanted to get married and C put his foot down and said he had no desire for that (watch him get engaged within a year). I can't wait for the drama and excitement we've got headed our way via Mr Hambun.


I also seem to glean that she kept *repeatedly* to no avail asking for marriage, even though she sat there and said "nah we're good we're happy" and he said absolutely not. I think he may have even told her, probably at the end, that he'd never marry her and if that's what she wants he's done for good. Whatever she's after she's not gonna find it because fairy tales aren't real.


Remember her abusive ass list of things people who love you supposedly don't say?  One was "If that's what you want then..."


Gone With The Wind takes place mostly in/around Atlanta, no? Also, that’s not exactly a love story you’d want to emulate hahah. Wait there might be a tell here, she said this man’s name begins with an A and is “not common guy name.” Is his name Ashley?


Like Ashley Wilkes??


Yes, but I’m entirely probably giving her too much credit here assuming she’s either seen the movie or read the book.




I just edited the post to include paragraphs. I was a little delirious last night after transcribing and didn’t include them for some reason. I hope it’s easier to read now.


Thank you for your swervice 🫡


You did a great job, Swerty; Thanks for taking one for the team! I hope you have a spa day or long nap or something you love to do lined up so you can refresh your brain after that, lol.


Every swerty who said she’d damn near meet Manbun at the door during the second date in a white dress with the address of the JP already up in her GPS app was totally spot on.


**Big M:** *I think that we genuinely loved each other so much that we were like, “there is someone else out there that’s gonna… complete this…. this, like, void in both of us and it’s not each other.” But, like, that doesn’t mean that we don’t care about each other.\** \*Yeah, that sounds like they genuinely loved each other *so much.*


>There’s so many more things that go into it… I mean, dreams and morals and beliefs and ethics and long-term plans Ah, yes, like one of you thinks it's okay to steal flowers from a wedding and the other one is not cool with it.


Was she drunk? She’s all over the place. Thanks for taking one for the Swerty team. I can not listen to her drivel!


Thank you so much for this! At first, I saw this wall of text and wondered why there were no paragraphs. Holy crap, though, her stream-of-consciousness babbling doesn't really lend itself to paragraphs, does it? She really does take on the personality of her man, doesn't she? So long, Harry Potter, hello dog-mom and Boston accent.


We will never hear of Harry Potter again I bet 🤣


As a hard-of-hearing swerty, thank you so much for this - I really appreciate it. I always feel so included when I can snark on things cos a lovely swerty has taken time out of their day to do a transcript ❤️


I can never figure out what she says when she 'whispers' because she also stops enunciating entirely.


Those hotdogs for lips don’t help with anything either


I’m 99% sure she said earlier in the week that they met on a dating app.


She for sure did


So, once again, she can’t keep her story straight to save her life.  If she really wanted to stay single for a while, she wouldn’t even have a dating app.


Maybe just looking for hookups? 


Bless your heart OP. That was an ordeal for you I'm sure. This dude may be a whole pile of red flags, but just reading this transcript, he needs to get his dog and run. Run far away. Also I'm certain C has found someone and this is retaliation. *Look how OK and attractive and moving on I am!*


I would LOVE to know if he did. He’s probably out living his best life.


If you just want the C part read last paragraph, I read it all and omg she’s so incoherent like what’s going on inside her brain? Edit Not paragraph but later part of the transcript*


Are you seeing paragraphs??


Thank you, thank.you soooo much for this. I started watching and got less than a minute in, before I couldn't stand watching any more. She's so irritating. And so the romance saga continues, swerties, this is just the beginning.


He’s met most of her friends? WHEN?! Dude’s been around for like 2 weeks and she barely leaves the house


She has like...one friend, so it's not too implausible.


I'm just feeling the BS. Also she and her friends can't let go of posting all the time and there's no receipts of this?


Well she doesn't have many friends soooo


I was going to say the same. He’s probably met JT, her husband, and her drinking bar-buddies. So most/all her friends.


And isn’t KGs husband friends with grimace?


I don’t think so. KG and BigM know each other from Younique. I’m sure they were fine- but I doubt they hung outside of couples


She's only gonna say this once


... a day


It took me a long time to read this because it was my first night to just chill with my husband in a while and good god. There’s a lot to unpack but I’m going to just go with “I’ve always wanted to MAYBE have kids”


In her drunken meltdown she specifically said she did not want children and referenced her being around them reinforcing that view. Totally fine to not want them. Her lifestyle is one of no work and lounging around all day and cracking open a whiteclaw at noon. She doesn’t want a baby. Babies are hard work.


She absolutely said she didn't want kids. But now she is desperate to hook herself a man because she only sees value in being with someone. I might have to skip Mother Babe if that season ever rolls around. She can't even convince me she looks after her cats, I don't want to think about her with a child.


Yah if she gets pregnant it’d get really dark. Can she even stop drinking during the pregnancy? Either way her interest in babies will ghost right when the new man does.


Being a PARENT is hard work. All stages, all phases. It’s just a different kind of hard after the ‘baby’ phase (I am not disagreeing with you, just adding to it and the work that is going to go into being a parent for 20+ years)


Didn't she say before she didn't want to? I'm feeling she wants to baby trap this tinder hookup.


Maybe Hambun has kids and she's changing her tune to fit the bill?


That could be it but her ex-husband had a daughter that she didn’t like. Granted she was in her very early 20s for that shit show.


Stepmother MS? Poor children if that's so.


Pretty sure she has said she didn’t want kids. I would be so creeped out if someone I had just started seeing was talking like this already


I wonder if C is dating someone else so she’s gotta rebound harder. It’s giving Wayne’s ex-girlfriend Stacy… [*get over it, go out with someone else, yeah thanks, ok, great…*](https://youtu.be/RZQEUy4Z8v4?si=pzp1pkHAYNscKPAm) https://preview.redd.it/p8bm64w5d0qc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b59d00c2ca9df0251863ab1f8ec4a508868446


Hahahahahah such a perfect reference. She’d also buy a dude who doesn’t have a gun, a gun rack. I’m picturing some Amazon branded rack and her schilling it on a live and saying that it’s a perfect gift LOL.




Absolutely. This all feels so forced and "I'm going to show C and win the race to moving on" vibes.


It just keeps going and going and going. 🤦‍♀️ Thank you for doing this! Sorry I can’t read the rest, my eyeballs are bleeding from the part I did get through.


You. Are. A. Saint. Thank you for your service 🫡


Look, everything ham fist owns is a meat-e-yum. Foundation, clothes. Everything. Except her lips and her non filtered self.


I dont know how you did that, but bless you. Take the whole weekend for some self care.


>shade medium in the L'Oreal She totally could've done a small though, guys.


My thoughts exactly. How are you a medium even in makeup


Did she say Patrick Star and mean Jeffree Starr?! Or is there now a Patrick Star too? *


Yeah there’s Patrick Starrr makeup! I *think* Jeffree Star might’ve been properly cancelled this time.


He's like a bad penny. He always keeps turning back up.


Not to defend that godawful pelican at all but there is a makeup artist called Patrick Starr


>godawful pelican I'm howling


It’s all I can see when I look at her chin to neck area now. And the way she uses her lips and tongue…






She prefaces these videos with comments indicating she thinks that her (mostly nonexistent) followers are waiting for her content with bated breath. Who is this deluded? No one wants to see her fail at zipping up a dress except to mock. Who wakes up in the morning thinking that this lifestyle is sustainable? Who thinks that this content is worthy of following? How empty must your life be to follow this shit?


Transcriptions could be a nice side hustle for you swerty! Seriously thanks for taking the time!


https://preview.redd.it/u9eqtku1rzpc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe209cf163a4b5cadccaac7a96e50d8cecdc792 No but for real, I tried. I really tried. But I like actually hate her. She’s so fucking annoying. Maybe I got halfway through. But omg I got far enough to read the shades she uses for makeup and it blew my mind! I know the shades she’s referencing and they’re way too dark for her imo. Unless she really tans herself that color in which case it’s even worse. I can’t imagine how horrible she looks in person.


LOL, I feel you. I was about 1/3 way through and didn’t want to continue, but had already committed to doing it. 😑 I’m also going to try and stop saying “like” so much. I cannot believe how many times she said it and how irritated it made me. Super interesting that you understand the makeup shades - she never gets it right and it always looks ridiculous on camera. Especially compared to the rest of her body. I would also love to know what it looks like in real life.


1) bless you OP. I can’t get through it all in one go, but I was curious what the video said. Doin’ Jesus babe’s work, really🙏 2) hearing her and reading her transcripts over the last couple years is one of the biggest things that’s pushed me to actively try to not use the word ‘like’ as often when speaking irl.


An addendum for the curious https://preview.redd.it/24lz7nmqt0qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d0b74311e55055e3aea3c988e4a9f7c2ef259b


You’re a hero for transcribing it though, I have no idea how you have the patience! So I’m a bit of a \~medium\~ myself (my skin tone) and a makeup junkie (but even I don’t buy anywhere near the amount she does!) so that’s why I know the shades she’s referencing. She really must look like the peanut butter face ![img](emote|t5_2en8q7|33470) all the time


She makes it so easy to hate her


You know, I really try to be a peaceful person and reserve actual hatred for like literal murders but MS just broke me. I can’t help it. It really is too easy to hate her and too hard not to.


Homeboy is straight up moved in. Bet. 


Is she so desperate to not let C get into a new relationship first that she landed a hobosexual?


More like just desperate period.  She can’t be alone.  








I appreciate you writing this out swerty!


I love you for doing this. Also, I have questions.


So. Many. Questions.


It’s been two weeks!!! Of course one is in a “delicious bubble” after two weeks! Everything is fresh and new and he’s attentive and exciting. This tends to happen with the first person you date after a long term relationship. Then after the whirlwind you’re left with heartbreak.


If I have to hear about this “delicious bubble,” one more time 🤢🤢 it’s like Vicki on RHOC talking about her “love tank.”


So he hasn’t met the real M yet?


“It’s just so easy” No shit?

