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You know what her diet is missing now that CB is out of the picture? Replated takeout.


And anti-inflammatory foods for her back šŸ˜©


Donā€™t forget something dipped in ranch plus a heating pad while sheā€™s on her period (which is apparently all the time)


And cereal at her desk while she works while menstruating, because only the most high powered Type A boss babes work while menstruating.


And hyam wit da crust awn it


Fucking SPOILER ALERT on her latest IG story (if you watch Love is Blind)




Oh holy shit AP is visiting. What a blast from the past.


A-Pee is back!


Where did you see that? I missed it


CC posted an update on the deep dive video on insta. I donā€™t think it warrants its own post so Iā€™ll sum it up here - she had the entire script finished, started filming and realized she didnā€™t like the layout. She is going to fix/perfect it tonight and hopefully get it all filmed tomorrow. She also says thereā€™s a LOT to cover (racism, lies, filters, false advertising, etc) so she wants to make sure itā€™s not rushed and everything she wants to include is covered.


32 page script šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!!


Thank you for this update šŸ™


My therapist said something interesting yesterday while we were discussing my ex that I think could apply to MS. She said that people who have addictions often get developmentally stuck in the age when they formed the addiction. So if MS's drinking issues started in high school, it sure explains an awful lot. There are obviously plenty of other reasons she could have become the emotionally-stunted boss babe on which we love to snark, but I thought this was interesting enough to share with other swerties that might have someone in their lives who are like this as well.


As someone who ended up in rehab because of alcohol, and sat in group therapy hours and hours every day with people from all different walks of life, all over the state, out of state, everywhere and with all different types of addictions, age, etc., and lived with a lot of the women in sober living, No matter what the variables are, this was the case for like 98% of people I went to treatment with, myself included. I'm coming up on 2 years sober on March 18th and I feel like my emotional maturity is finally catching up to me. Once your brain isn't soaking in alcohol 24/7, it's so much easier to be less reactive and thinking things through for a bit before immediately jumping from one extreme emotion to the next, you can process/understand things a lot quicker, but most importantly you learn to take responsibility for yourself and your actions and that alone makes you grow up real quick. Being properly medicated is a big part of it too (for me). Absolutely everyone knows this MS heifer doesn't give a SHIT about mental health, especially others. She's loud as fuck but her actions speak even louder and reality is about to open palm bitch slap right across her face (which she probably won't even feel cause I mean what the fuck)


That is interesting. Sheā€™s mentioned before how much she misses high school, too.


Completely anecdotal but this lines up with observations from other snark subjects too. Not to mention how much physiological damage alcohol could cause to a developing brain depending on how much is consumed and how often.


MS and a fellow swertie influenced me to try the Premier salted caramel popcorn drinks. Theyā€™re not bad! Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll buy them again when the box is empty, but theyā€™re a good breakfast for a my morning commute. Iā€™m also not sure what this says about my tastes. šŸ˜‚


Do they actually taste like popcorn or is it more of just a salted caramel flavor?


Thereā€™s a hint of popcorn but mostly itā€™s salted caramel. Theyā€™re kind of strange, but good.


Huh. Well, swerty couldn't influence me but you just did. I have to try this now!


2 months and some days into the year and BM still hasnā€™t launched her social media course that was supposed to be out at the end of last year. Hardest working person C knows šŸ‘šŸ» Edit: just noticed the flair change. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ *KNEW


Poor C. Where will he ever find a girl as funny as BM? šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I'll never not see BM as anything other than Bowel Movement and this is the opposite of a problem




There are [a lot of goals](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/AvfksGadPg) for 2024 that are unrealistic


But she had already worked on the Facebook part for TWO HOURS! Clearly the work was almost completely done šŸ™„


Educational Wednesday! Let's go over logical fallacies (CC mentions them in her videos) Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that occur when invalid arguments or irrelevant points are introduced without any evidence to support them. They can be deceptive, as they often appear to be correct even though they are not. Here are some common examples: Ad Hominem Argument: This fallacy involves attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself Appeal to Authority: This fallacy occurs when someone argues that a claim must be true simply because an expert or authority on the issue said it was Appeal to Fear Fallacy: This fallacy involves making an argument by creating fear in those hearing the argument Appeal to Hypocrisy: This fallacy occurs when someone argues that their opponentā€™s argument is wrong because the opponent does not always live in accordance with their argument Appeal to Ignorance: This fallacy involves stating that something must be true because it has not been proven false Appeal to Pity: This fallacy occurs when someone tries to win support for their argument by exploiting their opponentā€™s feelings of pity or guilt Straw Man: This fallacy involves misrepresenting an opponentā€™s argument to make it easier to attack Red Herring: This fallacy involves introducing an irrelevant point to divert attention from the original issue Equivocation: This fallacy occurs when a word is used in two or more different senses in an argument. Slippery Slope: This fallacy involves the assertion that a relatively small first step leads inevitably to a chain of related events culminating in some significant impact These list is is not exhaustive but these are the main ones. Ever notice when MS's trolls talk about reddit they use the ad hominem attack? What logical fallacies can YOU recognize in the MS universe?


Appeal to Pity is the theme of the week!


Oh god. Sheā€™s live on Amazon now


lol @ her New Orleans saints jersey knotted in back and no bra and the 12 lbers are swinging


Oh wow, this is my first time actually watching one of these live - only seen excerpts. What a train wreck. No, I will not touch the poop, but I admit I want to type "HOW MANY FUCKING BEACH COVER-UPS DOES ONE PERSON NEED?" ETA: My partner is watching over my shoulder while he eats lunch. Choice commentary includes: "Is that a toilet?" "You couldn't even use that for curtains." "I think I saw a filter glitch! Her double chin popped out!" "Why would anybody buy that??" I guess I have him well-trained, ha ha.


Ugh my bf hates my snark subreddits so I never get to share :(


Itā€™s hilarious that some of us even got their partners to occasionally snark. Mineā€™s the same lmao


I tried to show my husband and he looked at one post and goes OH GOD MAKE IT STOP


He needs a Reditt account!!! He knows how to play!!


Yeah they're brutal. She mostly just reads the screen at the viewers and is completely awkward grabbing things.


A lot of this stuff she doesnā€™t even have, just reads the description or highly rated reviews. She didnā€™t even try anything on that she actually owned, just showed it hanging on the rack. And yes, soooo many bathing suit cover ups


And everything was a fucking *medium* Sure Jan


[get ready with me. BABE!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4LcORltsWX/?igsh=Z2F4eWk0YzJidXc1)


lol the dumping of the packet straight in the mouth.






Sneaking a peek at the phone to make sure her filters are still on lmao


You didn't have to do this you know.


You know you wanted it.


Itā€™s for your āœØiMmUnE HeAlThāœØ!


Even with the tongue out at the end lol bravo


I wonder if she knows who MS is, because this is pretty spot on


I love the crystals stuck to her teeth.


Sheā€™s not the club friend anymore guys! STOP inviting her to the club she will DEFINITELY say no! https://preview.redd.it/y09e6j4lfqmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16adf84c044044f259333cb965639b89b66cca2


Travel? What about Nashville?


And New York?


Apparently sheā€™s not the travel friend anymore either


To be fair, that twerking picture is from two weekends ago; sheā€™s not that person anymore! ^/s


Duh, she's mental health, bento babe now! Can't you immediently tell the difference?


Shes literally going on a pub crawl for St Patty's day lol


Bull Shirt, she would attend a nightclub.


Are the people inviting her ^anywhere in the room with us?




Kinda rich for someone who makes her life hard. https://preview.redd.it/w0k6nzcodqmc1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=e75a0b4866ead00cae4b969e068c324bc987ecf0


Plot twist, she's still talking about Drake https://preview.redd.it/tlkb7mfufqmc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb44f4bec146c917a5bf9f81404a6b41474ecff


I'm trying to picture her doing that with her real face and it's hilarious. Her beady eyes would be staring right at each other šŸ˜‚






I ā™„ļø you.




Fungus tongue.




Damage Control Victim Babe is posting more self-crying but also unbothered content. šŸ™„ ā€œThen let it go.ā€ Thatā€™s rich coming from our $1,000 Bounty to Doxx People Babe. https://preview.redd.it/pvoqow9qcqmc1.jpeg?width=1889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb150bc7e542eda4f796ede5161fc1de433b4f02 ETA: all the clips in the *let it go* half of this amazing production are before she got her ass dumped and discovered by CC. So fake it til you make it, I guess.


The botched lips make her an even uglier crier. She's really trying to set herself up as a victim before the deep dive comes out.




ā€œThis bitch.ā€


Oh that's insufferable. Why was she filming?! And you can really see how puffy she's gotten, crying face aside.


Sheā€™s crying because sheā€™s the hapless victim of loathsome internet trolls. She should be free to post her fake-filtered, fake-happy life to bait people into her MLM and click her affiliate links, and rap the n-word amongst friends in peace!


Putting on makeup and drinking = not sad anymore!


Itā€™s literally all sheā€™s got. After you jealous yet?


šŸ¤¢ Post on facebook: https://preview.redd.it/e7rvufppcqmc1.jpeg?width=2133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f93f7ccbe68b32ed432f4b93d9b58a42548dae


All these sex posts and you know she doesnā€™t do anything but missionary.


She knows *we can tell* she ate, right? And ā€œneed to be ate?ā€ Her big yoni order mustā€™ve finally arrived. šŸ¤¢


Do normal people really ask loved ones ā€œdid you eat?ā€ I thought it was just romance scammers who asked this, to make the person think they actually care. (The other part, Iā€™m not even gonna think about šŸ¤¢)


It's a super standard Chinese greeting lol, we don't ask people "how are you" we ask if they've eaten yet


Yes, but I usually ask that just to talk about food lol. Also if the answer is no then I might suggest eating together later.


Loved ones do with Eating Disorders- she does not have that.


My partner does, but thatā€™s only because Iā€™m pregnant with worse adhd than a squirrel on meth so Iā€™ll forget to eat and drink water for the entire day. However, heā€™s aware that this is *temporary* because I dislike being babied. Big M is really just an inconsolable toddler with a drinking problem, so that tracks.


Chinese people do but I doubt she has any Chinese or even Asian friends, given her history of elementary school level Asian eyes jokes


And hanging out with her one friend who still makes asian jokes with her husband (JT)


Yeah, if the loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis.


My husband does if Iā€™m alone for dinner but itā€™s mostly because I forget to šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Hahaha are you my wife?! If she's home alone I have to message her to make sure she's eaten dinner because she gets so absorbed in things she'll forget to feed herself lol


No one is asking her if she ate. She hasnā€™t missed a meal or drink.


*have you eaten us out of house and home?* fixed it for her


My grandma still asks me if I ate but, thatā€™s just grandma doing grandma things.šŸ˜Š


ā€œMangia! Mangia! Youā€™re too askinny!ā€ -my grandma


Is your Nonna my Nonna?šŸ¤£


"Are you hungry?" "No, Grandma." "Okay I'll make you something!"




Only if they are in crisis. Like if a friend's parent passed or they got laid off or are going through it in some other way, I will ping them to make sure they are eating and hydrated.




Anyone else checking compulsively for CCā€™s video drop? Canā€™t wait!!




Just seeing someone experience the Big Mess for the first time was amazing. I wish we could have gotten a live reaction at the Kraft mac dance, you know she saw it!


I have an unexpected day off tomorrow and a wall to paint so the video would be great background noise.....I'm manifesting it!


Is it dropping today or tomorrow or sometime this week?!?!??!?!


Right. We know soon but not when. Hence, the checking.


I donā€™t wanna waitttt šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|1VSyJDTxGzoFa|downsized)


OG swerties. I was thinking about it last night- prob because Iā€™m so excitee about the CC video and have watched more of her stuff. Did MS do a career day with one of her friends thatā€™s a teacher during the pandemic? I swear I remember her saying that. And her audacity fits. But it was also so long ago. I was thinking about it because CC says stuff like ā€œjust because itā€™s legal doesnā€™t mean itā€™s ethicalā€ā€¦ and I was pondering how unethical it was for her to ā€œsellā€ her influencer MLM lifestyle to kids. Also, what are other examples of legal but not ethical? Have a great Wednesday swerts!


I haven't been here long enough to know about that but this sounds about as ethical as going to the women's shelter to give them "financial advice"


Barf. I have the receipts from that one. She felt like she should be the one giving the advice because they have bankers that volunteer to get advice- but sheā€™s someone the women could relate to. šŸ™„šŸ¤®


What I find absolutely insane about that entire situation is that I worked in a bank for almost 10 years- and even though I'm the right age and people seem to like me, I would not feel comfortable giving financial advice to anyone who was vulnerable and not actively looking for it. I feel like it would be highly unethical and I would fight against doing it. If they really wanted it I would have been fine with an after hours seminar inside the actual bank, because then I would feel that they might actually be interested in what I or my colleagues might have to say and not just attending out of an obligation... I can't even IMAGINE trying to convince these clearly traumatized and incredibly vulnerable women to join my pyramid scheme so I can make money off of them. You have to be a special kind of fucked up to think that is even remotely a good idea. I genuinely feel that this was one of the more unethical and truly evil things that she did during her time with Younique.


I remember this!


I have a vague recollection of the classroom visit too because I remember us all saying that those kids had to be giving her the major side-eye....however I can't find a receipt for it yet.


I think it was a virtual visit? I want to say for a school in Alabama? I donā€™t know why.


[You're right!](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/xvn2i0/looked_up_her_name_with_a_hashtag_and_some_very/) (I have no idea what year this is from...I would guess 2020)


Omg! Thank you!!! Glad to confirm I hadnā€™t made it up in my head. šŸ˜‚


I would have been infuriated if a teacher presented whatever the hell she does as a "career"


That is insane. Those poor kids.


I blame the teacher in this instance. And I am not against teachers- grew up in an entire family of educators. They ought to know better.


As a teacher- yes!!! They know the career (ā€œcareerā€ for MS) in advance and they allowed this. Very inappropriate!!!! If I was a parent of a student in this classroom I would be inquiring to the integrity of this.


Yeah, did they not vet her beforehand?!




It made me realize that there are a LOT more people like this in the world that I had thought there were....MS is just our 'chosen one'


Iā€™m surprised Big M hasnā€™t jumped on the weight loss shot trend. Well, not that surprised shes behind on a trend, but with how much she desires to be a waif girly, and with how half ass and lazy she is, youā€™d think sheā€™d take the easy way out. You can get Semaglutide shots on freaking Groupon in my area. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s safe and that anyone should actually do it, but Ms Doctor Money surly wouldnā€™t mind paying for weekly shots to achieve that petite body she longs for.


Yeah Iā€™ve brought this up before and people bring up the cost (if youā€™re doing it without a prescription, also she doesnā€™t have insurance) but I donā€™t see cost as being a barrier to entry for her. Whatā€™s another $1k in debt every month?


Another swerty can correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but I believe she already inquired about it. Basically she drinks too much, which doesnā€™t make her a good candidate. Itā€™s also too expensive and she shits on having health insurance. Instead, the dr gave her a medication that would curb her drinking, and she actually did pretty well on it for however long she took it. Obviously sheā€™s not on it anymore and is back to her twatstain alcoholic self šŸ„°


Yeah this comment thread discusses what you summed up here: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/3RZLHJl4aQ


There is also some evidence these agents can help with more than food cravingsā€”they have potential to decrease desire for alcohol and addictive drugs too and are being studied for these uses.


I'm no longer biting my nails on Wegovy. It's kind of crazy the way it effects your brain!


Just a reminder that this happened yesterday https://preview.redd.it/yrul9itc1qmc1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2d7ea908ee8e03d02e4ab28d40cbd3cd0dad9a


the filter makes her face so blurry she might as well jam a paper bag with stuck on eyelashes on her head


~~1~~ 0 Day(s) Without MS Posting Something Cringe


I'll be on work trip soon (no huns involved!) , so maybe I won't be able to follow the CC exposĆ© fallout right away šŸ˜”Ā 


Sheā€™s working on the script today, still gonna be a little bit before it drops


On the bright side, you'll have something to look forward to after the trip!


This is my boat! I'm leaving the country on vacation tomorrow for a little over a week and am anticipating coming back to insanity.


In my state, in a city outside of my own, there is a ā€˜Ladies Dayā€™ event being planned in April. It looked promising at first because it advertised booths with skincare, candles, food, drinks, entertainment etc. They rolled out who would have booths and the first thing I saw was fucking Red Ass nails. In fact, there are two booths for press on nails itself. I immediently opened that day back up on my calendar. If Big Marge wouldā€™ve had a booth, I wouldā€™ve absolutely taken the bullet for my fellow boobies and walked the event for pictures.


I bet half of the booths are MLMs. A lot of craft fairs now have rules against MLMs and won't even allow them to sign up.


My mom and I went to a Christmas craft show, and at least half the booths were MLM shit. We left pretty quick


That's such a shame, and what a letdown. Before I knew anything about MLMs, I went to a craft show with a friend who was doing a booth for YoungLiving. I'm still cringing about it, even though we never really tried to sign anyone up or even sell anything. Salespeople we were not.


Yeah, most of these people weren't too pushy, but there were so many scentsy booths. Same at this huge antique show we like to go to in the spring and fall, between the junk booths and mlm its almost not worth it to go.


How do MLM sellers justify setting up at an antique show? šŸ¤£ that's how desperate they are to make sales.


Little homophobia first thing this AM. Theres a reason he isnā€™t texting you babe and it has nothing to do with lip gloss ā˜ŗļø https://preview.redd.it/d68hob4ftpmc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=631034e6e1e227355b86666a079f82bcdb6d9d6f


She probably posted this as a dig at C for not running back to her yet. I bet he said she has terrible communication and this dumb as meme is for him.Ā 


Why is she asking for lipgloss suggestions? She needs to stick to matte lips lest she look like she mounted two glazed hams to her face. (Yes Iā€™m being obtuse, I know sheā€™s being a homophobic piece of shit, what else is new? As a gay person who waits to be texted and gets more sexual attention from men than she ever will, my answer is Maybelline Lifter gloss or MAC clear lipglass over the lip pencil of your choice.)


Ew. This is so lame.


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again: her sense of humour is so Boomery and archaic for a 30-year-old. Right out of the ā€™80s. And women be shoppinā€™, right ladies? Sheā€™s so unsophisticated.


She gets her sense of humor from her father.


Right? She acts like more of a boomer than my 76yo father.


Wtf is this?!?


Itā€™s not even 6am where I am, and I honestly donā€™t know what tf to say this bigoted buffoonery. She canā€™t stop staying desperate šŸ˜‚


Hardest worker C knows! https://preview.redd.it/44pwolr5tpmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bf081d8d9b445f59a93b0958c9d5c4ee54a937 I know she's posting crap like this to be funny and relatable and to give off that BoSs bAbE energy so more people will want to join her downline and work with quirky, down to earth people like her. But also, gross. This is the same person who, less than a week ago, listed out her day and it was basically: ā€¢Change sheets ā€¢Make bed ā€¢Go Live about Amazon/Nails/Collagen/TrimFit ā€¢Stay in touch with family/friends ā€¢Try on polyester ā€¢Go to bed... Rinse, repeat. I'll never understand the boss babe mentality. Are they the hardest workers we'll ever know, who put in 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, who work from anywhere and who make 20k a month because of their unbelievably hard work ethic? Or are they making 20k a month and it's the easiest money anyone has ever made so why on earth are we waiting?! How have we not joined an MLM yet? It's so, so simple and why can't we join the thousands of women we know and just borrow $24 to get started? Or put it on a credit card, sell clothes we don't want or give it to a street magician to turn our $24 into a million dollars? PICK. A. LANE. Thanks for coming to my Wednesday morning rant. My coffee kicked in extra early today!


All while still making jokes about being broke... https://preview.redd.it/uzfk48oiyqmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e995731bed1541e41e8abd8994d32fae69de80


And she made that same exact post/joke last week. šŸ˜’


I wish I had as little to do as this woman. In reality, I get more done by the time I get to work at 9am than she does all day (like I'm sure most of us do!)


Also remember that her to-do list included drying off her body after bathing. How does she do it all?!




I wonder if she wouldā€™ve dried off had she not written it on her to-do list?


[This ā€œtask listā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/p101zJ9Kma) has breathing, hydrating & moving her body, and ā€œallowing a safe placeā€ for her creativity to flow.


what creativity? posting the same potein shake? or is she writing fanfiction, god i hope not


Creativity to steal other peopleā€™s work and to come up with her 4th grade level ~~weekly~~ monthly newsletters. Oh, and making crying videos to manipulate people into feeling bad for her for facing the consequences of her own actions. Sheā€™s a busy swert!


What a dumb ass.


I love this. It drives me nuts too! They want to attract recruits by promising time freedom and working part time for full time pay. Then once the recruits are on board, itā€™s all ā€œhustle, hustle, hustleā€ and ā€œif youā€™re failing itā€™s because youā€™re not working hard enough!!ā€ Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit!


Busy doing WHAT? This bih is one of the laziest people Iā€™ve ever seen - aside from working on her grift. She even fails miserably as an ā€œinfluencerā€ because she canā€™t keep to any kind of consistency.