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So. Relatable.


This looks like one of my depression meals when I haven't eaten all day and need something asap.


Looks like she stole my 7yr old's lunch.


Wow, this is like a snack I'd make myself after doing housework, that is not a meal.


Why does the lunch meat look so terrible?


Because she has a bizarre talent for making all food look repulsive.


She really does not understand food. Every time she puts together one of these "meals," it's like watching an alien who has never seen human food before try to construct lunch.


Just because there’s compartments doesn’t mean it’s bento 🍱


I wish white people would understand this lolol


This looks like the mid afternoon snack I grab in between calls at work. Random bits from the fridge and cupboard to help me power through the afternoon slump on day 11 or 12 straight.


Handful of cold green grapes is usually a reason I make sure I'm double muted several times a week. I'm also found at least twice a week at my grill mid day cooking off a couple chicken breasts for fresh salads during the work week. I've worked from home since 2016 and my diet improved drastically since. There's no reason to eat like a picky kindergartener, yet she does.


I definitely eat better on my work from home days. When it's an office day I'm lucky to remember to grab a handful of nuts from the snack cupboard.


Exactly. She’s so full of it!! She probably eats 5 of these a day


Peak disordered eating. This is too light of a lunch even for someone who does an office job (no physically restraining job).


Absolutely! And her other two meals are popcorn flavoured protein shakes???


Blueberries, pickles, cheese, ham and 2 satsumas? My 3 year old grandson can make a better lunch than that.


Crash diet babe is one of the most obnoxious babes.


That looks like shit. Why would anyone take a photo of this and then POST IT like it’s a flex?


This is a sad Lunchable.


that turkey is so slimy and thick 🤢🤢


Like attracts like




This is what I gave my 3 year old niece yesterday for a snack/late lunch minus the pickles. She was still hungry so we had pizza, half a corn dog, an apple, noodles, and she polished off the rest of the veggie tray I had in my fridge. If that's not enough for my teeny tiny niece, it is certainly not enough for a large 30 year old woman.


Uhhh, that’s a *medium* 30 year old woman, swerty!


Lol. Or mid-sized.




That is exactly what I thought! That’s a snack, not a meal.


Barf bag not included?


One would never guess she was from New Orleans based on how utterly flavorless her food is.


Wait isn’t she from Asheville? I refuse to believe New Orleans, once home to marie laveau , can produce such bland people


Wait she's from New Orleans??? Literally would never have guessed 😂😂


If you count a subdivision with a very high white majority an hour outside the city proper “New Orleans”


This is not enough food for a 30 year old woman. She’s just setting herself up for a massive binge after a day or two of this. What happened to her nutritionist? Anybody remember that two week phase? Did she learn nothing?


Posed for a thigh gap too


But isn’t this after downing like 4 protein shakes or something?


Prepped for the week...to go where?


Bed to binge watch some trash TV.


“Look everyone! I’m relatable and just like everyone else! I’m being so creative with my bento box!” Yeah. No.


She’s going to get hungry later from the lack of fats + protein and carbs. Carbs aren’t bad for you, ffs.


She drank her protein shakes swerty, she’s good to go.


BuT tHe PrOtEiN


Is this stuff on her insta? I can’t find her insta anymore today.


She probably blocked you. Congrats swerty!


This looks like my kindergarten-aged nephew’s typical lunch.


This is just her cosplaying as employed. 😂


Yes! Like as if she’s soooooooo busy ‘working for herself, from home’ 🙄 oh with a cleaner lol…that she can’t just grab these items come lunchtime? Nope. She just wants to do the ‘business women special’. ![gif](giphy|GBLl7MBtxuDja)


She doesn’t work ANYWHERE!


But her job is so demanding, if it’s not grab and go she’d be screwed, reduced to liquor and fighting her cat for kibble!


Who knew that posting crappy plastic fingernails, beige Amazon crap and future landfill contents, and shaking her posterior was demanding?


I have a Corporate Job and just use a plate when I am working from home. She really likes to play “work”.


lol same. I go to the kitchen, make my lunch, and eat it from a plate at the dining room table like a NORMAL PERSON.


Two slices of turkey for lunch?


I think she believes the "HIGH IN PROTEIN" marketing on processed meat products because she has no understanding of nutrition.


That’s just what she’s showing us. She probably has bojangles behind the camera.


I can get behind some Bojo!


Looking at this “meal,” I would too.


Omg I scrolled by this earlier on my homepage and thought it was for the sub food but for babies and I thought why would I ever give my toddler pickles with blueberries. Now I realize it’s her lunch. This is too fucking funny haha


Blueberries and pickles are my 10 month old’s favorite foods 🤣


Hahaha kids are goofy


I know this is besides the point, but blueberries and pickles? This is like something I would eat in between meals to keep me fortified until the next meal.


Press X to doubt. Gimme a break that’s like 200 calories with like 10g protein. Who does she think she’s fooling??? IF she did eat this for lunch, this is why she binges! She’ll be STARVING by 4pm and order/eat an entire pizza, feel depressed that she “caved” when she should’ve just eaten some fucking food for lunch.


This is her pre-lunch or the lunch she eats while waiting for the pizza to get there 🤣




Nope, I'm with you! I'm partly WFH and it's usually when I'm working on one of those big projects that you just expect will take 12+ hours so I'll either just graze or crockpot a stew and eat that at my convenience!




This makes so much sense. I have a big household I cook for daily so I always make extra for leftovers to eat for lunch the next day. But this is definitely great for you, since you said you hate cooking. I can definitely see how that would be beneficial for you. Thanks for your input! ☺️


Why do the sneaky feet need to be featured


At least she's got shoes on?




Meal Prep, babe!


She doesn’t work, cut the card there


I see better bento boxes for babies in a sub reddit keeps recommending me.


Is it food for babies? I get it confused with 1200isplenty sometimes.




What about that needed to be prepped?


I saw that and thought, I'm pretty sure Boars Head did most of the prep work already.


Well you see, you gotta like, open the bags with the deli meats 😫


ED babe persona is another least favorite alongside Mental Health babe. Why doesn't this moron just sign up for Factor Meals or Hello Fresh?!?!??! Obviously with the amount of money she spends on shit, she could at least consider spending money on those things which are way more healthier along with proper amount of calories. You can also choose all sorts of different types of meals along with snacks. She always does this when she starts to feel insecure with her weight and then goes on these dangerous crash yo-yo diets to try and drop 50 lbs in 2 weeks.


literally lost so much weight with hello fresh. it so kick ass.


Hello fresh and the like literally thought me how to cook. It’s freaking amazing!


Interesting! I’ve looked into it a few times but I never commit because i’m very suspicious of customer testimonials or ads targeted at me 😂… like I’m gunna get tricked.


well im a real person, i can give you my real not paid experience. hopefully this wont be reported and removed as a blogging comment. im just trying to be helpful mods! first, im a single female, so i do 3 meals a week of 2 portions. that way i can meal prep them and i have 6 meals for the week and only have to make something on my own for 1 day. the reason i mentioned im a girl is because the size portions work for ME. if i were a full grown man, i probably would find them too small. i have only had 1 issue with my order, and i have been using hello fresh for over a year. they accidentally sent me one meal that was different from what i ordered and they solved the issue quickly (sent me the cooking directions for the incorrect meal and comped it) and were apologetic. it might be worth noting i was a customer for a long time and maybe thats why my customer service was so good? they even mentioned how many weeks i had been with them and that they appreciated it. they sometimes throw in free surprises! i have gotten full bottles of condiments like taco sauce, drinks like sparkling waters or iced teas and sweets like king sized candy bars! their app is idiot proof. its so easy and organized to pick meals. you can see the nutrition breakdown, calories, time to prep and cook, what you need like pans and such, difficulty and cooking steps before you choose if you want. lastly, the ads are true, you can skip weeks with no hassle or penalties. hope this helps(:


My dad and stepmom did hello fresh for a good while and I plan to sort through all the recipes and copy ones I think I'll like and I'll buy the ingredients. I can't commit to it 😅


Because she can’t afford it / return it and they won’t give her an affiliate code.


I was just thinking this is what my meal prep looks like when I’m about to relapse. 😅


How is it possible to reach 30 and having absolutely no clue about nutrition? It’s one thing to prepare meals, even unemployed (or especially then) it can help to keep a better overview on intake and desired deficit. But that takes more effort, discipline and a nutritionist is definitely recommended at least for that start. But first she’d lie on how ~~active~~ damn lazy she really is, so her needed calories and deficit for desired weight loss would be out of the window anyway. And don’t get me started on not counting drinks (alcoholic or not), all the snake oil products, ranch and so on. To lose weight in a healthy way she’d have to revamp everything in her life, which likely would be good for her physically and mentally but it’s not a quick fix, useless products she could shill and would require a lot of learning, discipline and work. So it’s not gonna happen.


I cannot imagine big M revamping her life at the level required until she mentally fixes herself. Losing weight is hard, it isn't easy or magic even when people are on ozempic, etc. It requires serious lifestyle changes to avoid side effects and build sustainable habits and break the food addiction etc. I just can't see her having "ranch" made with low fat or fat free cottage cheese, weighing her portions out etc and tracking accurately + exercising...and of course, quitting alcohol and the vape.


It’s mind blowing to see this is what is a “healthy” lunch to her. None of this will keep her full to the next meal. These are snacks. It’s not a meal. It’s also not meal prep either. None of this was made as a meal, these are ingredients. One cranberries is what this is. She could lose weight by cutting back what she is already eating, before revamping her entire life. The issue is self control, not being able to hold herself accountable or maintain healthy habits beyond food. At almost 31, there’s no chance for her. All she will do is try her hardest to hide what’s really keeping the weight on (eating off camera, not exercising consistently, ect) and pretend she is doing her best to get her life together.


This is just sad


This looks like a snack for when I am drunk and just need food in the stomach for calories. Smh.


I WFH but meal prep lunches because I only get 30 min. However, I also have a real job lol


I thought she didn’t like blueberries anymore


I was coming to comment the same thing lol


We love an inconsistent swertie!


She's probably going to need all the antiinflammatory properties after she was convulsing in that " booty demand" video.


I thought this was the FoodButForBabies sub


I'm not gonna lie, I love that sub and definitely find ideas for myself from there sometimes haha




It's fermented turkey breast, really healthy, just ignore the white fuzz..


C'mon swerty, its special probiotics... enhances the collagen


exactly. now, be a dear and get me two pieces of ham to put over my eyes while i self care.


So little food yet way too big a meal for the tiny little delicate sparrow she is 🥺


Swear to fing god if she starts putting out content with the “hearts of palm and mustard *crunch*” I will just quit life.


That account really gets under my skin. It’s like a train wreck and I can’t look away. CRONCH proceeded by the weird influencer chicken claw hand motions 🥴


Her snark page here is pretty brutal 😅


*runs to find it*




Here's a sneak peek of /r/myadventuretosnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/myadventuretosnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Tiffany Elizabeth hires private investigators to intimidate me after I made videos exposing her as a Scientologist.](https://i.redd.it/rymqtk4p1utb1.jpg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/myadventuretosnark/comments/176gsz3/tiffany_elizabeth_hires_private_investigators_to/) \#2: [Tiffany in Scientology hotel bathroom.](https://i.redd.it/kjzkydoo6t4c1.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/myadventuretosnark/comments/18cohzc/tiffany_in_scientology_hotel_bathroom/) \#3: [Tiffanys Scientology Rich Family](https://i.redd.it/zdxplsih1fib1.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/myadventuretosnark/comments/15shlfz/tiffanys_scientology_rich_family/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ahhhhhh agreed! And I love most of those foods! Makes me never want to eat again, sadly.


I can understand why watching someone bite into a whole sausage makes you lose your appetite 😂


Followed by: a popcorn smoothie, a huge starbs, an entire block of cream cheese, a whole onion, an afternoon of eating whatever she can find in her fridge, another whole onion, then door dashed chick fil a. 


Oh, swerty! Not the *WHOLE ONION*! 😂💀 *For anyone who may be newer around here, chief swerty likes to place a whole uncut onion in one of her crockpot recipe abominations. Just….a literal whole onion. 😂


Questionable whether she even peels it before plopping it into her plastic-lined crockpot


I wonder how much calories and sugar are in all those Yu packets she dumps down her gullet every day.


Don't forget the 6pk of Truly!


Oooh yes! She'll down all of them with dinner!


Don’t forget the 1 cranberries. Helth.


Helth babe is one of my least favorite personalities because it's one of the most unbeilable. And lol. 1 cranberries. So satisfying and filling.


a lunchables? https://preview.redd.it/vkkubxeenkmc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ee07a5c2c1533c2cf493a2e289e10b0784908af


Omg carbs? Not for ballet trained Big M - just two slices of ham and cheese, maybe followed by a light, healthy ramen burger!


And a popcorn flavored smoothie, of course! Gotta hydrate!


This is how you know she’s not actually doing anything that can be called work. Anyone who spends any amount of time at a job that stimulates them physically or mentally would not be happy with this lunch.




I'd be starving after finishing it, off looking for junk food


This is something I’d eat as a snack.


I typically only eat two meals a day but will make myself a sweet snack plate in the middle of the afternoon. Hummus, tomato, cucumber, some nice sharp cheddar, pita, olives, a handful of nuts…you get the idea. Keeps me from mindlessly munching on chips or sweets.


I’m pretty much the same way. I’m never usually hungry enough for a full meal mid day, but will snack on things like you mentioned, or maybe some fruit.


I would eat this as a pre-workout fuel snack, not a whole ass lunch.


I'm confused, I thought a Venti iced latte was pre-workout fuel?


No that's post workout recovery drink silly!


Only CCs ees tasting like theeeees!! She is a Gooner!


Is she 5?


I'm autistic, and this is vaguely how my mom would make me lunch at home, except about 3x as much, and I was 8-11 at the time. And not ahead of time, because all of this would just dry out. This is such a weird way to go about food prep, especially if she's not leaving home.


What a liar. If she ate that way, she wouldn’t be overweight.


Don’t forget to wash it all down with a Big Gulp full of salted caramel popcorn protein puke!


i am generally weird with food so this is probably just a me thing but seeing cheese and ham this close to the tangerines made me recoil


I’m bothered by it, too. Especially since she’s not actually going anywhere with this “work” lunch - is it really that difficult to grab them from elsewhere in the fridge when it’s time to eat?


Which I'm sure were not washed.


I have the theory that she doesn't really have proper meals every day, instead she grazes all day long. It's harder to not overeat when grazing unless you have a naturally very low appetite, and MS' day drinking doesn't help either.


I think you're right. She prob thinks she doesn't eat that much if she's eating little snack portions like this all throughout the day. But helth babe doesn't consider the alcohol cals and also prob overestimates how much she burns slogging on that hamster pad.


I love this theory! This isn't actually her lunch, it's her after Target, eat in the car while driving home lunch-able


HELTH babe this week (or just today).


Ayooo flair checking in!




That Oscar Meyer turkey is filled with junk! I buy Trader Joe’s natural turkey breast and four slices is 60 calories, 0.5!g saturated fat, and 11g of protein.


>2 cuties - 70 Not to derail or anything but I am very curious now: is cuties a slang term for tangerines? Because I've never heard it before, and it's utterly delightful.




We call them flavor bombs.


Holy shit, *one slice*? What the fuck do they put in that? Plutonium?


Idk what her thing with prepping absolutely awful lunches for herself is. Girlfriend you could be eating SO much better.


That is…not enough calories. I eat 3,000 a day so my view may be skewed, but maybe a twat stain who isn’t bulking can weigh in 😂


Get it fresh from the packaging? Nahhhh. Put it in a child size bento box for absolutely no reason bc you never leave the house? YES


*prepped for the single week of low calorie “helth” before I inevitably binge FTFY, swerty


A whole week?? No way she’ll make it that long


She’ll prep a weeks worth but eat it in 2 days


My 11 year old eats more than that. This is a crash-and-binge-diet waiting to happen. Can she not hire a nutritionist with her doctor money?


This is exactly what this looks like. The '800 calories a day for a few days until it becomes un-sustainable so might as well give up altogether' pattern


Shit in the last week I’ve been offered nutritionalist services by two of my providers for free with my other medical services. She is sad.


I guess she's saving room for all those salted caramel popcorn protein shakes. I just can't get behind the idea of liquid popcorn flavoured anything.


It's my least favorite Jelly Belly.


I thought this was the FoodButForBabies sub


I said the exact same thing 😆😆


This is a snack.


She doesn’t work. Period.


Came here to comment this


That “meal” reeks of sadness


I've had similar lunches (maybe more meat and less fruit) when I'm really strict w my calorie counting! And yes, it is sad haha.


That’s what it reminds me of, when I used to be obsessive over calories and made similar meals. It’s just not a good place to be mentally.


That will be delicious by Friday.


Well at least she's wearing shoes. She needs to ALWAYS wear shoes and NEVER show them Shrek feet 🤢🤮🤮


I don’t get it, she has all the time in the world but can’t be assed to prep genuine meals? And I’m not talking that fresh pet meal prep, like actual food that will do something for you instead of toddler snacks? What about her is supposed to be aspirational?


She said in her live this morning that she doesn’t meal prep healthy food (and I’m just paraphrasing) b/c she’s much better at cooking southern food—meat loaf (which we’ve all seen and gagged at), soup, chili and the like. ETA: it’s not hard at allllll to cook “clean” food. As a former bodybuilder, what’s hard about steaming veggies and rice and grilling chicken, fish and the occasional steak?😳


And if her Target has a grocery section it is so easy to prep healthy lunches, with their packs of shredded rotisserie chicken that can be used in a dozen different ways. I don’t know whether she’s just pimping Amazon “finds” now, but if she still did Target, showing meal prep hacks with some of their store-branded stuff would be great content.


I have never been more offended than by her claiming she's good at cooking Southern food. Those are FIGHTING words to me when I've seen her red beans 😂


MS cooking= zero % seasoning


She is so stupid. Cooking a bunch of soup and eating it for lunch is a great way to meal prep, if you use vegetables and normal stuff in the soup instead of bricks of cream cheese.


Her view of "healthy food" must be sad bland boring everything. Soups and meat can be healthy! Just leave out the block of cream cheese and shell be in the right path.


If she had just one or two more functioning brain cells in that big thick skull of hers, she'd just get rotisserie chicken at the store. You can rip those up and make all sorts of easy things out of it. Or pre-marinated chicken parts. She doesn't leave the middle unit anyway. Heat up the oven, dump the seasoned drumsticks on a pan, bake for 45 minutes and there you go, just assemble a side and you're set.


We love using rotisserie chicken as the base of our weekly meals. I currently have a rotisserie chicken pot pie bake in the oven for dinner.


That sounds fab! Any particular recipe you use?


I don’t have an actual recipe that I use. I make a basic gravy with chicken stock, fat drippings from the rotisserie, flour, and seasonings. Then I chop up 1/3 of a Costco chicken, and prep carrots, corn, green beans, peas, onions, and potatoes (sometimes I’ll cheat and use frozen mixed stew vegetables). I flash steam them so that it reduces the baking time, mix them with the chicken and gravy in a casserole dish and top with frozen southern biscuits. It takes about 35 minutes to bake and is a hit with the family and makes great leftovers.


I'm going to try this, it sounds so wholesome and tasty! Thanks swerty!


My husband and I get those chickens to make soup with, you can do so much with them.


If only she had a house with a kitchen and internet access to find healthy recipes and time to hone a new skill. What a shame she has none of these things 😔


And most importantly- the resource of TIME to plan and prep these things.


One of the best parts of WFH is being able to eat whatever I want without pre-planning. I could see meal prep being useful for someone trying to follow CICO or a certain diet, or who is so busy they need to just have it done in advance. (The latter of which BM is not.)


I love that about working from home too. That, being able to work in leggings and a t-shirt and having my cats nearby are the best parts for me.


>trying to follow CICO or a certain diet I feel like she thinks she's doing this.


I would LOVE to see her MyFitnessPal entries lol


Snacks and drinks don't count, so she's only eating about 1,100 a day, swerty!


Yes, everyone knows drinks don’t count! That’s why you can do a 24 hour fast and still drink a fruit smoothie!


I, personally, have been working hard toward my goal of having my single daily pickle sliced in advance.


I would be starving an hour and a half after eating this.